Although the man in black ran away with Tang Yin's knife, Tang Yin could catch up if he really wanted to catch up with him, but he felt it was unnecessary. The other party didn't mean to talk to him at all. Even if he caught up, he had to fight, and he was not a man of an Guo, so there was no need to kill the people for an Guo.

Glancing at the direction where the man in black disappeared, Tang Yin shook her head, turned and was about to leave. Suddenly, there was a black light flickering on the ground. He looked down carefully. It turned out that there was a dark metal sign in the haystack on the ground. He curiously picked it up and took it in his hand to look through it.

The brand seems to be made of black iron. It's heavy in your hand. There are patterns and handwriting on both sides. One side is carved with a landscape painting, surrounded by mountains, white clouds, waterfalls, waves in the pool, and the picture is exquisite. Xu Rusheng engraves a dark word on the top of the landscape painting. Turn it over. On the other side, there is a big chrysanthemum, and there is also a word above the chrysanthemum: flower.

Landscape painting, dark; Chrysanthemum, flower! What's the meaning of this? Tang Yin took the sign and couldn't understand it. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head, scattered the spirit armor on his body, and stuffed the iron card into his arms. This brand is likely to fall from the man in black just now. Although Tang Yin doesn't understand what it means, it is estimated that the man in black should belong to an organization rather than an ordinary thief fighting alone. This brand is also like a token held by members of the organization.

What organization wants a baby only a few months old? As he walked outside the forest, he thought to himself that there are all kinds of wonders in the world. It seems that the world outside the wind country is much more complex than he imagined!

Just as Tang Yin was walking out of the woods, he heard a sudden breaking wind in front of him. At the same time, three spiritual practitioners covered with spiritual armor rushed out of the haystack to block him.

The three men, without blinking, looked up and down at Tang Yin, and their eyes were shining with strange brilliance, which was the insight of the light department.

"Dark spiritual cultivator!" The three men said in unison after probing Tang Yin with insight.

Shit! Tang Yinduo was so smart that he realized for the first time that there was going to be a misunderstanding. The man in black was a spiritual cultivator of the dark department just now, and so was he. The man in black ran to the woods, and he just came out of the woods again. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? Without waiting for the other three to ask questions, he laughed bitterly, looked up at the three and asked, "if I said I was an irrelevant person who happened to pass by, would you believe it?" Hearing this, the three practitioners did not know whether they were amused or angry. They both laughed and made a sound. The man in the middle stepped forward and youyou said, "are you fooling the ghost?" The woman on his left sneered and said, "you are also an invisible Lingwu wizard. Since you have the courage to do it, why don't you have the courage to admit it?" According to Tang Yin's age, the cultivation of having the spirit heaven realm can definitely be called an unprecedented genius. However, his cultivation is not obtained by cultivation, but absorbed through the fire of darkness, which has nothing to do with his own talent. After listening to each other's words, Tang Yin already understood that the trouble could not be thrown away. At this time, it's useless to say more. He can only fight with the other three.

"Although it's hard to believe, I did come here after tracking the thief just now, but I know you won't believe it. Since you don't believe it, let's do it!" Tang Yin easily waved to the three, and his arms were covered with spirit armor.

Only the arms are covered with spiritual armor. This is semi spiritual armor. Of course, it's not so bad with each other's cultivation. Why only complete semi spiritual armor? All three were puzzled. The man in the middle said, "light your knife!" Tang Yin shrugged and said, "there's no need. Just do it!" What a crazy tone! Whether Tang Yin is the thief who stole the baby just now or not, just listen to his words and let the popularity not fight. The three practitioners looked at each other, then separated in a fan and sandwiched Tang Yin in the middle. Without any omen, the three men made moves at the same time, and three spirit swords stabbed Tang Yin's front and rear heart and left rib at the same time.

The three people's moves are surprisingly fast, and they attack from three different directions. They feel that even if they can't hurt each other, they will make this person * busy.

But unexpectedly, Tang Yin stood where he was, and his feet seemed to take root. He just shook his body from side to side. First, he leaned back to avoid the spirit sword on the side, and then leaned aside and flashed the killing move behind. When the spirit sword in front of him stabbed close to him, Tang Yin didn't dodge any more, but directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and immediately clasped the sword body in his palm.

In front of him, the only female surname among the three spiritual practitioners was the one. When Tang Yin caught her spirit sword, she whispered in her heart to die, transported her whole body strength to her arm and stabbed forward. The edge of the spirit sword is naturally much better than the spirit armor. The other party only wants to grasp his own spirit sword with the spirit armor on his palm. In her opinion, it is impossible.

