Qiu Zhen glanced at Tang Yin and asked in a suspicious voice, "is your majesty serious?"

Tang Yin said, "you have no jokes!"

Qiu Zhen knows Tang Yin's surname. From his expression and tone of voice, he can also distinguish which are the truth and which are the words to deal with.

He breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back, bowed his hands and saluted Tang Yin respectfully, and said, "just now, I offended the king again. Please punish the king."

Alas! It's another set of words. Tang Yin felt that Qiu Zhen had heard this sentence more than ten times. He shook his head and said, "according to the old rules, punish the salary!"

"Thank you, Ron!" Qiu Zhen changed from bowing to kowtowing.

The people around him stared at Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen. They didn't know which one they were playing? Qiu Zhen threw a table at the king, which is no different from killing a king. It should be a capital crime. But Tang Yin not only didn't kill him, but also showed great intimacy, and even took the initiative to hug Qiu Zhen's neck

There won't be any secret or relationship between the king and Qiu Xiang? Everyone looked at each other, and the same question arose in their hearts.

Tang Yin is used to following his surname. He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't care what others think of him. He looked at Qiu Zhen, who was kneeling and kowtowing, and suddenly remembered something. He squatted down and asked suspiciously, "Qiu Zhen, how many years have you been fined? I forgot."

Qiu Zhen said solemnly, "it has been accumulated for almost five years."

Pooh! Tang Yin smiled, nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "let's make up for it this time. It's ten years!"

"Thank you, king!" Qiu Zhen kowtowed again to Shane.

Although Qiu Zhen dares to scold and beat Tang Yin again, he seems to be an extremely impulsive and indifferent person. In fact, he is like a mirror in his heart. He knows where Tang Yin's bottom line is, and he is fully confident that Tang Yin will not be punished for this. As for being punished for salary, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the king won't watch him die of poverty and starvation.

After Qiu Zhen's uproar, Tang Yin really restrained a lot and no longer went to find Yin Rou every day as before.

Privately, he also discussed with Qiu Zhen and wanted to propose to the emperor openly and marry the princess, but Qiu Zhen refused.

Qiu Zhen believes that if Tang Yin marries the princess now, his intention to rescue him is too obvious. It's easy to be confessed. It's unwise. No matter how deep his feelings for Yin Rou are, he must be patient during this period, at least until the limelight passes. In addition, Tang Yin can't mention marrying the Lord in person, or the son of heaven takes the initiative, Or the minister will propose marriage on his behalf.

What he said was not what Tang Yin wanted to hear, but he had to admit that Qiu Zhen was right, and his plan to propose marriage was put off for the time being.

Yinzi, go to Yancheng the next day.

On the road of Fengguo, the journey is much easier. There is no need to be afraid of being chased by the enemy behind. All the counties, counties and cities passed by are met by the head of the county, the head of the county and the city owner in person. The scene is spectacular and the ceremony is grand, which is many times more dignified than when the emperor fled north.

There was nothing to say all the way. Twenty days later, Tang Yin and his party finally arrived in Yancheng.

The news that the son of heaven went to Yancheng has long been spread in the city. On this day, Yancheng was overcrowded, and a sea of people gathered on both sides of the main road.

In a remote, backward and barren country like Fengguo, since the founding of the people's Republic of China, I'm afraid the emperor has not come more than three times. This generation of Fengren have never seen the emperor, nor have the previous generation and the next generation. Now it's hard to catch up with the arrival of the emperor. How can people miss this opportunity that is hard to find in their life, whether it's rich families or ordinary people, All rushed to the streets, scrambling to see the emperor's style.

When passing other towns, Yan Zhun sat in a carriage without even showing his head. Now when he came to Fengdu Yancheng, Yan Zhun rarely sat in a semi open carriage and waved to the people around from time to time, attracting bursts of cheers.

This kind of scene is rare even when Tang Yin goes in and out of Yancheng. It can be said that Yin Zhun doesn't have to do anything. He only has the aura of the son of heaven, and his limelight has crushed Tang Yin.

Tang Yin, who followed the emperor's carriage, and his generals rode slowly. Seeing this scene, people's hearts were not very happy. They also peeked at Tang Yin's reaction from time to time.

Tang Yin sat upright on the horse, but he was happy and relaxed. In his opinion, it is a good thing that the emperor is so popular. At least his rescue behavior has been recognized by the people.

In addition, it is also the most important point. Even the people of Fengguo, who are most alienated from the emperor, respect and respect the emperor so much. It can be seen that the emperor is not useless. Even if he is powerless and no longer the ruler of the country, he has too high reputation and status in the eyes of the people, so he can be said to be the supreme leader of people's spirit.

