"Lord Tang, this is..." Xiao Qingfeng is the Shaofu of the Empire, and Tang Yin is only the head of the county of a vassal state. The official rank of the two people is naturally incomparable, but in fact Tang Yin has the control of the wind state, which is no different from the king of the wind. Xiao Qingfeng is still very polite to him.

He looked at the box in front of him with a look of doubt. He didn't know what was in it.

Tang Yin smiled at him, raised his head and said, "Lord Xiao, open it and see." Xiao Qingfeng looked at Tang Yin suspiciously again. He stretched out his hand and slowly opened the box. He saw a layer of paper spread inside. Take away the paper. Below are dense sands. Under the insidious light of the candle, the bright sands stabbed people's eyes. This box is not small. It is full of sands. How much gold is it?

Xiao Qingfeng is also a person who has seen the world, but he is still stunned by the sands in front of him. He is also dazzled by the dazzling golden light. His head is muddy and can't react for a long time. Xiao Min on one side is the same. She didn't expect that the meeting gift mentioned by Tang Yin would be thousands of liang of gold.

"Lord Tang, are you..." after a while, Xiao Qingfeng returned to his senses and quickly turned to Tang Yin, asking questions in a trembling voice. His salary has been quite a lot, but even if the salary for several years or even decades is added together, it is not as much as this box of sands. If you can't afford greed, it is absolutely deceptive.

Tang Yin said with a smile, "Lord Xiao, Jiang Lu must have told you a lot about the current situation of Fengguo?" "Yes, yes, yes!" Xiao Qingfeng nodded repeatedly and said, "brother Jiang talked about the country of wind in front of our house." Tang Yin smiled and asked, "the country of Feng is currently ownerless, and the first king family has been killed by traitors. No one can inherit orthodoxy. In the opinion of Lord Xiao, who is suitable for the election of the new king of the country of Feng?" "This..." Xiao Qingfeng is not a fool. Tang Yinken personally went to Beijing from a long distance and gave himself such a heavy gift as soon as he met again. His purpose must be to plot for the throne of the king of the wind country. He turned his eyes, suddenly looked up and smiled and said, "only the son of heaven can decide who to choose as the new king of the wind country. As a minister, do I feel vain to speculate?" Hum! Tang Yin sneered in his heart, but his face didn't move. He put away the paper on the Jinsha, formed a thick stack, handed it to Xiao Qingfeng, turned his palm over, made it face up, and said with a smile: "Lord Xiao, this is 200000 liang of silver tickets, which are used all over the country. As long as Lord Xiao is happy, these silver and this box of gold are all yours." As he spoke, he smiled and took Xiao Qingfeng's hand and patted the thick silver ticket in his hand.

Xiao Qingfeng looked down and didn't see anything else clearly, but he could see the four big characters of imperial silver. Imperial silver is the silver established by the officials of Haotian Empire, and its reputation should be far above those private silver.

Two hundred thousand taels of silver! Thousands of liang of gold! Tang Yin's action is generous to the extreme. He also uses money to soften Xiao Qingfeng's bones directly and let him work for himself willingly.

Look at the silver note in his hand and the Jinsha in front of him. Xiao Qingfeng can't help spitting. There are so many gold and silver. Even if he doesn't become an official in the court in the future, he can be rich for generations wherever he goes. His heart was excited and jumped out of his throat, but on the surface, he pretended to have an incredible expression, leaned forward, pushed the silver ticket back to Tang Yin, frowned and said, "what's the Lord Tang doing? Take it back. Besides, Lord Tang and Xiaomin are old acquaintances. If there is a place where we need our help, we will try our best to help you as long as we can do it. " Tang Yin did not receive a silver ticket, but looked at her face and looked surprised. She did not seem to know herself. Xiao Min said, "the last time your highness had visited the country of wind and mediate the war between Feng Ning, did Xiao Lord want to know this?" "Of course." "That time, I was in the next position as a security guard, escorting the royal highness of the princess into the wind, and so did miss Xiao Min and me." "Oh, I see." Xiao Qingfeng suddenly realized that while nodding his head again and again, he was also surprised. At that time, it was heard that the head of the famous soldier was only responsible for escorting the princess. In less than two years, Tang Yin jumped from the head of a small regiment to a figure in control of the military power of the wind country, which is too unthinkable.

Tang Yin pushed back the silver ticket handed by Xiao Qingfeng and youyou said, "Lord Xiao is a close minister beside the emperor and an important minister trusted by the emperor. Lord Xiao's sentence in front of the emperor is more useful than thousands of words of others. Therefore, I hope Lord Xiao can say a lot of good words in front of the emperor for me. As for this meeting gift, Lord Xiao should accept it anyway, Otherwise, it will be too refuting. " He said so, so that Xiao Qingfeng didn't even have room to refute. Besides, he was already moved and didn't want to push back this rich gift. However, he also has concerns, that is, Xiao Min around him. He knew too much about Xiao Min's surname. He was very fierce and upright. He did not see himself as her uncle. But if she accepted the gift of Tang Yin and failed Xiao Min, she would expose herself to Her Highness tomorrow.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have pulled Xiao Minqiang over! Xiao Qingfeng regretted it, and he was frozen there. He didn't know what to say.

