"In the dark house!" Cheng Jin tells the truth.

"* have you come up with a random cultivation method?" This is what Tang Yin cares about most.

Cheng Jin shook his head in embarrassment and said, "not yet."

Tang Yin raised his eyebrows. He had seen the punishment of hidden arrows. He felt that no one could survive such torture. He asked suspiciously, "even you can't open her mouth?"

Cheng jinchui looked down and whispered, "it's... Impossible to make her compromise without using punishment."

Tang Yin was stunned and asked, "why not execute?"

Cheng Jin blinked and said, "at first, the king only told yuan Ziyi to be put under house arrest, and didn't say he would torture her!"

Tang Yin knocked on his forehead and muttered, "really? I really forgot." After a pause, he raised his head and said, "take me to her."

"King, now?"


The dark house is the base camp of the dark arrow. It is still cold and lifeless. There are no guards outside and there are basically no people entering it. The huge house is empty and looks like a ghost house. The air is filled with a chilling smell of death.

Yuan Ziyi was under house arrest in a small wing room. On the surface, there was no guard, but once she walked out of the room, a hidden arrow appeared and returned her.

When Cheng Jin arrived with Tang Yin, it was late, but the light in the wing room was still on, indicating that Yuan Ziyi didn't sleep.

Walking closer, Cheng Jin respectfully opens the door for Tang Yin, who strides out of the room.

After entering, Tang Yin looked up and saw yuan Ziyi sitting at the table reading. He didn't even turn his head or take a more look at his entry.

Tang Yin looked at her carefully. I haven't seen yuan Ziyi this time. Yuan Ziyi is much thinner than before, but her beautiful appearance hasn't changed. On the contrary, there is a bit of morbid beauty that people pity.

"Miss purple is so leisurely!" Tang Yin walked to her side, looked down at the book in her hand and said with a smile.

Hearing Tang Yin's voice, Yuan Ziyi was shocked, but immediately returned to normal. She slowly put down her book, looked up at Tang Yin, and said slowly, "I don't know if the king is coming, it's too far to welcome."

She was polite, but haughty, and sat there motionless.

Tang Yin felt that Yuan Ziyi had only disgust for himself except hostility. He didn't care. Being disgusted by the enemy was definitely much better than being liked by the enemy.

"Is Miss purple still used to living these days?" Tang Yin asked casually.

"Not used to it." Yuan Ziyi replied expressionless to Tang Yin's eyes.

She's telling the truth. There is still a big difference between Fengguo and Ningguo. Ningguo is hot and humid, while Fengguo is dry and cold, and her eating habits are very different. More importantly, the dark house makes her feel very uncomfortable. This house is more like a huge ghost, sucking her life all the time.

Looking at her stubborn little face and the firm will naturally revealed, Tang Yin sighed in her heart.

His eyes rolled, Squinting his eyes, youyou said: "This is a place where secret arrows use torture and execute criminals. There are countless wronged souls and wild ghosts. The king will feel uncomfortable when he comes here. Why should miss purple stay here to suffer? As long as you are willing to hand over the random cultivation method, you can leave immediately. Otherwise, miss purple will stay here for a lifetime. Even if you die, your body will die Will be buried here! "

Because the aura was sealed, Yuan Ziyi was no different from ordinary people. She couldn't use the art of insight and detect whether there were spiritual practitioners around. If Tang Yin didn't say, she really didn't know that this was the nest of hidden arrows.

The dark arrow has always been cruel and ruthless. Even within the wind country, the people who died in the dark arrow can't be counted. No wonder I feel uncomfortable here, but the Yin here is really too heavy.

"I really want to leave here, but if I have to exchange random variables, I'd rather stay here." Yuan Ziyi bit by bit shattered Tang Yin's hope.

What a hateful woman! Tang Yin whispered in his heart.

Pondering for a moment, he suddenly bent down and approached yuan Ziyi. Asked softly, "aren't you afraid of my punishment?"

Yuan Ziyi didn't pay attention to his threat at all. She said with a smile: "I can naturally stand ordinary punishment. Even if there is torture I can't stand, I will bite my tongue and kill myself to end my pain as soon as possible."

Seeing a flash of fire in Tang Yin's eyes, Yuan Ziyi smiled, then stood up, stood face to face with Tang Yin without fear, and continued: "also, I hope the king will not make random ideas in the future. Even if I tell you, you can't learn."

Tang Yin frowned and said, "Guangming is Lingwu. Naturally, I can't learn it, but I..."

Before he finished, Yuan Ziyi shook her head and interrupted: "random change was created by our ancestors. The ancestors are daughters. Only women can learn the random change. Linglong gate has had hundreds of years and there are many disciples. Has the king ever heard of a man learning random change?"

Random change only women can learn? This surprised Tang Yin. He glanced sideways at Cheng Jin in the back.

