The next day, in the morning, Xiao Min came to the inn to find Tang Yin. At the same time, she also brought a big burden. When she opened it, there were armor, military uniform and a long and narrow sword.

Xiao Min said to Tang Yin, "try these on and see if they fit." Tang Yin picked up his helmet and looked back and forth. To tell the truth, the armor of the Imperial Palace Guards was not as exquisite as that of ordinary soldiers in Anguo, but it was much stronger than the leather armor of Fengguo. He nodded, then looked at Xiao Min with a smile and didn't speak.

"Why are you staring at me?" Xiao Min was quick tempered. Seeing Tang Yin staring at herself, she immediately made a voice of dissatisfaction. After a pause, she realized that Tang Yin was waiting for her to go out. She turned her mouth and muttered in a low voice, "there are so many problems with big men..." she said so. She still walked out of Tang Yin's room quickly.

After Xiao Min left, Tang Yin took off his casual clothes and changed into the military uniform of the palace guard. Most of the military uniforms are made of cotton and some are made of brocade, which is both spiritual and comfortable to wear. Tang Yin looked down and nodded. Xiao Min's eyes were good and the military uniform he brought was just fitting. Then, Lotte and Jiang Fan both came forward and helped Tang Yin wear the helmet, chest armor, shoulder protection, knee protection and other trivial armor one by one. At the same time, Lotte frowned and said, "my Lord, Xiao Min only brought a suit of armor and military uniform. I'm afraid Jiang Fan and I can't get into the palace!" Tang Yin smiled calmly and said, "you don't have to go with me this time. The forbidden area of the imperial palace is heavily guarded. If there are many people going, it's easy to be exposed." "But..." let Tang Yin go to the palace alone. Lotte and Jiang fan are really worried. If someone sees the clue and even starts to move, there will be no one to take care of at that time.

Seeing the worries of Lotte and Jiang Fan, Tang Yin shrugged as if nothing had happened and said, "don't worry, it will be fine. Even if there is an accident, I can't beat each other. I can always run away." Listening to him, Lotte and Jiang Fan looked at each other, their eyebrows still locked, but they didn't talk any more. They are very confident in Tang Yin's skill, but the experts in the forbidden area of the Imperial Palace should not be underestimated.

After wearing all the armor, Tang Yin picked up the sword on the table and hung it around his waist. Then he straightened up and asked Lotte, Jiang Fan and Jiang Lu with a smile, "how's it going? Do I look like a palace guard? " Before Lotte could talk to Jiang Fan, Jiang Lu said with a smile: "your grace is superb. No matter who wears this armor, there will be no divine force from adults!" "Ha ha!" Tang Yin chuckled, turned and walked to the door, opened the door, and Xiao Min, who was waiting outside, smiled and said, "Xiao Min, I've kept you waiting." Hearing the voice, Xiao Min, standing with her back to the door, quickly turned back and saw Tang Yin in military uniform. Xiao Min's eyes were also bright. Tang Yin is tall and frivolous, with perfect figure, wide shoulders, thick back and slender legs. Although he is not tall, he is a little thin, but he will never give people the feeling of being sick. Coupled with his beautiful appearance and majestic military uniform, the smell of yin and evil is virtually weakened, but he is a little more masculine and majestic.

No wonder his highness will never forget Tang Yin. He is really a woman who can make a woman look at her. Xiao Min sighed. She has a good feeling for Tang Yin, but this good feeling is only a good feeling between friends, not between men and women.

She looked up, smiled at Tang Yin and said, "this military uniform fits you very well and suits you very well!" "Thank you." Tang Yinxi thanked her first, which was not only Xie Xiaomin's praise, but also her willingness to take great risks to help herself.

Xiao Min understood what he meant, smiled, and youyou said, "I'll help you... In fact, it's mainly to help the princess..." after a pause, she took a deep breath, cheered up, and said, "it's not early, we should start." "Wait a minute." Tang Yin waved to her, then walked back to the room and said to Lotte, Jiang Fan and Jiang Lu, "don't go anywhere in the inn during my absence. Now the capital is also full of danger." Lotte, Jiang Fan and Jiang Lu naturally understand Tang Yin's meaning. Just yesterday, when Tang Yin arrived at the inn, a mysterious dark spiritual cultivator tracked him and eavesdropped outside the room. Who knows if the other party will suddenly make trouble with his own side?!

The three men bowed down and warned in unison, "adults should also be more careful." "Yes!" Tang Yin responded, without further delay, and gave a simple explanation, followed Xiao Min out of the inn.

Xiao Min came on horseback. Tang Yin also had his own horse. They got on the horse and went straight to Tianzi mountain in the center of the capital.

