Now the two sides of the Zhanghe River have become a form of confrontation. The Feng army can't attack it, and the Ning army dare not fight back rashly. The two * * * battalions are separated by one water and are in a stalemate.

Time flies, and ten days have passed in the twinkling of an eye. In these ten days, while preparing for the holy sacrifice ceremony, the Feng army consolidated the defense on the East Bank of the Zhanghe River, and recruited about 30000 recruits. The Ning army on the other side was not idle. At the call of Chang sun Yuanhong, the surrounding local armies rushed to reinforce, and the strength of the Ning army was further supplemented, The Western army, which used to be more than 100000, has now expanded to more than 200000, including infantry and sailors. With the assistance of more than 100 large warships, the combat effectiveness of the Ning army has become extremely strong.

Ten days later, Qiu Zhen finally arrived at Zhanghe River. Tang Yin was very excited when he learned of Qiu Zhen's arrival and went out of the camp to meet him in person. When they reached the gate of the camp, they looked up and saw Qiu Zhen and his accompanying bodyguards covered with dust and ashen faces, as if they had just climbed out of the mound.

Before Tang Yin could speak, the crowd turned over and dismounted one after another, rushed to Tang Yin, knelt down and saluted, and said in unison, "I've seen the king!"

"Get up, please!" Tang Yin reached out and helped Qiu Zhen up. At the same time, he looked at him carefully. He saw that Qiu Zhen's cheeks were thin and his eyes were full of blood. It was obvious that he was eager to travel these days and didn't have much rest. Tang Yin looked at it and was both distressed and gratified. All kinds of feelings merged together, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. Qiu Zhen was his first friend in the world and the first one who was determined to help him. For so long, Tang Yin has been following him around, never giving up and working hard. Tang Yin's trust in Qiu Zhen is far from being comparable to others. Especially now, the army's westward advance is blocked and even defeated. When Tang Yin sees Qiu Zhen, he even has a sense of intimacy like seeing his relatives.

He took Qiu Zhen's hand and said, "Qiu Zhen, it's hard for you to come all the way!"

Although Qiu Zhen is tired and tired, he is still energetic. While Tang Yin was looking at him, he was also looking at Tang Yin. He hadn't seen Tang Yin for months. Tang Yin was thinner and haggard than when he left Yancheng. Of course, this was directly related to his recent war.

He said: "I've only been on my way for more than ten days. It's far from hard. It's really hard for the king to enlist in the foreign unified army!"

Yes, Tang Yin is very hard, but he can't talk to others, and he has to pretend to be relaxed and complacent regardless of victory or defeat, because he is the core, and his mood can directly affect the morale of the whole army.

In a simple sentence, Tang Yin's heart was full of flavors and his eyes were hot. He smiled bitterly and asked suspiciously, "Qiu Zhen, in your reply, you said that I couldn't make peace with Ningguo. Why?"

"King, let's go back to the camp first!" Qiu Zhen looked around and smiled at Tang Yin.

"Right, right, right! Go back to camp first." Tang Yin took Qiu Zhen's hand and walked back to the camp side by side.

All the generals around looked at each other and smiled at each other. In recent days, they haven't seen Tang Yin so happy for a long time.

Chinese Army accounts.

Tang Yin only called Qiu Zhen and the commander of the fourth army recently. As for other generals, he sent them back to rest. After they were seated in the tent, Tang Yin asked straightforwardly, "Qiu Zhen, why can't our army negotiate peace?"

Before Qiu Zhen could speak, Xiao MuQing said, "if we don't talk about peace, our army can't beat Zhanghe. We can only hold a stalemate on the east bank, which consumes both manpower and food!"

Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue nodded repeatedly to agree with Xiao MuQing.

Qiu Zhen looked around the crowd, smiled and said, "it seems that the generals have not figured out which is more important."

What's the meaning of this? Everyone was stunned and looked at Qiu Zhen in a daze. Qiu Zhen turned to Tang Yin and said, "has the king ever considered what to do with Duji in the North once our army makes peace with Ningguo?"

"Dookie?" Tang Yin frowned and blinked.

Qiu Zhen said, "the king and Ducky have agreed that the two countries should jointly attack Ning. Our country wants Hedong and Ducky wants Tiya. Now our army has beaten Hedong down, but Ducky's annexation of Tiya has not yet yielded results. At this time, it's not dishonest to negotiate peace with Ning?"

