"The enemy is disguised as a dead man. Don't be afraid, brothers. Kill me..." Zhong Shun wanted to stabilize his soldiers and shouted loudly, but his shouting also attracted the attention of one, Tang Yin.

The dark shadow standing on the corpse mountain with a long sickle and green eyes is not someone else, it is Tang Yin. He had night eyes and looked at the night as if it were day. When Ning Jun first entered the valley, Tang Yin saw each other. He turned his mind and immediately asked his soldiers to mix in the corpse, pretend to be dead, confuse Ning Jun, and then kill him suddenly, taking Ning Jun by surprise.

The ground of the canyon is full of corpses and corpse water. If the wind army rolls on the ground at will, they can be stained with black corpse water. With their blood stains, they mix in the corpses motionlessly, which is really no different from the dead. In addition, there are real corpses in the wind army. Zhong Shun believes that the dead can no longer stand up and fight, but he doesn't know that there is a very secret, strange and cruel skill in the dark spiritual martial arts, the death contract. This skill can make the dead become slaves of darkness and Zombies who have no soul, no thought and can only move according to the wishes of the caster.

Death contract is a very old and immoral skill in dark spiritual martial arts. Even many dark spiritual practitioners have never heard of it, let alone learned it. Tang Yin can use this skill, but he has only used it once. This is his second time.

Standing on the corpse mountain, he was as bright as a torch. At a glance, he saw Zhong Shun, who was wearing a spirit armor, holding a spirit gun and shouting desperately in the crowd of Ning army. He caught the thief first and captured the king. Tang Yin didn't think about it. He directly flashed to the side of Zhong Shun with a shadow drift, waved the sickle in his hand horizontally and slashed Zhong Shun's waist.

Zhong Shun's spiritual force is not weak. Listening to the bad wind on the side, he subconsciously erected his spiritual gun to parry. Clang! The edge of the sickle was cutting on the barrel of the spirit gun. With a crisp sound, the sparks sprang up. Under the impact of Tang Yin's knife, Zhong Shun involuntarily took two steps back, and with a bang, his body hit the cliff heavily.

He felt his hands numb and painful, especially the tiger's mouth. His hands holding the gun could not help shaking. He was shocked and exclaimed, "who is it?"

"Tang Yin!"

Tang Yin came out slowly from the darkness. He dragged the ground with a sickle, rubbed the ground and made a rustling sound. The green light flashing in his eyes was more prosperous, as if he were two green light bulbs. In the dark Canyon, people couldn't help but feel hairy after watching.

Tang Yin? Hearing the name, Zhong Shun's whole heart shrank. Tang Yin, the new monarch of Fengguo, who is the biggest threat to Ningguo. The general tries every means to kill him. Now stand in front of him?! At this time, Zhong Shun's mood was not clear whether it was tension, fear, awe or excitement. His body trembled violently. Suddenly, he roared and raised his gun to stab. At the same time, he showed his spiritual skills and soul chasing stab.

This is where Zhong Shun doesn't have enough experience against dark spiritual practitioners. When Chang sun Yuanhong fought with Tang Yin, he was unwilling to use spiritual skills with his deep cultivation, because the shadow drift of dark spiritual practitioners is too tricky. Using skills against them is not only a waste of his aura, but also vulnerable to the counterattack of the other party.

Zhong Shun has made such a mistake now. As soon as his soul chasing sting is released, Tang Yin in front of him disappears. Before his soul chasing sting is finished, Tang Yin has appeared behind him without warning, raised his leg and hit Zhong Shun's back.

The weight of this foot was not light. Zhong Shun was kicked with a strange cry and shot forward fiercely. Plop! He flew five meters before he fell to the ground and rushed into the mess. He lay on the ground and felt the pain of his back waist like tearing. When he touched it back, not only the spirit armor of his back waist was broken, but also the steel armor inside was sunken into a big pit.

He turned around, sat on the ground and took several breaths before swallowing the blood gushing into his throat. Zhong Shun still wanted to get up and fight again. Tang Yin stepped forward, put the sickle forward, put it against Zhong Shun's neck, sneered and said in a quiet voice: "if you order the whole army to surrender, I can spare your life. Otherwise, this will be your burial place!"

Zhong Shunxian was surprised, and then his shoulder trembled. He laughed wildly, gritted his teeth and said, "Tang Yin, there are only soldiers who died in the battle in Ningguo, not rats who are greedy for life and fear of death! If you want us to give up resistance, it's simple, as long as you can kill us all!" While talking, he waved the spirit gun in his hand, opened the sickle in front of his neck, then jumped up from the ground and stabbed Tang Yin several times.

"Hum!" Tang Yin sneered and said, "since you want to die, I'll help you!" As he spoke, his body swung from side to side like willows in the wind, and easily dodged the spirit gun stabbed by Zhong Shun. When the other party's front force was exhausted and his rear force was not enough, he suddenly shook the sickle, and the dark fire attached to the blade. Then, he rushed to Zhong Shun with an arrow step, and waved the knife for three times.