The Imperial Palace, where the emperor of Haotian empire is located, is also the real core of the whole country. The decline of imperial power did not affect the style and dignity of the palace. The closer to the palace, the more it would give people a heartfelt shock. The imperial palace is built around the mountain. There are five floors up and down. From a distance, the dense and magnificent palaces seem to cover the whole Tianzi mountain. There are countless high-rise pavilions in them. They are said to be the Imperial Palace, but in fact they are more like a city castle with great reading power. It is hard to imagine how much manpower and money such a huge project will cost, It is also hard to imagine that it was a product thousands of years ago.

It can also be seen that Haotian empire was prosperous and prosperous in the initial construction period.

Xiao Min took Tang Yin to the West palace gate, not the main gate. Even so, its spacious and tall palace gate is still amazing. Tang Yin looked up and estimated that the gate was three meters high, six or seven meters wide and six or seven meters long. On both sides of the gate, there were also a towering stone pillar as white as jade, which was carefully carved with auspicious beasts and totems such as flying phoenix, Panlong, Kirin and so on. Looking to the left and right again, there are palace guards lined with soldiers. Tang Yin didn't know how many bodyguards were standing guard at the palace gate. He just raised his eyes and looked at it. There was a dense and bright helmet. His momentum was like a macro. He stood where he was, motionless, like wood carvings and stone sculptures.

The style of the imperial palace is really incomparable! Tang Yin followed Xiao Min and nodded in his heart.

As soon as he reached the palace gate, guards on both sides immediately stepped forward, looked up and down at Xiao Min and Tang Yin, and then bowed down and said respectfully, "General Xiao!" Xiao Min is Yin Rou's bodyguard, who is both a confidant and an important position. She often goes in and out of the palace. The palace bodyguards in charge of guarding the palace gate naturally know her.

Xiao Min was used to their respectful attitude. She sat on the horse and just waved her hand slightly. She didn't say much, nor introduced Tang Yin's identity to the guard at the door, and directly urged the horse to cross the crowd and enter the palace.

Tang Yin followed Xiao Min and entered the palace.

Because he was wearing the armor of the palace guards and came with Xiao Min, the guards guarding the palace gate didn't know him, but they didn't dare to stop him. They all turned aside and let Tang Yin into the palace.

When entering the palace gate, you will see a very spacious square. The ground is paved with pure milky white square bricks. Each square brick is about one meter long and carved with various patterns. Tang Yin followed Xiao Min out for a long time, and you didn't see any square bricks with the same pattern.

There are still many bodyguards here, one by one, and there are many more patrol guards. Groups of bodyguards cross the square from time to time.

Passing through the square, I passed a wide and long corridor, and there was an endless step in front of me.

Xiao Min turned back and winked at Tang Yin, then turned over and dismounted. The latter followed suit and floated down from the horse.

At this time, two bodyguards immediately ran forward, grabbed the reins of the horse and led it aside.

Xiao Min led Tang Yin up the steps and walked up. She said softly, "the palace has five floors. What we have just passed is the first floor. In the south, there is Tai'an palace, where the emperor and his ministers discuss business." Tang Yin understood the location and bowed his head. He just walked through the first floor of the imperial palace for such a long time. If the chaotang was built on the top of the mountain, the ministers would be tired and spit blood every day. Tang Yin whispered casually, "how many palaces are there in the palace? It seems that there are many outside. " "There are 500 palaces in total. As for ordinary pavilions, it's unclear. It's probably thousands!" Xiao Min answered lightly.

Tang Yin was amazed. How many royal families can there be in 500 palaces and thousands of pavilions? Even hoarding soldiers can hoard hundreds of thousands of people. With such waste and extravagance, it is no wonder that the imperial power of Haotian empire will fall into the hands of various vassal states.

He no longer asked about the layout of the palace, and said, "you must have told me your royal highness that I will enter the palace today." Xiao Min looked back at him in surprise and said with a smile, "how do you know?" "I think if your royal highness disagrees, you will have the courage to take me out of the way, and to see the princess." "You're smart!" "Ha ha!" Tang Yin couldn't help laughing and asked half jokingly, "do I look stupid?" Xiao Min laughed softly, but didn't speak.

Finally, I came to the end of the steps, and then passed through a spacious square and a long corridor. The steps appeared again in front of me. It seems that this step is not much shorter than the one just now. Tang Yin sighed with a bitter smile and asked, "are we going to the third floor of the palace now?" "That's right." "What is the royal highness of your royal highness?" "The top floor, of course!" Xiao Min answered righteously and boldly. At the same time, she also looked back at Tang Yin. It seemed that he shouldn't have asked such nonsense.

Tang Yin shook his head and laughed. "Is your royal highness going all the way to the palace every time?" "You can rest assured that if the princess really wants to go in and out of the palace, someone will pick it up with a sedan chair, but usually the princess will not go out."

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