Hearing Zhang Xin's advice, Cheng Jin sighed, "I hope so!"

Cheng Jin is cruel and his means are cruel and shocking, but he is loyal to Tang Yin and full of gratitude. He was originally a frustrated spiritual cultivator. Thanks to Tang Yin's reception, it can be said that everything he has now is given by Tang Yin. In Cheng Jin's mind, Tang Yin represents everything, He certainly didn't want Tang Yin to wear himself out.


At this time, Tang Yin was in his study, and Shangguan Yuanji was with him. Shangguan Yuanji submitted the candidates for the head of the twelve counties of Fengguo to Tang Yin, and explained everyone's background, talents and abilities to Tang Yin in detail. As the bodyguard said, during the three days when Tang Yin entered the palace, in addition to going to the main hall to participate in the court discussion, he basically handled all kinds of affairs in his study every day, and even his sleep time was very few.

While Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuanji are still discussing the candidates for the head of each county, the maid of honor recently reported that Cheng Jin and Zhang Xin asked for an interview.

Tang Yin was stunned at first, then waved his hand and said, "please come near him!"

After a short time, Cheng Jin and Zhang Xin were led into the study by the palace maid. When they saw Tang Yin, they knelt respectfully and said, "Chen Chengjin (Zhang Xin) knocks at the king!"

"Get up." Tang Yin put down her paperwork, turned to Cheng and Zhang, smiled and asked, "what's the matter with you two entering the palace late at night?"

"Your Majesty, please have a look." After his death, Zhang Xinqi submitted Liang Xing's resignation together with Zuo Xiang's official seal to the table in front of Tang Yin.

Tang Yin curiously picked up his resignation and read it from beginning to end. Although he didn't say much, the corners of his mouth had provoked him and smiled leisurely. He picked up the brocade box again, opened it and looked inside. Then he closed the brocade box and said, "it's not easy for Liang Xing to submit his resignation and photo seal!"

Cheng Jin didn't say anything. Zhang Xin quickly bowed down and replied, "Your Majesty is mighty, and naturally the sinner Liang Xing was sincerely impressed."

Tang Yin has long been immune to such flattery. He smiled and asked, "didn't you hurt Liang Xing?"

Seeing that Cheng Jin wanted to speak, Zhang Xin said first: "don't worry, your majesty. Ministers and others have never punished Liang Xing from beginning to end. He wrote his resignation personally, and he took the initiative to hand in the seal."

"Very good!" Tang Yin is very satisfied with Cheng Jin and Zhang Xin's handling of this matter. He nodded and said, "you two have made great contributions this time, but you can't neglect other ministers in the court. Hurry up and deal with the matter, okay?"

"Yes! King!" Cheng Jin and Zhang Xin speak in the same voice.

Tang Yin waved to Zhang Xin and said, "Lord Zhang has worked hard. Go back to your house and have a rest first. Cheng Jin will stay."

"King, I'll leave!" Zhang Xin was satisfied with Tang Yin's verbal praise and dared not ask for anything else. What's more, he felt that Tang Yin's attitude towards himself had begun to change, which made him feel at ease.

Zhang Xin withdrew from the study. Tang Yin talked with Shangguan Yuanji again. Fang noticed that Cheng Jin was still standing. He waved to Cheng Jin and said with a smile, "what are you doing standing there? Come and sit down."

"I dare not!" Cheng Jin replied in a low voice.

Tang Yin didn't speak any more, but raised her eyebrows and looked at Cheng Jin without blinking.

Cheng Jin understands Tang Yin's temper and whispers in his heart. He silently walks up to Tang Yin and kneels down carefully at his lower hand on the other side.

When Tang Yin saw this, he smiled. As he looked through the documents on the table, he said casually, "I want to choose a person from the hidden arrows to be the imperial censor Zhongcheng, Cheng Jin. Who do you think is suitable?"

The imperial historian Zhongcheng is responsible for supervising all officials in the country. He has three official ranks. Although the grade is not too high, he has great power. He is a position revered by all officials. Now Cheng Jin's official rank is only the level of the head of the army. If it is changed to the level of grade, that is, between grade 6 and grade 5, Tang Yin will choose someone from the hidden arrow to be the imperial governor, and his official rank will immediately exceed Cheng Jin by a large margin.

Cheng Jin was a little stunned. He didn't think about it. He said, "I think Aoqing is the most suitable."

"Aoqing?" Tang Yin held his chin up, raised his head and thought for a while. He said to himself with a smile, "you can be called the first female official in the court if Ao Qing is to be the governor." After a pause, he said again: "I was going to let you be the imperial Shi Zhongcheng..."

Cheng Jin hurriedly said, "I dare not..."

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "but as the imperial censor Zhongcheng, you can't manage the hidden arrow any more, and I'm really worried about handing over the hidden arrow to others. So after thinking about it, I think it's best to find someone else from the hidden arrow to take the post. Ao Qing is OK, and it suits me very much. If I order her to be the imperial censor Zhongcheng, won't you feel uncomfortable?"

Cheng Jin hurriedly replied, "I won't. The King's arrangement naturally has the king's intention."

