Seeing Tang Yin going back, Wu Ying immediately came forward and said anxiously, "I'll go back with the king!"

Tang Yin frowned. In the chaos of the army, it was a children's play. Even he had to be careful. If he was careless, he would worry about his family name and life. He said in a deep voice, "no, I'll just go ahead!"

But Wu Ying came up again at this time with a stubborn temper and said, "I must go!"

Now Tang Yin doesn't have time to talk to her. He said coldly, "what can you do? If you can't help, you have to drag me to protect you! I'm going to take care of you, not commit suicide!"

Wu Ying was stunned by Tang Yin's words. At the moment when she was stunned, Tang Yin's figure had disappeared. When she reappeared, she was in the crowd of the enemy. It's very difficult to break through from Ning Jun's camp. Now it's even harder for Tang Yin to return and face more Ning Jun.

Because he didn't have to open the way for his soldiers, Tang Yin didn't love war. He continued to cast shadow drift. His body appeared and disappeared in the Ning army. It was like entering a no man's land. After a short time, he rushed back.

At this time, Shangguan yuanrang was still fighting with Chang sun Yuanhong.

If in his heyday, Shangguan yuanrang may not be able to win over Chang sun Yuanhong, but at least he will not lose. But now he is hurt and his aura has not fully recovered. It seems that he is unable to fight with Chang sun Yuanhong. What's more, in the fierce fight, almost the healed wounds on his body burst again, which seems to be nothing on the surface, There were no scars on his spirit armor. In fact, the clothes and armor in the spirit armor were almost soaked with blood. Every time he moved, the wound was as painful as a needle.

Under such circumstances, where can Shangguan yuanrang be the opponent of Chang sun Yuanhong? As his spirit dissipated when he first came, Chang sun Yuanhong gradually launched a counterattack and made a move faster than a move. When Tang Yin arrived, Shangguan yuanrang had been defeated by Chang sun Yuanhong * and the situation was in jeopardy. It was possible to hurt the other party's Halberd at any time.

Tang Yin saw this and said nothing. He flashed directly behind Chang sun Yuanhong with a shadow drift and slashed out with a sickle. Long sun Yuanhong didn't even think about it. Shan Ji swept back and flicked the sickle away. Before he could make another move, Tang Yin behind him had flashed to Shangguan yuanrang.

Seeing Tang Yin back, Shangguan yuanrang and changsun Yuanhong are in the opposite mood. The former is surprised and angry. He spells his last name to ensure that the king can get out of trouble smoothly, but now he returns. Isn't this a sheep into a tiger? Chang sun Yuanhong is very excited. He is in a hurry to chase Tang Yin. Unfortunately, Shangguan yuanrang is like a piece of rubber candy. He clings to him and makes it difficult for him to get away. Now, Tang Yin is back again. It's up to him to find his own death and make his own unparalleled feat.

Long sun Yuanhong took a deep breath, and the nine ghost halberd in his hand twinkled with rays, which was the starting gesture of the spirit of the army.

Tang Yin, however, has experienced the powerful change of the spirit of sun Yuanhong's soldiers. Before the other party throws out the nine ghost halberd, Tang Yin picks up Shangguan yuanrang with one hand and turns around and runs away. Although Guan yuan is tall and heavy, Tang Yin seems to be as light as nothing, and his running speed is amazing.

oh dear! Unexpectedly, Tang Yin didn't even fight. He took Shangguan yuan and ran away. Chang sun Yuanhong could only take back the spirit change of the soldiers to be released, and then chased them. While running, he shouted: "stop Tang Yin! It's necessary to catch him today!"

Tang Yin's speed is fast, but there are too many Ning soldiers coming forward to stop him. The longer sun Yuanhong chases behind, the closer he gets. At this time, Tang Yin suddenly blew a long whistle. The whistle sound was sharp and came out for a long time. As soon as his whistle fell, he heard a thin hissing of war horses from Ning Jun. then, several Ning Jun not far from Tang Yin rushed forward and stepped on the fallen body. Ning Jun rushed out of the crowd and came straight to Tang Yin.

Ruying was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he came to Tang Yin's side. The latter kept walking and ran side by side with Ruying for a while. Then he raised his Qi and jumped up, holding shangguanyuan to let him fly onto the war horse, knock his feet on the horse's belly and rush towards the camp gate.

Watching Tang Yin ride like a flying horse and hit him head-on, the soldiers in front of the Ning army camp raised their long guns one after another to stab Ruying down, but before Ruying hit the tip of the gun, the sickle in Tang Yin's hand had swept out first, and the half moon shaped Lingbo shot into the crowd. The screams continued into one. Several Ning soldiers holding the long guns were cut off by Lingbo and died. Before Ning Jun could react, Ruying ran close to the crowd, kicked the ground with four hooves, carried Tang Yin and shangguanyuan, made the two jump high, flew over the heads of several Ning soldiers, and then fell heavily into the crowd.

"Ah --"

The two Ning soldiers could not dodge and were trampled by the shadow. They broke their bones and tendons on the spot and died. At the same time, Tang Yin waved his sickle continuously, and the soldiers in front of him fell to the ground with screams and wails. At this time, Shangguan yuanrang had sat on the horse's back from Tang Yin's ribs, but Tang Yin was riding a horse. He sat on the horse upside down, waved a three pointed two-edged knife and killed Ning Jun company who was chasing after him.

