Ah San and ah Si had no strength to fight back, but the Shangguan brothers were reluctant to spare no effort. They took turns to punch them. Each time they punched, a San and ah Si's spirit armor would have an extra layer of cracks.

At this time, Tang Yin took a deep breath and said, "Yuanwu and yuanbiao, don't fight again!" While talking, he stretched out his hand to hold Wu Mei who came running, took her to a San and a Si, looked down at the two people lying on the ground, and asked with a smile, "can you still stand up?"

A Wei's three and four stood up and looked at a Wei's arm slowly. At this time, the spirit armor on their bodies was broken and nothing, and the dagger in their hands didn't know where they had been beaten by the Shangguan brothers.

They looked at Tang Yin with awe.

Tang Yin looked at them with a smile and asked suspiciously, "when I kicked you two just now, you two could hurt me. Why do you show mercy?"

Ah San and ah Si were silent and bowed their heads.

Tang Yin gently pushed Wu Mei away, then stepped forward, looked at them closely, and said, "you two know who I am?!"

Ah San and ah si still didn't speak, but nodded at the same time.

Tang Yin smiled and asked, "how did you see it?"

"There is no one else in Yancheng except his Highness the king of the wind who has such a high spiritual cultivation of the dark Department." Ah San whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Not bad! Quite clever. At least much smarter than your two masters!" Tang Yin nodded with appreciation. Then he scattered the spirit armor, put away his double swords, and said as if it should be: "with your two skills and spirit skills, it's a waste to follow such an incompetent fool. In the future, you two will be my people."

After saying that, he didn't care what reaction ah San and ah Si had, whether they agreed or opposed. He turned and walked to the young man in Chinese clothes.

Squatting down and looking at the young man who fell seven dizzy and eight dizzy, he waved and patted him on the cheek and said, "is it Guo Yu? Just now you said that the king should be polite when he saw you. Don't say it's you. Even if your father Guo Tong saw the king, he didn't dare to say such a thing!"

Guo Yu originally wanted to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. When he heard Tang Yin's words, his eyes suddenly stared round, looked at Tang Yin without blinking, and stammered, "you... Are you..."

"Feng Wang, Tang Yin."

These four simple words made Guo Yu's head buzzing, stunned and unable to return for a long time. But the more shocking is still ahead.

"The woman that childe Guo just wanted to rob is the king's wife." Tang Yin said softly.

Go! After hearing this, Guo Yu almost spewed out an old mouthful of blood. Those two women were the wife of the wind king?

Oh... It's killing me!

Don't look at what he said. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to Tang Yin at all. In fact, how dare he offend Tang Yin?

Apart from this point, the identity of Prince Tang Yin alone is not something he can afford to offend. At this time, Guo Yuna dared to continue lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. He got up from the ground, knelt in front of Tang Yin, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a hurry: "spare your life, king! I don't know that the two young ladies are the king's wife. I hope the king will let... Let the villain go this time in the face of my father..."

King? Seeing Guo Yu kowtow to Tang Yin while calling the king, the people around him were stunned. After a moment, someone finally recognized Tang Yin and exclaimed, "king! It's the king -"

With the scream of people, the people around fell to their knees.

Tang Yin felt a headache when he saw this. Looking at Guo Yu who kowtowed like pounding rice in front of him, he stretched out his hand to lift him up and sneered, "Guo Yu, what qualifications do you have for the word 'face' in front of the king?"

Guo Yu excited Lingling to fight a cold war, but in an instant, his nose and tears flowed out together, and begged for mercy: "spare your life... Spare your life..."

"Spare your life? Hum! Under the light of heaven, you bully others and rob beautiful women. If the king allows you, won't more women suffer?" While talking, Tang Yin waved her arm, threw Guo Yu at the Shangguan brother and shouted, "break into the death row and choose to be executed!"

In fact, Tang Yin didn't want to kill Guo Yu. Although Guo Yu was hateful and dared to be rude to Wu Mei, he didn't know it. Besides, his father was Guo Tong, the dignified right phase and the red man around Yin Zhun. It's not good for him to have a grudge with him at present, but now there are so many people present in full view of the public, he can't directly release Guo Yu and detain him in death row first, It's also good to wait for Guo Tong to come to the door and beg for mercy. First, it's just a favor to sell Guo Tong. Second, it's also convenient for him to beg for ah San and ah Si slaves.

After the fierce battle just now, he has seen that ah San and ah Si are extremely powerful. They can not only achieve spiritual heaven, but also have excellent skills. They are rare first-class experts. If they hadn't been merciful, even if they could hurt them, they could also hurt him. But Tang Yin didn't understand how experts like ah San and ah Si became slaves? Why would you willingly listen to the instructions of such a dandy like Guo Yu?

