Hearing Shangguan yuanrang's provocation, Cui Nan, who was terrified, could only fight and could not retreat. He knew that even if he could escape, Liang Xing would never spare himself when he returned. He took a deep breath, took two steps forward, raised his double swords and put on a fighting posture.

In addition, there are also some gate passengers with Lingwu cultivation to Cui Nan's side. It seems that they want to resist the enemy side by side with him. They were numerous and aggressive. They were originally the offensive side. As a result, they all put on a defensive posture after playing against Shangguan yuanrang.

Shangguanyuan let proudly sneer, dragging a three pointed two edged knife and walking straight to each other. Seeing Shangguan yuanrang getting closer and closer, he was about to get close to himself. I don't know whether it was out of fear or tension. Cui Nan's hands were shaking unconsciously. He swallowed and spit, roared suddenly, and waved his sword to meet him.

His cultivation is not bad, and his Lingwu is also outstanding, but after all, he was born as a Ranger. He can't compare with the generals who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, not to mention Shangguan yuanrang. The latter saw that he took the initiative to attack and hissed. His body was slightly on one side and easily avoided the edge of Cui Nan's double swords. Then, the three pointed and two edged knife swept out and slashed Cui Nan's waist obliquely.

Cui Nan was shocked. He hurried to close the sword grid and clattered. The blades of the three two-edged knives were solid and split on the body of the double swords. Cui Nan felt that he was not like holding a knife, but more like blocking a rhinoceros running madly with its hair. Under its impact, his body flew out involuntarily.


Cui Nan's body flew out for several meters and hit the steps in front of the house heavily. His strength was so strong that even the square stones on the steps were crushed into several pieces and hit a big pit.

Fortunately, Cui Nan has a spirit armor to protect him, otherwise the collision will break his bones and tendons. He had just struggled to get up and looked up. Shangguanyuan let me know when he had rushed close to him. The three pointed and two edged knife drew a dazzling cold light in the air and fell straight to his head.

oh dear! Cui Nan's face suddenly changed. At this time, it was too late for him to dodge. He had no choice but to raise his sour, numb and painful arms and block the other party's edge again.

Clang! Click!

This time, there were two sharp sounds in a row. Cui Nan's double swords were three pointed and two edged swords, but they didn't stand. Shangguanyuan rang's cultivation and strength were beyond people's imagination. The heavy cutting power of splitting Huashan was also amazing. Cui Nan's double swords were shaken down, while the three pointed and two edged swords were castrated and hit Cui Nan's head.

The blade came in from his head and came out from his head. It directly split Cui Nan's body in two from the middle. The blood sprayed, forming a large blood mist in the air, and the two halves of the body bounced left and right.

Shangguanyuan asked to take back the knife, turned his head to the other people, pointed to each other with the knife tip ring, and proudly said, "I've already said, don't go up one by one. It's a waste of time. Since you don't listen, I'll come by myself!" With that, he lifted the three pointed and two edged knife with one hand, and his body was like electricity, and rushed straight to the crowd with the largest number of people.

With the rush of Shangguan yuanrang, the team composed of hundreds of doormen and servants suddenly became a mess. They heard people shouting and screaming, and from time to time, blood and broken limbs and broken arms bounced into the air.

These people, who can neither platoon nor array, simply gather together and look powerful. However, once a battle occurs, they push and jostle each other, crowded and chaotic. Although many of them are spiritual practitioners, they can't play a fighting role in the crowd, and their role is not as good as that of ordinary soldiers.

Watching shangguanyuan kill people like cutting vegetables, their anger when they came has long been swept away, leaving only the idea of how to keep their surname. Shangguan yuanrang was just a charge, which scattered the other party's crowd. Dead, injured and escaped. In the blink of an eye, there was no one standing in front of the official residence except the corpse.

"Hum, mobs who don't know what to do!" Shangguanyuan asked to look around and saw that there was no threat. Then he waved his knife, threw away the blood on it, threw a sneer, and turned back to the house.

Liang Xing and Ziyang HaoChun organized thousands of guests and servants who thought they could easily occupy Tang Yin's official residence and annihilate the high-level Tianyuan army headed by Qiu Zhen at one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, these thousands of people didn't even enter the gate of the official residence. They were killed and wounded by shangguanyuan. More than 100 people were killed and defeated.

When the news came back to Liang Xing, he was angry. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder. How could Shangguan yuanrang be so powerful that he could defeat thousands with one? Is he a man or a monster? At this time, Ziyang HaoChun also came to have a round with Liang Xing. His face was not much better than Liang Xing. He frowned and asked in a condensed voice, "Liang Xiang, Shangguan yuanrang is so powerful. How can we deal with it?" Liang Xing turned his eyes, shook his head and said, "don't worry about him first. Taking the palace is the most important thing." "The plain army can't hold out in the palace, and the Sanshui army is afraid. What can I do?" At the critical moment, Ziyang HaoChun was much more impetuous than Liang Xing, and rubbed his hands against the current situation.

