In Ming Xiaotian's opinion, it's a great thing that his dignified general can take the initiative to admit defeat and beg the wind army in a low voice. However, Zhan Hu provoked a silent sneer when he heard the speech. He said in a voice: "Your Excellency, you should tell my king!" As he spoke, he reached out and clasped mingxiaotian's arm and said, "Your Excellency, let me go!" After that, whether mingxiaotian agrees or not, he dragged him to his own camp.

Mingxiaotian was surprised at first, and then shouted, "our soldiers are still trapped in the sea of fire. Your army let them out quickly!"

"Hey, hey!" Zhan Hu smiled strangely and said, "my king has already ordered that all Ningguo troops be demobilized and killed without leaving any!"

This sentence made another buzzing sound in mingxiaotian's head. Even if he was indifferent and afraid of death, he couldn't ignore 200000 soldiers in the sea of fire. He was stunned for three seconds. Then he screamed, waved his arm and shook away Zhan Hu's palm. Then he opened his teeth and claws and rushed to Zhan Hu. At the same time, he shouted, "I've fought with you!"

Don't mention that he has lost his reason at this time. Even in his heyday, his Lingwu, which is difficult to ascend the hall of elegance, can't stop the moves of Zhan Hu. The latter chuckled and stretched out his hand, fiercely explored forward, clasped mingxiaotian's neck like lightning, then lifted it up and held it above his head. Zhan Hu said, "you ask for hardship, no wonder I am." While talking, he threw mingxiaotian held in his hand to the ground.


The record of Zhan Hu made a heavy fall with brute force, which shattered all the spirit armor of Ming Xiaotian, and even the ground was hit by his body. Mingxiaotian didn't even say a word, so he fainted on the spot. Zhan Hu lowered himself, grabbed his armor and dragged him back to his own camp like a dead dog.

As soon as Zhan Hu came back, the wind army camp launched arrow shooting again and knocked the Ning army out of the camp to the ground one by one.

When Ming Xiaotian, who was unconscious in his hand, threw him in front of Jiang Fan, Zhan Hu said with a triumphant smile: "general Jiang Fan, how's it going? It's easy to catch the thief!"

Jiang Fan nodded his shoulder with a smile, looked down at the unconscious mingxiaotian, and said faintly, "general Zhan Hu can send this person to the king to ask for merit!"

Zhan Hu was stunned at first, and then grinned. Anyway, Ming Xiaotian is also the general of Ningguo. If you catch him yourself, you can remember a great achievement! He arched his hands gratefully at Jiang Fan, then mentioned Ming Xiaotian and walked straight to Tang Yin.

When Tang Yin saw Zhan Hu bring Ming Xiaotian, he was really very happy. He smiled and praised: "Zhan Hu is worthy of being my general Huwei." As he spoke, he said to the bodyguards on the left and right, "wake him up."

"Yes!" The bodyguards promised. After a short time, they brought a bucket of water and poured it on mingxiaotian's head.

"Ah..." Ming Xiaotian "Shen Yin" woke up slowly. He felt as if his body was scattered. It took him a while to slowly return to this tone. At this time, he opened his eyes and saw that there were wind soldiers and wind generals around him. Everyone was cold and glared at himself. Ming Xiaotian excited his spirit to fight a cold war and subconsciously screamed.

"Is general Ming awake?"

At this time, a soft question came from behind him. Mingxiaotian struggled to turn over and sit up. Looking back, he was facing a pair of bright tiger eyes. Behind him sat a young man in a black and red Royal suit. Looking at his face, the young man was handsome, beautiful, naturally smiling and full of harmony. Among the many wind troops, he was not the most powerful and frightening, but the soft and evil smell from him made him very different from the people around him, It is also difficult to ignore his existence.

"You... You are..." Ming Xiaotian asked slightly stammering.

"I'm Tang Yin." The young man in Royal dress replied in a flat tone.

Ah? Tang Yin?! Mingxiaotian's body shook violently. Then, his body, which was originally sitting on the ground, immediately became kneeling. He swallowed and spit, and said calmly: "the defeated general mingxiaotian, see your Highness the king of the wind!"

At this time, mingxiaotian didn't dare to be rude. After all, his surname and the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command were in the hands of others.

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled, waved and said, "general Ming doesn't need to be polite. Get up!"

"Thank you, King Feng!" Mingxiaotian didn't expect Tang Yin to be so polite to himself. He stood up with courage and trembling.

Tang Yin picked up the wine cup beside him, handed it to Ming Xiaotian, and said with a smile: "general Ming was shocked just now. There are drinks here. General Ming first

Looking at the wine cup handed over by Tang Yin, Ming Xiaotian neither answered nor didn't answer. He was stunned in situ, that is, he didn't speak or move. Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked calmly, "why? General Ming thinks my Feng wine is not as good as your Ning wine?"

"No, no, no! I never meant to!" Mingxiaotian didn't dare to delay any more. He hurried forward and carefully took the wine cup handed by Tang Yin. He looked down at the wine, crossed his heart, bit his teeth, looked up and poured all the wine into his stomach.

