Tang Yin looked at Cao Hai, who was filled with righteous indignation, and burst into a laugh. Youyou said, "it seems that your excellency didn't come to drink with Gu today, but deliberately came to be angry with Gu!"

Cao Hai said tit for tat: "there is only one king in Hedong, but that king is definitely not your highness King Feng!"

"Hehe, who is it?"

"King Ning!"

"Ha ha -" Tang Yin laughed up, but then he stopped laughing and said darkly, "since you are so loyal to King Ning, you'd better go on the road and wait for him first!"

While talking, Tang Yin suddenly waved his arm, and the cold light suddenly appeared. He drew a half moon arc in the air. At the same time, a spirit wave flew out. When the whole hall didn't respond, the spirit wave was not biased and just hit Cao Hai's eyebrows.

Go! When Cao Yin's body and his head fell stiffly for a second, he looked up at the sea and fell down slowly.


The sudden change made the lobby ring out a cry of surprise. Wang Kai was dumbfounded on the spot. The other seven rich and noble people were trembling with fear. Their faces were white and covered with cold sweat.

Tang Yin didn't even look at the others. The machete he had just pulled out had been taken back. He raised his eyes to the door and said in a deep voice, "come on!"

"What's your order?" As soon as he spoke, he ran to several bodyguards from outside.

Tang Yin pointed to the body on the ground and said, "drag it out."

"Yes! King!" The bodyguards rushed up, dragging Cao Hai's body and walked away quickly. As soon as they left, the servants on both sides hurried forward and knelt down to wipe the blood on the ground quickly.

Blood can be wiped dry, but the bloody smell floating in the lobby can not be removed. The scene of Cao Hai's tragic death has also been set in people's mind and can't be waved away for a long time.

"Big... Please forgive me..." Deng Ping, Peng Yu, Zeng an, Xiao Qing, Tian Ju, Dong Jian and Yuan Chunan all fell on their knees at the same time. Their heads were on the ground and they didn't even dare to lift their heads, let alone go to see Tang Yin.

Tang Yin looked around at the crowd. The murderous opportunity on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a harmless and kind smile. He waved his hand and said, "what are you doing? Please get up quickly."

At this time, the people dared not stand up and said in a trembling voice: "King... I'll wait... I'll prepare the silver tomorrow and send it in person..." let them take out 100000 liang of silver, which is the same as cutting their hearts and flesh, but compared with their surname and life, 100000 liang of silver is nothing.

But to their surprise, Tang Yin shook her head and said, "no!"

"King... You..."

Tang Yin smilingly picked up the wine glass and said softly, "let each of you take out 100000 liang of silver. It's just Gu's test of your loyalty to the wind country and Gu. As a result, he tried to find out Cao Hai, a coquettish minister and thief. Like this, Gu will never tolerate annihilation and will kill them all. Lord Wang?"

When Wang Kai heard Tang Yin's call, he finally came back to his senses. At this time, his heart was as painful as a knife. Cao Hai didn't want to come, but he forced him to come. The result was self defeating. Instead, Cao Hai lost his last name. How can he bear such a great responsibility and how can he explain to Cao Hai's family?

He stepped forward without color. The man surnamed machinery bowed to Tang Yin and asked in a hoarse voice, "Your Majesty, my minister is here!"

Looking at Wang Kai, who was forced to endure grief, Tang Yin sneered in her heart, but remained silent on her face. She smiled and said, "you can't tolerate the thief's family. Lord Wang, go to Cao Hai's house in person and take people to catch all his family members and escort them to prison. Remember, you can't let one person go. Go!"

Wang Kai looked at Tang Yin in disbelief. He had killed Cao Hai. Isn't that the end? He has to kill all Cao Hai's family? Tang Yin really planned so, and said, "Cheng Jin?"

"I'm here!"

Standing aside, Cheng Jin stepped forward quickly and bowed to salute. Tang Yin said with a smile, "you go with Lord Wang and help Lord Wang. Be sure to do things well."

"Yes! King!" Cheng Jin promised, walked up to Wang Kai, who was still stunned in place, and said expressionless, "Lord Wang, let's go!"

Wang Kai still wanted to speak. Cheng Jin took his arm first and dragged him out of the lobby. When he got outside, Cheng JinFang took his hand away and said slowly, "Lord Wang, you have seen Cao Hai's performance just now, and you have heard what he said. It's not a pity for such a traitor to die. If you intercede for him, you will undoubtedly ask for trouble and ruin your future. Mr. Wang should think twice!"

Wang Kai is not afraid of death, but now he can't die. He must keep a useful body and save more lives. He took a deep breath, nodded, saluted Cheng Jinshen and said, "thank you for reminding general Cheng."

