The big man was choked by Tang Yin and couldn't breathe. He instinctively turned back and drew his sword to stab Tang Yin to death, but his hand just touched the handle of the sword. Tang Yin suddenly forced his arm and pressed it down fiercely. He heard a plop. The big man's body was heavily pressed and fell to the ground by him. His strength was so great that his bones seemed to be scattered.

At this time, dozens of soldiers had rushed forward, staring at Tang Yin with wide eyes and full of vigilance.

Tang Yin looked around at the soldiers, and his face sank. He shouted coldly, "the handsome soldiers of the wind army listen to the command of a civilian. Are you still right to get up and put on your military uniform?" Hearing this, the soldiers around him were stunned and looked at each other. One of them dared to ask, "you... Who are you? And... How can you teach us? " "I'm Tang Yin!" Tang Yin's eyes are shining fast.

Lotte stepped to Tang Yin's side, pointed to the soldiers around him and said in a harsh voice, "what's your crime for being rude to adults?" These soldiers are from the Sanshui army. Many of them have seen Tang Yin, but now Tang Yin is dressed in civilian clothes and covered with dust on his face, so the soldiers didn't recognize him immediately. Now, after listening to Lotte, people will concentrate and look at Tang Yin's model carefully. Isn't this dusty young man Tang Yin or who?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

After people recognized Tang Yin, they immediately threw away their weapons, quickly knelt to the ground, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice, "damn the villain! If the villain fails to recognize the adult, he should die! " Someone took his head, and those soldiers who didn't know Tang Yin were also shocked. It seems that what the young man said is true, and Tang Yin is right. They knelt down one after another.

The man who was thrown to the ground was shocked into a cold sweat when he saw such a scene, and his face turned pale. He also wanted to sneak away when people didn't pay attention. But when he was lying on the ground and crawling slowly out of the crowd, Tang Yin stepped on his back, looked down at the big man, and said expressionless, "you haven't revealed your identity, so do you want to go?" "Don... Lord Tang, spare your life, little... The villain is the king's servant..." the big man had just lost his power, lay on the ground and begged for mercy.

"King? Haha?" Tang Yin laughed on his back and said leisurely, "when will I have a monarch? Why don't I know?" "That... That's because Lord Tang didn't... Wasn't in the capital..." before he finished, Tang Yin interrupted, "I don't care who you are. You're just a servant. You should be punished for pointing fingers at my soldiers!" As soon as his voice fell, he raised his foot on the man's back, then aimed at the man's head and stepped down hard.

Click! Go!

This foot firmly stepped on the big man's head. The big man didn't even make a cry. His head was like a broken watermelon, and his blood and brain were sprayed out for a long time.


Seeing this, the soldiers and the people around were shocked and frightened, and there was an uproar. Some timid people were scared and weak on the spot. They sat on the ground and dared not move. Regardless of the reaction of others, Tang Yin reached out to mention a soldier and said, "ask the general above you to come and see me!" "The end... The end is coming..." as soon as Tang Yin's voice fell, he heard a promise from someone in the gate. Then, more than ten people ran out of the gate. The first one was wearing general armor and helmet on his head. I don't know whether it was because he was nervous or because he ran in a hurry. His helmet was crooked and his face was covered with sweat. More than ten people followed him were similar to him.

The wind Army General led out of the city gate, trotted again, panted and rushed to Tang Yin, and then fell on his knees with a thump and knocked one end to the ground. Perhaps it was due to too much force. The stone bricks hit the ground with his helmet clanged. He said in a hurry: "at the end of the day... I'll knock Zhao Si to see you. I hope you can forgive me!" This Feng, named Zhao Si, is the commander of the Fifth Corps of Sanshui army. Liang Xing arranged to guard the city gate here. Tang Yin knew him. At the beginning, Zhao Si followed Liang Qi to sneak attack Tongmen. He was one of the generals who had made great contributions to the neutrality of his own army. Seeing Zhao Si, Tang Yin frowned and asked, "why did you come to the city when you were not stationed in the barracks outside the city? You dare to set up a private gate here to embarrass the passing people. Your sin can't be forgiven! " Hearing Tang Yin's words, Zhao Si's face turned white, his body was sweating like rain, and the middle clothes in his armor were soaked. It was Liang Xing's decision to enter the city and set up checkpoints. These were Liang Xing's orders, because the Sanshui army had no lord, and the military symbols and general orders were in Liang Xing's hands. He was also forced to be helpless and had to act according to Liang Xing's orders.

