After pondering Qiu Zhen's words, Tang Yin nodded secretly and felt that what he said was not unreasonable.

At the beginning of his half month inspection, he was very satisfied with the performance of the ten centurions and reported it to Wu Mei. The reply was that each person was rewarded. Even he didn't understand the purpose of this reward. If it was worth it in the military, what's the use of more accumulated rewards if he didn't make mistakes in his life?

He nodded and said, "you're right!" He looked at Guyue and Lotte again and asked, "what's your opinion?"

Originally, both Guyue and Lotte thought it was a pity to hand over so many gold and silver treasures to Wang Ting. They could divide up some privately, but after hearing Qiu Zhen's words, they also felt that storage was more effective.

"I agree with the deputy commander," he said in unison

"Yes!" Tang Yin came back, squatted down, looked at the two boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, blinked, grabbed a hand, smiled and said, "we have made great contributions in suppressing the bandits. First reward ourselves!" As he spoke, he put the gold and silver he grabbed on the straw mat, shook his head at Qiu Zhen, Guyue and Lotte and said, "divide!"

"Ha ha --" seeing this, they all laughed. No one doesn't like money. Tang Yin can only be regarded as an alternative.

Guyue and Lotte tore off the sheets and wrapped two boxes, one on their back, and then came out of the hut.

At this time, the search and arrest outside was coming to an end, and the number of prisoners of the bandits increased a lot. Tang Yin saw the situation and simply ordered that all the captured bandits be executed.

For a time, the fierce cries, dying cries for help and desperate wails in the stronghold came one after another.

Whether you beg for mercy or not, soldiers are not pitiful. The superior gives orders and they just carry them out.

Soon, hundreds of captured bandits became the ghosts of the soldiers. Then Qiu Zhen ordered the soldiers to prepare a large box, cut off their little fingers from the bandit's body and put them in it to leave vouchers. After returning to Yancheng, they could ask for meritorious service from the king's court.

Guyue and Lotte also took the opportunity to put in two boxes containing gold, silver and jewelry, cover them with bloody broken fingers and hide them, and plan to take them out after returning to Yancheng.

The battle was clean and beautiful. It was not easy for 2000 soldiers to wipe out thousands of bandits and bandits with less than 100 casualties.

Tang Yin led the soldiers back in triumph. When he left the stronghold, he was afraid that it would be used by other bandits in the future. He set a fire and burned it up, including the body.

When they went out of the mountain, through the woods and returned to their team, the other eight commanders were already impatient. They were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. If Tang Yin had not had a military order in advance, they might have taken their men to support them.

Seeing Tang Yin and others returning safely, the eight commanders rushed up together and asked, "general Tang, why have you been there for so long? Are there a lot of bandits?"

During the war, Tang Yin had a spirit armor on his body, so there was no blood on his body at this time. Unlike Guyue, Lotte and others, he was covered with blood, as if he had been drenched with blood.

"The number of enemies is too thousands. Do you say there are too many?" After walking so far back and forth, Qiu Zhen was also tired. He sat on the ground and gasped.

"Ah? There are so many bandits!" The eight thousand captains looked surprised.

Qiu Zhen waved to the soldiers behind him and shouted, "bring the box!"

After a short time, four soldiers brought the box full of broken fingers and opened the lid. They looked inside with their heads. They frowned and grinned. Edgar covered her nose and almost spit it out.

"Although there are many bandits, they have all been eliminated by us. We also broke into the bandits' stronghold and took away their nests, so we wasted a little more time." Qiu Zhen explained half true and half false.

"I see." The eight centurions nodded knowingly and looked at the people who had been killed covered with blood. They were happy and envious. They regretted that they had missed the opportunity.

Tang Yin didn't dismount and said, "take care of the injured brothers first. I'll report to the princess."

The princess of the Empire was not his superior, but out of courtesy and respect, she had to tell her the result of the battle.

This time, the female bodyguard didn't make trouble for him or ridicule him. Anyway, Tang Yin was very grateful to kill the enemy for them.

The chambermaid told the princess and then let Tang Yin pass.

Before arriving at the coach, Tang Yin turned over and lowered his horse. He said, "Princess highness, all the bandits in front of the country have been cleared up, killing more than one thousand hundred people in this war, and the princess can set her mind at ease."

"General Tang has worked hard!" The princess's voice came from the car. It didn't seem as stiff as before.

"This is what my subordinates should do." Tang Yin replied in a low voice.

"General Tang!"

"My subordinates are here."

"I... can I go out for a walk and get some air?"