Tang Yin and Shangguan yuanrang joined hands, which was a terrible nightmare for ordinary soldiers of Ning army. However, the number of each other was too large. Ruying couldn't run if she wanted to run. She could only push forward a little when she killed a group of enemy soldiers. At this time, changsun yuanhongye had caught up with him. Jiuyougui halberd aimed at the key of Shangguan yuanrang and stabbed several moves.

Behind him was Tang Yin. Shangguan yuanrang dared not dodge. He stubbornly waved a knife to parry and reluctantly blocked Chang sun Yuanhong's killing moves one by one. Sitting in front of the horse, Tang Yin also noticed that long sun Yuanhong was chasing him. He didn't have time to think about it. He bent down and stretched his arms. He only heard a bang. A Ning Bing's throat was caught by Tang Yin's palm.

Tang Yin's palm gave birth to a black fog. The fog seemed to be given life, and all of it went into the body of the soldier Ning. At the same time, the soldier's body seemed to be a balloon being inflated, which grew bigger and bigger, and even the helmet and armor he was wearing were cracked. When the soldier's body was on the verge of breaking, Tang Yin suddenly waved his arm and threw it out behind him.

Chang sun Yuanhong is well-informed. When he saw the swollen soldier, he immediately understood that it was a unique skill of the dark Department of Lingwu, the shadow spell. However, he knew better than did not know. At this time, he was faced with a difficult choice, either to give up the pursuit and use his spirit to suppress the soldiers attacked by the shadow curse so that they could not spread, or to ignore it completely and let it explode, causing incalculable losses to his own side.

Under the choice of capturing the king and saving people, Chang sun Yuanhong chose the former. His forward body only paused slightly, and then shouted, "get out of the way! All our soldiers and men get out of the way!"

Before his voice fell, the body of the soldier Ning had burst in the air, and the black blood and meat foam scattered from the air poured into the army Ning like a black rain.

Just for a moment, at least 100 mingning troops were affected by it, and their bodies began to turn black and expand rapidly. Chang sun Yuanhong had a deep spirit and was not afraid of the shadow spell. Black blood splashed on his spirit armor, but turned into a blue smoke, and the spirit armor was not damaged at all.

If the attack fails, Tang Yin releases the shadow spell again, grabs Ning Bing, invades the shadow spell into his body, and then throws it back to stop the pursuit of long sun Yuanhong.

Ning Bing, one after another, was thrown head-on. Although Chang sun Yuanhong was not afraid, his forward body was indeed blocked. He was close to Tang Yin, but he just couldn't touch each other. At this time, so resourceful, calm and mature Chang sun Yuanhong screamed angrily, and Tang Yin had nothing to do.

He chased and killed Tang Yin regardless, but suffered the following Sergeant Ning. With Tang Yin constantly releasing the shadow spell, countless people were attacked by it. Those who survived the disaster retreated and fled in all directions, and the original tight formation of Ning army gradually became loose.

In this way, it is tantamount to creating favorable conditions for Tang Yin's breakthrough, such as shadow, four hooves dancing like the wind, running like flying, and colliding in the crowd. At this time, there was another chaos in the depths of the Ning army camp in front of Tang Yin. The above official brothers and heavy Armored Cavalry led by Wu Ying came back to meet Tang Yin and Shangguan yuanrang.

Among the ten thousand troops, it was not easy to break out of the encirclement but recoil back. This was beyond Tang Yin's expectation, and even more beyond Ning Jun's expectation. People only looked at Tang Yin in front of them and were completely unprepared behind them. Countless Ning soldiers didn't even figure out what was going on, and were foolishly trampled to death by war horses.

"Protect the king! Protect the king quickly!" The officers and men of the wind army roared one after another, killing a path of blood in the Ning army and merging with Tang Yin. Shangguan Yuanwu first took over Shangguan yuanrang immediately from Tang Yin, and then hurriedly said to Tang Yin, "go, king!"

Tang Yin was protected by Shangguan brothers, Wu Ying and others to break out, while a large number of heavy Armored Cavalry went to block the pursuit of Chang sun Yuanhong. Ning Bing's soldiers had nothing to do with their heavy armor, but they couldn't stop sun Yuanhong's nine ghost halberd.

The two heavy armored cavalry soldiers were the fastest and went to meet Chang sun Yuanhong. Before and after reaching him, the long guns in their hands stabbed Chang sun Yuanhong's chest. At this time, the latter's attention was focused on Tang Yin. How could they entangle with these ordinary wind troops more? The halberd in his hand suddenly showed light, and then the soul chasing sting was released.

The dense and sharp spirit spikes didn't give the two heavy armor cavalry room to hide at all. Almost all of them hit them. The three layers of thick armor on their bodies were easily pierced by the spirit spikes. Poor two heavy armor cavalry were instantly nailed into a horse honeycomb by soul chasing spikes. There were blood holes all over their body, and even the pabu horse they stepped down was not spared.

However, in order to protect the king from leaving safely, all the Knights of the wind army risked their surnames. Long sun Yuanhong had just stabbed them to death, and more heavy Armored Cavalry came in front of him.

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