Lianshan is located in the middle of Ningguo, which is not big, nor long enough to divide Ningguo into two. What Tang Yin said is to take Lianshan as the boundary, but only take Lianshan as a symbol.

Shao Fang stood up, went directly to the map, looked down, and found the Lianshan marked with red ink at a glance.

The location of Lianshan is just located in the center of Ningguo. There are eight counties in the north and eight counties in the south. It is good to divide the sixteen counties of Ningguo equally.

On the surface, Tang Yin's proposal is fair and reasonable. After the two countries join hands to destroy Ning, they are divided into eight counties. However, Liangzhou, the capital of Ning, is located north of Lianshan, and Liangzhou's prosperity and important surname are not comparable to one or two counties. Moreover, most of the wealth of Ning is accumulated in the capital. Liangzhou belongs to the wind country, which means that most of the wealth of Ning has been swallowed by the wind country.

Although Shao Fang is crazy, he is not stupid at all. He is even smarter than most people.

He bowed his head and meditated for a moment. Suddenly, he laughed on his back. He pulled out his sword and stabbed it at the location of Liangzhou on the map. At the same time, he turned back and looked at Tang Yin.

He didn't speak, but he made himself clear with his actions.

Of course Tang Yin understood what he meant. Lying on the collapse, he said lazily, "I own the Liangzhou and Brother Shao owns the six cities in the north of Lianshan."

Six cities? Almost equivalent to a county. Tang Yin traded six cities for one city in Liangzhou. Shao Fang blinked and felt that such conditions were acceptable. He smiled and said, "brother Tang, how about you and me make another appointment?"

Tang Yin asked with a smile, "what agreement?"

Shaofang thief smiled and said, "Whoever attacks Liangzhou first will own the wealth in Liangzhou city. Within three days, he can move as much as he can, and the other side shall not intervene."

Although Liangzhou is relatively close to Fengguo, Shaofang is fully confident that he can attack Liangzhou first.

He is very confident in the combat effectiveness of the Mozambican army. Maybe the infantry of Mozambican army is not as good as the wind country and the bow army is not as good as Ningguo army, but the cavalry of Mozambican army is invincible all over the world. Distance has never been a problem for the Mozambican army. In addition, he had two generals under his command, Lian Ge and Xiang Wen. Even if sun Yuanhong, the first general of Ningguo, fought in person, he could not resist the force of Lian Ge and Xiang Wen.

Tang Yin looked at Shao Fang confidently, narrowed his eyes and sneered. He looked up and pointed to him, saying, "the cavalry of Mo country says 800 lines. No matter how fast our soldiers' legs and feet are, they can't be faster than the iron hooves of the cavalry! Well, I've taken advantage of Brother Shao. The wealth of Liangzhou belongs to Brother Shao. Even if you and I are even!"

Before the competition, Tang Yin conceded defeat first. Shaofang was stunned first, then laughed again, and his face was even more elated.

Tang Yin looked sideways at the Shangguan brothers on both sides. The latter two understood and came forward. He whispered, "take Princess Shaoxuan out first."

"Yes! King!"

The Shangguan brothers bowed their hands, walked up to Shaoxuan and said, "princess, please go back to your room first."

If at ordinary times, Shao Xuan had to ask why she wanted to leave even if she was obedient. However, with her second brother present today, she seemed a lot more honest. She just looked at Tang Yin in confusion. Then she got up obediently and walked out slowly under the escort of Shangguan brothers.

Her sudden silence made Tang Yin more or less uncomfortable. It seems that Shaoxuan is in great awe of Shaofang, brother Wang!

Seeing Tang Yin send his sister away, I know that what he will talk about next must have something to do with Shaoxuan.

Before Tang Yin spoke first, Shao Fang said first, "brother Tang, Youqin is not yet an adult. I think you two will get married immediately after the rite of passage. I'm in a hurry to drink the wedding wine! Of course, I won't give you less dowry for Youqin. Don't hesitate to ask for anything, such as gold, silver, jewelry and urban land."

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows. The kingdom of Mo has always had enough gold, silver and jewelry, but even the land in the city can be used as a dowry, which shows that Shaofang loves this sister very much. Then why is Shaoxuan so afraid of him?

Unable to understand the reason, he was also lazy and thoughtful. He said slowly: "Brother Shao, the princess is young and active. She is not suitable to be my wife and concubine. I think this marriage... I'll talk about it later. I'll trouble Brother Shao to bring the princess back to mo."

Hearing this, Shao Fang's face suddenly changed. The dignified Princess of Mo was demobilized and dismissed again, which is equivalent to hitting him in the face. If the other party was someone else, Shao Fang would have turned his face long ago, but the other party is Tang Yin, so he can only suppress his anger again and again.

He took a deep breath, remained silent for a long time, and determined that he could speak peacefully. Then he said, "brother Tang, Youqin is just young and playful. After Chengren, he will converge..."