Unexpectedly, the princess would suddenly ask himself this question. He didn't know how to answer it. He turned his head and looked at the female bodyguard next to him.

The waitress, in a low voice, said, "all the way, your highness is sitting in a carriage, not coming out."

What is afraid to come out? Tang Yin didn't understand. He smiled and asked, "isn't there a monster outside?"

The female bodyguard was almost amused by his words, but on second thought, he was disrespectful to the princess. His face immediately sank and coldly reminded him, "general Tang, please pay attention to your words in front of the princess!"

Tang Yin looked at her with a frown. It was intolerable to her arrogant attitude. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your Highness wants to come out and let it go, even if you have a monster, your subordinates will fight to death."

"Hum! You are more terrible than monsters!" The waitress said angrily.


With the crisp sound, the curtain was lifted. Tang Yin instinctively raised his eyes. When he saw the appearance of the people inside, the whole person was stunned.

The woman in the car was only eighteen or nine years old, but she was extremely beautiful.

She was dressed in red and pink clothes. Her waist length hair didn't curl up and slipped down like brocade. Her skin was white and delicate, just like lanolin. It seemed that she could squeeze out water with a gentle pinch. Her delicate facial features were beautiful, even illusory. The beauty was dazzling. The beauty could make people forget everything in the world unconsciously. She was the only one left in her eyes.

She doesn't seem to come from the world, but more like a fairy coming out of the fairyland of heaven.

Her beauty is not gorgeous, but holy. Her beauty is not dazzling, but no one can ignore it.

Seeing Tang Yin's sniff at the wood's chicken, she looked at her royal highness, and the female guard was sniffing at her side. She was not surprised at Tang Yin's performance. There are no monsters outside, but after seeing the princess, almost all men may become monsters.

She couldn't see Tang Yin's expression. The head of the bodyguard stabbed Tang Yin in the arm with a scabbard sword and said, "why? Stupid? You won't become a monster?"

Tang Yin finally recovered, but spit out two words that surprised everyone: "crystal?!"

The chief guard looked at him strangely, and laughed at him. "I have heard of someone who praised the princess as a fairy, and praised it as a goddess. But general Tang, you are the most creative. You can compare the royal highness of a princess to a crystal."

Tang Yin ignored her, but looked straight at the princess.

He is too familiar with this face. Strictly speaking, it is not him, but the severity integrated with him.

The princess in front as like as two peas in the deep love of crystal, are even the same. They are even the same temperament, graceful, noble and holy, so that they can not help feeling ashamed.

No wonder her voice is so familiar. Yes, she even has the same voice as crystal.

At this time, Tang Yin felt as if he had incarnated into a severe, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat. At the same time, there was a strong tingling feeling in his heart. The pain of being betrayed by his lover almost tore his mind. It can be said that his love for crystal is as deep as his hatred.

"Why... Do this to me?"

Tang Yin squeezed out these words from his teeth, and his aura spread outward. The thick black fog enveloped his whole body. His ten fingers bent and slowly clenched into a fist, and the stretched green tendons were clearly visible.

Until this time, the female bodyguard suddenly found that Tang Yin was not stunned by the beauty of the princess. Even fools could feel the strong murderous spirit and pressure emanating from him.

"Tang... Tang Yin, you... What are you doing to your highness?" She hurried forward and stood in front of the princess.

Tang Yin simply ignored her existence, and his hot and sharp eyes seemed to pass directly through her body and directly on the princess behind her.

"Why did you betray me? Why did you hurt me? Did you use my lies to make those vows?" He approached slowly.

At this time, he completely became another person - Yan lie.

According to his words, he seems to know the princess, but the chambermaid can be sure that he and the princess have never met. She was called into the imperial palace as the escort of the princess since she was a child. It can be said that she grew up with the princess. She must have seen all the people the princess knew, but for Tang Yin, she can be sure that today is the first time she saw her.

Princess Yin Rou was completely shocked by the sudden changes in front of her. No one dared to be so rude and interrogated her. She sat on the crown mat and didn't dare to move.

"Don't go any further!" The female bodyguard was forced to draw out her sword and point it at Tang Yin. At the same time, the surrounding female bodyguards rushed over and surrounded Tang Yin.

Qiu Zhen and others naturally noticed the change here, but they didn't know what had happened. They thought something had happened to the princess and rushed over.

When they saw clearly that Tang Yin was confronting the princess and the palace guards, they were almost scared and rushed forward shouting: "wait a minute! Stop! General Tang, what happened?"

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