Even if he had not seen the current emperor, Tang Yin could guess that the man sitting next to Yin Rou was the son of heaven Yin Zhun.

Tang Yin took a deep look at Yin and soft. Then he knelt down on his knees and said, "Tang Yin, see your majesty, your highness!"

It is reasonable to say that the head of the county is a civil servant, but what Tang Yin gives is a general ceremony. First of all, he didn't regard himself as a civil servant, and he has been commanding the army to fight in the South and North. Secondly, the civil servant's gift is to kneel and kowtow on both knees. Tang Yin's arrogant surname can't do this. Kneeling on one knee is the limit he can bear.

The man sitting on the collapse was in his early thirties, but he was well maintained. His skin was white, delicate and tender, and even better than women. His appearance was also handsome, very similar to Yin Rou, so that people could see at a glance that they were brothers and sisters of one milk compatriots. He wore a golden crown, a golden robe, a golden belt around his waist and gold silk boots under his feet. Under the reflection of the sun outside the window, he looked like a glittering golden statue, which was dazzling.

Since Tang Yin came recently, his eyes have been turning and looking at Tang Yin. At the same time, he is also nodding secretly. Tang Yin can be called a young talent. He should be younger and handsome than himself, especially his natural smiling face.

His first impression of Tang Yin was good, and he didn't care much about Tang Yin's general ceremony. Looking at Tang Yin kneeling in front of the collapse, he smiled and asked softly, "are you Tang Yin of Fengguo...?"

Yan Rou has mentioned Tang Yin's official position to Yan Zhun, but did Yan Zhun listen to it or not? He only remembers that Tang Yin comes from the wind country and controls the military power of hundreds of thousands of armies in the wind country.

"Yes, your majesty." Tang Yin frowned and answered.

"Do you know the princess?" Yan Zhun didn't immediately ask Tang Yin to get up, picked up the tea cup and asked slowly.

Before Tang Yin answered, Yan Rou pushed Yan Zhun's arm and complained in a low voice, "brother Huang, I told you that when I went to the wind Kingdom, I was escorted by Lord Tang... Tang."

"Ah... Ah!" Yan Zhun was stunned for a moment before he suddenly remembered that there was such a thing. He smiled shyly at Yan Rou and whispered, "if you don't remind me, I really forget it." Then he waved to Tang Yin and said, "Tang Yin, get up."

"Thank you, your majesty!" When he didn't see the emperor, Tang Yin thought what a great man the great emperor of such a great empire would be. I can see it today. I think it's just so. I feel that this person is a little confused and has a good leather bag.

"My royal sister has been praising you in front of me, saying that you are excellent and loyal to me. Is it true?" Yan Zhun asked with a smile.

If on other occasions, facing others, Tang Yin must have laughed loudly at this time. Such a problem is simply an idiot problem. Is it necessary to get confirmation from the other party's mouth whether the other party is capable and loyal? However, facing the emperor, Tang Yin held back and glanced at Yan Rou next to Yan Zhun. What made Tang Yin feel funny was that Yin Rou was rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

After clearing his throat, Tang Yin replied solemnly, "I'm in the wind country. With the strength of one county, I've annihilated the traitor Zhong Tian and the 400000 troops of the state of Ning who invaded the territory of our wind country. I'm sure your majesty has seen my ability. I've admired your Majesty for a long time, and I'm loyal to your majesty, and I'm absolutely different!"

"Yes!" After hearing Tang Yin's words, Yan Zhun nodded his head, laughed on his back, turned his head and said to Yin Rou, "Tang Aiqing is indeed a loyal minister."

Yan Rou smiled and didn't say anything more, while Tang Yin was silent. He didn't know how Yan Zhun came to the conclusion of his' loyal minister ', was it just because of his insincere words?

Yan Zhun didn't care what Yin Rou and Tang Yin thought at all. He continued: "the wind kingdom is now ownerless. The imperial sister proposed to me to make you king of the wind kingdom. What do you think of Tang Aiqing?"

Tang Yin took a slight look and was in a state of flux. He didn't even think about it. He went down to his knees again and said, "thank you very much for your kindness, your majesty and your royal highness. If the minister is the king of the wind, he will do his best to govern the country of the wind and give his majesty to the frontier of prosperity."

Yan Zhun didn't care much about whether he could manage the Fengguo well. He slowly put down his tea cup, stared at Tang Yin, and asked, "if I made you king, you wouldn't bully me, * me and oppress me like other princes and ministers?"

"Brother Huang..." this sentence made Yan Rou's eyes red.

Yin Zhun, the emperor of the Empire, seemed to be superior and the master of all people, but in fact, his situation was also extremely embarrassing and hard. The previous generation of the son of heaven did not inherit his due rights and status, and gave him only an empty title of the son of heaven. None of the nine vassal states was under the command of the son of heaven and followed his horse's lead, In fact, there is only Shangjing.