At this time, Cheng Jin also frowned and bowed her head in meditation, as if thinking about whether a man had ever used the rumor of random change. But after thinking for a while, he really didn't remember any man who used random change. All the time, the rumors of random change have happened to the female disciples of Linglong gate.

Seeing Cheng Jin's dejected expression, Tang Yin saw that he had agreed with Yuan Ziyi's words. His eyes were frozen and deep. He looked directly into yuan Ziyi's eyes as if he could see through the hearts of the people. The latter did not avoid, raised his head and looked at Tang Yin silently. Her eyes were not floating, flickering and flustered when lying, but only clear to the bottom.

blamed! Unable to see the flaw, Tang Yin cursed in her heart, fiercely shook her robe sleeve and said coldly, "you're going to stay here all your life!" With that, he walked out with big steps.

Seeing Tang Yin finally take back her burning eyes and go out, Yuan Ziyi hissed. Although she was calm on the surface, her intimate underwear was almost soaked with sweat.

What she said just now is half true and half uncertain. Random change was indeed created by the originator of Linglong gate, and set strict door rules. Random change spread to women rather than men. Just because of this, Linglong gate has always been full of yin and Yang, and the heads of all dynasties are women. As for whether men can learn to change randomly, Yuan Ziyi really doesn't know, and there has never been such a precedent.

Although she doesn't want to stay in the nest of hidden arrows for a lifetime, it's much better than passing on the random cultivation method to the wind country.

Just as Tang Yin was about to go out of the room, his body suddenly stopped again, as if he remembered something, turned and walked back, and his eyes turned around on Yuan Ziyi.

I don't know what he's up to. Yuan Ziyi was uncomfortable with his unbridled eyes. She subconsciously took a step back, raised her arms and naturally blocked her chest.

Tang Yin scoffed at her defensive posture. He returned to Yuan Ziyi, held out his hand and picked up a wisp of hair. While playing with it, he also deliberately put it under his nose and sniffed it. He smiled and said, "it's so fragrant!"

Yuan Ziyi recalled Tang Yin's insult to herself in Hedong. Her face changed. She wanted to pull her hair back, but Tang Yin didn't mean to let go and clamped it tightly.

She said angrily, "what the hell are you doing?"

Looking at her angry little face, Tang Yin smiled more and more happily and said slowly, "since random change can't be learned by men, what's the use of me leaving you? Or, your value is only your body." As he spoke, he glanced at her maliciously.

"You..." Yuan Ziyi was ashamed and angry. He couldn't drag Tang Yin away. He looked at Cheng Jin flustered.

Although Cheng Jin is the head of the hidden arrow, she is still good to her. Since she was under house arrest in the dark house, Cheng Jin has always been very polite to her without any rude behavior.

Of course, she didn't miss her eyes for help. Cheng Jin sighed. If the king really wants to possess yuan Ziyi, what can he do? However, her flustered eyes and painful little face made Cheng Jin feel a little distressed for no reason.

Taking a deep breath, he arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty..."

Tang Yin looked sideways at Cheng Jin and asked suspiciously, "what's up?"

"Oh... No, nothing!" Cheng Jin lowered his head.

Tang Yin shrugged and smiled, continued to play with Yuan Ziyi's hair, and youyou asked, "the aura cultivation method of Linglong gate should also be very suitable for women's cultivation?"

I didn't understand what he meant by asking. Tang Yin's closeness made yuan Ziyi uneasy. She nodded and replied calmly, "that's right."

Tang Yin's eyes turned and said, "I'm going to follow the example of Ningguo and set up Lingwu college in the capital. There are no restrictions on the students. Naturally, there are men and women. I wonder if Miss Ziyi is willing to teach your cultivation methods to the female students in the college?"

I never thought Tang Yin would make such a request. Yuan Ziyi and Cheng Jintong were stunned. The former said positively: "I have already said that random change I am anyway..."

Tang Yin interrupted, "you just need to teach your spiritual cultivation method. As for random change, I won't force you."

Seeing yuan Ziyi's suspicious face, Tang Yin said with a smile: "I don't want to be trapped here all my life. Being a teacher of Lingwu college is the best choice. How about it?"

"I... I need time to think about it."

"I want your answer now."

"You..." Yuan Ziyi shook her fist, pondered for a moment, crossed her heart and said, "OK! I promise you!"

As long as you leave the nest of hidden arrows and live in the relatively loose Lingwu college, the chances of escape will also increase greatly.

Tang Yin seemed to see through her mind. She smiled on her back and waved as she walked out. "Don't try to escape. You'll send someone to stare at you. In addition, your companion is still in my hand. If you escape, I'll use the most cruel means to make her life worse than death." With that, he had walked out of the wing room and left yuan Ziyi standing in the room.

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