After receiving the news of Tianyan and Diwang, Tang Yin immediately summoned all his generals. Now there are more than 400000 troops in Ningguo. If the 300000 army of Chang sun Yuanhong arrives again, there will be more than 700000 troops in Ningguo, and there are less than 300000 soldiers on our side. Even if we can fight and fight again, we can't compete with so many enemies.

At this time, Lotte said: "Your Majesty, generals, the elder sun Yuanhong is not incompetent. He is known as the first general of Ningguo. As early as ten years ago, his force was invincible in Ningguo. He was transferred to the west of Ningguo only because he disagreed with the current monarch Yan Chu of Ningguo..."

Rakuten told the people what he knew in detail. He heard that Chang sun Yuanhong had calmed the rebellion of the Vietnamese and provided the Vietnamese with all the materials needed for the war to help them build the country. The generals led by Xiao MuQing took a breath, beat people first, then help people, and then use the hands of the Vietnamese to lay a vast territory outside the west of Ningguo, So that ningguodun will not worry about suffering from the West. Chang sun Yuanhong is not only a strong general and a wise general, but also a talent for stabilizing the country.

Such a man led a 300000 ningyue mixed army to Hedong. Is it necessary for our side to fight again? At this time, everyone's mind came up with the idea that the battle could not be fought. If we fight hard, we will have to repeat the mistakes. We want the whole army to be destroyed in the east of the river. Now, we can only take what we can and grab what we can, and then quickly return to Tongmen.

Just looking at the people's looks, Tang Yin guessed the people's thoughts. For a moment, he also felt that the war could not be fought. However, if the attack on Hedong failed, the neifeng country will have no chance to capture Hedong in the next few decades. Without the support of Hedong, a treasure land of grain production, and relying on the war to support the war, it is heaven's night talk to make the Fengguo strong.

Tang Yin lowered his head and rolled his eyes, considering the plan to break the enemy. He didn't believe that the Wei Zheng in front of him was really so difficult to deal with, and the defensive tactics of the Ning army were really so difficult to break through. As a modern man, he knew so many successful ancient war examples and mastered so many ancient wisdom, could he not deal with the Wei Zheng in front of him?

After pondering for a long time, Tang Yin simply closed her eyes and leaned back, as if she were asleep. Seeing this, everyone showed surprise and looked at each other. No one dared to speak. Now it's a critical moment for the life and death of our army. Everyone is waiting for Tang Yin to make a decision, but Tang Yin went to sleep during the discussion. What should we do?

After waiting for a while, everyone lost their surname. The low-level generals began to wink at the high-level generals. The generals who were not so close to Tang Yin began to signal to the generals who were close to Tang Yin. Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Wu Ying.

Anyway, Wu Ying's sister is Mrs. Feng Guo. She is Tang Yin's sister-in-law. Naturally, her relationship with Tang Yin is incomparable. Dancing Yingming knew what they meant. She took two deep breaths, slowly walked up to Tang Yin, bent down and whispered, "king? King?"

He shouted twice. Seeing that Tang Yin didn't respond, Wu Ying was a little nervous. She raised her voice and called again, "King..."

This time, as soon as she opened her mouth, Tang Yin, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, and two faint green lights came straight out of his eyes.

Wu Ying was startled. When Tang Yin's eyes were so sharp in her impression, she almost retreated instinctively.

Tang Yin stood up and the green light in his eyes disappeared, but his essence did not disappear. He looked around the generals present and asked slowly, "when will the 300000 army commanded by Chang sun Yuanhong arrive in Hedong? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?"

Everyone did not understand his intention. They looked at each other. Finally, Lotte bravely replied, "Oh... King, it will take a month or so for Chang sun Yuanhong to return to the capital from the west of Ningguo first, and then to Hedong."

"For months, in such a long time, can't our army defeat the 400000 Wanning army opposite?"

For Tang Yin's question, everyone was speechless. Ning Jun just couldn't stick to it. How can his own side win? Not to mention a month or so, even if it is delayed for a year and a half, our side will have no way to take the defending Ning army!

"Hum!" Tang Yin snorted coldly and said, "all generals think it is difficult for our army to win this battle in a month? I think our army will win!" As he spoke, he shouted, "Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu will listen to the order!"

Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu were shocked. They hurried out of the queue, saluted Tang Yin and said, "king, the end will be here!"

Tang Yin said, "I'll give you two 50000 soldiers each. You two immediately unite your troops and attack the South China Sea and Jianxing two cities respectively. Now Wei Zheng has all the reinforcements in the camp. There are few defenders in the two cities. You two must strive to break the city in the shortest time. Whoever breaks the city first, leads a great achievement, and then breaks the city will record a major demerit!"

Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu were stunned at first, and then both replied, "I will obey!"

They took over Tang Yin's military order, but the other generals were silly. Didn't the king know that the capture of the South China Sea and the second city of Jianxing were a move to disperse his own forces and would be broken by the enemy? Why do you give such an order now?

Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu don't care. They only follow Tang Yin's orders. After receiving Tang Yin's arrow, they turned and walked out. At this time, Tang Yin first shouted, "stop, I haven't finished my words yet!"

They immediately stopped, turned back, arched their hands and asked, "what else does the king have to say?"

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and looked at them, Youyou said, "after breaking the city, you two and your troops will not only kill all the defenders in the city, but also the people in the city. You can kill as much as you can in an hour. At the same time, you will take all the gold, silver, treasures, grain and grass materials in the city, but all that our army can carry away will be taken back to the camp, and then you two will lead the army back!"

Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu looked at each other, and then bowed to respond. Tang Yin waved and said, "you two go. Remember to fight quickly and withdraw to the camp after fighting, killing and robbing."

Before Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu went out, Ziying couldn't help standing up and arched his hands and said, "no, king. Killing the people in the city after breaking the city will make Ning people share a bitter hatred..."

Before he finished, Tang Yin waved: "I can't manage so much. Not only the people of Ning in Nanhai and Jianxing want to kill, but also the surrounding villages and towns and the towns of Ning in the west of Hedong. Our army will attack, harass, kill and plunder, which will disturb the peace of Ning. Yan Chu sent Wei to Hedong not to be a black turtle, but to fight back, deal with our army and regain the lost land, as long as our army can The dead bodies of Ning people in Hedong and the area west of Hedong are everywhere. Wei Zheng's rigid strategy will inevitably cause the dissatisfaction of Yan Chu and the court of Ning. In the end, there are only two results: either force Wei Zheng to go to war or transfer Wei Zheng back to the capital. In this way, the opportunity for our army will come! "

i see! After listening to Tang Yin's explanation, the people finally understood Tang Yin's intention. This plan can be called the plan of separation or the plan of the enemy. It is to force Yan Chu and Wei Zheng to go out for a war, otherwise all Ning people in Hedong and near Hedong will suffer.

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes, Youyou said: "The fact that the Vietnamese can lay down a vast territory to the west of Ningguo shows that the fighting capacity of the Vietnamese is very strong, and the cavalry of the state of Yue cannot be underestimated. However, it also shows that the relationship between the state of Yue and the surrounding countries must be extremely bad. We can use gold, silver and jewelry to bribe and buy the countries around the state of Yue and let them send troops to Vietnam. In this way, the 100000 cavalry of the state of Yue It was necessary to return home for rescue, and the 300000 people under Chang sun Yuanhong became 200000. However, Fengguo doesn't have so much money, so gold, silver and jewelry can only come from Ningguo. Therefore, "Tang Yin looked at the people with bright eyes and said with a grim smile," you should rob and plunder for me, so that there are enough gold, silver and jewelry in our hands to move people's hearts! "

Tang Yin's massacre and plunder are not aimless. They are all set up for the country of Ning. While everyone is nodding their heads, they are also admiring from the bottom of their hearts. It is hard to imagine that the king should come up with such a perfect response in such a period of time.

Seeing the people's expressions gradually ease, Tang Yin sighed gently and youyou said, "if we do this, Ning people will hate us, but it's better to be hated by Ning people than ridiculed by Ning people. Therefore, generals, I hope you will never show mercy to your men when attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold. In the future, I don't want to see the release of enemy prisoners."

His words were mainly aimed at Ziying, who was not a fool. As soon as Tang Yin's voice fell, Ziying stirred up a cold war, fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed his head: "at the end, I will abide by the king's order!"

Tang Yin didn't name Ziying, but he had knelt down and the others couldn't stand anymore. Everyone knelt down and said in unison, "I will obey!"

In the early stage of the battle of Hedong, the actions of Fengjun could only be described as Huairou. The policy of not killing, hurting, disturbing and disturbing the people was also implemented thoroughly, and the arrival of 500000 Ning army, commander-in-chief of Wei Zheng, became the turning point of Fengjun's actions.

At Tang Yin's instigation, Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu led 50000 Fengjun to attack Nanhai and Jianxing respectively. At present, there are only about 10000 City soldiers in Nanhai and Jianxing. How can they resist the fierce attack of Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu? They broke the city almost at the same time. They took the lead in killing the city Lord's house, beheaded the city Lord's heads, and then ordered the whole army to kill the city, Take away everything valuable and easy to carry.

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