Tang Yin handed over the defense of the South China Sea to the plain army and the Sanshui army, while he himself commanded the direct army and the Tianying army to guard Jianxing.

In the evening, Tang Yin went to Xicheng to check his defense. He was accompanied by Guyue and Wuying. At present, Jianxing occupied by the wind army is no different from the empty city. Under the repeated harassment and * * * of the wind army, there are few people in the city who die and escape. There are no strong men in the city. The defense of the whole city can only be completed by the officers and men of the directly subordinate army and the sky Eagle army.

At this time, even in the middle of the night, the city wall is still hung with lamp balls, torches and Liangzi Pinus tabulaeformis. The long city wall is illuminated as bright as day. Countless wind soldiers go up and down and constantly carry the weapons and instruments needed for urban defense to the city wall.

Tang Yin went to the west city where the enemy was most likely to attack. When he arrived at the West City, he didn't see Ziying. He asked the soldiers below. It turned out that Ziying had gone to the north city to supervise the defense of the north city. Both Beicheng and Dongcheng are the key defense of the directly subordinate army. Gu Yue was worried that Ziying could not command his soldiers in Beicheng, so he said to Tang Yin and hurried to Beicheng.

Tang Yin and Wu Ying went up to the city wall. The busy soldiers of the wind army saw Tang Yin coming. They quickly put down their work and knelt down on one knee to salute. Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "everybody get up. Don't worry about me. You're busy!"

"Yes! King!"

The soldiers of the wind army got up one after another and began to be nervous and busy again. The wall of Jianxing city is not high. Once the enemy attacks, they can only rely on perfect urban defense. On the city wall, almost every gap between the arrow stacks is filled with arrows. There are a pile of neatly placed rolling logs and stones every two or three steps. You can see the large oil pot every ten steps. In addition, many broken city crossbows and broken army crossbows have been moved to the city. The back of the crossbow machine has been lifted high, so that the edge of the crossbow can be aimed at the city, There are also many door panels under the arrow stack. Tang Yin understands that they are used to defend against each other's arrows.

While walking, Tang Yin nodded secretly. If the city defense of the other three walls can be as strong as the West City, even if 500000 or even millions of enemy troops attack, it will not be a problem for his side to stick to it for three days. Tang Yin and Wu Ying walked forward for a while. At this time, several veterans sitting on the ground and resting stood up one after another. These veterans were soldiers who had followed Tang Yin for a long time. Although they respected Tang Yin, they were not as afraid as other soldiers. The veterans bowed their hands and said in unison, "how are you, king!"

Tang Yin smiled and nodded at the people, waved his hand at the same time, indicating that they didn't need to be polite. A veteran in the crowd asked with a little anxiety: "king, I heard that the enemy who attacked this time was led by sun Yuanhong, the first general of Ningguo."

Slightly stunned for a moment, then Tang Yin smiled silently and asked, "what? Are you afraid?"

Of course, the veterans would not admit their fear of the enemy in front of their monarchs. People shook their heads and said in unison, "we are not afraid of anything when the king is here!"

"Good!" Tang Yin said with a smile: "Chang sun Yuanhong is just a Wufu. What's the point? If he dares to attack me Jianxing, I will go out of the city and take his head!"

Listening to Tang Yin's words, the veterans were relieved and smiled. They arched their hands and said, "Your Majesty is incomparable. This time, you will be able to kill Ning Jun without leaving any of them!"

"Ha ha --" Tang Yin laughed on her back, didn't say anything more, turned her back and walked away slowly with leisurely four steps.

Now Wu Guang and Jiang Fan, two generals, have followed the plain army and Sanshui army to the South China Sea. Tang Yin's fierce general is only Zhan Hu. Of course, there is Shangguan yuanrang who is seriously injured but refuses to return home. In Tang Yin's opinion, the strength of Zhan Hu is between Bo Zhong and Zhan invincible. If Zhan Hu fights against Chang sun Yuanhong, he will lose ten times. If Chang sun Yuanhong really comes to attack Jianxing, he can only fight in person. Tang Yin didn't have any fear in his heart. Instead, he was looking forward to it. He really wanted to try what was outstanding about the first general of Ningguo.

After walking a long distance, Wu Ying couldn't see the veterans. Wu Ying hurried to catch up with Tang Yin and asked nervously, "do you really want to fight changsun Yuanhong?"

Just looking at the expression on Wu Ying's face, Tang Yin understood her mind. He smiled and asked, "do you think I can't beat him?"

Wu Ying really thought so, but she didn't dare to say it. She quickly hung her head and said, "I won't dare at the end."

Tang Yin smiled, waved his hand and said, "don't be so polite in private." After a pause, he added, "always try something you don't know. If you haven't tried, how do you know you can't do it?"

"Yes!" Looking at Tang Yin who is full of confidence, Wu Ying unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Yin has such magic, which will give people an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. Tang Yin stood still, looked at the dark night sky outside the city and asked, "Xiaoying, you've been with me for so long. Have you long been homesick?"

