After Tang Yin became king, he made a series of changes to the original system of Fengguo. First, he added the post of prefect at the local level to separate the government affairs and military affairs in the county. The head of the county only manages the government affairs and does not involve the military, while the prefect is only responsible for managing the garrison and does not involve the government affairs. The two posts can read each other and supervise each other.

Because the prefects are in charge of the soldiers, most of the prefects assigned to each county are loyal to Tang Yin and can be trusted by Tang Yin.

Secondly, in the imperial court, Tang Yin abolished the post of senior general, and the military power of the whole country was only in his own hands. The positions of prime ministers on the left and right were still retained, one was in charge of government affairs and the other was in charge of military affairs. In addition, he added four more offices, namely the imperial censor's office, Sikong's office, Sikou's office and the National History Office.

Under the Imperial Palace, there are imperial doctors and imperial Zhongcheng. The censor doctor is in charge of the national finance, while the censor Zhongcheng is in charge of supervision. However, the censor Zhongcheng supervises not only the censor doctor, but also officials across the country. If any official is found to be illegal, he can directly report it to Tang Yin.

The Sikong mansion consists of two posts: the chief Sikong and the chief Sikong Shi, who are mainly in charge of etiquette, moralization, education and sacrifice; The Sikou government has two posts: the big Sikou and the Sikou chief Shi, which are mainly in charge of the punishment of the whole country; The National History Office has a bachelor's degree and a university to be announced, which is mainly responsible for commenting on the political achievements of national officials and recording domestic and foreign events.

Tang Yin cancelled the general, but did not increase the power of Zuo Xiang. Zuo Xiang's power was mainly the administrative power of the whole * * team, and his establishment of four governments greatly weakened the power of Zuo Xiang and further dispersed his power.

All these changes he implemented have a common surname, which is to maximize the decentralization of power, so that the imperial court can no longer produce a powerful minister who poses a threat to him. Tang Yin was very wary. It was precisely because of this that the internal affairs of Feng state was very different from that of other vassal states. The departments were complex and closely linked, and the huge and detailed system also made the regime of Feng state very firm.

Tang Yin's reform is in full swing. On the other hand, the hidden arrows clean up the central ministers more frequently.

Those ministers targeted by the secret arrow, whether guilty or innocent, will become guilty as long as they are taken to the dark house and give a confession after severe punishment. Moreover, the secret arrow can also take out their signed confession to make it look like the evidence is conclusive. With the fall of the ministers in the court, Cheng Jin's eyes soon focused on Liang Xing.

These two days, Liang Xing seldom went out. The rampant of hidden arrows made him afraid. This evening, he rarely left Zuo prime minister's house to go to his cousin Liang Chen's house. Today is Liang Chen's 70th birthday. Due to face and family affection, Liang Xing had to come to attend.

At the banquet, Liang Chen kindly advised Liang Xing to let go when it's time to let go. Now Tang Yin is the king of the wind. If you fight against him again, you can't get a bargain. Liang Xing hates listening to these words most now. On the surface, he nods with a smile, but he doesn't think so in his heart.

Liang Daoxing went out of the house to see him off in person, He also took Liang Xing's hand and said, "brother, since the former king was killed by Zhong Tian, even if the power of the Liang family has come to an end, my brother has been prime minister for so many years, and there must be a lot of savings in the family. What's more, you are old enough to argue with Tang Yin? Now Tang Yin just wants to disperse the old ministers in the court. It's good for you... To take the initiative to leave and go home to enjoy peace and happiness!"

Liang Chen is the eldest of Liang Xing's generation. Liang Xing also respects him. This is what Liang Chen said. If someone else had changed his face, he would have turned over a long time ago. Liang Xing shook his head with a smile and said, "I won't retreat. I won't let the wealth of our Liang family fall into my hands. If Tang Yin has any ability, let him come at me."

Alas! Liang Chen sighed after hearing this. She was even more worried about Liang Xing.

Seeing Liang Chen frowning, Liang Xing quickly smiled and said, "brother, don't worry about me anymore. I know it." As he spoke, Liang Xing bowed to Liang Chen again, and then took his servants and bodyguards back to Zuo prime minister's house.

On the way back, Liang Xing is quietly pondering Liang Chen's advice. Others may harm him, but Liang Chen, who is as close as his compatriots and brothers, won't. Even Liang Chen said so. Should he really retire? Thinking of this, Liang Xing immediately shook his head again. If he retreated like this, wouldn't it be tantamount to admitting defeat to Tang Yin? Liang Xing is unwilling.

He was sitting in the carriage, thinking in his heart. At this time, the carriage suddenly stopped. Before Liang Xing asked, the curtain of the carriage lifted up. A middle-aged man across the knife whispered, "Liang Xiang, something's wrong."

"What's the matter?" Liang Xing trembled and hurried out of the car. He looked around. The carriage stopped at Xuanwu Street, one of the main secondary roads in Yancheng. At this time, the street was quiet and there was no personal shadow. Liang Xing didn't see anything unusual. He looked at the middle-aged man in doubt and asked, "what's wrong with the leaf blade?"