Liang Xing was silent for a moment and said, "now I have to trouble general Ziyang to come forward. After all, you are a major general and have the right to command and mobilize the army of the whole country. You go and order the plain army to leave the palace immediately. If the other party doesn't listen, it will be a public rebellion. " Ziyang HaoChun smiled bitterly. It's true that he is a general, but he has no real name. It's strange that the other party can listen to him! He asked suspiciously, "what if the plain army doesn't listen to my orders?" Liang Xing sneered and said, "then we'll just call the people all over the world. The Tianyuan army committed a crime and openly rebelled. Tang Yin was ambitious and occupied the palace with ulterior motives. We invite people from all over the world to discuss it!" After a pause, he said quietly, "only those who get the Tao can get the people's heart, and only those who get the people's heart can get the world! General Ziyang, don't look at Tang Yin holding hundreds of thousands of troops and Shangguan yuanrang. Once he loses the support of the people, his end will be the same as Zhong Tian. " When Liang Xing said this, Ziyang HaoChun's morale immediately rose again. He nodded repeatedly and said, "OK, Liang Xiang, I'll listen to you." As he spoke, he took a deep breath and went straight to the main gate of the palace with several attendants.

On the surface, Liang Xing's words are clear and correct. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, but now he is on the line and has to attack. Either the enemy is destroyed or he is dead. He looked at Ziyang HaoChun's back and prayed silently in his heart, hoping that a miracle would happen and let the plain Army take the initiative to give up the palace.

Let's talk about Ziyang HaoChun. He walked out of his camp and walked forward a few steps. He heard the sound of breaking wind above the city head. Whoosh! Pop! A Carved Feather arrow flew down from the head of the city and nailed to the ground under Ziyang HaoChun's feet.

"General, be careful?" Ziyang HaoChun's entourage was so frightened that they rushed up and surrounded Ziyang HaoChun. Ziyang HaoChun, after all, is a powerful man who has seen great winds and waves. On the surface, he is much more calm than his entourage. He knows that the arrows of the plain army are just a warning and do not mean to shoot himself.

He separated the people around him, continued to take two steps, stood still, raised his head, shouted to the palace wall: "I'm General Yang HaoChun, let your general come out to answer!" Cai Yuhu, the commander of the plain army, was on the palace wall. He looked closely. The visitor was really Ziyang HaoChun. He went to the arrow stack, leaned out slightly, arched his hands to Ziyang HaoChun outside and said, "I've seen Ziyang general under Cai Yuhu!" "Cai Yuhu, take your subordinates and leave the palace immediately. There must be no mistake!" Ziyang HaoChun's tone was extremely firm and could not be refused.

It's a pity that Cai Yuhu doesn't listen to him at all and doesn't pay attention to him at all. In CAI Yuhu's mind, only Tang Yin and his immediate boss Xiao MuQing can command him.

He shrugged his shoulders, snorted and laughed, poked his head, and was about to speak. At this time, the deputy commander stepped forward quickly and said in a hurry, "general!" Cai Yuhu shrunk puzzled, turned around and looked at his deputy general and asked, "what's up?" "General, please look." The deputy commander handed a note to caiyuhu. The latter took it suspiciously and looked down. There was only one line written on it, "general Yuhu quickly led the plain army." general, this is the flying pigeon letter just received. " Cai Yuhu, of course, is no stranger to the seal of the underground network. He just asked himself to withdraw from the palace. He really can't understand it. Should he give the palace to those annihilated ministers outside? He asked uncertainly, "is this... Is this Lord Qiu's handwriting? And this signature is also the autograph of Lord Qiu? " He didn't know Qiu Zhen's signature, but the deputy commander knew that every time the regiment asked for military pay, armaments and materials, it was drafted by the deputy commander. It was first submitted to Xiao MuQing for approval. After Xiao MuQing passed, it could be submitted to Qiu Zhen. Finally, it was decided by Qiu Zhen. He signed his name and the application could take effect. Therefore, the deputy commander was too familiar with Qiu Zhen's handwriting and signature.

The deputy commander nodded affirmatively and said, "that's right! This is definitely the handwriting of Lord Qiu. " "Alas!" After being confirmed by the deputy commander, Cai Yuhu stamped his foot, gritted his teeth and said, "I won't retreat! I'm not going anywhere without your orders. I'm in the palace! " The deputy commander grinned and whispered, "general, if your excellency is not here, Lord Qiu is the commander of the whole army. If you don't obey, you will disobey orders. We can't afford it!" "This..." Cai Yuhu said, frowning into a pimple. He picked up the note and read it several times. Finally, he sighed helplessly and said, "follow Lord Qiu's order! Our troops leave the palace! " "Yes, general!" The deputy commander looked happy and breathed a sigh. If he didn't obey Ziyang HaoChun's order, it wouldn't matter. If he didn't obey Qiu Zhen's order, it would be a big problem. When he was investigated later, he didn't matter much. Cai Yuhu would be unlucky.

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