However, at this time, he was anxious to explain clearly. He kowtowed like a pound of garlic and shouted repeatedly: "Sir, spare your life! Sir, spare your life... "Of course Tang Yin knows that the Sanshui army was killed by Liang Xing, which has nothing to do with the generals in the army. The reason for saying so is just to scare Zhao Si and see if he is still loyal to himself. Tang Yin was quite satisfied with his reaction. He said calmly, "I won't punish you this time because you have made many war achievements. Now, you take your subordinates back to the barracks immediately. You can't enter the city without my command!" My God, it scared me to death! Zhao Si was relieved when he heard the speech. He couldn't even wipe the sweat on his face. He knelt on the ground and knocked three heads. At the same time, he shouted, "thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness!" As he spoke, he stood up from the ground, pointed to the Sanshui sergeant at the head of the city and screamed, "get out of the city! Come out of town with me! Come on, come on, come on! " Under Zhao Si's urgent call, the soldiers of the Fifth Corps of the Sanshui army hurried down the wall and ran out of the gate as fast as possible. Zhao Si didn't dare to delay any more and said to Tang Yin, "Sir, I'll take my brothers back to the camp." Seeing Tang Yin nodding, Zhao Si seemed to be burning his ass and led the Fifth Corps back to the Sanshui army camp outside the city.

After all the soldiers of the Sanshui army withdrew, Tang Yin saw that there were still a lot of people gathered inside and outside the city gate. He bowed his hands to the people around him and said, "our army has brought a lot of trouble to everyone's access during this period. I apologize to you on behalf of the officers and soldiers of the whole army." No one in the audience thought that Tang Yin, the commander-in-chief of the wind army, could apologize to ordinary people like himself. People were a little stunned. After a long pause, the congregation reacted and was greatly moved. The people bowed back one after another and said with seven mouths: "my lord Shengming!" "We finally got the adults back!" "Your Excellency has worked hard!" No matter whether Tang Yin's words were on the spot or not, they did narrow the relationship between himself and the people and made the people feel particularly cordial.

Tang Yin was escorted into the city by the people. Since it was noon, when Liang Xing was about to kill Wu Yu and Zi Yang HaoChun, many people went to watch, and the streets seemed a little empty. Tang Yin doesn't know this yet. Walking on the road, he feels that Yancheng seems to be depressed a lot.

He said to Lotte and Jiang Fan: "hum, it's only a few days since Liang Xing became king. Yancheng has become like this. It's strange that the people can support him!" Lotte nodded and said with a smile, "what the adult said is." Tang Yin, Lotte and Jiang Fan returned to their official residence and looked up. There was not even a guard outside. He frowned and pushed the door into the house. When he arrived at the hall, it was empty and could not even see his personal shadow. Tang Yin couldn't help shouting, "is there anyone alive at home?" As soon as his voice fell, there was a rapid sound of footsteps outside the side door of the hall. It was not long before Tang Zhong ran in from outside. Seeing Tang Yin standing in the center of the hall, Tang Zhong's eyes brightened. He hurried forward and said with surprise and joy, "Sir, you're back!" Finally, I saw an acquaintance! Tang Yinyi asked, "Tang Zhong, what about the family? Qiu Zhen, where are they? " "Lord Hui, Lord Qiu, they all went to the Dharma center." "Dharma field? What Dharma field?" "My lord doesn't know yet. Today is the day when Liang Xing wants to kill Wuyu and Ziyang HaoChun. Lord Qiu and they all rushed there! By the way, Miss Wumei also went!" Tang Yin was surprised that Liang Xing was so anxious to execute Wuyu and Ziyang HaoChun. He rubbed his chin for a moment and said, "it seems that I have to go to the Dharma center, too. Tang Zhong, show me the way. " "This..." Tang Zhong was a little worried about Tang Yin's safety and said, "the big talent has just come back. Let's stay in the house and have a rest. Since Lord Qiu and they have gone, they will certainly be able to deal with the matter." "Oh!" Tang Yin sneered. What Qiu Zhen and his family expected most was that Wuyu and Ziyang HaoChun would die early so that they could vacate their official positions. It is estimated that the reason why they were willing to go to the Dharma center was that they were forced by Wuyu. If Wuyu is dead, it will be beneficial to Qiu Zhen and harmless to us. But how can we explain to Wumei?

"What trouble!" Tang Yin muttered, waved to Tang Zhong and said, "you can rest anytime, but Xiaomei's father is Wuyu. I can't let him die!" Tang Zhong sighed. Without saying anything more, he could only lead Tang Yin to the Dharma center.

He was right. Qiu Zhen, Shangguan yuanrang and others did go to the Dharma center.

They didn't want to go, but they couldn't stand Wumei's toss. They learned that Wuyu was going to be executed today. Wumei used her ability to cry, make trouble and hang herself. Qiu Zhen and others had no choice but to take Wumei to the Dharma field. They said they would try to rescue Wuyu, but they were thinking about how to stabilize Wumei and wait for Wuyu to be executed.

Of course, it is Shangguan yuanrang who most hopes that Wuyu can be executed. In his opinion, the position of Youxiang should be that of his brother Shangguan Yuanji.

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