Tang Yin didn't expect that Shao Xuan was really naked, and Shao Xuan didn't expect that Tang Yin would lift her quilt. They were stunned. One stood in front of the bed and the other lay on the bed, staring at each other.

I don't know how long it took, like a few seconds or a century, Shao Xuan first broke the silence and screamed like killing a pig: "indecent -"

In the high decibel scream that she was about to break through people's eardrums, Tang Yin came back to his senses. He threw out a cold sentence: "I'm not interested in a baby who hasn't shed any fetal hair."

In a word, Shao Xuan's scream stopped abruptly, as if someone had stepped on her tail. She jumped up from the bed, pinched her waist with both hands, glared at Tang Yin and said, "who hasn't shed the fetal hair? Who is the baby?"

Shao Xuan is young, and her naughty surname Ge is really hateful, but after all, she is a girl. Standing in front of Tang Yin only in her thin belly pocket and obscene pants still makes him feel uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, turned his head and shouted to the two maids at the door, "get out!"

Seeing that he wanted the maid to leave, Shaoxuan subconsciously shouted, "don't go!" Perhaps because she was often punished, her sixth sense was very sharp. At this time, she also realized that if the maid left, she would suffer.

The two girls are Shao Xuan's personal maids. How dare they let the princess in thin clothes stay in the same room with Tang Yin in anger. Instead of leaving, the two maids came forward, picked up the quilt thrown on the ground, helped Shaoxuan put it on, and then said to Tang Yin, "Your Majesty..."

"Get out!" These two words were squeezed out by Tang Yin from the teeth. He turned to face up to the two women and asked, "are you two going to disobey orders?"

Hearing the speech, the second daughter immediately trembled with fear and hurriedly replied, "I dare not!"

"Then get out at once!"

Looking at Tang Yin's eyes that were about to burst into flames, the two maids dared not ignore his orders any more. They both looked at Shao Xuan and showed an expression of "ask the princess to ask for more blessings", and then withdrew from the bedroom obediently under Tang Yin's glare.

"No! Do you hear me, Princess Ben doesn't allow you to go..."

The two chambermaids, Shaoxuan, want to close the door and call back the two chambermaids.

"I can't spare you both..." Shao Xuan jumped angrily.

Tang Yin in front of the bed said coldly, "you'd better consider yourself first!"

Shao Xuan was surprised at first, and then looked at Tang Yin disapprovingly. The old God asked, "come on, why are you coming back to find this princess?"

"You still ask me?" Tang Yin smiled angrily and asked, "you put the earthworms in the soup!"

"What earthworm? I don't know." Shao Xuan answered simply.

"The chef in the kitchen has admitted that you have been to the kitchen." Did the chef admit that Tang Yin didn't know, so he was just cheating Shaoxuan.

Although Shao Xuan is smart and has many ghost ideas, he can't compare with Tang Yin in terms of Chengfu. She didn't doubt it, shrugged and said, "what can I be like when I've been to the kitchen..."

Before she finished, Tang Yin's fist rattled and said, "it's you again!"

Seeing his gloomy and frightening face, Shao Xuan subconsciously took a step back and asked in a trembling voice, "what is me? You... What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You won't forget my last warning so soon?" As Tang Yin spoke, he climbed to the * * * and approached Shaoxuan.

Last warning? Shaoxuan thought for a while before she remembered what Tang Yin's last warning was. Her face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly retreated to the corner of the bed. There was no way to retreat. She trembled and said, "you... Dare you hit me? If you dare to hit me, I'll tell brother Wang to let him and you go on forever..."

"Your brother Wang didn't take care of you. I'll take care of him. It's too late for him to thank me!" Tang Yin said slowly and continued to be close to Shaoxuan.

"How dare you..."

Before she finished, Tang Yin grabbed her, pulled her slightly, and pressed her on his leg. Shao Xuan didn't give in. She waved her hands and feet and kicked Tang Yin again and again, but her strength was too small. Hitting Tang Yin with her fists and feet was not painful, but hurt her hands and feet.

Shao Xuan, who was born as a princess, was so angry that she aimed at Tang Yin's arm and bit it fiercely. Tang Yin frowned slightly. Shaoxuan's body was so big that her bite force was not small. He was not in a hurry to push her away, raised his other hand and slapped Shaoxuan's small ass.


"Ah --"

With this slap, Shao Xuan immediately let go and uttered a shrill scream. I felt the burning pain of my ass, as if it was on fire. The little girl bit Tang Yin's arm again angrily. Tang Yin was not polite either. Without any pity, he slapped Shaoxuan on the ass.

At this time, the two maidens who withdrew from the bedroom squatted at the door, listening to the crackling sound inside and Shao Xuan's heart rending cry. The two women wiped the cold sweat and wanted to go in, but they didn't dare. They looked worried.