Xiao MuQing and others pondered a little, and then they wanted to speak. At this time, Qiu Zhen waved his hand, Laughing: "I know that generals want to say that duki is just a barbarian state, and it's nothing to lose faith in duki. In fact, duki is very important to our country. Now if our country makes peace with Ning, Ning can concentrate on dealing with duki. With duki's national strength, it can't compete with Ning. In the end, 10% of the * * * will be destroyed by Ning, and then Ning can turn the knife and try its best to deal with us. Ning Our court is not a fool. Their negotiation is both a plan to slow down the war and a plan to break it one by one. "

After a pause, Qiu Zhen also said: "With Duji, it's like a big knife hanging over the head of Ning, so that the troops of Ning can't be concentrated and can only be divided into two lines, which is also a great drain on the national strength of Ning. In addition, barbarians attach great importance to integrity. Today, China's breach of trust in Duji will also directly affect the relationship between China and besa. The diplomacy between countries is not only a simple mutual use, but also a kind of possibility Expensive resources. At present, China has a good relationship with the Federation of Murphys. No matter how powerful the enemy is, there is still a solid ally behind us to rely on. If we lose this ally, we will not only lose the support behind us, but also have a terrible enemy. You generals can think carefully about how much support Bessa has given to our country since the king started in Tianyuan county? With these supports, how much has our army's combat power been enhanced? If the king wants to achieve great achievements, his relationship with Murphys Federation is very important. If there is a fire in the backyard, the country will be in danger. How can a mere Hedong county make up for it? "

After hearing Qiu Zhen's analysis, the big tent was quiet.

Duki and besa belong to the Federation of Morpheus. If your side breaks its faith in duki and leads to duki's destruction of the country, it will naturally form a grudge with besa. As Qiu Zhen said, besa has always given too much support to his side. Since Tang Yin started the army, besa has sent tens of thousands of heavy Armored Cavalry. When his side fought with the Ning army, the front can fight in a row, which is inseparable from besa's heavy Armored Cavalry. Now, although besa's heavy Armored Cavalry have already returned to China, However, the pabuma of besa is still sold to its own side, so that the wind army also has its own heavy armor cavalry. In addition, the trade between the wind country and besa has gradually become an important part of supporting the wind country's economy, and makes the wind country earn huge profits. Once all these are lost, the friend of your side and besa will become the enemy, which will cause too great a blow to the wind country.

Without Qiu Zhen's reminder, no one had thought about this. At this time, people were all in a cold sweat.

Tang Yin pondered for a long time. Fang youyou gasped, nodded repeatedly and said, "what Qiu Zhen said is very reasonable. What's your opinion, generals?"

Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue looked at each other and stood up at the same time. They first saluted Qiu Zhenshen, and then bowed their hands to Tang Yin and said, "king, I'm convinced by Qiu Xiang's good words!"

Qiu Zhen can't compare with any of the four in terms of unifying the army to fight, but in terms of macro outline, the four who only know how to use the army are far inferior to Qiu Zhen. Tang Yin can't compare with Qiu Zhen in this regard.

Tang Yin sighed, stood up, put his hands on his back, paced back and forth before the table and said, "yes! Our army can't negotiate peace with Ningguo, but if we don't, how can our army break the enemy?"

Listening to Tang Yin's self talk, Qiu Zhen smiled, looked up at him, smiled and asked, "why does the king have to break the enemy?"

Hearing the speech, Tang Yin stopped and looked at Qiu Zhen puzzled.

Qiu Zhen explained with a smile: "Drag! Our army does not discuss peace, but does not announce an armistice. We drag the Ning army led by Chang sun Yuanhong to the West Bank on the East Bank of Zhanghe River, so that it cannot go north to fight Duji. This is the greatest support that our country can give Duji at present. As for how to deal with the more than 200000 central army in the north of Ningguo, our country can't manage it. Let Duji think of a way by himself."

Tang Yin couldn't help laughing, shrugged and said, "what can Duji do? It is reported that Duji's army invading the state of Ning has been defeated by the central army of the state of Ning, and the previously occupied cities have been lost one after another. It's only a matter of time."

Qiu Zhen waved his hand and disagreed, Positive color channel: "The king underestimates Ducky too much. Ducky is now in defeat, but the loss of troops is not large. They all run if they can't fight, and the combat power is still there. In addition, the king should not forget that Ducky is a member of the Federation of Morpheus, and it can draw much more reinforcements than we thought. The reason why other city states of Morpheus haven't reinforced Ducky is that we haven't seen the form clearly, I'm afraid that rashly sending troops will cause losses. If Chang sun Yuanhong's army continues to be dragged by our army on the West Bank of Zhanghe River, Ningguo will only send out the 200000 central army to fight. Before long, other city states of Murphys will also send troops. "

When Qiu Zhen said this, Tang Yin felt quite enlightened. He stroked his palm and smiled and said, "if so, I'm afraid the 200000 central army in Ningguo will be more or less dangerous!"

"That's not necessarily true. Weichen estimated that once the other city states of Murphys entered the war, they would still make peace with them in the style of the court of Ningguo. What Duji wanted was not the territory of Ningguo, but Tiya. As long as they beat Ningguo and didn't dare to reinforce Tiya, their goal would be achieved. For the time being, our army will drag on like this, waiting for Duji to make peace with Ningguo first, and then our country will make peace with Ningguo again In this way, China has no loss and has not lost its trust in duki, and its alliance with the Federation of Morpheus can be further strengthened. " Qiu Zhen said confidently.

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