Fifty army breaking crossbows shot thick and long crossbows and arrows at the same time. The arrows flew straight to the Ning army camp without any radian. At the same time, they were accompanied by a harsh howling sound.

The shield of Ning army can resist the arrows, but it can't resist the crossbows and arrows from the crossbow. With a crisp sound, dozens of shields erected in front of Ning army camp were shot through. After crossing the shield, the power of the crossbow and arrow is not reduced, and then it is nailed to Ning Bing behind the shield. The steel helmet and armor on Ning Bing are also unable to withstand and easily pierced. The crossbow and arrow hang on Ning Bing's body, and the body of Ning Bing's pawn is stabbed on Ning Bing behind him. The powerful customary surname knocked Ning Bing down at the same time. The power of one crossbow and arrow is so powerful. Fifty crossbows and arrows are fired together. The power can be imagined. In a moment, the shield array in front of the Ning army camp is scattered, and the soldiers behind are overturned. Some people are directly killed by the crossbow and arrow, and more people are knocked down by their own robes. People in front of the Ning army are shouting and hissing, wailing and screaming, It's a mess.

Fifty crossbows and arrows were just the beginning, and then Sergeant Feng began to quickly refit the broken crossbows. The bowstrings of each crossbow machine were reluctantly opened by three or four burly and majestic men with all their strength, and then continued to fire at the Ning army camp.

The army breaking crossbow continuously shoots out crossbows and arrows, shooting the unprepared soldiers of Ning army into rows after rows. Even if the military discipline of Ning army is more strict, the soldiers can't stand in place and watch themselves shot and killed by the wind army, not to mention that many of them are recruits. With more and more companions falling in front, corpses are everywhere. The first thing to be afraid of is the recruits.

The recruits seemed to see ghosts. They were stunned by the sudden use of new weapons they had never seen before. Looking at the tragic deaths of brothers in front one by one, their ears were full of howls and screams of their own personnel. The recruits who first went to the battlefield had no courage to stay on the battlefield. First, one or two people retreated involuntarily, Then it evolved into a backward rout of Ningguo recruits. When the two armies face each other, the formation pays attention to integrity. Once there is a large-scale vacancy, the whole camp will become scattered and useless.

Seeing that there were signs of a large-scale escape of his own soldiers, general Ning, who was in charge of commanding the former army, immediately took the personal guard and greeted them to prevent the recruits from escaping, but they could stop a few or dozens of people, but they couldn't stop them all. Soon, the defeat of the recruits also affected the veterans in the array. The morale of the veterans immediately fell down. The recruits were human and the veterans were also human. They were also afraid of death, but the military discipline was more profound in their concept. At this time, when they saw a large number of their own soldiers running, many veterans were unwilling to stay and run with the recruits.

This is the risk of large-scale recruitment on the battlefield. A smelly fish can kill a pot of porridge, and a group of timid recruits can destroy the whole army.

The recruits are running, and the veterans are running. The whole former army of Ning army is in chaos. People are shouting everywhere, and people are running and running for their lives everywhere.

Seeing this, Xiao MuQing in the wind army camp gradually showed a smile on his icy face. He waved the command flag in his hand. Not far away, the wind army beating drums made all his strength come out, beating drums like exploding beans. Such a rapid drum is a signal that the whole army will launch a fierce attack.

Even without looking back at Xiao MuQing's flag, the soldiers of the wind army can understand his orders only by listening to the sound of drums. People put down their bows and arrows, picked up light crossbow machines, shouted one after another, and rushed to the Nanjing Army camp. For a time, the front army of the Feng army rushed to the Ning army array camp like a tide.

Although the front army of the Ning army was in disorder, the two wings and the rear army were still stable. Seeing that the Feng army had launched an assault, the soldiers of the other three armies of the Ning army raised their bows and arrows and launched a volley of fire at the storming Feng army.

Due to the chaos in the front camp of the Ning army, the morale of the officers and men of the plain army has been raised to the top. Facing the enemy's arrow array, the officers and men ignored it and continued to sprint like crazy against the arrow rain. The personnel in front were shot down by random arrows, and more people were filled up immediately behind.

During the run, many plain soldiers threw off all their armor in order to reduce their burden. Their uniforms were also pulled to their waist, shirtless, covered with sweat, and their bodies were hot, emitting steaming steam.

Facing the suicidal charge of the wind army, the arrow array of the Ning army could not stop it. Soon, the front personnel of the plain army rushed to the camp of the former army of the Ning army. At this time, Ning Jiang had just managed to control the situation of the former army. The Lien Chan array had to be put in place in time, and the plain army was in front of him.

The front soldier stared at the spear and halberd in front of the Ning army and dashed through the enemy's defense with his own flesh and blood. The plain soldier was stabbed with thousands of wounds and hundreds of holes, but their crossbow machine and long knife also hit the Ning army after cutting the shield.