Tang Yin's knife was fast and cruel, with almost no interval. Zhong Shun reluctantly took the three knives with his milk strength, but people were shocked and withdrew from the three strides. Before he calmed down, Tang Yin disappeared in front of him. When he was worried, there was a strong wind behind him.

Zhong Shun had no time to think about it. As soon as he fell to the ground, he heard the brush. The sickle almost swept across his head. Zhong Shun was shocked into a cold sweat and whispered to Tang Yin. No wonder the general would hurt his hand! If he had been beaten so badly by Tang Yin at ordinary times, Zhong Shun would have withdrawn long ago, but now he can't withdraw. He can only stand it hard.

On the court, Zhong Shun has been hit by Tang Yin's fast attack. He has only parry attack and has no ability to fight back. The danger is still alive and extremely passive, and the Ning soldiers below are even worse. People still don't know whether the enemy they meet is human or ghost. If it is human, why are many corpses rotten and showing their bones, dragging their intestines flowing out of the body and still swinging a knife? People are frightened, have no fighting spirit to speak of, and their combat effectiveness has also decreased sharply. The 5000 Ning army dare not fight and retreat. From time to time, someone is hit by a knife and falls to the ground with a scream.

The battle in the canyon has been in full swing. The sound of shouting and killing spread far in the silent night. The wind army camps on the north and south sides heard the sound of shouting and killing. Not surprisingly, the plain army and Sanshui army in the South and the Tianying army and directly subordinate army in the North all dispatched again from the north and south sides * Jinning army camp.

This had long been expected by sun Yuanhong. When the plain army and the Sanshui army were only fifty steps away from the Ning army camp, suddenly the South Gate of the Ning camp was opened and countless carriages roared out of it.

Each of these carriages was pulled by two war horses. There were two dead soldiers of Ning army standing on the carriage, holding a long halberd three meters away. On both sides of the carriage, several steel knives were fixed respectively, with the blades facing forward and shining cold. The chariot drawn horses, without exception, caught fire in their tails and burned from the back to the front. The body burned, the war horse was frightened, ran forward recklessly, and rushed into the crowd of the wind army.

The crazy war horse had too much momentum. The whole soldier who was hit by it bounced out, broke his bones and tendons, and entered the wind army camp. The dead soldiers of Ning army on the carriage, regardless of both sides, stabbed forward with a long halberd. As soon as the carriage passed, the steel knives fixed on both sides easily scratched a large number of people.

The power of a carriage is so powerful, and there are thousands of carriages running out of Ningying. Looking from a distance, the war horses covered with fire form a long fire dragon, which rushes into the crowd of the wind army. If they enter the uninhabited territory, the frightened war horses collide with each other, the steel knives on the carriage become meat grinder, and countless wind troops have not even had the consciousness of hiding, It was cut in two by a steel knife.

The wind army was caught off guard by the fire carriage array suddenly killed, and had never seen such a tactic.

The war horse is such a precious resource that no matter which country's army is very precious, how can it be burned alive? In fact, there are not so many war horses in the Ning army, most of which are left by the Vietnamese army. When attacking the canyon, the Vietnamese army also made a lot of efforts and damaged many soldiers. When the Vietnamese army withdrew, it did not take away the war horses of the dead soldiers, but left them to Chang sun Yuanhong, hoping to help him. As a result, these war horses were really used by Chang sun Yuanhong, but their ultimate end was to be burned alive.

The war horses on fire are out of control at all, and Ning Bing on the carriage will inevitably be destroyed and killed in the end. But now Ning Jun wants to break through, and Chang sun Yuanhong can't care so much. He can only sacrifice a small number of people to ensure that his main force can get out of trouble smoothly.

When the burning carriage rushed into the Fengjun camp, the main force of Ning army led by Chang sun Yuanhong also rushed out of the camp. Through a bloody road rushed out by the carriage, Ning army broke through to the south.

At this time, the Fengjun camp is in chaos. People shout and horses hiss and scream. If Chang sun Yuanhong is in his heyday, he will take this opportunity to kill Fengjun. But now he is even gritting his teeth on horseback. Where can he fight?

Although it is rare to create a fighter plane by sacrificing more than 10000 war horses, he can only give orders that the whole army should not love war, break through the encirclement quickly and withdraw quickly in the direction of Qingyuan City.

Now the Ning army is lightly armed. Not only did they not bring any extra things, but even their steel helmets and armor were taken off. Each one wore hemp military clothes, threw off his two legs, and ran through the wind army camp like a tide and fled to the south.

When Xiao muqinghe and Liang Qi finally stabilize the morale of the army, reorganize the flag and drum, and then look at Ning army, they have fled without trace.

oh dear! Liang Qiji stamped his feet in a hurry and said to Xiao MuQing: "I've been fooled! You and I have been fooled! It seems that the letter we intercepted from Chang sun Yuanhong is true. The Yue army did return to the state of Yue, and Chang sun Yuanhong was seriously injured. Alas! You and I missed the opportunity!"

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