When the two armies fight, if one of them chooses a place to make a sneak attack and fails, the next time this party continues to adopt the sneak attack tactics, it will never choose this place again. This is the normal way of thinking. Tang Yin uses counter thinking. The more you think it is impossible, the more I have to do it. He also wants to get up from where he falls.

Of course, Tang Yin's decision is reasonable. Hearing the speech, the generals fell silent and quietly thought about Tang Yin's plan. After a while, people looked at each other and nodded one after another. They all thought that the king's strategy was feasible. People unanimously praised: "Your Majesty is wise! Today Ningguo sent envoys to negotiate peace before the festival. They never expected that they would attack tonight, and they would attack from the place where they were defeated last time. This plan is very good!"

Tang Yin smiled proudly, his mind moved, and said, "there are Jianxi in the top ten * * * of our army. Don't disclose anything about going to war tonight. Don't make any explanation until the time when the attack is to be launched in the evening. Take the officers and men of the whole army and leave without giving Jianxi a chance to report." As he spoke, his eyes slowly swept over the faces of the crowd. If the sneak attack tonight is not successful and Ning Jun still finds it, it can only show that Linglong is not among the ordinary soldiers below, but among the generals in front of her. This result is the last thing Tang Yin wants to see. He doesn't want to suspect his brother alone.

"Yes! King!" The generals did not realize another meaning of Tang Yin and simply bowed their hands.

Tang Yin asked, "how many rafts are left in our army?"

The generals looked at each other and all looked bitter. Liang Qi said, "Your Majesty, the rafts built by our army were almost lost in the last defeat. Although some were later recovered, the total number will not exceed 500."

"So few..." with only 500 wooden rafts, even if there is no enemy, it will be a problem to transport more than 100000 troops across the river. He thought a little and said, "wait until night, pull all the ships docked on the shore and let the soldiers march against the ships."

This time, he cast a single throw. He either succeeded or lost all his family. If he was defeated again, the wind army would completely lose its tools to cross the river.

The generals felt Tang Yin's determination, and their spirit was shocked. They shouted in unison, "yes!"

Tang Yin was ready to fight late at night and wanted to cross the Zhanghe River again from the place where he was defeated last time, but he didn't know that his actions had been clearly calculated by sun Yuanhong on the other side. As early as when Shi and Qin had just left the Ningjun camp, Chang sun Yuanhong, who pretended to be critically ill, turned over and sat up from the bed. When Wei Zheng came back, he immediately said to Wei Zheng, "general Wei, quickly ambush our soldiers in the tiger tooth forest!"

Huya forest is the dense forest across the river where Tang Yin secretly crossed the river last time. Hearing what sun Yuanhong said, Wei Zheng was stunned and asked subconsciously, "general Yuanhong, why should our army bury in the tiger tooth forest?"

Long sun Yuanhong sneered, say: "To discuss peace, the imperial court sent only two third-class scholars, Hong Lucheng, Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi, who have never seen the world. Where can they be Tang Yin's opponents? I will certainly be tricked out by Tang Yin about my critical illness. With Tang Yin's surname, I will certainly not miss this great opportunity. Looking at Zhanghe Hepan, the only place suitable for smuggling within a hundred miles is huyalin, and others are suitable for smuggling All the places are located hundreds of miles away, and the wind army will not run so far. In addition, Tang Yin is cunning in annihilation. Last time Feng Jun lost there, he is likely to think that our army will not set up an ambush here again and will take risks. In addition, Tang Yin has a strong sense of revenge. Since leading Feng's army to fight in Nanjing, he has won successive battles. The only battle that was defeated was in Huya forest. He wants to recover this face. Even if there are other places more suitable for smuggling, he will choose to be here! "

After a pause, Chang sun Yuanhong took a deep breath and youyou said, "Tang Yin will sneak into the country again. If there is no accident, it will be tonight!"

Wei Zheng was also skeptical about Chang sun Yuanhong's vows, but he also learned Chang sun Yuanhong's clever tricks. For the first time, Feng Jun sneaked into the country. Ning Jun laid an ambush in the tiger tooth forest on the other side. Tang Yin thought that Jianxi had leaked the news. His guess was correct. Someone did disclose the news to Ning Jun, but before disclosing the news, long sun Yuanhong had ambushed the heavy troops there. Zhanghe River was so long that he didn't ambush heavy troops elsewhere, but chose Huya forest. As a result, he was really right. It was from here that Feng Jun sneaked into the country and just hit the knife edge of Ning Jun.

With the success of the last time, Wei Zheng had a lot of confidence this time. According to the meaning of Chang sun Yuanhong, he brought out the main force of Ning army early and ambushed in the tiger tooth forest.

That night, the Feng army had a war meal, and then began to collect their own ships and rafts. The whole army set off, quietly left the camp and headed south at full speed. Twenty Li's journey came in an instant. Looking at the dark and silent opposite bank, Lotte and Aijia found Tang Yin and asked, "Your Majesty, our military doesn't need to send spies to the opposite bank to reconnoiter first!"