What she thought was right. The hardness of spirit soldiers was much stronger than that of spirit armor, but there were preconditions. The cultivation of both sides should be roughly the same. At this time, Tang Yin's cultivation has reached the spirit heaven realm. The tenacity of the spirit armor covered on her palm can be used as a spirit soldier. However, her cultivation is only around the spirit yuan realm, which is very different from Tang Yin. How can her spirit sword break away from Tang Yin's palm?

Even if she tried her best, Tang Yin's palm was like a pair of pliers, holding the body of the spirit sword, and Wen Si didn't move. She was shocked and her face changed. The other two practitioners also realized that she was in danger and rushed forward to rescue her. However, before they rushed to Tang Yin, the latter pulled back the spirit sword in her hand very quickly. The female practitioner couldn't stand and bumped her head into Tang Yin's arms. While she was frightened and stiff in her heart, Tang Yin grabbed the spirit sword in her hand, crossed his palms and closed it at will. The spirit sword was crumpled by him like a piece of paper. Then he waved his palm to the side, threw the twisted and shapeless steel sword aside, put his hands on the shoulders of the female spiritual practitioner, smiled and said, "dueling is dueling, and throwing himself into arms is useless, I won't eat the trick! " Tang Yin was joking, but after hearing this, the female spiritual practitioner's face was already red and purple. Fortunately, she was covered with a spiritual armor, and others couldn't see her face, otherwise she would be ashamed to find a seam to drill in. At this time, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. She waved her fists and hit Tang Yin's smiling cheek.

Tang Yin didn't have a spirit armor on her body. If she hit her, it was estimated that her head would also be broken. However, she punched quickly, Tang Yin moved faster, and her feet swept suddenly. Before the female practitioner's fist hit him, the man fell horizontally. Tang Yin then lowered his body, hit his fist with the trend, and stopped about an inch above the tip of the female practitioner's nose. Then, He said faintly, "you lost!" As soon as his voice fell, a black fog suddenly rose around his body, and the man had disappeared out of thin air. At the moment he flashed out, two spirit swords also stabbed Tang Yin from behind. Of course, they didn't stab Tang Yin, but stabbed the black fog released by his shadow drift.

"Yu, are you okay?" As Tang Yin dodged away, the other two practitioners rushed forward, pulled the female practitioner up from the ground and looked at her up and down. They were relieved to see that she was not hurt.

The female practitioner also had lingering palpitations and was shocked into a cold sweat. When she got up, she subconsciously touched her cheek and whispered. The two spiritual practitioners glared at Tang Yin, and their teeth clenched. They both roared, and then rushed to Tang Yin again.

At this time, the female practitioner reached out and grabbed their arms, shook her head and said, "he's not the thief just now. Don't hit him again." Hearing this, the two practitioners were surprised. They turned their heads to her and asked, "why do you say that?" "If he was the thief just now, he would have had a chance to kill me, but he... Didn't do that." It's not easy to admit that she is inferior to others, but she also has to admit that the young man's spirit and martial arts are amazing and even incredible. If he was a thief, he didn't have to run just now. Even if they were tied together, they couldn't hurt him.

Hearing what she said, the other two practitioners frowned. When you think about it carefully, her words are also reasonable. The three of them have seen his true appearance. If he is really a thief, he must kill people and kill his mouth. Why show mercy?

Before they could talk, Tang Yin, who flashed ten meters away, smiled and said, "this girl is much more reasonable than two friends. How about it? Do you want to call again? " "Hum!" The two practitioners really couldn't stand Tang Yin's lofty attitude. They both snorted coldly and said, "even if you're not a thief, it doesn't mean you have nothing to do with that person!" Tang Yin smiled, but was only laughed angrily. He shook his head and muttered, "it seems that the comfortable day has passed for too long, and even his brain will degenerate. If the people in an country are as stupid as you, they will destroy the country sooner or later." His words were not loud, but they were enough for the three people across the street to hear clearly. The faces of the three practitioners changed at the same time, and they drank in unison and asked, "who is your excellency?" "Early Tang Dynasty, Ranger!" Tang Yin also reported his commonly used pseudonyms and added rangers to cover up his identity. He smiled leisurely at the three and said, "you'd better spend your energy on the real thieves. I'm sorry I won't accompany you. Goodbye!" With that, Tang Yin's figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he appeared 20 meters away. Then his figure disappeared again. When he appeared, there was only a small figure left in the dark.

It's so fast that the three people can't even mention the * * they're chasing. Only three of them dodged, and Tang Yin's body disappeared in their sight. Looking at the direction of his departure, the three muttered at the same time: "the beginning of the Tang Dynasty..."

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