Tang Yin rubbed his chin, pondered for a long time and asked, "Ziying, in your opinion?"

Ziying said, "if our army makes a strong attack in this war, I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed."

At this time, Xiao MuQing also climbed up and listened to Wen Ziying's words. He immediately said: "there is no alarmist talk about the whole army, but it is certain that a strong attack will cause heavy losses to our army."

Tang Yin asked, "MuQing, do you also think it is not easy for our army to win this war?"

"Yes, your majesty." Xiao MuQing said with a wry smile, "if you want to cross the Zhanghe River by force, the scale of our warships should be at least equal to that of the Ningjun army. Otherwise, it will be difficult to win."

This is nonsense. Fengguo's shipbuilding industry is very backward and has never fought a water war. There is no water army or large warships in China. It is estimated that it will take at least three or five years to build a fleet of such a scale on the other side. Tang Yin has made up his mind. How can he wait so long.

Without saying anything, he turned down the watchtower and walked back to the Chinese army tent. The other generals looked at each other. No one dared to speak. They silently followed Tang Yin back to the account. Tang Yin wandered back and forth after the Shuai case, thinking about how to cross the Zhanghe River smoothly.

The millions of troops in Ningguo were defeated by themselves. Tang Yin didn't believe that the mere Zhanghe River in front of him could stop his army from advancing westward. But how can we successfully cross it? Tang Yin thought for a long time and suddenly thought that when he crossed the pan water, it was similar to the current situation. Since the enemy is strong and I am weak, it's better to avoid its edge and find a secret place to cross the river quietly.

Thinking of this, he looked up and said, "Lotte, Aijia!"

"The end will come!" Hearing his call, Lotte and Edgar hurried out of the line and bowed their hands.

Tang Yin said positively, "you two go to investigate quickly and see what are weak and hidden places along the Zhanghe River. You'd better draw a sketch and show it to me in three days."

"Yes! King!" Lotte and Aijia both agreed, turned and hurried away.

Tang Yin said to the generals on the left and right: "I think all the generals have not forgotten that when our army crossed the Pan River, it was to avoid the enemy's edge and sneak to the opposite bank. The Zhanghe River is much longer than the Pan River. The Ning army can't guard everywhere. There must be weaknesses. As long as we find the weakness of the Ning army's defense, it's no longer difficult for our army to cross the Zhanghe River."

Hearing what he said, Xiao MuQing and others nodded one after another. It would be great if they could quietly cross the Zhanghe River from the gap of the enemy's defense. As long as they could get ashore and fight on land, their own soldiers and men had never been afraid of anyone! This time, without waiting for others to speak, Xiao MuQing praised first: "Your Majesty is wise and unparalleled. This policy is very good."

Tang Yin grinned, sat down slowly, leaned back and fell into meditation. Now all he had to do was wait for Lotte and Edgar to bring back the exact news.

Rakuten and Aijia didn't spend three days. The next night, they hurried back to the Fengjun camp. After seeing Tang Yin, Aijia took out the sketch of Zhanghe River she drew, spread it on the shore of the table, and said happily, "Your Majesty, we will find a good place for our army to sneak in at the end."

"Oh?" Tang Yin was refreshed and hurriedly said, "show me."

"It's here!" Aijia pointed to the map and said. Then she continued: "the deployment range of the Ning army is ten miles from the north to the south, and this place is 20 miles away from the south of the Ning army camp. The water flow here is gentle and the river surface is narrow. More importantly, there is a large dense forest across the river. After our army gets ashore, we can immediately hide in the forest and complete various war preparations."

Tang Yin's eyes are bright. This is a rare place! He turned his eyes to Lotte and asked him if this place was really what Edgar said. Lotte smiled, nodded and replied, "the end general's exploration is the same as general AI. This place is really suitable for our army to smuggle."

Rakuten and Aijia's investigation results are consistent, which makes Tang Yin completely relieved. He touched his palm and smiled, lowered his head, looked at the sketch for a while, and said in a loud voice, "call all the generals to discuss the accounts of the Chinese Army!"


At Tang Yin's command, the Fengjun generals rushed to the Zhongjun tent one after another. When they were all there, Tang Yin motioned to Aijia, who took out a sketch and told them in detail. After hearing Aijia's introduction, people were both surprised and happy. There is such a convenient place to cross the river, so their own water crossing operation is not impossible.

"Speed is important, generals. When should our army attack?" Tang Yin looked around the crowd with a smile.

"King!" At this time, Yuan Fang bowed to Tang Yin and said, "it's a matter of great importance. Weichen feels that this matter should be more cautious."

Hearing the speech, Rakuten and Aijia frowned together. The former didn't say much, while Aijia looked unhappy and asked with a sneer, "Mr. Yuan Fang thinks our investigation is wrong?"

Yuan Fang smiled and said, "no, no, no, I don't mean that. But as far as I know, Chang sun Yuanhong is very good at unifying the army and has excellent strategy. There is such a big loophole in Hexi. I doubt whether it is a plan deliberately set by Chang sun Yuanhong to Send a loophole to us so that our army can be hooked?"