If you want to get the answer, you can only ask Guo Tong.

Seeing Tang Yin put Guo Yu into the death row, the people around him were all smiling. People kowtowed repeatedly and cheered in unison: "King Shengming! King Shengming!"

On the other hand, Guo Yu was stunned and sat on the ground, full of panic and despair.

At this time, a large group of wind troops arrived at the news, protecting Tang Yin, Wu Mei and others while dispersing the surrounding people.

Escorted by Feng Jun, Tang Yin, Wu Mei and Yan yinghan return to the palace. Before leaving, Tang Yin specially confesses to the loss of the tavern and asks someone to take ah San and ah Siyi to the palace.

On the way back, Wumei was strangely silent, lowered her head and kept silent.

Tang Yin found her strange and asked, "Xiaomei, what's the matter?"

After a long silence, Wu Mei whispered, "I'm sorry..."

If it weren't for Tang Yin's keen hearing, I'm afraid she couldn't hear what Wu Mei was talking about.

He was stunned and asked, "why do you apologize?"

"I... I shouldn't have sneaked out." Wu Mei shrunk her shoulders and hung her head deeply. She was completely like when a child did something wrong and was found by an adult.

Tang Yin was happy. He leaned the horse close to Wu Mei, then spoiled and rubbed her head and said, "I don't object to you going out to relax, but you have to promise me to inform me when you go out next time."

"Well, Yin, I know..." Wu Mei still didn't dare to look up at him.

Knowing that she was afraid of her anger, Tang Yin turned her eyes, suddenly stretched out her arms, grabbed Wu Mei's waist, took her from the horse into his arms, looked down at Wu Mei with a surprised and unknown expression, and he laughed and urged the horse to run forward.

He doesn't know how to persuade Wu Mei, but he will take practical actions to express his feelings.

The wind army around saw the king running away with Wumei in his arms. For fear of another accident, they hurried forward and ran after her.

Yan yinghan looked at the back of Tang Yin and Wu Mei, who had gone away. Suddenly, she was envious of Wu Mei.

All the way back to the palace, Tang Yin almost took Wu meiheng back to her house. He stayed in the house for a while before he left. Back in his room, he took a bath and put on his king's clothes. He set off for the study.

On the way, Tang Yin asked, "where's Guo Yu?"

"According to the king's wishes, he has been imprisoned in death row!" Shangguan Yuanwu arched back.

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and asked, "have ah San and ah Si settled down?"

"Temporarily settled in a wing room in the left courtyard." Shangguan Yuanwu said angrily, "these two dog slaves dare to fight the king. They should be killed. Why should the king leave them?"

Tang Yin youyou said, "now is the time to hire people, and ah San and ah Si are all experts. Of course, I hope to use them for myself."

Shangguan Yuanwu frowned and said, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, these two people are right phase Guo Tong. I'm afraid they may not be willing to go to the king, and they are not my wind people and can't be trusted!"

Tang Yin nodded thoughtfully, then shook his head, smiled leisurely and said, "it doesn't matter who it is, whether it's worth trusting or not, I'll tell. You don't have to worry about it."

"Yes! King!" Tang Yin insisted on taking ah San and ah Si, two powerful slaves with unknown origins. Shangguan Yuanwu had no choice but to pay close attention and be more careful.

While talking with Shangguan Yuanwu, Tang Yin came to the door of the study.

Before entering, he listened attentively. The study was quiet and no one spoke.

Tang Yin raised his head to his brother. They understood each other and shouted, "here comes the king!"

As they spoke, they reached out and pushed open the door of the study. Tang Yin stepped in.

There are three people in the study. One is lying and the other two are sitting.

The lying one is sleeping. Tang Yin can't see his appearance because he faces inward. Judging from his clothes, this person's family is not rich.

The other two were sitting, one in his early thirties, looking white and clean, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes, like a scholar. Although the other was also sitting, he was closing his eyes and nourishing himself. This man was in his forties, with a yellow face and black beard, thin cheeks, high convex cheekbones, small eyes, an eagle hook nose and a mean look.

Seeing Tang Yin in King's clothes enter the study, the two people sitting on the collapse quickly stood up, walked out, knelt down respectfully in front of Tang Yin and said, "villain Wen Hao (Tang Yu), see the king!"

oh It turns out that they are Wen Hao and Tang Yu. There's no need to ask. The one who is still sleeping on the collapse is the highlight Festival. Tang Yin waved her hand with a smile and said softly, "gentlemen, please get up."

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