Tang Yin is also somewhat dissatisfied with Lei Zhen. He once again asks for his resignation. Can't he treat himself as a jackal, a tiger and a leopard? Is it so hard for him to join the army?

Seeing that his face was not good, Tang Zhong didn't dare to say more. He bowed and said, "yes, your majesty!"

Tang Yin doesn't want to see Lei Zhen, and the latter can't force it, and he doesn't dare to leave Yancheng without Tang Yin's permission.

The next morning, Lei Zhen came to the palace again and asked to see Tang Yin. This time Tang Yintong agreed with him.

When Lei Zhen saw Tang Yin, the latter was having dinner and Zuo Xiang Qiu Zhen was sitting at the same table with him.

Lei Zhen saluted and said hello to them respectfully. Tang Yin looked at him with a smile and asked, "I heard you were waiting for Wang all afternoon yesterday?"

"Yes, your majesty." Lei Zhen lowered his head and said.

"I went to the palace yesterday to discuss state affairs with the emperor. I was so tired when I came back in the evening. Won't you blame me?" Tang Yin asked with a smile.

"Villains dare not." Lei Zhen's face changed slightly and hurriedly bowed his hands again. Even if he had great dissatisfaction in his heart, he didn't dare to admit it frankly in front of Tang Yin.

"That's good." Tang Yin waved and said, "sit down and eat together!"

Ah? Lei Zhen wondered if he had heard wrong. What was Tang Yin's identity? It was the king of a country. It was incredible that he had to eat with himself, a civilian. While he was stunned, Tang Yin had ordered the servants below to prepare another set of tableware.

"King, villain..." Lei Zhen regained his consciousness and hurried to refuse. Tang Yin waved his hand and smiled, interrupted him and said, "you came so early, you must not have eaten breakfast. It will hurt your health if you don't eat breakfast. After dinner, I will take you to see two people."

Lei Zhen was stunned and asked, "I don't know who the king is going to take the villain to see?"

Tang Yin smiled mysteriously and said, "you will know when you meet."

The breakfast in the palace is very good. There are cool and refreshing dishes, delicious clear soup and instant snacks. However, Lei Zhen doesn't know how to eat. Eating with Tang Yin at the same table, he seemed very nervous. In addition, his heart was also full of curiosity. He didn't know who Tang Yin was taking him to see. In Yancheng, he didn't remember his old acquaintance.

It was not easy to finish the breakfast. Seeing Tang Yin standing up, Lei Zhen hurried to follow him. Tang Yin smiled at him and said, "the two people I took you to see must be the ones you want to see most."

Hearing this, Tang Yin was more curious about selling medicine in Hulu.

Qiu Zhen has always been smiling and silent. Now he looks forward to Lei Zhen's sudden sight of his parents in Yancheng.

Tang Yin ordered Tang Zhongbei to prepare a horse. He wanted to travel. In addition, he sent people to the right prime minister's house to inform Shangguan Yuanji and let him go to the early Dynasty instead of himself.

After leaving the palace, Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen and Lei Zhen rode straight to the home of Lei's father and mother.

Along the way, Lei Zhen was extremely curious and wanted to ask several times, but when he saw Tang Yin's unfathomable appearance, he swallowed the question at his mouth. Anyway, he has made up his mind that no matter who Tang Yin wants to see, he will take this opportunity to resign from Tang Yin and return to his hometown.

After walking for less than half an hour, Tang Yin reined in the reins in front of a big house, stopped, turned back and said to Lei Zhen, "here we are."

Lei Zhen looked up and saw that although this house is not a luxury house, it covers a large area. Looking up, the plaque above the house door reads "Lei Fu", which surprised Lei Zhen. There are not many people surnamed Lei in the world. Tang Yin brought himself to this Lei mansion. Isn't its owner his relatives?

But on second thought, I felt something was wrong. My relatives were all civilians. I didn't hear that anyone had such a big house in the capital.

Seeing Lei Zhen's face changing from cloudy to sunny, Tang Yin smiled secretly, turned over and dismounted, shook his head and said, "Lei Zhen, you don't have to be cautious here. Go in with the king!"

Lei Zhen followed Tang Yin blankly and walked into the house.

At this time, the door of the house had already been opened, and more than a dozen servants separated on both sides. When Tang Yin came, people knelt down one after another and said in unison, "king!"

Tang Yin kept walking and went straight to the lobby inside.

There are three people in the lobby, an old couple with gray sideburns and a middle-aged man in official clothes.

Seeing Tang Yin's meteors coming in from the outside, the middle-aged official quickly whispered to the old couple, "the king is here, salute quickly!"

"Little... Little man... I've seen the king!" The old couple both knelt down and kowtowed, and their voices trembled as they spoke.

Tang Yin rushed forward, helped the two old men up with a smile and said, "you're welcome, two old people!"

