Tang Yin took Yin Rou to sit down and said, "I'll talk to you."

"About what?" Yan Rou didn't turn his head and didn't seem to want to see him.

Tang Yin naturally knew what she was angry about. After a pause, he said, "after a while, I will propose marriage to your majesty."

Yan Rou was surprised, turned back and said subconsciously, "propose marriage?"

"Yes! I will ask your majesty to betroth you to me." Tang Yin said positively.

Yin Rou was happy at first, but soon turned angry. She stared at Tang Yin and asked, "what do you want me to do for you?"

"Princess!" Tang Yin raised her hand, stroked Yin Rou's cheek and said word by word, "Princess of the wind country!"

"You..." Yan Rou didn't know whether she should be happy or angry. She lowered her head and whispered, "don't you already have a princess?"

"Who said that?" Tang Yin asked with a smile.

"You have canonized madam..."

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "I just canonized my wife, but I didn't have a queen. Originally, I wanted to choose one of them to be my princess, but after thinking about it, I didn't think it was appropriate, nor was it what I really wanted. In my mind, there is always only one person who can be my wife and son and become the queen of the wind country."

Yan Rou's heart beat faster and instinctively asked, "who?"

"It's you." Tang Yin's deep eyes fell on Yan Rou's exquisite little face.

The simple three words made Yan Rou's heart pool like stagnant water swell again. She looked at Tang Yin in disbelief, her small mouth opened slightly, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Tang Yin murmured, "many things are incomprehensible. When I first saw you, I was simply attracted by your appearance, because you are very much like a person I used to know. When I saw you the second time, I had only one feeling in my heart."

"Yes... What is it?" Yan Rou became nervous and asked in a low voice.

"Intimacy." Tang Yin looked at her without blinking and said, "it's as kind as relatives."

Yin Rou thought Tang Yin would say sweet words that made her blush and heartbeat. Unexpectedly, it was a sense of intimacy, a sense of intimacy like relatives! She was stunned for a moment, stimulated Lingling to fight a cold war and asked, "you regard me as your sister..."

"Listen to me." Tang Yin interrupted her wishful thinking, Continue: "It's a wonderful feeling, calm but surprisingly warm. It's like seeing my close relatives, my destined wife, who can accompany me and spend my life with me. I don't know what love is or whether it's love with one arrow. All I know is that the wife I want to marry must be you and the husband you want to marry must be me, The two of us will be together. Nothing can change. "

"Yin......" Yan Rou stared at Tang Yin blankly, without crying, but tears had rolled down.

Tang Yin is not good at rhetoric. He won't make women happy. He just tells his true feelings.

His feeling for Yan Rou was by no means a close relative of blood relationship, but a close relative between husband and wife who could spend their whole life together.

He didn't know what love was. In the past, he thought he loved Wumei, fan min and Yuan Qianyi, but when he saw Yin Rou again, he understood that it wasn't love, just pure love and responsibility. Love was actually a very selfish thing and could only be given to one person.

"Will you be my wife?" Tang Yin held Yin Rou's chilly catkin and asked softly.

Feeling the warmth of his palm and looking at his black eyes like the night sky, Yan Rou couldn't extricate herself from it. Facing Tang Yin, who showed her true feelings at the moment, she couldn't say "no" at all.

She bit her lips tightly to keep herself from crying. She wiped her tears and nodded heavily.

Seeing her consent, Tang Yin felt as if she had floated to the clouds in a moment, and her body was light and floating. He pulled Yan Rou into his arms and held her tightly, as if to integrate her into his body.


When the door of the temple opened, Xiao Min bumped into it angrily. Seeing the scene of Tang Yin and Yin Rou embracing each other, the anger on her face immediately disappeared. She stood for three seconds. Her eyes rolled, her hands pulled the door and slowly retreated back.

Although Tang Yin is not a good person in her mind, and she is even a lecheron who "holds the pot and looks at the basin" every day, the princess loves him and really likes him. She still hopes that the two can finally get together.

I don't know how long it was before Yan Rou's excitement gradually calmed down. Her little face was in Tang Yin's arms. Listening to his strong heartbeat, she said softly, "yes... Sorry..."

Tang Yin was puzzled by her sudden apology and asked, "why do you apologize?"

"Just now... Just now I thought of you in the room, and I was very sad. General Meng seemed to comfort me, but I didn't notice that his hand was on my shoulder..." Yan Rou's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she couldn't hear herself.

She could feel Tang Yin's strong possessive desire for her, and didn't like other men to touch her. She didn't want to make him angry because of it.

