Outside the banquet, Tang Yin looked up to the sky and took a long breath of fresh air. For him, the dinner was extremely boring.

Without saying hello to anyone, he quickly walked out of the city master's residence and went directly back to the guild hall. As for Qiu Zhen, since he caused the trouble, let him entertain in it, and it seems that he also enjoyed such an occasion.

I thought I would feel more comfortable after leaving the city Lord's residence. As a result, I didn't get better at all.

He frowned and quickened his pace unconsciously.

At this time, it is late at night. The people in the city have already rested. There is no bustling and bustling in the daytime on the streets. Looking up, it is dark and empty. From time to time, there is a night wind blowing in the face, which makes people feel cool.

Tang Yin's uneasiness is intensifying.

No reason, it's just a simple feeling.

Is there an accident in the store? But it's impossible. There are not many guards arranged by ourselves. Together with the palace guards brought by Yin Rou, there are close people. If the enemy attacks, there can't be no movement at all. Besides, who dares to attack the princess in the city?

He thought so in his mind, but his heart was still at sixes and sevens, and his steps became faster.

From a distance, he could see the shop. It was calm and peaceful over there. It didn't look like something happened at all. After seeing it, his mood was a little more stable. When he walked forward, his body was stiff.

Spirit pressure!

It's hard to imagine the power of spiritual pressure. When he is tens of meters away from the pavilion, he can feel the bursts of pressure from the front.

This is definitely not from our own personnel, because no one on our side can achieve such a high level of cultivation, including himself.

So, is there an enemy?!

No! Tang Yin gave a bad cry. When his wrists shook, the double swords appeared in his palm. At the same time, his aura dissipated and shrouded him. In the blink of an eye, they turned into armor. At the same time, the double swords also completed the Linghua of soldiers.

He walked fast and ran straight to the hall.

The closer to the guild hall, the stronger the spiritual pressure in the air. Gradually, even he was a little unbearable.

His cultivation reached the spiritual realm, and even he could not bear the spiritual pressure. The cultivation of his releaser was too terrible.

Soon, he felt that the spiritual pressure was not released from one point, but from multiple points. There were spiritual pressure releasers in all directions of the guild.

Tang Yin also saw it more clearly when he was close to the pavilion. In front of the pavilion, the soldiers arranged by himself stood in place like wooden stakes. People not only couldn't move their bodies, but also couldn't speak out. The only thing that could move up and down was their eyes.

In front of them, there were four men in black. They were all dressed in black clothes and black pants, covered with black scarves on their faces, and could not see their appearance. However, the spiritual pressure spread in the air was sent by the four of them, but not all of them. Needless to ask, the soldiers arranged on the other three sides of the guild were also controlled by these men in black by the same means.

Who the hell are these people?! He was able to control hundreds of soldiers arranged outside the guild hall with spirit pressure, including four thousand commanders who reached the spirit breaking state.

Just as he was considering whether to rush out immediately, he suddenly heard a short scream from the store. From the sound, it could be judged that it was a woman's scream.

No! It seems that the enemy has entered the guild!

Tang Yin couldn't wait any longer. He held a pair of knives and ran all over with aura. He rushed at the four people in black at the main gate of the guild.

Under such strong spiritual pressure, Tang Yin could not move freely. If he wanted to enter the guild to rescue Yin Rou, he had to get rid of the person who released the spiritual pressure, even a part of it.

His sudden appearance caused the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the four people in black.

The four did not move, but their eyes looked at Tang Yin.

The one who came was a spiritual cultivator with black spirit armor and black spirit knife. Their hearts were shocked at the same time.

The four didn't speak, but made simple communication with their eyes.

When spiritual practitioners release spiritual pressure with all their strength, their own defense is also zero. Once their spiritual pressure cannot suppress their opponents, it is also extremely dangerous for the liberators.

Like now.

Through eye contact, the four immediately decided to withdraw one person to stop Tang Yin.

As one person removes the spiritual pressure, the pressure in the air suddenly decreases.

The commander in charge of this guard is Guyue. Although ordinary soldiers still can't move, he can move, but the pressure in the air is still great, which makes his action look like a slow shot in the movie.

He had seen Tang Yin coming to this side step by step. He rushed to the four black men across the street. He shouted, "general Tang is careful to come to the enemy. They aim to be the highness of the princess. You can go to the rescue soon, and give it to me."

Before he finished speaking, the man in black who removed the spirit pressure rushed to him fiercely. While he was still in the air, he had completed the spirit armor and the spirit of the army at the same time. The spirit weapon in his hand was a big sword with a wide and long body, like a square knife.

Under the pressure of the spirit, Tang Yin and Guyue were inconvenient to move, and so was the man in black. Although he tried his best, he didn't jump out far.

But after all, he was closer than Tang Yin. He rushed to the ancient Yue first, and the long sword in his hand came out and hit the ancient Yue's neck.