The middle-aged man with a knife is not an ordinary bodyguard, but a Shenchi expert hired by Liang Xinghua. He hired two people, one is the fallen leaf knife and the other is the void knife. At this time, he was standing on the other side of the carriage.

"It's too quiet." Deciduous Dao said with a slightly dignified face: "usually Xuanwu Street is very lively. Even at night, many passers-by pass by, but now there is no one. It's abnormal."

After listening to him, Liang Xing looked around again. Yes, as the leaf blade said, today's Xuanwu Street is too quiet, abnormal and terrible. Liang Xing turned his eyes and said to the driver, "turn around! Go back to the house on Sanying street."

"Yes! Xiangye!" The coachman promised and waved his whip while pulling the reins. The carriage turned slowly in the street and was ready to exit Xuanwu Street. However, before going far back, I saw a dark group of people standing on the road ahead.

There were no torches, no lanterns, and the group stood on the road in black, almost integrated with the night.

"Who?" The fallen leaf knife and the empty knife standing on both sides of the carriage shouted in unison.

"We're here to find Liang Xiang." Among the people in black, some responded with an understatement and took two steps at the same time.

After the carriage approached the man in black, Liang Xing in the car and the bodyguards and servants around him looked closely, and then they could see each other's appearance and dress clearly. These people are all wearing black brocade clothes with black crowns on their heads. Their clothes are embroidered with exquisite dark red patterns. They have long knives of the same color on their waists. They have red outer cloaks on their backs and black fast boots under their feet. People dressed like this have no second number except dark arrow.

The leader of the people in black is not someone else, but the head of the hidden arrow, Cheng Jin. He was the one who answered just now.

Of course Liang Xing knows Cheng Jin. Seeing him here, the old man's heart is cold. But his face was very calm. He said with a smile, "who am I? It was general Cheng. What a coincidence that I met general Cheng here."

"It's not a coincidence. I'm here to wait for Liang Xiang." Cheng Jin carried his back and looked directly at Liang Xing in the car. Youyou said, "several cases I investigated involve Liang Xiang, so I specially invited Liang Xiang to come with me today."

Sure enough, it was a hidden arrow that hit his head. Liang Xing provoked him with a cold smile and said, "I'm sorry, general Cheng, it's late today. I'm going back to the house to have a rest. Let's talk about anything tomorrow!"

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do it." Cheng Jin said expressionless, "since I'm here in person, even if the sky falls, I have to take Liang Xiang back."

Liang Xing's face was heavy, and he yelled angrily, "Cheng Jin, you're so brave. Do you know who you're talking to now?"

Cheng Jin smiled and said it was a smile. In fact, the corners of his mouth twitched twice. He said in another way: "if Liang Xiang refuses to go with me, you will have more courage to see me!"

This is a naked threat. Liang Xing can't stand such an unscrupulous threat by a general at the level of military commander. He hid his feet angrily and said to the deciduous knife and void knife on both sides: "deciduous knife and void knife, you two walk in front. If anyone dares to stop, kill me!"

The fallen leaf Dao and the void Dao were stunned at first, then they both came out and went straight to Cheng Jin who was in front of the carriage.

The two stood still in front of Cheng Jin and said coldly, "get out of the way, sir."

Cheng Jin's cultivation is not profound, especially compared with the two Shenchi masters in front of him, he is not at the same level, but he has no fear in his heart. He sneered at their eyes and said, "it's you two who should get out of the way!" As he spoke, he clapped his hands three times.

With the crisp applause, a group of people in black came out of the street behind the carriage. At the same time, on the roofs on both sides of the street, more than a dozen dark arrows in black stood up. In a moment, the black arrows led by Cheng Jin surrounded Liang Xing's carriage.

Cheng Jin put his hand behind his back and said coldly to the fallen leaf knife and the void knife: "the king has an order. From the first grade senior official to the end of the ninth grade official, any illegal official in the court can be caught first and then reported after trial. If you dare to stop me from handling the case, you will disobey the king's order. You are the enemy of my strong wind, and the wind army will destroy it!"

His words of cutting gold and iron made the two Shenchi masters tremble in their hearts. Now they can block Cheng Jin, but in this way, they will be enemies with Tang Yin, the king of wind, and the whole country of wind. At that time, a large number of wind troops will be encircled and suppressed. How can they leave Yancheng, the capital of wind?

They subconsciously took a step backward and their faces changed.

Looking at them, Cheng Jin said proudly, "where do you come from and go back? I don't think it's necessary for Liang Xiang to hire you in the future." As he spoke, he ignored them, waved to the surrounding secret arrows and said, "escort Liang Xiang back to his house."

What he said about going back to the house is not to go back to the Zuo prime minister's house, but to go back to the nest of the hidden arrow - the dark house.

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