Tang Yin smiled and said, "I understand." He stroked Yan Rou's soft hair, but his eyes shone a chilling cold light. How could his woman allow others to touch him? He didn't think about how to reasonably get rid of Montaigne's trouble for the time being, but

He turned his eyes and said softly, "as a princess, living in a deep palace, I have no friends, I can't find a person to talk to, and I'm lonely. I understand all these. Well, I'll find someone to accompany you and talk to you. She's a good person to talk to."

"Oh?" Yan Rou sat up straight, looked at him and asked, "who is it?"

"Her name is Aoqing. Although she doesn't talk much, she has a good heart. She used to be a Ranger. She has traveled many places and has a wide range of knowledge. If you are upset or can't make up your mind, you can also discuss with her and she will give you good suggestions." Tang Yin smiled with "goodwill" and promoted Aoqing.

"Ranger?" Yan Rou's eyes lit up, and the princess's identity made her live in the palace every month and year. She was like a bird trapped in a golden cage, full of longing for the rangers who traveled all over the world. She nodded again and again, and then said in embarrassment, "I don't know if she is willing to accompany me, and will it cause you trouble?"

Tang Yin comforted with a smile: "don't worry! She will be willing to come (Aoqing doesn't dare to listen to her own words), and there will be no trouble."

In Yan Rou's side, Xiao Min is trustworthy, but Tang Yin can also feel that Xiao Min doesn't have a good impression of herself. Arranging Aoqing to Yan Rou's side can not only protect her, but also prevent Montaigne from making a wrong idea about the princess and killing two birds with one stone, so she is much more at ease.

For Tang Yin's "consideration", Yin Rou was grateful and moved. Her sad little face was also full of laughter. She stood up, quickly bent down, chirped, kissed Tang Yin's face quickly, and said, "thank you!" Then he ran into the inner room with a red face.

Tang Yin sat there and stayed. In his impression, this was the first time Yan Rou took the initiative to kiss him. Although it was only the cheek, it was enough for his heartbeat to accelerate for a long time.

Until he left the Huaying hall, his feet were light and soft, and his face was still with a silly smile.

When the palace guards saw this, they all doubted whether they were dazzled. The king's smile always made people feel cold. When was it so... Gentle.

He turned a blind eye to the strange eyes around him. He thought that he was finally in love...

The next day, Tang Yin was still busy. In the morning, he was going to the imperial palace to participate in the early Dynasty of the imperial court. He listened to the nonsense of the imperial ministers. After returning home, after lunch, the Fengguo ministers led by Shangguan Yuanji and Qiu Zhen came again. Tang Yin had to participate in the afternoon Dynasty to discuss the military and political affairs of the country.

In his busy time, he didn't forget his promise to Yan rou. He found Aoqing and explained that he was going to send her to the palace to accompany the princess.

The style and means of the secret arrow are becoming more and more cruel, especially in terms of punishment, which is so cruel that she loses her surname. After all, Aoqing is a woman, not as cruel as Cheng Jin and Jiaxi. She had the intention to transfer from the secret arrow, but she never dared to mention it. Now Tang Yin asked her to go into the palace to accompany Yin rou. Aoqing agreed simply without thinking about it, and nodded her head immediately.

Most of the palace guards were from the Feng army. It was easy for Tang Yin to arrange Aoqing to come to Yan rou. However, in order to avoid trouble, he reported the matter to Yan Zhun first. After the latter agreed, he brought Aoqing into the palace. Taking this opportunity, he also happened to see Yan Rou to solve the pain of lovesickness for several days.

He did not ignore Qiu Zhen's warning. During this period, he also deliberately avoided running to the palace.

The emperor settled down completely in Fengguo, and everything returned to the previous order. The actual control of Fengguo is still in the hands of Tang Yin. The imperial court still has its own appearance, which is just a noble decoration. The only difference is that the Imperial Palace moved from Shangjing to Fengguo, while Tang Yin moved from the imperial palace to outside the palace.

A few days later, Tang Yin received the war report of Ningguo. As Qiu Zhen had expected, the war between Ningguo and Duji finally evolved into a scuffle between Ningguo and many city states of moffis Federation. Five big city states in moffis Federation sent troops to reinforce Duji, including besa.

It will not be easy for you to join the war, but it will be hard for you to join the war.

Finally, the state of Ning had to negotiate peace with Duji. Duji returned the occupied territory of the state of Ning, while the state of Ning withdrew its military assistance to TIA and promised not to reinforce Duji when he fought with TIA.

The result of this is exactly what Duji wants. After the negotiation between the two sides, Duji's troops all withdrew from Ningguo, and the spearhead turned and began to attack Tiya, which Duji coveted for a long time. However, even without Ningguo's assistance, Tiya's combat effectiveness was not as weak as Duji imagined, and the war was not as smooth as they expected.

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