"General!" A young man with a hidden arrow walked behind Cheng Jin and said softly, "it seems that people here are spiritual practitioners!"

The spiritual cultivator of the dark system does not have insight, but has a keen intuition. He can't see the cultivation level of the other party, but he can still distinguish whether the other party is a spiritual cultivator or not.

Cheng Jin was surprised that so many people in the tavern were all spiritual practitioners. He was ordered by Tang Yin to send people to secretly monitor Yuan Fang's every move. Tang Yin didn't take Yuan Fang away when he left the barracks, but shortly after Tang Yin left, Yuan Fang also quietly left the barracks, changed his casual clothes and sneaked into Qingyuan City.

His actions are very hidden. He can hide from the wind army and even from the spies of the sky eye and the underground net, but he can't hide from the stalking master in the secret arrow. At this time, he was in the tavern, and Cheng Jin knew it. He guessed that if Yuan Fang really tried to cheat, there must be help, but he didn't know how many people there would be, but now it seems that there are no exceptions in this tavern, all of whom are the minions of Yuan Fang.

Cheng Jin was surprised, but he was still calm on the surface, and there was no change in his indifferent face. He just turned his head slightly and whispered to his subordinates behind him: "inform general Jiaxi and Aoqing, and lead the second and third teams here immediately."

Now the dark arrow has developed into a great force. Although it is still divided into three teams, the number has surged to about 500, and the members of each team are away from 100. At the same time, the gap between the strength of each team is gradually narrowing. No matter the first team, the second team or the third team, there are many strong dark Lingwu experts, even Cheng Jin, Jiaxi Aoqing three people are no longer the strongest in Lingwu and cultivation among the dark arrows.

Hearing Cheng Jin's order, the young man promised and retreated slowly. After he withdrew from the tavern, he drifted with a shadow and disappeared.

After he left, Cheng Jin turned to look at another young man around him and shook his head slightly.

The young man was twenty-seven or eight years old. He was short, dry and thin. He looked like a monkey. His appearance was much younger than his actual age. This man's name is Jiang Qianqian. He came from Shangjing. Because the wind Kingdom valued the spiritual cultivators of the dark system, he came to join him. Although he is not good-looking, his spiritual cultivation is not simple, and he is born with six senses, especially his sense of smell. He is extremely sensitive and good at tracking. After joining the hidden arrow, he was immediately reused by Cheng Jin, and now he has been promoted to the vice captain of the first hidden arrow team. Because the title of the leader of the first team of hidden arrows has always been hung by Cheng Jin, who is also responsible for the whole affairs of hidden arrows and has no time to directly lead the first team, the leader of the first team of hidden arrows is actually Jiang Qianqian, and it is him who is responsible for monitoring Yuan Fang this time.

Seeing Cheng Jin's gesture, Zhang Qianqian understood it, shook his body and walked slowly to the tavern.

The first floor of the tavern was filled with people. There was silence and the dropping of needles could be heard. People's eyes were shining and looked coldly at Zhang Qianqian who walked into their own crowd. Zhang Qianqian turned a blind eye to the hostility of the crowd and the murderous atmosphere around him. While he was walking, his nose was also breathing fiercely, looking for a familiar smell.

People's clothes, appearance, body shape, even surname and voice can change, but the body smell naturally emitted by the body will not change. Zhang Qianqian's search takes advantage of this. He walked from front to back among the drinkers, from left to right. He searched carefully twice and found nothing. Then he slowly returned to Cheng Jin and shook his head slightly.

Cheng Jin trusts Jiang Qianqian's ability very much. Since he didn't find it, Yuan Fang must not be on the first floor. Subconsciously, he looked up at the steps leading to the second floor, pondered for a moment, then turned around and winked at the hidden arrows behind him. Then, he relaxed, laughed as if nothing had happened, knocked on the counter of the tavern and said, "shopkeeper, what's the matter? Don't you do business today?"

The shopkeeper standing in the counter had already touched the sharp weapon hidden in the back waist with his hands. Suddenly, hearing Cheng Jin's question, he was stunned at first, then immediately smiled with a smile on his face, nodded and bowed and said, "Jun ye, you can see that our shop is small and there are many people. I'm afraid you can't sit down with so many people!"

Cheng Jin picked her eyebrows, looked around with a smile and said, "squeeze, you can still sit!" As he spoke, he shook his head. The hidden arrows under his command understood and divided more than 20 people. They walked into the inner end from the door of the tavern and interspersed among the drinkers. Although there was no place to sit, they just squeezed into the crowd and sat close to each other with many drinkers.

This move of the hidden arrow surprised the drinkers present. Now, people can naturally see that the identity of this wind army is not simple, and the comers are not good. It is very likely that they have seen through their identity. If they do it directly, it will be simple. It's not easy to fight a fish to death, but the other party didn't do it and interspersed among their own people, This is so that nails are inserted one by one, which makes them in a dilemma. They are neither playing nor not playing. They are in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Cheng Jin was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates. He smiled at the shopkeeper and said, "look, don't you just sit down?" Before the shopkeeper could speak, he waved again and said, "those who can't sit down follow me up to the second floor!" As he spoke, he strode to the second floor.