However, before Ning Bing pulled out the spear and halberd from the body of sergeant Feng's soldier, the wind army came up again. People stepped on the body of their companions and the shield of Ning Jun, and forced them over like red eyed beasts. The wheels came to the head of Ning Jun, and the wheels raised their knives and stabbed them down. Ning Jun was cut down one by one, The plain Sergeant turned over to Ning Jun's head was also stabbed into a blood gourd.

Both sides are fighting bloody battles in the way of life for life.

"Get out of the way, brothers in front!" Suddenly, there was a violent drink like thunder from the wind army camp. The soldiers of the plain army close to the cry felt their ears buzzing, and then they couldn't hear anything. The plain Sergeant subconsciously dodged to the left and right. He heard the heavy footsteps behind him. Zhan Hu's huge body rushed out of the plain army camp like a moving hill and slammed into the shield array of Ning army.

There was a loud bang in his ears. The two long shields in front of him and more than a dozen Ning soldiers behind him were overturned to the ground. Along this gap, the War Tiger rushed into the Ning army camp first. The huge hammer was swung away. With a wave of his hand, the dense Ning army around was swept down.

The War Tiger opened the gap, and the wind troops behind rushed in. However, after the soldiers of the plain army came recently, no one followed the War Tiger, and they all rushed to both sides. The soldiers of the plain army have a tacit understanding that no one is willing to fight around the War Tiger.

In terms of close combat, the wind army definitely belongs to one and two in the nine princes of Haotian Empire, and the plain army is the most ferocious and brave among the wind army, which makes the plain army close. No matter which country's army is concerned, it is a desperate nightmare.

As the battle became stalemate, the soldiers of both sides had full contact. At this time, the former army of Ning army was really unable to withstand it. Looking at the countless naked, bloody, red eyed savage men in front of you, holding weapons high and howling at you, anyone will be timid.

Under the close attack of the plain army, the former army of the Ning army retreated step by step. A large number of taxis fell to the ground and shed blood on the battlefield. More taxis turned around and ran back desperately. This is the most critical moment for both sides to fight. If the former army is defeated, it will directly affect the outcome of the whole battle.

Ning Jiang, who was in charge of commanding the former army, also turned red eyed, took a cadre of personal guards and shouted, "don't retreat! No one is allowed to retreat! There is no amnesty for those who escape!" While talking, he raised his big knife and swept the two Sergeant Ning soldiers running towards him.


Pity that the two Ning soldiers didn't die in the hands of the wind army. They both died by the sword of their master general. Ning Jiang's toughness changed the faces of the defeated Ning soldiers. People had no choice but to harden their heads and run back to the battlefield to continue fighting with the wind army. The gap in melee strength between the two sides can not be made up by Ning Jiang's slashing and killing several soldiers. Ning Jun ran back quickly and was retreated faster by the wind army. The fighting time was not long, and a large number of Ning soldiers were defeated again.

This time, Ning Jiang, who supervised the war in the back, still used cruel killing methods to scare back the defeated soldiers. He shouted to the personal guards on the left and right: "kill! Kill all those who dare to flee and disturb the morale of our army!"

Hearing his order, the soldiers around agreed one after another, took out their swords under their ribs and went to meet their deserters. They were not polite at all. They cut and stabbed these sergeants Ning. In the blink of an eye, dozens of deserters were injured in the hands of their relatives.

Ning Bing is afraid of Ning Jiang, but he is not afraid of his own soldiers. At ordinary times, people are fed up with the anger of these relatives. At this time, when they see that they have poisoned their own people, people shout to each other, hug all the relatives and fight with them.

Seeing this, Naning was so anxious and angry that he urged his horse to rush forward and split several people with a big knife in his hand. At the same time, he shouted, "you're rebellious! Do you still want to rebel?"

Just when he killed the deserters of Ning army, a golden light suddenly flashed from the side and went straight to Ning Jiang. At this time, Ning focused his attention on his own deserters. He never dreamed that someone on the side would suddenly attack him. When he realized that it was bad, the golden light had shot in front of him.

Ning Jiang even had time to cover his soul armor in the future. The golden light hit his neck, and there was a flutter in his ears. Ning Jiang's neck was directly shot through. A glittering golden arrow was nailed to his neck, and the arrow had poked out from the other side of his neck.


Ning fell to the ground with a big knife full of deserter blood in his hand. He swayed a few times from side to side on his horse, and then fell off his horse.

Hua - Ning will be shot by an arrow, causing an uproar among the surrounding soldiers and deserters. People subconsciously look around to look for the shadow of the enemy, but at the beginning of their eyes, there is a chaotic battlefield. Where can we find who put the cold arrow.

I don't know who first exclaimed, "Jiang Fan! It's the general of the wind country. Jiang fan is coming!"

Hearing this, the people came back to God. Yes, Jiang fan is the only one who is so skillful in archery and uses gold arrows! This time, not only the deserters continued to run, but also the soldiers who had just stopped them. After all, no one wants to meet an enemy like Jiang Fan.

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