If the two countries of Zhen and Chuan use their troops to fight against the wind and become unknown, I'm afraid the monarchs of the two countries will have a headache only because of the pressure of public opinion at home and abroad. Thinking of this, Tang Yin's face smiled more.

At this time, Qiu Zhen urged his horse to come forward, came to Tang Yin's side, looked ahead, and whispered, "has the king made a decision?"

Tang Yin was stunned, looked at him sideways and asked suspiciously, "what decision?"

Qiu Zhen sighed, leaned over to Tang Yin and whispered, "where is the king going to place the emperor?"

"Oh! That's what you're asking!" Tang Yin smiled, nodded and said, "I've made up my mind."

"Ah? The king means..."

"That's it!" Tang Yin nuzui to the front.

Qiu Zhen subconsciously looked forward. He was shocked and said in horror, "the palace?"

Tang Yin said with a smile, "that's right. I want to keep the emperor in the capital. There's no better place than the palace, and it doesn't need much preparation. The palace just changes its owner and name, and it will become a palace."

It's easy to say! Qiu Zhen couldn't help rolling her eyes and asked, "the king gave the palace to the son of heaven. Where will the king live?" You can't live with the emperor, can you?

Tang Yin said carelessly, "there are only four people in my family, including me. Where can I live?"

Go! Qiu Zhenqi almost spewed out a mouthful of stuffy blood. He knew that Tang Yin didn't value these formal and material things, but he couldn't be too modest. If he changed the palace into a palace and gave it to the emperor, would his dignified monarch want to live in an ordinary house? Where does this put the face of the wind country?

Qiu Zhen shook his head again and again and said, "it's not right, it's wrong! The king still let the son of heaven live in the palace of Wancheng according to the opinions of his ministers!"

"Hey?" Tang Yin waved his hand, say: "Since we have all received the emperor in the wind Kingdom, we should do enough to show off. Why haggle over everything that doesn't matter? Let's make it clear to all other countries that our wind kingdom is not holding the emperor hostage. The emperor is still the supreme pride of heaven in the wind kingdom. Only in this way can our wind kingdom not fall behind the truth of other countries. If other countries want to make trouble against our country, they will come out of nowhere. What's more, a mere palace is nothing. The emperor is in our hands. We can make good use of the prestige of the emperor and build a territory tens of millions of times larger than the palace. This is the most important. Qiu Zhen, you are so smart that you can't even understand it? "

"Alas!" Qiu Zhen shook his head and sighed, "I understand the king's intention, but... I just feel that I have wronged the king too much..." when I got out of the palace, even Qiu Zhen felt that such a concession was too much.

Tang Yin smiled and stretched out four fingers, shook them in front of Qiu Zhen, and said, "there are only four people. Where to live is not to live. It's difficult to find so many palaces!"

Qiu Zhen couldn't help laughing. wry smile.

Tang Yin has the potential to make a fool of the monarch, and at the same time, he has the side of a great master of the Ming Dynasty. Whether he can become a master of the Ming dynasty or a fool of the monarch depends largely on the encouragement or inducement of the ministers next to him.

Fortunately, Tang Yin found a Qiu Zhen who dared to be outspoken to him and even beat him and scold him. He constantly urged him to push Tang Yin back on the right track again and again.

Qiu Zhen is also lucky. Tang Yin, who can tolerate and trust him in every way and regards him as a sibling, chooses to assist him. Otherwise, in Qiu Zhen's way, ten heads will have to be cut off.

At that time, the relationship between Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen was the most perfect complementarity and combination. They also formed the most basic backbone of the Feng country. In addition, the civil and military dignitaries of the official family, Zhang Zhe, Zongyuan, Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and so on formed the basic skeleton of the Feng country and firmly supported the giant of the Feng country, Even though Fengguo has experienced countless storms and waves in the future, this skeleton still stands and grows.

Escorting the emperor into the palace all the way, Tang Yin simply let the emperor into his bedroom.

Although it is said that this is Tang Yin's bedroom, he sleeps in it only a handful of times.

Yan Zhun didn't know Tang Yin's decision at this time, and didn't understand what he meant to bring himself to his bedroom.

There was doubt in his heart, but it didn't affect Yan Zhun's interest. All the towns he passed along the way were welcomed by the road, especially when he came to Yancheng, which made him see the support of the people, which made Yan Zhun in a good mood and much happier.

He walked back and forth in Tang Yin's bedroom like a visit, looking east and West. He felt far from the Imperial Palace in Beijing, but it was also the most luxurious and comfortable place he had ever escaped all the way.

From time to time, he could not help but frown at the emperor Yin, who was so strange that he couldn't stop playing in the palace from time to time?

She turned her eyes and looked at Tang Yin. The latter smiled and didn't know what she was happy or thinking. Just as she was about to speak, Tang Yin first asked, "what does your majesty think of this place?"

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