The man in black has much higher cultivation than Guyue and moves much faster than him. Guyue watched the other party cut with a sword and came up with a knife block, but he moved so slowly that he had no time to stop the other party.

When the sword of the man in black had stuck to the skin of the ancient Yue's neck, he cut down again, but suddenly he couldn't cut down.

At the critical moment, two machetes held his big sword.

Tang Yin's machete.

Under the pressure of spirit, Tang Yin's speed really didn't have time to stop the killing move of the man in black, but he was a spirit cultivator of the dark and would use the unique skill of the dark spirit weapon - Shadow drift.

At night, shadow drift is almost unlimited and can be freely displayed in any area. Tang Yin watched as he couldn't catch up with each other's speed. Helpless, he could only use his aura and use the shadow drift to help Gu Yue block this deadly sword.

"You go in and protect the princess. Give it to me first!" Tang yintou also said without reply. At the same time, he raised his leg and kicked the other party's chest.

"General Tang..."

The other party is a master of Lingwu, and it's still four people. It's no doubt bad luck to stay.

"Just go in and protect your royal highness!"

Tang Yin's tone was cold and gave a stern order.

"I see!" In an emergency, there was no time for too much entanglement. Guyue dared not disobey the order and turned and ran to the gate of the guild.

The man in black blocked Tang Yin's heavy kick. He wanted to pass him and kill Guyue, but he underestimated Tang Yin too much. It was so easy to pass by him.

He just rubbed Tang Yin's side, and the latter returned with a knife and took the back of his head.

The man in black hurried to shrink his neck. The machete was almost close to his scalp. Before he could recover from the shock, Tang Yin's other machete came again. This time, the machete picked his lower abdomen.

With a fierce cry, the man in black had no choice but to withdraw.

Tang Yin's speed and reaction are too fast. Almost no one can take advantage of him.

The man in black withdrew two steps, opened the distance, gave up and went after the ancient Yue, and concentrated on fighting with Tang Yin.

It seems that he knows Tang Yin very well. He knows that his simple moves cannot win. The man in black shows his spiritual skills when he comes up. He sees that the air around him fluctuates immediately when he swings his long sword. Five spiritual waves roar out and sweep Tang Yin's upper, middle and lower roads.

As soon as the expert reaches out his hand, he knows whether there is one.

The other party can release five spiritual waves at once, and Tang Yin can conclude that the other party's cultivation is above himself, which is likely to have reached the realm of Lingyuan.

He took a deep breath, squatted down first, and then went out across the wheel. Although the action is awkward, it is effective to avoid all the five spiritual waves sent by the other party.


The man in black gave a low cry, waved the long sword in his hand, and released several spiritual waves.

Tang Yin sneered in his heart. Although the other party's cultivation is high, his brain is not very smart.

You should know that Lingbo consumes a lot of Reiki. If you release it continuously, you can't stand it even if you reach the empty realm.

The man in black released the spirit wave continuously to fight quickly and quickly. How could he think that under such a powerful spirit pressure, Tang Yin's body method is still so agile and flexible that he can easily avoid his own spirit waves one by one.

As like as two peas, he knew that he would not be able to not play the trick, but he could not bear the Tang's sword. He was wearing a long sword and releasing the aura. Suddenly, six figures were exactly alike.

Tang Yin looked at it and was startled. He had never seen this skill before, but it was recorded in his severe memory that it was a unique skill of Lingwu of Guangming department, wind splitting and separation!

The wind split split technique is that practitioners release their aura outside the body and turn it into a virtual shadow, which has the effect of disturbing the opponent's vision.

This kind of skill is extremely difficult to deal with. The avatar transformed by the wind splitting avatar also has aura. Even if you use the insight skill, you can't see which is the real body and which is the virtual image. Invisibly, it's equivalent to fighting multiple enemies at the same time, because any Avatar can be real, and any avatar attack can also be a fatal killing move.

Unexpectedly, the other party could use this powerful skill. Tang Yin subconsciously took two steps back.

He retreated, but the man in black didn't intend to let him retreat. The real body, together with six separate bodies, rushed to Tang Yin. Seven swords stabbed Tang Yin's vital points. I saw the sword shadow all over the sky and the cold light stabbed people's eyes. At this moment, even the gods can't tell which is true and which is false.

Tang Yin shook his head and gave up discrimination. He simply thought he was facing seven enemies. He waved his double knives and parried together.

One man in black is enough to cause a headache. Now he has to deal with seven at the same time. No matter how powerful Tang Yin is, he is also obviously tied up and overwhelmed.

After a short time, Tang Yin was forced to parry without fighting back. He was embarrassed and passive. Even he was going crazy.

If it goes on like this, you will not defeat your opponent and save the princess. If you don't say it, you will be tired to death by him!

Tang Yin secretly clenched her teeth, finally crossed her heart, made up her mind, and simply used the move of burning jade and stone with each other.

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