With Wu Mei and fan min in the palace, it was much more lively. Tang Yin's clean life was gone forever. At the beginning, he enjoyed it very much. He had a good time, but soon he was haunted by them. In addition to the morning discussion, Wu Mei and fan min were not around him during this period. Most of the time, they were around him. What's more, they were always quarreling, which made Tang Yin two big.

Fortunately, Hua Rong's wife yuan Qianyi is still mature and steady, and has not participated in the struggle between Wu Mei and fan min. otherwise, Tang Yin has no place to find a quiet place. During this time, Tang Yin often went to Yuan Qianyi's bedroom. First, he avoided Wu Mei and fan min. second, Yuan Qianyi's steadiness and consideration made Tang Yin feel a different woman.

At noon that day, Tang Yingang had dinner with Wu Mei and fan min, so he slipped into yuan Qianyi's place by smearing oil on the soles of his feet under the excuse of going to the toilet. Seeing Tang Yin coming, the two palace maids guarding the door quickly saluted and said hello. Because the female officials in the palace had already recruited all the palace maids, and there were many palace maids in each palace, but yuan Qianyi didn't want the newly recruited palace maids, and the four little palace maids who scolded her were the same as before.

Tang Yin knew them and asked with a smile, "are Chun Xiang and Chun Hong in the room?"

"Madam should be taking a nap now. I'll tell you today." Chunxiang said with a smile and turned around to walk into the room.

"No, I'll just go straight in!" Tang Yin waved at her, passed through the second daughter and went straight in.

He is the king. The maids below dare not stop him. However, when Tang Yin walked in, the two maids looked very nervous and clenched their fists, but there was nothing they could do.

The hall in the room was empty. Tang Yin raised her eyes to the inner room and saw yuan Qianyi sitting at the table drawing. She didn't know what she was writing. Tang Yin was very curious. He deliberately took a light step and quietly walked behind yuan Qianyi. Then he lowered his head and looked closely.

It turned out that Yuan Qianyi was painting on a palm sized paper. What he painted was a yellow warbler standing on the branch and singing. Although it was only a sketch, Yuan Qianyi's painting skills were very high, slowly like a living, lifelike, and people seemed to hear the cry of birds after watching.

oh Tang Yin breathes in. I can't see that Yuan Qianyi has such ability. While he was amazed, he blurted out, "good painting!"

The sudden voice frightened yuan Qianyi. Her body was obviously shocked when she was sitting in the chair, and her hand shaking violently, which made the painting that was almost finished. She turned back instinctively and happened to face Tang Yin's smiling eyes. Just for a moment, all the anger, consternation and surprise on her face disappeared, replaced by a faint smile and asked, "when did the king come? I'm really going to scare my concubine to death." As she spoke, she put down her brush, picked up the sketch of the flower and threw it away.

Tang Yin hurriedly stopped her. Before Yuan Qianyi reacted, he took over the sketch in her hand, looked at it and said with amazement: "I didn't expect that your painting skills were so high. When did you learn it?"

Looking at the sketch in Tang Yin's hand, Yuan Qianyi's Xiumei wrinkled slightly and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this is what I learned after I entered the palace. The palace is boring, so I use this to pass the time."

"That's right." The palace is really boring, which Tang Yin has deeply realized. After becoming the monarch, he is far less free than when he was the head of the county. He looked at the sketch and youyou said, "it's a pity for this picture. If I didn't disturb him, Qianyi would finish it."

"The king is serious. My concubine just scrawled on a whim." Yuan Qianyi replied calmly.

Tang Yin likes yuan Qianyi's arrogant and impetuous surname. It seems that no matter how amazing her ability is, she will think it's a very common thing. He returned the drawing paper to Yuan Qianyi, looked at her up and down as if he didn't know her, and muttered, "how many things do you have that I don't know..."

His question made yuan Qianyi's heart rise to her throat instantly, as if it would jump out at any time. However, seeing that Tang Yin's expression didn't contain other intentions, her heart slowly relaxed. She smiled and said, "no matter what happens to my concubine, isn't it all the king's?!"

Her understatement made Tang Yin laugh. The more a woman like yuan Qianyi touches her, the easier it is to fall into it. Hearing Tang Yin's hearty laughter, Yuan Qianyi's heart gradually returned to calm. She asked curiously, "why did the king come to my concubine again today?"

Tang Yin's old face is red. Yuan Qianyi invited him again and again before. He pushed and avoided when he could. Now it's good that he runs here every three or five times. It's the so-called 30 years east and 30 years West. Tang Yin smiled bitterly. He waved his hand and motioned yuan Qianyi to take his seat. He stood at the table and said helplessly, "I don't understand why Xiaomei and Xiaomin always quarrel. Qianyi, you are a woman. I think you can understand their thoughts!"