"Joke!" Aijia sneered and said, "as I said just now, the defense line of the Ning army is ten miles from the north and ten miles from the south, and this is a full twenty miles from the Ning camp. It is normal that the defense line of the Ning army does not extend here, and Chang sun Yuanhong did not find it."

Yuan Fang sighed and said, "that's right, but our army can't help it! General AI also said that the other side of this place is a dense forest, which is suitable for our army to hide on the spot after landing, but it is also suitable for the enemy to ambush. Once the Ning Army has an ambush in the dense forest, will our soldiers crossing the river not be completely exposed to the enemy's arrow array?"

Aijia's face turned a little red, and Feng's eyes glared at Yuan Fang. After holding back for a long time, Fang said, "nonsense! Mr. Yuan Fang is from Nanjing. The person who has no right to speak here is you. Who knows what your heart is?"

Her words were a matter of concern to everyone present, but no one had a good intention to say them, because they were too hurtful. If Yuan Fang sincerely took refuge in his own side, wouldn't they make him angry?

Sure enough. Tang Yin's face sank after hearing Aijia's words and said, "general AI, pay attention to your words. Since Mr. Yuan Fang has joined our army, he is his own brother. I don't want to hear that kind of suspicion just now." Even if you have doubts, you can't pick them out in public. You should investigate them secretly. He added in his heart. Although Yuan Fang helped Tang Yin, the latter didn't trust him 100% for nothing else. It's hard for Tang Yin to completely let go of his wariness only because Yuan Fang is a Ningren.

Hearing Tang Yin's scolding, Aijia secretly stuck out her tongue and realized that her words were heavy. She hung her head and said, "the king taught me a very good lesson. I'll know at the end."

Tang Yin smiled apologetically at Yuan Fang and said, "Mr. Yuan Fang, general AI just said angry words. Don't take it to heart."

Yuan Fang was calm and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is serious."

Seeing Yuan Fang's response, Tang Yin frowned. According to Yuan Fang himself, he was born as a Ranger, and ranger has always been the most dignified. AI Jia was so outspoken just now. Yuan Fang should be very unhappy. But now it seems that he is nothing. Does he really have such a mind?

When Tang Yin was suspicious, Lotte stepped out of the line with a smile and said, "Mr. Yuan Fang is worried. I have already sent my subordinates to sneak to the other side to explore whether there is an ambush in the forest. I will get the exact news by tomorrow at the latest."

oh Yuan Fang was stunned at the speech, then nodded with a smile and said, "general Le is thoughtful and admirable."

The war was imminent. Tang Yin was lazy to think about Yuan Fang again. As long as someone kept an eye on him, he was not afraid of his tricks. Tang Yin took a deep breath, stood up, looked around the crowd, and said in a positive tone, "all of you are ready to go back. As long as you report that there is no ambush on the other side, our army will cross the Zhanghe River tomorrow and night!"

"Yes! King!"

The generals stepped in one after another and turned away. When Cheng Jin was about to leave with the crowd, Tang Yin stopped him. When the people were out of the account, he called Cheng Jin close to him and whispered, "Cheng Jin, send two capable brothers to dress up as bodyguards and keep an eye on Yuan Fang. This war is very important, and our army's information must not be leaked."

Cheng Jin nodded and then asked, "the king thinks Yuan Fang has a problem?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "it's hard to say for the time being, but this man is Ning and has just joined our army. It's better to be careful."

Cheng Jin answered, and his face showed an uneasy desire to talk and stop. Tang Yin was so happy that he raised his head and said, "just say what you have to say."

"Your Majesty, although Yuan Fang's cultivation is not profound, he is also a spiritual cultivator after all. He can distinguish between the spiritual cultivators of the light department and the spiritual cultivators of the dark Department. Let the brother of the dark arrow dress up as a bodyguard for fear that Yuan Fang will see it." Cheng Jin said anxiously.

That's a problem. Tang Yin knocked on his forehead and said, "well, you can pick out a few more people from my bodyguards, explain them, and then send them to Yuan Fang."

"Yes! Your majesty! My subordinates understand." Cheng Jin arched his hands and turned away.

At this time, Tang Yin was the only one left in the tent. Looking at the empty camp, he sat down slowly and sighed. Whether he could destroy Ning and leave unparalleled achievements in the history of the wind country depends on the war of Ming Dynasty. If the first World War is successful, our side will have no resistance and can attack Liangzhou at one stroke. If it fails, it will not only destroy Ningguo, but also the Hedong area that has just been hit is in danger. As the king of a country and the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Tang Yin gradually realized that this position is not so easy to sit. While having supreme power, he also bears a heavy burden, responsibility and pressure.

I hope this battle can be as successful as the battle of pan water! Tang Yin whispered in her heart. But he never thought that the progress of the war had backfired.

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