Lei Zhen, who followed Tang Yin recently, raised his eyes and looked inside. Others didn't see clearly, but only the old couple.

His eyes glared round fiercely, doubting whether he was dazzled. He couldn't help but * * * his eyes and looked again. Yes, the old couple were not others, but his old father and mother.

Although Lei Zhen didn't wear the worn clothes of pingri, but changed into brocade and Huayi, Lei Zhen won't admit his parents wrong. He was stunned for a long time before he subconsciously exclaimed, "Dad? Mom? You... Why are you two here?"

Contrary to Lei Zhen, Lei's father and mother didn't have the slightest surprise on their faces. First they looked at Tang Yin carefully, then they looked unhappy and said, "what did your child say? This is your home. Where are we when we're not here?"

"Home?" Lei Zhen felt that his nerves were almost disordered. When did he have a home in Yancheng and when did his parents arrive in Yancheng? Why haven't you heard any news?

Seeing Lei Zhen standing where he was for a long time, Tang Yin chuckled and Qiu Zhen walked to Lei Zhen, Zhengse said, "Lei Zhen, you are now the Viscount of gale. This house is rewarded by the king, and your uncle and aunt are also ordered by the king to receive the capital. How can my parents of the Viscount of gale be ordinary hunters again? Besides, my uncle and parents have worked hard all their lives, and now they should enjoy happiness."

Ah! Now Lei Zhenquan understood that it was no wonder that the king had planned to grant himself the title of viscount. He wanted to take the opportunity to plug himself into a big house and tie himself to the capital. It was completely deceptive for the king to let himself go or stay after the martial arts competition. He didn't intend to let himself leave at all.

It's better now that my parents have been picked up. What else should I go home? This is my home.

Lei Zhen certainly felt uncomfortable about Tang Yin cheating himself, but Tang Yin was willing to spend so much effort to keep himself, which made him very moved. In particular, Tang Yin sent Lei's father and mother to Yancheng, which made Lei Zhen very kind. I'm afraid no monarch other than Tang Yin could spend so much time on him, a civilian.

He took a deep breath, walked slowly to his parents, bent his knees, fell to his knees with a plop, and said, "father and mother, please greet your two elders." After a pause, he asked again, "are you still used to living in Yancheng during this time?"

After asking, he immediately regretted that he was asking nonsense.

Looking at the two old men's glowing faces and smiling faces, he already knew that his parents must be very comfortable and happy in Yancheng during this period. They were not forced or coerced by the king to stay.

"Good, good." The old lady said with a smile: "it's big and comfortable here. You can eat, wear and use. There are more than ten servants alone, and the neighborhood around you is also very good. Son, you can make a difference. Both father and mother are happy for you. These are all given to you by the king. You should do a good job for the king!"

Lei's father and mother are all rude people. They can't speak any great truth, but they are very simple and know the truth of knowing kindness and repaying it.

This is what Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen want to see most.

Lei Zhen is like a mirror in his heart, but he doesn't point it out. Whether the king is acting or acting deliberately, in short, he will be satisfied to see his parents so happy.

He knelt on the ground and didn't get up. He turned back and kowtowed to Tang Yin. He said, "the great kindness of the king is unforgettable. The villain is willing to join the army and serve the country faithfully. However, the villain also has a request. Please accept the king."

Lei's father and mother's face changed at the same time. Their baby is crazy. Did he even talk about conditions with the king? The second old man looked at Tang Yin with worry, and then scolded with dissatisfaction: "zhener..."

Tang yinchong waved to the second old man, then looked down at Lei Zhen kneeling on the ground and asked with a smile, "Lei Zhen, what do you want, tell me!"

Lei Zhen took a deep breath, raised his head, looked up at Tang Yin's eyes and said positively, "after the villain joined the army, he will not leave the Feng country for half a step. If there is a strong enemy, even if the villain is broken to pieces and will die, but if the great king is on an expedition, please keep the villain at home. Villain... There is only one requirement."

Tang Yin frowned at the speech.

Even Qiu Zhen is not happy. Joining the army is joining the army. If you are in the army, you have to obey the orders of the general. How can you explain that you can only stay at home and don't want to go to war? This thunder shock is simply arrogant and arrogant. It's too arrogant.

Qiu Zhen thought Tang Yin would oppose and be angry. Unexpectedly, he stared at Lei Zhen for a long time. His expression slowly eased down and sighed gently: "Lei Zhen, you made such a request to honor your parents nearby?"

"Yes, your majesty." Lei Zhen looked sad and said, "the villain's two brothers died in a foreign land... After the villain joined the army, even if he died in the battle, he would die in the native land of the wind country... I hope Wang Haihan."

Tang Yin nodded and youyou said, "as the saying goes, loyalty and filial piety are difficult to achieve, but I think that as a person, filial piety should be the first, followed by loyalty. If you are not filial to your parents, how can you be loyal to your country? Your request is approved by me!"

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