After the meeting, Tang Yin initially wanted to leave with the others, but he was stopped by Wu Mei and Wu Ying.

He did not know what was going on, but Tang Yin was confused. He sat on the chair and did not move.

Waiting until everyone had left, Wu Mei then said: "Tang Yin, this time, I will give you guys a mission."

"What mission?" he asked curiously.

"It's easy to say it's easy, but it's also a big mission." Wu Mei knocked on her forehead and muttered to herself for a moment: "We have already been fighting with the Ning Country for a few months, and the Mo Country has started to get restless with me, so war can break out at any time, and the imperial government does not wish for any large scale war to occur between the various dukes, so, this time, the imperial government sends people down to mediate, and your group's mission is to go to the Feng Mo Frontier, and escort her safely to the Yan City capital."

"She? "Who is she?"

"Grand princess of the Empire."

"It's a woman?!" Tang Yin asked curiously.

"Since she's a princess, how can she be a man?"

Just as Wu Mei had said, once a war broke out between the nine great dukes within the Haotian Empire, the imperial government had the responsibility to step in and stop it.

Originally, since the Imperial Court had stepped in, the various kingdoms should have followed the sacred words and stopped the fighting. However, the imperial power of the empire was getting weaker and weaker, and the various kingdoms wouldn't listen to the emperor's commands at all.

Feng Country was a large war house, and almost every year, they would mobilize their troops to sustain the war. The number of times the imperial government sent out their Feng Country was also the highest, but every time, they would not follow the imperial edict, and they would only mediate and respond to it.

But this time, the Feng Country was very concerned about the negotiation of the imperial family, the main problem was that the current situation of the Feng Country was not optimistic. The Ning Country had lost another two hundred thousand troops, hence, they were not strong enough. In addition, within the Feng Country, there was a huge increase in bandits, causing chaos everywhere, which could be considered an internal and external threat.

If the Imperial Court succeeded in mediating and stopped the war, it would undoubtedly be beneficial to the Feng Country, and they could also take the opportunity to get over this.

This time, the imperial government sent out the Great Princess Yin Rou's Highness.

The first thing Yin Rou did was send out his Mo Country. It was unknown if it was because of her, but his Mo Country did not immediately send troops over. Next, Yin Rou would head north to the Feng Country, and then head west to the Ning Country.

No matter how weak the imperial power of the empire was, Yin Rou was, after all, the Grand Princess, a member of the imperial family.

Having a whole regiment protect the princess, and also being within the borders of the Feng Country, was undoubtedly a beautiful job that was both easy and worthwhile. On top of the Imperial Court, Wu Yu and Liang Xing had a great war of words as to how to obtain the mission to escort the princess over, and then, after discussing it with the two sisters Wu Mei, he decided to send Tang Yin's Second Regiment over.

"Only protecting one person, is there a need to send out a single regiment?" Tang Yin found it hard to understand.

"How can a princess travel alone? There are also a large number of palace maids and palace guards by his side. " Wu Mei laughed: "But no matter what, Your Highness is a princess with a thousand kilograms of body, within my Feng Country, there cannot be any loopholes, so we have to dispatch a legion, to display the importance that my Feng Country attaches to, and to display the strength of my Feng Country. You just have to protect Her Highness the Princess. But if anything happens to the Princess, not even ten of your heads will be kept, and it will implicate the entire Wu Family. So, this mission is also extremely important, Tang Yin, do you understand? "

"Alright, I understand." Tang Yin asked: When do I leave?

"From the capital city to the border, even if you want to make an urgent march, it will still take six or seven days. The day after tomorrow, you will have to bring your regiment with you." Wu Ying said.

"No problem." Tang Yin agreed straightforwardly.

Tang Yin actually liked this mission. He was a prodigal son, he had already lived in the Yan City for a long time, the novelty from the start had long disappeared, he would be able to relax after this escort mission.

"Alright, go back and prepare."


After leaving the palace, Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen returned to their own residences. Along the way, Qiu Zhen said with a smile: "Big Brother Tang, this mission is a beautiful job, looks like Prime Minister Wu has the intention of promoting you!"

Tang Yin raised his head, and said: "I am already a Regiment Commander, if I were to be promoted again, what other positions would I have left?"

Qiu Zhen thought for a moment, lowered his voice, and said: "Now that the Liang Family is big, maybe even Wu Family will be prepared to expand the divisions under it. At that time, it might not be impossible for Big Brother Tang to control two or three of the divisions."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled as he waved his hand, and said, "I'm not interested in this kind of guess that Zi Wu Xu has."

He did not take this mission too seriously, but Qiu Zhen had already set his heart and mind on this, and his brain was starting to spin, thinking about how to let Tang Yin complete this mission perfectly and brilliantly.

On the day of their departure, Tang Yin woke up early and went to the barracks with Qiu Zhen.