Tang Yin interrupted with a smile. "Goodwill" reminded: "the princess is Brother Shao's sister. Brother Shao naturally knows the princess better than ever. Her ordinary deeds are not just fun!"

Shao Fang has a red face. Tang Yin is right. He can't understand Shao Xuan's surname better. He also has a headache for this sister. When Tang Yin agreed to the marriage, he was happy and finally able to send away the trouble. He just didn't put a whip on the spot to celebrate. Now Tang Yin wants to return Shaoxuan. How can he agree? It's not only related to Mo's face, More importantly, Shao Xuan returned home and didn't know how much trouble she would cause herself! It's true that he loves his sister, but he doesn't want to think about her.

He turned his eyes and said, "you qinping likes to make some harmless pranks, but Tang Yin will stop for a long time as she finds the right way."

Tang Yin asked curiously, "how?"

Shao Fang smiled darkly and said, "if she's naughty again in the future, you'll kill the maid around her! Do it once, kill two, do it twice, kill four. After a few times, she won't dare to fool around. Anyway, the little girl is soft hearted and will have feelings for the slaves around her."

Shao Fang's words were understated, but the guards around him were sweating coldly. Shao Fang was cold-blooded to an unparalleled degree.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "is that how Brother Shao teaches the princess?"

"Of course." Shao Fang said with a smile: "this method is also the most effective."

"I see." Tang Yin nodded. He finally knew why Shao Xuan was afraid of Shaofang. For a 13-year-old girl with such a cruel brother, how could she be afraid. In the palace, family affection is indifferent. Shao Xuan naturally has deep feelings with the maid around her. She wanted to attract the attention of adults by means of pranks, but she brought death to the maid around her. It's hard to imagine how she spent her life in the palace for more than ten years.

Even Tang Yin was surprised that he felt heartache for Shao Xuan. He was even glad that Shaofang didn't accept his proposal and took Shaoxuan over to Mo country.

"So, is brother Tang taking back what he told me to take Youqin?" Shaofang squinted at him and asked with a smile.

Tang Yin said, "let the princess... Stay with me!" With that, he wanted to smoke these two mouths.

Shao Fang laughed and said, "this is a brother!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin also smiled. If he had a mirror in front of him, he would find his smile ugly.

In the evening, Tang Yin hosted a banquet in the palace to entertain Shaofang and left him in the palace for the night.

However, Shao Fang didn't like living in other people's places. He politely refused, but lived in the guild hall in Yancheng.

In the guild hall, he can find as many women as he wants, and play as late as he wants. * * * is free and unrestricted. As for safety, the bodyguards accompanying him are Lingwu experts, and there are a large number of wind troops to protect him. He doesn't worry at all.

On the surface, Shao Fang is a man with a surname of wine and sex and a murderous man, but it would be a big mistake to belittle him.

The next day, early morning. Not surprisingly, Shao Fang was facing the court with dark circles under his eyes, which was the price of playing all night.

In the court hall, taking advantage of the opportunity of the future of the emperor, the ministers in the court came to salute and say hello to Shaofang, and did their best to flatter.

Of course, this is also human nature. The territory of Mo is larger than that of Feng, the national strength is stronger than that of Feng, and the population is more than that of Feng. In the nine princes, Feng is only a second-class country, while Mo is a first-class power. People please Shaofang, hope they can leave a good impression on him, and wait for many ways out in the future.

Shao Fang's response to the ministers gathered around him was no response. He was depressed, yawned and didn't look at any of them.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on the ministers of the imperial court, and Tang Yin regarded them as treasure. He didn't need to smile at them and make friends with them, which caused Tang Yin's disgust. For himself, Tang Yin's important surname is thousands of times better than these ministers.

Not long, Yin Zhun went to court.

All the ministers knelt down and saluted, three kowtows and nine obeisances, including Shao Fang, while Tang Yin only bowed his hands slightly.

After Yan Zhun made the people flat, his eyes fell on Shaofang's face and asked with a smile, "King Mo was tired all the way. Did you have a good rest last night?"

In front of the emperor Yin Zhun, Shao Fang was quite respectful. He bowed and said, "thank you for your concern. I have a good rest."

"That's good." Yan Zhun nodded and wanted to ask questions. Tang Yin on one side was no longer in the mood to listen to these irrelevant nonsense. He took a step, arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to play."

Chang Yan asked, "why do you have to swallow the words of love?"

Tang Yin said, "King Mo has obeyed the order to become a saint of the wind, but king Ning claims to be ill in the future. He resists the order and does not obey it. He is obviously evil and treacherous to the son of heaven. I hope your majesty will issue an order to denounce the rebellion and denounce the kingdom of Ning."

It's another set of words! Yan Zhun frowned wearily. Recently, he can hear similar words almost every day. Why does Tang Yin like war so much? Isn't it good to have a quiet day? Yin Zhun really didn't understand why Tang Yin was so enthusiastic about crusading against Ningguo and had to fight against Ningguo.

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