When he didn't speak, Tang Yin took it as his acquiescence. Then Tang Yin looked at Xiao Min, smiled and asked, "how's Miss Xiao Min doing lately?" Tang Yin had a good impression in Xiao Min's mind, but now, there is a 180 degree turn. Not seen for two years, Tang Yin's appearance has not changed, but his surname has changed. He has become sleek, sophisticated, unscrupulous, and even bold enough to buy off the central government minister in front of himself. He is at the extreme of lawlessness. Thinking of this, Xiao Min suddenly wanted to laugh. Tang Yin's courage has not changed. In the past, he dared to be rude to the princess. Compared with that, he is now a witch. She forced down her smile and replied with a cold face, "not bad." "Then... What about your royal highness?" Tang Yin finally asked the key point, which is what he is most concerned about.

When Tang Yin asked questions, his eyes twinkled without staring at him. Xiao Min raised his lips and said slowly, "you still miss your royal highness." Tang Yin and Yin Rou have been together for so many days, Xiao Min can also notice that Tang Yin's attitude towards the princess is very different from that towards others. Even if he looks at the princess, his eyes are much more complex than others. Although he doesn't understand the specific reasons, Xiao Min can be sure that Tang Yin's feelings towards the princess are unusual, but it's a pity

"Of course!" Tang Yin answered simply without thinking.

"I don't think you need to worry about your highness anymore." Xiao minruo pointed out.

"What does Miss Xiao Min mean?" Tang Yin subconsciously clenched his fist.

"Your Highness is not what you can achieve. Besides, your highness is engaged, and will soon be married." With that, Xiao Min also sighed.


Without warning, the glass Tang Yin held in his hand suddenly made a crisp sound, and the glass broke. The wine mixed with a trace of blood and flowed all over the table.

"My lord?" Seeing this, Jiang Lu, Lotte and Jiang Fan on one side were shocked. They got up and left to sit around. They saw that Tang Yin's palm was cut by the fragments of the cup. Lotte quickly pulled out his sweat towel to wrap Tang Yin up. Tang Yin grabbed the scarf expressionless, held it tightly in his palm, then waved his hand and motioned them to sit back.

His reaction also startled Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao min. although Xiao Min knew that Tang Yin felt unusual about the princess, he didn't expect his reaction to be so strong.

Tang Yin also wanted to keep smiling, but he couldn't smile anymore. Hearing the news that Yin Rou was engaged and about to be married again was undoubtedly a thunderclap to him. His whole heart seemed to be hollowed out in an instant. The familiar and strange pain and the pain of being betrayed by his lover hit his head again, like tens of millions of ants gnawing at his body at the same time.

Betrayed the original oath of alliance and sea, and killed me. Now I want to marry someone else. How can you treat me like this? At that moment, the figure of crystal and Yin Rou overlapped in his mind and became one. Tang Yin's eyes also emitted terrible green light. At the same time, the black fog came out of his body and surrounded him.

"Big, big, big..." Jiang Lu was almost dumbfounded at this time, stammering and trembling. He doesn't know what's wrong with Tang Yin. What's the relationship between the princess and the adult?

But soon, the black fog around Tang Yin disappeared, the green light in his eyes dispersed quickly, and his reason returned to his brain. Yin is as like as two peas. She is not a crystal, but a fragile princess who is just like a crystal but has nothing to do with herself. Tang Yin repeatedly reminded himself to calm down and don't be impulsive.

Fortunately, his strong willpower was amazing, and he didn't let the severe memory or soul occupy his body.

He lowered his head deeply, paused for a few seconds, raised his head again, but the murderous spirit on his face was gone, and hung up a calm and charming smile. He asked, laughing, "I don't know who your princess is going to marry?" Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Min looked at Tang Yin in a daze. It is hard to imagine that in such a short time, a person can have so many different expressions, first painful, then murderous, and now calm again, as if nothing had happened.

After a long time, Xiao Qingfeng gave a sound, reacted and hurriedly said, "it's Prince Li Dan of the state of Zhen." "Li Dan?!" Tang Yin has never heard of this name, but he has heard of Zhenguo. As one of the nine vassal states, the national strength of Zhen state is not weak. If Anguo is the southern batian of the Empire, then Zhen state is the western batian of the Empire, basically controlling all the territories in the southwest of the Empire. Due to the relatively bad regional environment, its folk customs are similar to those of Feng state, strong and good at war, and has a strong attack surname.

Yin Rou and Li Dan made an engagement very early. This marriage is also a typical political marriage. The royal family should take this to stabilize Zhen state, which can also further improve its status.

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