At this time, the scene in the tavern is both interesting and strange. The first floor is overcrowded. Many drinkers and hidden arrows sit together, while the second floor appears empty, with more than a dozen people sitting sparsely.

Cheng Jin took more than 20 subordinates to the second floor. Jiang Qianqian's eyes were like electricity and slowly swept through everyone present. When he saw Yuan Fang, who was drinking with his head down, his eyes lit up and nodded to Cheng Jin.

When he reached the table, he waved his hand to one of the guests. He was as close as one of his men.

Cheng Jin took Jiang Qianqian and went directly to Yuan Fang. He looked down at Yuan Fang, who was drinking. Then he looked at the girl in white sitting next to him. He smiled calmly, sat down slowly opposite Yuan Fang, then smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Yuan Fang, I didn't expect we met here."

As if he didn't hear him, Yuan Fang still lowered his head and drank wine.

Cheng Jin sneered and said, "why? Mr. Yuan Fang doesn't even know me?"

At this time, Yuan Fang, who was sitting on the other side of him, finally raised his head, looked at Cheng Jin blankly and asked suspiciously, "general, you must have mistaken someone?"

Cheng Jin was startled when he saw that Yuan Fang was sitting opposite him, but a young man he had never seen before. This talent is in his early twenties. He has a bright copper brown face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth. He has a rough appearance. He is very different from Yuan Fang, who is middle-aged and gentle.

This... What's going on? Cheng Jin's eyes were startled and subconsciously looked at Jiang Qianqian around him.

At this time, Jiang Qianqian is staring at the black faced youth. He can confirm 100% that the clothes the youth is wearing are definitely Yuan Fang's clothes. Yes, it is not impossible to say that the other party stole the sky and changed the day. However, in that sentence, people's clothes, appearance and body shape can be changed, but their body taste will not change.

He walked up to the young man and suddenly bent down. His thin face with sharp nosed monkey cheeks almost stuck to the young man's cheek. He took three breaths hard. Then he looked deep and said firmly: "Your Excellency is Mr. Yuan Fang! Although you can change, your body taste will not change!" With that, he straightened his waist, carried his hands on his back, and slowly walked back to Cheng Jin's side.

After hearing his words, the faces of the drinkers present changed at the same time, including the woman in white. There was also a trace of consternation and surprise in the young man's eyes, but it immediately disappeared. Although the consternation in his eyes might not be even a tenth of a second, he was found by Cheng Jin with sharp eyes.

Cheng Jin was almost sure that the young man in front of him was Yuan Fang. From this, it can be inferred that the king's original guess was wrong. The women in white among the assassins who assassinated the king last time were not Linglong girls, but the real Linglong girls were far away and close in front of him.

However, there are too many questions that Cheng Jin doesn't understand, but now he doesn't have time to ask more. The king's team is coming soon. At this time, what he has to do is to control these evil spiritual practitioners in the tavern, especially Yuan Fang in front of him.

Cheng Jin looked at the young man opposite with a smile, stretched out his hand, took the wine pot and glass in front of the young man to him, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it up without hesitation, Then he said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Mr. Yuan Fang would have such a good ability to change appearance. Even I was almost cheated by Mr. Yuan. But now Mr. Yuan Fang should be in Hedong camp. Why did he suddenly come to Qingyuan?"

Up to now, the young man can't hide any more. He knows Cheng Jin too well. If he doesn't have full confidence, he will never come to the door. Now there are dozens of elite hidden arrows who follow him into the tavern, and the wind army hidden outside the tavern doesn't know how many!

He sighed in his heart. He looked at the eyes of Shangcheng Jin * without fear. Instead of looking at each other for a moment, he suddenly smiled and asked in a flat and easy-going tone: "there's something I don't understand. Can general Cheng Jin tell me?"

The young man called out his name, and Cheng Jin confirmed his identity more. He nodded and said with a smile, "if Mr. Yuan Fang has anything to say, please say it!"

"How did you know I was here?"

"Since I left the barracks with the king, my brother has been staring at you." When Cheng Jin spoke, he looked at Jiang Qianqian around him.

The young man also looked up, shook his head in confusion and said, "I joined the army under the seal of the king. Why should you send someone to monitor me?"

Cheng Jin shrugged and said calmly, "this is not what I mean, but the king's order."


"That's right! In fact, the king has sent bodyguards to monitor Mr. Yuan Fang, but I don't know why he asked me to send another bodyguard to monitor you. I think the king can't trust the bodyguard's ability! Facts have proved that the king's decision is not right." Cheng Jin really doesn't know how Tang Yin perceived Yuan Fang's problem. In his opinion, Yuan Fang hasn't taken any unusual actions since he took refuge in his own side. He not only behaves well, but also often puts forward the other party's useful suggestions. He should be a pillar of talent, but who knows that he is doing shady activities behind his back.

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