Tang Yin didn't even think about it. He waved and said, "no reconnaissance, just cross the river!" Last time he suffered a great loss in reconnaissance. This time Tang Yin made up his mind to cross the Zhanghe River with lightning speed. Even if Linglong was really mixed in her own army, she wouldn't have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

It is undoubtedly extremely risky for him to do so, but in Tang Yin's view, it is worth taking such a risk and there is a great hope of success.

The boats and rafts brought by Feng Jun can only transport 20000 people across the river at a time. Tang Yin has no mercy at all. He directly ordered his most elite plain army to cross the river first. In addition, Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu were also assigned to take the lead. As long as we can cross the Zhanghe River, with Jiang Fan's ability to fight tigers and 20000 brave plain soldiers, even if there are enemies on the other side, we can stand firm and win time for our whole army to cross the river.

Tang Yin's wishful thinking was very good, but this time, before the 20000 plain soldiers led by Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu approached the other side of the river, Ning army ambushed in the tiger tooth forest rushed out. As last time, it was still releasing rockets, but this time Ning army had two more terrible weapons, two large weapons originally unique to the wind country, broken city crossbow and broken army crossbow.

For ships, the destructive power of these two kinds of crossbows is much greater than that of rockets. When a crossbow is shot out, the crossbow and arrow enter from the bow of the ship and often penetrate from the stern, directly penetrate the hull and shoot two large round holes, and then the river begins to flow into the ship.

The plain army is brave and invincible. But the premise is that it has to be on land. Now on water, the plain army can't exert its skills. Facing the raindrops of rockets ahead, people put up shields to block the edge of the Ning army's arrow array at the first time, but there is no way to deal with the Ning army's broken city crossbow and broken army crossbow.

These two kinds of crossbow machines can't be resisted by manpower. The thick and sharp wooden stakes are shot into the shield array. The human shields are broken and shot on the hull. The ship sinks and shoots on the raft. The raft is broken. For a moment, 20000 wind troops, more than 1000 boats and 500 rafts have become ants on the hot pot. They can't enter or retreat. They spin on the river, The sound of falling into the water and screaming of the soldiers of the wind army can't be divided.

Jiang Fan and Zhan Hu stamp their feet anxiously in the small boat, but there is nothing they can do. They can't get ashore. No matter how strong they are, they can't take the enemy. Finally, in the case of forced helplessness, they can only order the withdrawal. As for how many people can be withdrawn at this time, they can't control so much. How many can be withdrawn!

Under the coordinated attack of Ningjun arrow array, broken city crossbow and broken army crossbow, 20000 plain soldiers and men died and injured countless people. The river surface of Zhanghe River was covered with floating corpses of the wind army, and the river water of Zhanghe River was once again dyed red by the blood of the wind Army soldiers and men.

The Fengjun's second secret crossing of Zhanghe River ended in failure. Last time, the Fengjun lost 30000 people. This time, it was better. 20000 went out and 5000 came back, with a loss of more than 10000. However, in terms of the loss to the Fengjun, this time is much greater than the last time. The 30000 people killed in the last war were originally used for cannon fodder, but the 15000 soldiers killed in this war are the most elite plain army in the wind army. The loss of troops and combat power is a small matter. This war has a great impact on the overall morale of the wind army, and the soldiers have begun to have a fear of war.

The soldiers of the wind army are not afraid of fighting or dying in battle, but even if they want to die in battle, they have to die vigorously and fight with the enemy. But now the battle is too weak. In two river crossing operations, the loss of troops is nearly 50000, but they have not even touched the edge of the enemy. So many soldiers are buried at the bottom of the river. Who is willing to fight such a battle?

In the same place, but at the same time in different days, the Feng army was subdued twice and defeated twice. Tang Yin and his generals were dumbfounded. People don't understand that their own actions have been so fast. How did Ning army get the wind again and do an ambush? How did Jian Xi hidden in their own army pass the news?

Until this time, Tang Yin thought it was Linglong who secretly reported her actions to Ning Jun, but he didn't expect that he had been tricked by Chang sun Yuanhong from the moment he decided to send troops.

Looking at the plain soldiers who returned from the defeat, Tang Yin was not as angry as last time, but shook his head and laughed loudly.

The battle has been so miserable, but the king is laughing. Everyone around him can't help but doubt whether Tang Yin has been over stimulated and lost his mind.

When the crowd was trying to persuade him, Tang Yin looked up and said slowly, "as the king of a country, I was tripped by the same stone twice in a row. How can I keep my face?" As he spoke, he separated the people around him and went to meet the defeated soldiers.

Seeing the king coming, everyone was ashamed. They hung their heads and didn't dare to look at Tang Yin. The latter stood in front of the officers and men without warning. He suddenly arched his hand and gave a deep salute to the people. At the same time, he said, "it's my king's incompetence and improper use of troops that have implicated my brothers. I'll make amends to my brothers!"

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