It's not natural that the nine princes will not deceive me if they respect me. Yan Zhun, who grew up in this environment, was both arrogant and inferior, vanity and weakness. Therefore, when he heard Tang Yin say that he would be loyal to him, he was particularly happy, because it was difficult to hear the simple four words of loyalty from all kings.

Tang Yin was very pleasant, and soon he could understand Yin Zhun's situation and mood. He had feelings in his heart and sighed secretly. In fact, the emperors under the current situation of Haotian Empire were not as comfortable as ordinary civilians born in people's homes. He took a deep breath and said, "I will not bully your majesty, your majesty or oppress your majesty. If anyone dares to do so, I will do my best to raise the troops of the whole country to fight against it, so as to strengthen your Majesty's imperial authority!"

This can be regarded as Yan Zhun's heart. When Tang Yin finished, Yan Zhun was moved. He stood up from the collapse, strode to Tang Yin, reached out his hand to help him up, choked in his voice and said, "Aiqing is really my loyal minister!"

Yan Rou looked at Tang Yin without blinking, and seemed to want to see whether his words were sincere.

If Yan Zhun had a good impression of Tang Yin when he first met, then after talking, Yan Zhun had a very good impression of him. After he picked up Tang Yin, he took his hand and went to the cave and said, "Tang Aiqing sits with me."

Even if Tang Yin didn't understand the rules of the Imperial Palace, he knew that the courtiers didn't have the reason to be on an equal footing with the emperor. He waved his hand and said, "please sit down, your majesty. Just stand here."

"Hey?" Yan Zhun said with a smile, "in private, Tang Aiqing doesn't have to see outside. Come and sit down!"

Seeing Tang Yin's refusal, Yan Rou smiled and said to him, "please sit down if you are asked by the emperor, and the emperor won't blame you."

Listening to Yan Rou's words, Tang Yin smiled helplessly and sat down at Yan Zhun's hand.

Yin Zhun summoned the maid of honor and ordered her to give Tang Yin a cup of tea. Then he smiled and said, "I haven't thanked you for Tang Aiqing's efforts to protect the Royal sister last time!"

Tang Yin smiled and arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty is polite. That's the duty of the minister."

Yin Zhun sighed, "there are too few loyal officials like Tang Aiqing now."

"Your Majesty is flattered."

"What is the current situation in Fengguo?"

"Because the country of Feng has no owner, now everyone is striving to be the king of the country of Feng. During the period when the ministers came to Beijing, trouble happened again in Yancheng, Fengdu. Some ministers attacked and occupied the palace in an attempt to follow the example of Zhong Tian and become king without his Majesty's grant." Tang Yin zhengse said, implying that he respected the emperor Yin Zhun and even went to Beijing in person.

"Is there such a thing?" After hearing this, Yan Zhun was surprised and angry. He took a picture of the table and said, "Tang Aiqing can't tolerate such disorderly officials and thieves!"

"I understand, so I'm ready to return to the wind and wipe out the disordered ministers!" Tang Yin's implication is that if you want to make me king, you'd better do it now.

Yan Zhun didn't understand Tang Yin's intention. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "it's better to return the wind tomorrow. This matter should be solved as soon as possible."

Yin Rou was very surprised at Tang Yin's Ming Yue leaving Beijing. She didn't expect him to leave so soon. When she met next time, she didn't know it would be a few years later... She looked at Tang Yin and asked, "is it really so urgent?"

Tang Yin bowed his head and said, "if I don't deal with this matter back, I'm afraid the trouble will get worse and worse, and it will become difficult to clean up in the end."

Yan Zhun said with understanding, "what Tang Aiqing said is very true."

While the three were talking, a little maid came over and said softly, "Your Majesty."

Yan asked, "what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, the envoy of the state of Sichuan asked for an audience outside the palace." The little maid said respectfully.

"Another envoy of the state of Sichuan!" Yan Zhun grumbled angrily. He shook his fist and said, "let him wait for me in taixiang hall!" Taixiang hall is a palace and a side hall.

"Yes, your majesty!" The little maid promised and withdrew slowly.

Seeing that Yin Zhun suddenly had something to do, Tang Yin knew that it was impossible to be granted by the Emperor today, but it was nothing. Tang Yin could see that Yin Zhun had tacitly agreed to his appointment as the king of the wind country. He stood up wisely, bowed his hands to Yan Zhun and said, "Your Majesty has something important to deal with, and I'll leave first."

Yan Zhun seemed a little upset at this time and didn't ask Tang Yin to stay. He looked down absently and said, "well, Tang Aiqing should stabilize the situation in Fengguo as soon as possible after returning to Yancheng."

"I understand!"

Tang Yin bowed his hand again, and then stepped back slowly. At this time, Yan Rou stood up and said, "I'll send Lord Tang out of the palace!"

The dignified princess wanted to send the minister out of the palace, which itself was a very incredible thing, but now Yan Zhun's mind was focused on how to deal with the envoy of the state of Sichuan, and did not notice that Yan Rou seemed to be too close to Tang Yin.

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