Tang Yin guessed wrong this time. Wu Ying really didn't miss home. She followed Tang Yin all the way to the West. She experienced large and small wars every day. She was so busy that she didn't have time to miss home at all. She shook her head and whispered, "no!"

Tang Yin sighed, looked to the East and murmured, "I don't know what your sister is doing now?"

Sometimes Wu Ying can't help being jealous of Wu Mei. In such a tense war, Tang Yin will still miss her... She hummed softly and muttered, "what else can we do? Sleep when you're full, and eat when you wake up!"

"Ha ha..." Tang Yin couldn't help laughing. Wu Ying's words were not pleasant to hear, but they were penetrating. Although the dance is charming and charming, in fact, she has a confused surname and a young lady's temper. She really can't do anything in the palace. However, Tang Yin likes Wu Mei from the bottom of his heart and is willing to take care of her. For Tang Yin, who has strong control over the * *, he likes to be attached to women rather than too strong women.

Wu Ying didn't want to talk more about her sister. She pulled the topic back to Hedong and asked, "how sure is your king against long sun Yuanhong this time?"

Tang Yin never worried about this problem. He was a little stunned. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "this expedition to Hedong can only succeed and must succeed. I never considered the problem of defeat."

Wu Ying looked at Tang Yin directly for a long time, and finally smiled helplessly. She didn't know where Tang Yin's confidence came from.

Tang Yin suddenly remembered something, waved his hand, made a finger ring, and called out, "Cheng Jin!"


With a roar, a black fog rose in front of Tang Yin. In the blink of an eye, the center of the black fog turned into an entity. Cheng Jin walked out of the surrounding fog. He knelt on one knee, stepped in and saluted, and asked respectfully, "what's your order?"

Tang Yin has long been used to Cheng Jin's coming and going, but Wu Ying around him was startled and subconsciously leaned against Tang Yin. Tang Yin tilted her head, smiled at her, naturally patted her on the shoulder, and then asked Cheng Jin, "Cheng Jin, have our envoys sent to the west of Ningguo set out?"

Cheng Jin nodded and said, "I've started, but I need to hide my identity through Ningdi. The speed may be slower."

Tang Yin directly asked, "when will it arrive?"

"My subordinates listen to general le and general AI. It will take at least a month to cross Ningguo." Cheng Jin answered truthfully.

"It should take so long..." Tang Yin muttered, nodded, waved and said, "I know, you go!"

"My subordinates leave!" Cheng Jin shook his body, released a black fog, and disappeared in an instant. He said he was leaving. In fact, he was hiding near Tang Yin. Once there was an accident, he could arrive at the first time.

Tang Yin youyou said, "it is said that the cavalry of the state of Yue is very powerful. It would be better if we could lose this great enemy."

Wu Ying asked, "are the Vietnamese cavalry more powerful than the heavy cavalry of besa?"

Tang Yin smiled, shook his head and said, "our army has fought many wars and small battles with besa. We have long been familiar with the special surname of each other's heavy cavalry, so we also have ways to deal with it. As for Vietnam, we have never fought with it, and we don't know the characteristics of Yue cavalry. Strange enemies are the most terrible enemies!" Then he shook his head and said, "let's go to Nancheng again!"

"Good!" Wu Ying answered, and then comforted: "the cavalry can't be used to fight a tough battle, and the king doesn't have to worry too much."

Tang Yin smiled calmly and didn't answer.

The Fengjun troops arranged the urban defense in the South China Sea and the second city of Jianxing. Twenty days passed in the blink of an eye.

In these 20 days, the Fengjun moved all the national laws of Fengguo to Hedong, and all the Ning laws originally used in Hedong were abolished. In addition, in order to reduce the resistance of Ning people, or to win over the Ning people in Hedong area, Tang Yin accepted the suggestion of Wang Kai, the head of Hedong County, and reduced the taxes of Hedong for three years. As a Ningren, Wang Kai was forced to serve as the head of Hedong county. All he can do for Ningren is to strive for tangible benefits in terms of taxation.

Now Hedong is temporarily calm, and the wind army is no longer burning, killing and plundering everywhere as in the war. In ordinary days, it will basically not disturb the normal life of the people in Hedong. In addition, Tang Yin reduced the taxes in Hedong for three years. In three years, all the money earned by individuals belongs to themselves. In this way, many people's idea of moving inland has been dispelled.

What most people consider is very simple. As long as they can live a stable, peaceful and comfortable life, who will rule is actually the same. However, some people in Ningguo hate Tang Yin and Feng Jun and are looking for revenge all the time. In addition, many Rangers in Ningguo are also gathering in Hedong area, planning to find opportunities to jointly fight against the wind army.

If the large Hedong area is stable and calm on the surface, it is actually turbulent undercurrent.

Twenty days later, the 300000 ningyue allied forces led by Chang sun Yuanhong finally arrived in Hedong. However, Chang sun Yuanhong ignored Jianxing and the two cities in the South China Sea. He led the army directly between the two cities and went straight to the central hinterland of Hedong, the capital Qingyuan.

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