Not long after he entered the army camp, Wu Mei also hurried over to send him off. After seeing Tang Yin, she reminded him again and again to not let his guard down, as she absolutely had to ensure the safety of the princess.

Tang Yin promised, as for whether he heard it or not, only he himself knew.

The Second Regiment was different from the other legions. The soldiers were not simply close combat infantry soldiers, they all had bows and arrows on their backs, a knife and quiver on one side, and a spear and shield on the other. It was hard to tell if it was a archer, a melee spearman, or a simple soldier.

But for such equipment, the weight on their bodies was more than twice that of ordinary soldiers, but no one in the entire regiment complained about being tired, because this was how they trained ever since they joined the Second Regiment, and the weight they carried during normal training was much heavier than this.

Although the soldiers were physically strong, they did not seem to be in an orderly formation. The soldiers were sparse in number. The first wave, the last wave, the left group, the right group, and the ten thousand soldiers stretched out two miles in length.

Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen rode on their big horses and walked to the front of the group.

The regiment left the Yan City area and headed south. Along the way, they were also scattered and scattered, but fortunately, their speed wasn't slow and wouldn't delay their journey.

That night, the group entered the Wan City.

The Mayor had received the news a long time ago and personally brought the officials of the Wan City out of the city to welcome them.

Mayor was a low-ranking official, which was half a rank lower than the regiment commander. Furthermore, the fact that Tang Yin was taken care of by the Wu Family was something that everyone knew, so how could the Wan City Mayor dare to neglect it?

With the troops stationed outside of the city, Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen led a dozen or so personal guards into the city.

He first invited Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen to the Mayor Palace for a meal, and then wanted them to stay and stay in the Palace.

Tang Yin rejected implicitly, and went into the city with Qiu Zhen.

The night passed without incident, and on the second day, just as the sky brightened, Tang Yin led his group back to the border.

On the road, they passed through Fang City, Feng City, Jian City and other places before finally arriving at the Cong City.

Cong City was located near the border of the Feng Country And Mo Country. Ba Pass was a border fortress, and was pretty much the same as Tong Gate, just that the terrain was not as dangerous as Tong Gate. Tang Yin's destination was also precisely Ba Pass.

Although the Second Regiment were scattered, the speed at which they marched was indeed fast. Originally, they would have arrived at the distance of six or seven days in less than five days. It could be said that the journey was peaceful and without any accidents. Of course, it was understandable, because although bandits were rampant in the Feng Country, there were no bandit groups that dared to provoke a regiment, unless they themselves did not want to live.

On the road, there was only Wan City. Qiu Zhen lived with Tang Yin, and after that, other cities he passed by, Qiu Zhen stayed at the Mayor Palace, regardless of whether the Mayor in the city had invited him or not, he would still shamelessly stay there. Tang Yin did not understand why, the Tavern's conditions were a little crude, but it was not to the point where one would not be able to sit in it.

He had asked Qiu Zhen twice, but the latter only smiled and said nothing. Since he was unwilling to say it himself, Tang Yin did not pursue the matter any further, and just let him be.

When he arrived at the Cong City, it was just noon. Tang Yin wanted to directly pass through the city and rush towards the Ba Pass, since there was still a distance of over fifteen kilometers left, he would arrive before dusk, there was no need to delay here.

But Qiu Zhen insisted on staying at the Cong City.

Tang Yin did not understand, and asked him the reason, and Qiu Zhen said: "It's useless even if we go early, we'll just have to wait at the Ba Pass, and furthermore, it's at the border, so the conditions there are naturally not as good as the Cong City. The brothers below will travel for a few days, and will be tired and tired at the same time, so we should properly rest at the Cong City for one day!"

Never had he ever known that Qiu Zhen was even a general who would think for the sake of the soldiers, Tang Yin could not help but laugh and asked: "Qiu Zhen, what exactly are you plotting?"

Qiu Zhen smiled mysteriously and said: "Before long, Big Brother Tang will know."

Tang Yin shook his head helplessly, but he still listened to Qiu Zhen's suggestion and ordered the team to be stationed at the Cong City.

The Mayor of Cong City personally welcomed the two of them. When they got off the bed, Qiu Zhen went to stay at the Mayor Residence again, just like usual.

The next day.

Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen moved, heading towards the Ba Pass.

Ba Pass could only be considered a small and medium-sized fortress, and was not even as big as the North of City Battalion. Even during wartime, this place could only hold thirty to forty thousand people at most.

The four walls were not considered high, and were not even as sturdy as they were before. There were many places that had not been repaired for a long time, and seemed to be in a poor condition, the defensive structures were considered complete, but there were just too few of them. After Tang Yin entered the fortress, he felt that there was a world of difference between here and the Tong Gate.

The general of Ba Pass was called Ying Bu, a young general who was in his thirties. He was skinny, had black, rough skin, had a moustache on his lips, and when he looked at people, his eyes would roll around. His General Armor seemed to have not been washed and wiped, it was sticky with dust, and in some places, there was even rust on it.

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