Wang Yi's words are not unreasonable, but they are too ruthless and aggressive. The reason why he said so is that he is worried that the emperor will be coerced by Tang Yin. It's better to be tough at the beginning, suppress Tang Yin and make him dare not make a mistake in the future.

However, Yan Zhun obviously didn't understand Wang Yi's intention. After listening to his words, Yan Zhun changed his color slightly and felt that Wang Yi was too unkind. To put it bluntly, he didn't know good or bad. Tang Yin helped him. What a credit it is. Now he just asks some rewards for his subordinates. It's no big deal!

Tang Yin remained calm and didn't even look at Wang Yi. He just waited for Yin Zhun's reply, but that doesn't mean he doesn't hate in his heart.

"Ha ha!" Yan Zhun suddenly smiled, waved to Wang Yi and said, "Wang Aiqing, I think it's reasonable for the king to ask for merit for his subordinates. In this way, all generals rescued by the king will be promoted to Viscount, and those who have a Viscount will be promoted to the rank of viscount. As for the official position..." Yan Zhun paused and looked around at the ministers, Bitterness said: "now there are no generals in the court. Since the king of the protection of the country is also the general of the court, the matter should be decided by the king of the protection of the country and Lord Meng Luomeng, the left minister!"

"Thank you, your majesty."

Tang Yin arched his hand and stood up. It seems that it's not bad to be granted the rank of general. At least it's much easier to put his subordinates around Yan Zhun. Thinking, he looked up at Monroe to the left.

Monroe is a middle-aged man more than 50 years old. Although he is a Zuo Xiang, he is a scholar. He also looks gentle, white faced and black bearded. He is of medium build. He is usually silent and indifferent. He has no special relationship with any minister.

When Tang Yin looked at Monroe, the latter just looked at him, and their eyes just met. Tang Yin smiled slightly, while Monroe nodded and nodded.

That night, Tang Yin ordered yingbu to prepare wine and vegetables and hold a banquet in the general's house.

Today's BAGUAN is different from before. The conditions have improved a lot, and the food materials stored in the city are also rich. After the dinner, all kinds of dishes are delivered one by one, and Feng wine alone is brought to the top ten jars.

Feng wine was strong and spicy. Yin Zhun, who lived in Beijing, did not adapt to the ministers, but everyone was in high spirits and drank happily. The atmosphere of the banquet was lively and harmonious.

At the banquet, ministers frequently toasted Tang Yin. After all, to settle down in the wind country now, the relationship with Tang Yin, the wind king, has become very important.

Xiao Qingfeng and Tang Yin met again in Beijing. At this time, he was also very close. He sat at the same table with Tang Yin through a bit of wine.

"Your Highness has never been to the wind kingdom before, and you are not familiar with the wind kingdom. In the future, you will rely on your Highness the king of the wind. I also hope your Highness the king of the wind can give you more support." Xiao Qingfeng held the wine glass with both hands and said with a smile to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin's impression of Xiao Qingfeng is neither good nor bad. He feels that compared with most rigid minded ministers, he is particularly smooth and knows current affairs.

Just like just now, Xiao Qingfeng knows how to speak for himself in front of the emperor, while Wang Yi, on the other hand, talks nonsense and breaks his face against himself. He finally understood why Sichuan and Zhen countries attacked and occupied Shangjing under the banner of killing Wang Yi and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It was really a disaster for such a person who didn't appreciate it to stay.

He said with a smile: "Lord Xiao is polite. Lord Xiao is your Shaofu and a close Minister of the son of heaven. It's true that I have to rely on Lord Xiao to take care of my queen Yue."

"Ha ha!" Xiao Qingfeng laughed and hurriedly said, "Your Highness the wind king is really killing your lower officials."

Tang Yin leaned over and whispered, "you help me, I help you. Everyone helps each other. It's good for each other."

"Yes, yes, yes! What his Highness the wind king said is very true!" Xiao Qingfeng smiled with a glass of wine and said, "I'm going to honor the king of the wind and do it!"


Xiao Qingfeng and Tang Yin had a heated conversation, toasting and laughing at each other. Many ministers around him cast envious eyes. Wang Yi sitting opposite was shaking his head secretly, and his eyebrows were almost twisted into a pimple. Everyone wanted to please Tang Yin, and everyone went to please Tang Yin. In the long run, I'm afraid people will gradually forget who is the son of heaven and who is the prince!

Wang Yi's eyes turned and looked at Zuo Xiangmeng Luo sitting in front. Meng luogui is a senior official of Zuo Xiang and zhengyipin. He doesn't even have a toaster around. Of course, this has something to do with his lonely surname Ge. In addition, it is also due to the lack of generals in the court. Wang Yi turned his eyes, stood up, walked to Monroe's table, took his robe and sat down.

Monroe was stunned at first, but he didn't say anything more and continued to eat his food.

Wang Yi first asked, "what does Meng Xiang think of Wang Feng?"

"Very good! When the emperor is in danger, he dares to fight against Sichuan and Zhen and rescue them." Monroe said without expression.