Cheng Jincai didn't care so much about Wang Kai's life and death. He just considered that his own side still had to reuse Wang Kai. Once he had a dispute with the king in public, it would be a loss to his own side if the king didn't kill him together.

After Cheng Jin and Wang Kai left, Tang Yin looked at the seven rich and noble men who looked very ugly, Laughing and chanting: "You don't have to worry. As long as you are loyal to Gu Neng, Gu will not hurt you, but also reward you a lot. As Gu said just now, the 100000 taels of silver demanded from you is just a temptation. You don't have to take it seriously. However, in addition to paying taxes, it's still necessary for you to pay 100000 grains per person every year, Gu I think it should be an easy task for you! "

At that time, one or two silver coins could buy four to eight stone grains, and 100000 stone grains were equivalent to 10000 to 20000 silver coins. For the seven rich and noble people, the grain of 100000 stones a year is really nothing. People looked at each other, kowtowed and saluted in unison, and said in unison, "thank you, villain, for your kindness!"

Compared with 100000 liang of silver, 100000 stone grain is indeed several times less, and everyone's heart also hissed. Tang Yin suddenly remembered something, waved to Yuan Wu behind him, and then said softly, "send it on!"


Shangguan Yuanwu answered, took out a stack of official texts from his arms, and then walked up to Deng Ping and handed them out one by one according to the names on the official texts. The seven rich and noble people didn't know what this was. After receiving the official text, they didn't dare to look carefully. They looked up at Tang Yin in confusion.

The latter smiled, He said: "this is the official document for customs clearance issued by Gu himself. With this, you can enter Tongmen freely in the future. You should also know that now, I am suffering from famine, food shortage and high food prices. You can use the official document issued by Gu to transport the food in Hedong inland through Tongmen. The profit is much higher than that of selling in Ningguo!"

Ah?! After hearing this, everyone was shocked. They are all businessmen and can't be more sensitive to business opportunities. At this time, they can enter the east of Tongmen to sell grain, and the profits are endless. In the past, Feng Ning had a bad relationship with each other. The Tongmen gate was always closed and people were strictly prohibited from entering and leaving. Now Tang Yin even gave himself official documents for entering and leaving. It's incredible. People could hardly believe it was true. Deng Ping asked uncertainly, "King... Does the king allow us to pass through Tongmen at any time without any obstruction?"

"That's right!"

"We... We can enter the windy country... No, no, we can enter the windy inland to do business?" Deng Ping asked again.

"That's right." Tang Yin replied with a smile.

With Tang Yin's personal confirmation, people finally believe that it is true. The color of fear on the seven faces was swept away and replaced by ecstasy.

If you can freely enter and leave the wind country to do business, you can not only make money by selling grain, but also sell many other things. Among them, the business opportunities are immeasurable. More importantly, only seven of them are allowed to enter the wind country, with few competitors, which is more conducive to obtaining high profits.

"Villain... Villain, thank you, king!" This time, everyone's gratitude was heartfelt, and their voice was much louder than just now. Most businessmen are just like this. They are only interested in profit. Having milk is their mother. Tang Yin can provide them with convenience and create favorable business conditions. Their hostility and vigilance towards Tang Yin are immediately replaced by interests. They are willing to obey Tang Yin and accept his control. At this time, when they looked at Cao Hai who had just been killed, they all felt disapproval. On the contrary, they secretly laughed at Cao Hai and fought against Tang Yin. As a result, they had the opportunity to make a lot of money, but they were not happy to suffer.

Where do they know that the convenience given to them by Tang Yin and the opportunity to earn profits are entirely to appease and win them over in order to stabilize the situation in Hedong. Once the situation in Hedong is completely stabilized, the control of the Fengguo over Hedong has been deeply rooted. These big businessmen in Ningguo will become the first victims of Tang Yin's persecution. No matter how much money they earn in the Fengguo, It was only temporarily stored in their respective homes, and finally could not escape Tang Yin's palm.

Tang Yin's knife cleaved Cao Hai, first served as a deterrent to kill chickens and respect monkeys, and then used Tongmen's clearance pass to please and win over the seven big businessmen. This is the strategy of beating one mouth first and then giving one sweet jujube, but the simplest method is often the most direct and effective.

After the banquet, there was no more word of dissatisfaction with Tang Yin from the mouths of the seven rich and noble people. On the contrary, they often praised Tang Yin in front of others as a promising, kind and benevolent sage king.

The change of their attitude had a great impact on Hedong area, which directly led to the change of the impression of Tang Yin by a considerable number of Ning people.

Hedong people are gradually accepting the fact that they are ruled by the wind state. In fact, their lives have not changed much compared with the past, but that does not mean that the voices against Tang Yin and the wind state have disappeared. In fact, under the calm surface of Hedong, the killing of Tang Yin is everywhere.

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