Tang Yin frowned, looked at Ziying strangely, smiled calmly and said, "Ziying, what do you mean?"

Ziying took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, now the casualties of our army have been close to 200000, and the soldiers have been exhausted after a continuous battle for more than a month. In addition, most of the brothers in the army do not adapt to the climate in Hedong. There are countless patients, and the combat strength has been sharply reduced, while Ning army is waiting for work in Hexi..."

Before Ziying finished, Tang Yin waved and interrupted: "Our army is tired, isn't Ning army tired? Don't forget that Chang sun Yuanhong's subordinates rushed from the west of Ningguo to Liangzhou and from Liangzhou to Hedong. It's no easier than our army. Our army doesn't adapt to the climate of Hedong, and the weather contrast between the west of Ningguo and Hedong is even greater. Is Ning army adapted? I know you'll say that Zhanghe River will have a water war, but our army won't fight Water war, but will the Western army of Ningguo fight water war? Neither will they! Layman to layman, what are we afraid of? "

Ziying was robbed by Tang Yin and said nothing. What Tang Yin said is exactly what he worried about, but it can't be said that Tang Yin's analysis is unreasonable. Xiao MuQing and Liang Qi looked at each other again and grinned knowingly. It seems that king miening has made up his mind and his side will continue to move westward!

At this time, Xiao MuQing stepped forward, arched his hands and shouted, "King Shengming, now is the best time to destroy Ning. We must not miss it. Our army should immediately go to Zhanghe River and prepare to cross the river!"

Tang Yin was stunned after listening, then pointed at Xiao MuQing with her finger and laughed.

Liang Qi and Ziying were beside, and their noses were almost crooked. Although they didn't talk in words, they all understood each other's intention. They were all opposed to continuing to move westward. As a result, Tang Yin's attitude was firm, Xiao MuQing changed quickly, and immediately changed from opposition to support. They were typical of one wall grass and two sides.

Xiao MuQing has supported Liang Qi and Ziying. It's not good to say more. They both bow their hands and say in unison, "Your Majesty is wise!"

With the approval of commander Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and Ziying, the matter of Anning has basically become a matter of nailing on the board. Before they could have a further discussion, the door of the room opened and captain Yuan Wu came recently. With him were Wang Kai, the head of Hedong County, Du Qing, the county lieutenant, and two servants carrying food and drinks.

"I'm glad to see your Majesty in good health, and I'm relieved!" Wang Kai and Du Qing hurried to Tang Yin and knelt down to salute.

Tang Yin looked down at them, nodded and said with a smile, "Lord Wang and general Du, please get up!" After a pause, he asked, "Lord Wang, what's the situation in Hedong during this period?"

Wang Kai looked positive and replied respectfully, "everything is fine. The people's mood has calmed down a lot and the situation has gradually stabilized!" No matter how he feels about Tang Yin, disgust or hatred, on the surface, he dare not neglect it at all. After all, Hedong has been controlled by the wind army. Tang Yin can decide his life and death, as well as the life and death of millions of people in Hedong.

Tang Yin patted Wang Kai on the shoulder with a smile and said, "I have just taken over Hedong county. The affairs must be complicated. Lord Wang needs a lot of hard work."

"Your Majesty is very polite. I'm the head of the county. I should try my best to share the worries and solve the difficulties for your majesty."

"Good. That's what I said. I hope you think so." The smile on Tang Yin's face is thicker.

He was laughing, but in Wang Kai's eyes, he felt cold in his heart. Tang Yin is a smiling tiger. His smile often hangs on his face, but he is moody. No one knows what evil thoughts are hidden under the surface of his smile.

"Your Majesty, the food is ready." Shangguan Yuanwu bowed and motioned the two servants to put the tray on the table. As soon as they were about to leave, Yuanwu stopped them and separated some wine and vegetables for them to taste first. After confirming that they were non-toxic, he sent them away, and then said to Tang Yin, "please have a meal, king."

Tang Yin nodded and went to the table. First, he drank three cups of tea, then picked up the dishes and chopsticks and ate. They all stood and waved their chopsticks and said, "they can't eat at all!"

As a junior minister, there is no reason to eat at the same table with the king. It is also not polite. Everyone shook their heads and repeatedly said, "king, we are not hungry!"

Among the people, Xiao MuQing is the one who knows Tang Yin best. Only he has the cheek to go to the table and say, "king, I've eaten, but I'm a little thirsty. I'll ask for two drinks." Xiao MuQing knew that Tang Yin didn't pay attention to etiquette at all, and didn't know the strict hierarchical relationship between monarchs and ministers. If he only looked at it at this time, it would be too strange. If he came to eat and drink with Tang Yin, it would be a little too much. It would be just right to have a few drinks with Tang Yin.

Sure enough, Tang Yin looked at him with a smile, casually pushed the wine pot in front of him, and muttered, "drink if you want. What's wrong?" Swallowing his mouth, he asked, "MuQing, tell me, what are we going to do next?"