Wang Yi sneer and said, "however, according to legend, the main purpose of the wind king is not to save the son of heaven, but to save his royal highness."

Monroe looked up at Wang Yi and said calmly, "how can hearsay rumors be believed?"

Wang Yi said no more about this matter. As soon as he changed his words, he whispered, "Meng Xiang, the subordinates of King Feng must not hold important positions in the court."

Monroe put down his chopsticks and stared straight at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi said positively, "now the emperor and I are under the fence of others and in the wind country. If even the imperial court infiltrates into the power of the wind king, won't both the emperor and the imperial court become playthings in the hands of the wind king?"

Monroe's cold eyes rarely twinkled with a ray of pure light, but soon disappeared. He picked up his chopsticks again and said, "Lord Wang is worried."

"It's not that you are suspicious, but that you are suspicious," sighed Wang As he spoke, he looked up and drank the wine in the glass. After a pause, he whispered in a dark direction: "Your Majesty's side must be safe, which is crucial to the rise and fall of the Empire."

Monroe didn't speak any more, but ate the food silently. Although he didn't answer, that doesn't mean he didn't listen.

While entertaining Xiao Qingfeng and other ministers who came to propose a toast, Tang Yin also peeked around and looked around for several times. He didn't see Yin Rou's figure. Presumably, the princess didn't come to the banquet.

After sitting for a while, Tang Yin took the toilet as an excuse to leave the lobby by urinating and went straight to the backyard where the princess was located.

"Wind king!"

Tang Yin went to the door of the princess's courtyard, and the bodyguards immediately bowed to salute.

He nodded and asked, "is the princess in the room?"

"Yes!" A bodyguard answered.

"Go in and tell me that the king wants to see the princess." Tang Yin said gently.

"This..." the bodyguard looked puzzled and stood still.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows puzzled and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Your Highness is seeing visitors!"

"See the guest?" Tang Yin was stunned. What guest did Yin Rou see? This is BAGUAN, not Shangjing. Who knows Yan Rou? He asked suspiciously, "who is coming to see the princess?"

"The doctor ordered general Meng tianmeng!" The bodyguard answered truthfully.

Doctor order? Tang Yin looked puzzled. If he remembered correctly, the imperial court's doctor order should be Zhao Kui. It is said that this person had died in the battle in Beijing. Why did a Montaigne pop up suddenly.

The official position of the doctor's order is not big, but it is extremely important. It is specially responsible for defending the imperial palace. In short, it is the captain of the Royal Guard. If the Shaofu is the first close minister around the emperor, the doctor's order is the first close general around the Emperor and a close person.

Originally, Tang Yin wanted his subordinates to take the post, but he didn't expect to be taken first, which made him both stunned and angry.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "get out of the way. I want to go in and have a look."

The bodyguards on the left and right changed their faces and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, you can't go in without the permission of the princess..."

Before they finished, Tang Yin waved the guards away. In the wind king, where else can he not enter?

Tang Yin didn't say anything. He walked into the courtyard and went straight to the main room.

The bodyguards guarding the gate outside the hospital are male surnames. Usually they dare not enter the hospital. The bodyguards in the hospital are in the charge of Yin Rou's close female bodyguards, but now Tang Yin is forced to break in, and the bodyguards are scared to mention their voices. They followed recently and shouted behind Tang Yin: "Your Highness the king of the wind can't enter! Your Highness the king of the wind..."

Tang Yin ignored the people behind him, and the female bodyguards in the hospital knew Tang Yin and knew that his relationship with the princess was extraordinary, so they didn't come to stop him.

When Tang Yin came to the front door of the main room and was about to go up the steps, the door opened first, and Yin Rou, Xiao Min and a young military general Tang Yin had never seen came out.

Seeing Tang Yin, Yan Rou's face was surprised, and her white jade face was also red, but before she spoke, the young general with Yan Rou asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

"Hui... General Huimeng, it's... It's the highness of the wind king who wants to see the princess. I'll wait... I'll wait..." six of them knelt down with the nearest bodyguard, and beans of sweat fell down.

The young military general's eyes slowly turned to Tang Yin. His originally indifferent face showed a smile. He arched his hand and said, "it's your Highness the king of wind. At the end, general Mengtian met the king of wind." As he spoke, he bowed.

Tang Yin looks at this person carefully. Montaigne is tall and a little higher than Tang Yin. He looks dignified and has deep facial features. His sword eyebrows fly obliquely like temples, and his tiger eyes are bright and bright. He can be called handsome. Coupled with the armor of a military general, he looks majestic and tall.

Even when Tang Yin saw Montaigne, he couldn't help nodding his head and praising a military general with good spirit!

He waved his hand slightly and said, "general Meng doesn't need to be polite."

Monta straightened his body and smiled calmly, but then his smile disappeared, and he shouted in a deep voice: "come!"

More than a dozen attendants came in with his cry.

Montaigne stretched out his hand and pointed to the six palace guards kneeling behind Tang Yin. He shouted coldly: "without informing, he connived others to enter the princess's bedroom without permission. If you behead them according to the law, you can execute it!"

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