Feng wine is much more spicy than Ning wine. After drinking only one cup, mingxiaotian's face turns red. He doesn't dare to cough, so he can only swallow and spit. After a while, he wiped the corners of his mouth and heard the scream of the wind army camp on the side shaking the sky and the earth. It was the scream of the soldiers of the Ning army who were burned by fire.

The generals and generals of the camp, who have already lost the battle, raised their hands and shouted to me, "the generals of the camp, who have already lost the battle, raise their hands and shout to me like the high wind......"

At this point, mingxiaotian's tears fell down.

Tang Yin seemed not to hear what he was saying. He turned around, took a roast leg of lamb from the tray in the hand of a bodyguard behind him, and smiled at Ming Xiaotian: "after fighting for so long, general Ming must be hungry. Come on, have something to eat!"

Ming Xiaotian is not in the mood to eat now. Seeing the roast lamb leg in Tang Yin's hand, he immediately saw the tragic scene of Ning Jun's soldiers being burned alive by the fire and the burning red armor burning alive in his head. Before he could speak, he vomited.

Tang Yin was in a high tension all day and didn't eat anything. Now the victory or defeat of both sides has been decided. His tense nerves can finally relax, and his sense of hunger arises spontaneously. He was trying to eat something, but Ming Xiaotian vomited in front of him, and Tang Yin lost his appetite.

He stood up, waved his hand fiercely, and threw the roast lamb leg in his hand on mingxiaotian's face. At the same time, the bright and soft smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a cold evil smile, He youyou said: "I can tell you the truth. You and those Ning soldiers under you will all be executed! Originally, I thought you were the general of Ning Kingdom and wanted you to be a full dead ghost on the road. You don't know what's good or bad, so don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as Tang Yin's voice fell, bodyguards on both sides rushed up, pressed Ming Xiaotian on the ground and dragged him out for a few steps. Then, the executioner stood behind him with a ghost head knife.

Ming Xiaotian woke up like a dream. It turned out that Tang Yin didn't intend to spare himself at all, let alone his own soldiers trapped in the sea of fire. He was determined to kill them all. Knowing that he had no hope of life, Ming Xiaotian also threw himself out. Even if he was forced to kneel on the ground by the guards, his mouth was not idle. He shouted loudly: "Tang Yin, you upright man, I will not let you go. Sooner or later, your end will be ten times and a hundred times worse than me, ha ha..."

"Ha ha..." listening to Ming Xiaotian's scolding, Tang Yin first chuckled, then laughed on her back, stood up heavy and sat down again, took another plate of beef from the tray behind her, stuffed it into her mouth and raised her head to the executioner. The executioner understood, swung the ghost head knife, aimed at mingxiaotian's neck and cut it down fiercely.


This knife cut mingxiaotian's neck cleanly, and the severed head fell to the ground. The blood arrow was one or two meters high from the body cavity, forming a bright red blood spring in the air. Tang Yin looked at it with a smile. The small silver knife in her hand also cut off the meat from time to time and inserted it into the import.

The decisive battle between the Fengning army and the Fengning army in the west of Hedong can be called the total annihilation of the Ningjun army. More than 400000 people were killed by the Fengjun army or burned alive in the sea of fire, except that more than 10000 people survived. When the Fengjun was cleaning the battlefield, they threw all the bodies of Ning Jun into the burning Fengjun camp. There were so many bodies of Ning Jun that they didn't burn up even if the camp burned until noon. After the fire gradually subsided, the Fengjun entered the camp and looked at them. All they could see were black burned and deformed bodies, some of which had shrunk to the size of children, Some bodies were held together, while others were stacked on top of each other, half a meter high. It can be seen that in the end, Ning Jun thought of stacking bodies to isolate the fire, but it was a pity that he still failed to escape under the ravage of fire snakes.

Seeing this tragedy, even the soldiers of the wind army were moved by it. People dug a big pit outside the wind camp and buried the charred bodies of the whole camp on the spot.

This disastrous defeat led to the death of 400000 people in the Ning army. Even if it was not a fatal blow, it was also a great injury to the muscles and bones and vitality of the Ning country. It was also from the beginning of the war that the strong national strength of Ningguo gradually declined and the military strength collapsed. On the contrary, the strong period of Fengguo officially kicked off, resulting in the second war against Ningguo.

Tang Yin mercilessly burned and killed Ningguo's troops. Of course, he would not admit it. Ziying was responsible for it all. In order to appease Ning people in Hedong, Tang Yin ordered to demote Ziying to Viscount, demote the general to general, and punish him for three years.

Tang Yin did this to tell Ning Ren that he was opposed to killing and demobilizing the army. He didn't know what Ziying did. However, all the punishments he did to Ziying were needed. In fact, Ziying was still the commander of Tianying army and still held a heavy army. Although Tang Yin received Ziying's salary, he privately gave him rewards several times or dozens of times more than his salary.

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