Before Xiao MuQing could answer, Wang Kai's face changed. He asked suspiciously, "do you want to fight again? Hasn't the king beaten Chang sun Yuanhong and swallowed up the whole East of the river?"

"Hedong? Ha ha..." Tang Yin said with a smile, "what I want now is not just Hedong, but a complete Ningguo. I have discussed with you just now. Next, our army's action is to continue to advance westward, cross Zhanghe River and destroy Ningguo!"

Ah? Wang Kai took a breath. Tang Yin's ambition is so great. He is not satisfied with occupying such a large Hedong. He even wants to annex the whole country of Ning! He pondered for a moment and hurriedly asked, "when?"

Tang Yin picked up a piece of sauce beef, stuffed it into his mouth and said vaguely, "the sooner the better. It's best to start immediately."

"This... This is not appropriate?" Wang Kai said carefully.

"What's wrong?"

"I... many of our officers and soldiers have injuries, especially in the hot and humid east of the river. The officers and soldiers come from the dry wind country. They are often infected with poison sores and their skin ulcers are very serious. Five of the ten formations have injuries, and the officers and soldiers are also exhausted. If we march now, I'm afraid... The war situation will be unfavorable to our army." Wang Kai pretended to be calm and analyzed.

Tang Yin felt tasteless after listening. He put down his dishes and chopsticks and drank a cup of tea silently. Then he looked up at Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue and asked them if it was true. Xiao MuQing nodded slowly with a puzzled look on their faces. Look, Tang Yin knows that what Wang Kai said is true. If this is the case, the whole army really needs a good rest.

He turned his eyes and said casually, "Lord Wang, you know the situation of our army very well!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. Wang Kai inspires Lingling to fight a cold war. You should know that under the system of the wind country, the head of the county does not contact the army, and the situation in the army has nothing to do with the head of the county. Now when asked by Tang Yin, Wang Kai is really a little unprepared. However, he reacted quickly and immediately said: "the drugs needed in the army have to be bought by the county with silver, but the amount is huge. I don't know if someone will fill their own pockets and go to the army to check. Therefore, I also know something about the situation in the army."

When he said that, there was nothing wrong with him. Tang Yin nodded, meditated for a while and asked, "how about our army taking a rest in Qingyuan for three days?"

Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue quickly bowed their hands and said, "it's the best." Not to mention three days off, even if you can rest for three months, it would be better if you can rest for a year and a half.

Seeing that none of them objected, Tang Yin picked up the dishes and chopsticks and continued to eat, Hu Bolt said, "let's have a rest for three days. However, some things need to be prepared. Since Chang sun Yuanhong retreated to the west of the river, the ships on the east bank must also be robbed by him. Our army should investigate along the river and borrow ships from the people with ships at home. In addition, we should build rafts ourselves. The more the better."

"The end will understand!"

Xiao MuQing and his four men arched their hands together.

While eating, Tang Yin told anxiously, "water warfare is not our army's specialty, and it's not easy to fight. We need to recruit water troops on the spot. As long as they have a good surname of water or know how to fight water warfare, whether they are Fengren or Ningren, they can be recruited into the army. There can be more silver. Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men!"

After hearing this, Xiao MuQing was shocked. He arched his hands and said, "see you tomorrow... No, today I'll rush to the Zhanghe River to recruit water troops."

Tang Yin nodded and said with a smile, "OK! Estimate how much money you need. After you decide, you don't have to report it to me. Just pick it up from Lord Wang." Then he said to Wang Kai, "Lord Wang, there is still a lot of silver left in the county bank. You should try your best to cooperate with General Xiao."

"Yes! King!" Wang Kai made a firm promise and respected and hated Tang Yin at the same time. He admired Tang Yin's intelligence and agility. Recruiting the navy can not only make up for the shortcomings of the water war of the wind army, but also fill the combat effectiveness consumed by the injuries of the wind army. What he hated was that Tang Yin's way of beating the people with Ningren was too vicious. No matter whether the result of the war was good or bad, it was Ningguo who suffered in the end.

Seeing that Xiao MuQing was going to recruit sailors near the Zhanghe River, Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue refused to fall behind, and one after another said they would go with Xiao MuQing. Tang Yin was happy to see the scene of the Fourth Army fighting for soldiers appear. He didn't object and agreed to it all.

Tang Yin handed over the preparations for the battle across the river to the commander of the Fourth Army. He was happy and relaxed and was ready to have a good rest in Qingyuan City for three days.

However, the three days he rested were not peaceful, and the battle of crossing the river in the future was far from as easy as he imagined. The serious injury of Chang sun Yuanhong did not affect his outstanding military strategy and talent. He had already laid a big net for Tang Yin on the West Bank of Zhanghe River, waiting for him to attack.

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