Yuan Qianyi smiled and said, "the king is a fan of the situation. Their quarrel is actually just to attract the king's attention."

"Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes brightened, walked to Yuan Qianyi and asked, "what do you say?"

"There are so many women around the king, and they are all great beauties. I think Miss Wumei and Miss Fan min are full of anxiety, and they are afraid of losing the king's heart." Yuan Qianyi calmly helped Tang Yin with his analysis. Now, her attitude towards Tang Yin has changed a lot. She is no longer as charming as before, and she can see that Tang Yin doesn't eat that set at all. She changes her method and makes herself dignified and rational. Instead, Tang Yin likes to approach her more and more.

Tang Yin responded thoughtfully. He was silent for a moment. He nodded and said, "what you said may be reasonable, but what method can you solve it?"

Yuan Qianyi smiled and said, "in fact, the method is very simple..." she deliberately paused halfway through her words, hanging Tang Yin's appetite.

Tang Yin was really interested and asked, "what's the way?"

"In fact, Miss Wumei and Miss Fan min quarrel and argue, and their ultimate goal is only one, that is, the throne of the queen. As long as the King sets up the queen, I think the quarrel between Miss Wumei and Miss Fan min will be reduced a lot." Yuan Yinyi said with a smile.

Queen? Tang Yin immediately frowned. The queen in his mind is still far away from Shangjing. How can he make a queen at this time?

Seeing Tang Yin frowning and speechless for a long time, Yuan Qianyi has guessed his mind. She asked softly, "is there no queen in the king's mind?"

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and sighed.

It turned out that Tang Yin didn't intend to choose the queen from Wu Mei and fan min. are there other candidates? But it shouldn't be. There are no other women around Tang Yin except Wu Mei and fan min. Yuan Qian couldn't understand it, but she was smart and didn't choose to ask more. She said with a smile: "although the king is not ready to make a queen now, he should marry Miss Wumei and Miss Fan min as soon as possible, and make her their wives, so as to stabilize their hearts."

Although yuan Qianyi was speaking for Wu Mei and fan min, she was actually speaking for herself. Tang Yin promised to make her his wife, but there was no news for a long time. Yuan Qianyi was also very anxious. After all, delay changes and dreams.

Tang Yin didn't have any objection to what she said. He made Wu Mei, fan min and Yuan Qianyi his three wives, which was what he had decided for a long time. He nodded and said with a smile, "Qian Yi said the truth. I'll consider it."

Yuan Qianyi stopped talking and looked at Tang Yin with a faint smile.

Now this elegant and indifferent yuan Qianyi makes Tang Yin feel much more beautiful than before. Looking at her flower like jade face, Tang Yin is unconsciously stunned. Seeing him staring directly at himself, Yuan Qianyi's pink face was slightly red and asked with a smile, "what's the matter with your king?"

Tang Yin regained consciousness and covered up his embarrassment with a dry smile. He casually said, "I think you do a good painting. Can you draw a portrait for me?"

"Good!" Yuan Qianyi didn't even think about it. He immediately agreed and then asked, "now?"

"Yes!" Tang Lian nods.

After leaving yuan Qianyi, it was late at night when Tang Yin left her bedroom. Instead of directly returning to the main palace, he went to the study and asked Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao to send someone to find Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji to enter the palace.

After arriving at the study, Tang Yin picked up the portrait yuan Qianyi had made for him and took a closer look. Yuan Qianyi's painting style was not cumbersome, simple and simple, and Tang Yin's charm was outlined with a few clear and faint strokes.

After watching for a long time, he called the Shangguan brothers over and asked with a smile, "Yuanwu and yuanbiao, what do you think of Qianyi's painting?"

Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao said in unison: "very good painting, king." They don't understand painting, but they can also see that the people in the portrait are extremely similar to Tang Yin, just like real people.

Hearing the affirmation of Shangguan brothers, Tang Yin was very happy and murmured, "I didn't expect Qianyi to be a talented woman."

This is really surprising. Brother Shangguan added silently in his heart.

Tang Yin didn't wait long in the study. Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji arrived one after another. Tang Yin called them into the palace late at night. They both thought something big had happened. They came in a hurry without stopping at home for almost a moment.

When they saw Tang Yin, they bowed and asked, "the king called his ministers into the palace late at night. What happened?"

Tang Yin was surprised that they could arrive so quickly. Seeing that the two were still sweating on their faces, Tang Yin smiled and said, "it's no big deal. Qiu Zhen and Yuanji, come and sit down!"

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