I don't know how long it took, even Tang Yin couldn't remember how many times he hit. Shao Xuan, who was pressed by him on his leg, gradually stopped struggling, and the cry became weaker and weaker. Finally, only hissing sobs and choking were left.

Seeing that Shao Xuan was finally honest, Tang Yin's anger subsided a lot. He put his hands under Shao Xuan's armpit, lifted it up, put it on the bed and said, "I'll teach you a lesson this time. If there is another time, I'll fight harder, you know?"

"..." Shao Xuan didn't answer. She lay on the bed and just cried silently.

The chirping little girl suddenly became silent, which made Tang Yin feel very uncomfortable. He pushed Shao Xuan and said, "I'm talking to you!"

"..." Shao Xuan still didn't speak, but turned around and looked at Tang Yin silently with two big red eyes crying. The tears in her eyes seemed to accuse Tang Yin of what unforgivable atrocities he had just committed. For a moment, even Tang Yin doubted whether he had gone too far.

It's her who did something wrong. Why does it seem like she did something wrong? He shook his fist hard. He didn't know whether he was complaining about Shaoxuan in bed or his own softness.

Alas! Tang Yin sighed and looked down on Shao Xuan's small upturned buttocks. He stretched out his hand and took off some of her dirty pants. He saw that her buttocks were redder than the monkey's buttocks.

"What are you doing..." Shao Xuan finally opened her mouth and asked with a cry. She is too young to understand men and women. Seeing Tang Yin take off her dirty pants, she just feels a little awkward and shy

Tang Yin didn't speak. He took out a small round iron box from his arms, opened the lid, and put the ointment on Shaoxuan's red hip.

The ointment is cold. After application, the burning pain is reduced a lot. Shao Xuan looked at Tang Yin in surprise and asked, "are you drugging me?"

"Shut up!" Tang Yin replied angrily. He doubted that he must be crazy. Otherwise, how could he have so kindly drugged Shaoxuan, a naughty girl.

He hates being so soft hearted now.

As if she hadn't heard his scolding, Shao Xuan looked at him with sneaky big eyes and said, "in fact, you don't hate me, do you?"

"No." Tang Yin didn't even want to answer.

"In fact, you care about me very much." Shao Xuan reached a conclusion on her own, and then she asked curiously, "why? Because I will be your bride in the future?"

Go! Tang Yin nearly vomited blood. He threw the iron box in his hand in front of Shaoxuan, then stood up, frowned and looked at Shaoxuan for a while, and finally turned and walked out.

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet?" Shaoxuan thought of holding him, but as soon as she moved, a strong tingling sensation came from her ass, making her powerless to lie back in bed.

Without saying anything, Tang Yin opened the door and went out. The two maidens squatting outside the door turned pale with fear. They quickly knelt down, hung their heads and dared not face Tang Yin.

Before going out, Tang Yin stopped and said without looking back: "you will stay here honestly until you learn!"

"Cut!" Shao Xuan on the bed laughed and muttered, "I want you to take care of it!"

Tang Yin stopped and strode out. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, his palm would fall on Shaoxuan's ass. she just had the ability to make people hair.

Leaving Shao Xuan's courtyard, he was also secretly pondering Shao Xuan's questions. Did he like her? Think about it carefully, Tang Yin also had to admit that she was angry with her. In fact, she didn't hate Shaoxuan. Otherwise, how could she be drugged in person.

Maybe I like her too! But Tang Yin knows that even if he likes it, it is different from the kind of love between men and women. When he drugged her, he naturally touched her little ass. he was completely calm at that time.

When Shaofang comes, he should be allowed to take the trouble back to their country of mo. Tang Yin thought secretly.

The next day.

Qiu Zhen came to Tang Yin again and went to the school military field to watch the next martial arts competition. This time, Tang Yin's affection was lacking. He pushed the matter away. He just told Qiu Zhen to repay him the results of today's martial arts competition.

Tang Yin didn't want to go, and Qiu Zhen couldn't force it. He promised and turned away.

Today is a duel between Chen Xiu, Lei Zhen, Zhou Chang, Wei Xuan, Kong Yan, Tian Jia, ye Tang and Nanye. They can enter the second round. Their strength is naturally superior to others. Today's competition is much better than the day before.

After a whole day's competition, Lei Zhen, Wei Xuan, ye Tang and Nan Ye finally won.

Originally, the first three groups went on quickly and finished the competition in only half a day, but the competition between Nanye and Tian Jia became delayed again.

The two fought 50 rounds without winning or losing. It was noon at this time. Qiu Zhen could only order them to suspend the martial arts competition, have lunch first and wait until the afternoon.

But in the afternoon, the two fought until late afternoon, and fought for more than 300 rounds in the school military field. Finally, the long competition was finally defeated by Nanye because of Tian Jia's careless move. Nanye also won again.

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