Tang Yin looked at Cheng Jin with bright eyes. For a long time, he burst out laughing, patted Cheng Jin on the shoulder and said, "I really didn't see you wrong. By the way, I heard that the number of hidden arrows has increased recently."

"Yes, your majesty, the minister has recruited a group of dark spiritual practitioners, among which there are also some experts with cultivation above the Lingyuan realm!"

"Well done." Tang Yin praised and said, "the hidden arrow is a force that I value most. I don't want the hidden arrow to be too publicized and exposed. As the head of the hidden arrow, I can't give you an actual official position. In the future, your official rank will be set as the middle general and receive the salary of the middle general."

Cheng Jin was stunned. The middle general is not a small official. There are only a few middle generals in a country. In terms of grade, the middle general is roughly the same as the second grade. Tang Yin gave himself the rank of middle general, which is something Cheng Jin can't even dream of.

Seeing Cheng Jin sitting there for a long time without response, the Shangguan Yuanji opposite coughed and said to Cheng Jin, "general Cheng hasn't thanked the king yet."

Hearing this, Cheng Jin finally regained consciousness. He quickly stood up, stepped back, knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "thank you, King longen."

"Get up!" Tang Yin waved his hand, motioned Cheng Jin to take his seat, and said, "there's something I need you to deal with."

"Your Majesty, if you have anything to do, just tell me." At this time, Cheng Jin was still in great joy and subconsciously replied.

Tang Yin said: "now there are many concubines of the former king in the back palace. Since I have inherited the throne, it is not polite for them to stay in the palace again. I will have them sent to Tianyuan county. However, there will be accidents on the way. They encounter robbers and rob property, but none of them survive. Cheng Jin, do you understand what I mean?"

Cheng Jin blinked. He understood Tang Yin's meaning, but he didn't understand why Tang Yin wanted to kill those former king's concubines. However, he didn't dare to ask more. He bowed his hands and said, "don't worry, king. I will handle things properly."

"Remember, no one survived!" Tang Yin repeated again uneasily.

"Yes, none survived." Cheng Jin's eyes showed a terrible light and bowed heavily.

Tang Yin smiled and said, "you've worked hard these days. Go back and have a rest early!"

"Yes! I'm leaving!" Cheng Jin gives Tang Yin another deep salute, and then slowly exits the study.

When Zhan Ling first appeared, Tang Yin bought these concubines of the harem through Mrs. Hua Rong, insisted that Zhan Ling was a fake, and finally executed Zhan Ling. However, this matter could not be spread out. If those concubines were still in the palace, Tang Yin would naturally rest assured, but now he wants to send them elsewhere. Tang Yin can no longer tolerate their existence.

He also believed in the saying "only the dead can keep secrets".

After Cheng Jin left, Tang Yin looked at Shangguan Yuanji with a dull expression and asked with a smile, "Yuanji, do you want to know why I want to kill them?"

Shangguan Yuanji shivered and shook his head like a rattle. He hurriedly said, "I don't want to know."

Yuanji was clever. Tang Yin smiled up. As soon as the conversation turned, he raised his head and said, "continue to talk about the county heads you chose!"


Tang Yin negotiated with Shangguan Yuanji until the third watch, and finally finalized the candidate for the head of each county. Both of them also breathed a sigh of relief. Shangguan Yuanji said, "Your Majesty, you haven't had a good rest for three or four days. You'd better go to sleep today!"

"Alas!" Tang Yin sighed and asked, "Yuanji, is there nothing else to discuss?"

"No, your majesty." Shangguan Yuanji said positively.

Tang Yin stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and said, "OK, I'll go to sleep in the bedroom tonight."

Shangguan Yuanji then stood up, bowed and arched his hands and said, "I won't disturb the king."

Tang Yin sent Shangguan Yuanji out of the study, and then ordered the maid of honor to call the highest ranking female official in the palace.

This female official is nearly 50 years old, with gray hair on her temples. She is the oldest palace maid in the palace.

When the female official saw Tang Yin, she bowed respectfully. Tang Yin waved her up and said, "I'm going to have a rest in my bedroom now. I don't know where my bedroom is?"

Although Tang Yin has lived in the palace for three or four days, he is really unfamiliar with the terrain of the palace and can't find where he should stay.

When the female official heard the speech, she quickly replied, "the place where the king goes to bed is in the main palace."

Tang Yin lazily asked where the main palace was, raised his head and said, "you take me."

"Yes! King!" The old female officer quickly promised and led the way in front.

What she said about the main palace is actually the Queen's bedroom. Generally, when the king goes to bed, he either lives with the queen or with his concubines, and rarely goes to bed alone.

The main palace is the largest and most magnificent among the palaces in the rear palace. Although it has only one floor, the space inside is very wide, including a hall, wings and bedrooms.

Since the previous monarch was either killed or fled, the main palace has always been uninhabited. If there is a large space, there is only a young maid in charge.

After arriving at the main palace, Tang Yin sent the female officials away, then went into the bedroom, closed his clothes and lay in bed. Just as he was going to sleep, he found a petite figure standing outside the bedroom, looking at himself from time to time.

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