Ningyang, Xiaoling county city.

Compared with Daiyun City, Ningyang is much larger and bustling. Even in the whole country of Ningyang, Ningyang is also a big city that can rank among the top five.

However, due to the close of the wind army, Ningyang is much more depressed than before. Many rich families in the city have moved away. The streets are deserted, and more than 50% of the shops are closed. Even during the day, few pedestrians can be seen.

This is what Tang Yin and Cheng Jin saw when they entered Ningyang.

While walking, Tang Yin sneered and asked Cheng Jin, "Cheng Jin, what do you see?"

Unable to understand what he meant by this question, Cheng Jin shrugged and said, "brother, I don't see anything."

Ningyang is a little bigger than Dayun City, with a little more shops, but half of the shops are closed.

Tang Yin smiled: "It is said that Ningyang is one of the major cities in the state of Ning. It is not difficult to imagine the bustle of the past just looking at the rows of shops. However, our army is only stationed in Hexi. Before * * * arrives at Xiaoling County, Ningyang becomes so cold, which shows that Ning people are timid! If the comfortable day lasts too long, people will cherish their lives. Therefore, even if the national strength of Ningyang is ten times that of our country, we can still conquer it They. "

Cheng Jin nodded thoughtfully and said, "what elder brother said is reasonable."

"The county capital should be in the center of the city. Let's go and have a look."


Tang Yin and Cheng Jin rode slowly down the street. When they were close to the center of the city, they didn't dare to go any further. Tang Yin's guess is correct. The county capital is indeed located in the middle of Ningyang, but outside the current county capital, there are many soldiers and armours, with strict guard, ten steps and one post, five steps and one sentry. Groups of soldiers walk through a column in two or three minutes. This is still a guard on the surface, and there may be many invisible secret sentries!

After only a cursory look, Tang Yin shook his head secretly. With such a tight guard, it is basically impossible to rush in by force. Even if he wants to disguise himself, he can't hide the insight of Ning Jun's spiritual cultivators.

Feeling that there was no chance to start in the front, Tang Yin quietly winked at Cheng Jin, motioned him to change direction and walk around the side and back of the county capital.

The two rode horses and not only slowly got into the alleys on the street and investigated the police on both sides and behind the county capital. The result disappointed Tang Yin. The police situation on the other three sides of the county capital was basically the same as that on the front. A large number of Ning army protected the county capital without leakage, and looked at the posture of Ning Army soldiers, who looked like a great enemy.

Our side has not entered Xiaoling County, let alone Ningyang. How can Ningjun protect Lin Han so closely? It's even abnormal. Unable to find the loophole, they had to leave. On the way, Cheng Jin couldn't restrain her curiosity, frowned and whispered, "brother, it's a little abnormal here!"

"Yes, it's abnormal!" Tang Yin feels the same way.

Cheng Jin said, "the police in the county capital felt like Lin Han had a hunch that someone would assassinate him."

you 're right! Cheng Jin's casual remark reminded Tang Yin. When you think about it carefully, the county capital looks like a great enemy, as if someone had just assassinated Lin Han. Can't Lin kill the enemy besides his own side?

I can't see that there are many mysteries hidden in this quiet Ningyang city. He smiled and said, "it's no use just guessing. Cheng Jin, where do you say the news is the most informed?"

"Tavern, or teahouse!"

"Yes, let's find a pub first and listen to the wind while eating."

"Good! Big brother!"

They were walking forward. Suddenly, their bodies were shocked at the same time, and their hearts were full of vigilance and murderous!

However, the strong murderous spirit didn't come for them, but was always here, but they inadvertently broke through recently and felt the existence of murderous spirit.

Tang Yin subconsciously turned his head and saw that there was a big house on his left. The house was very close to the county capital, and the scale was not much different, and the murderous spirit he felt came from the house.

It's not so much murderous as pressure, the spiritual pressure emitted by spiritual practitioners. You don't need to enter the house, but you can judge from the spiritual pressure emitted from the house. There are a large number of spiritual practitioners in the house, and there are many outstanding ones with exquisite cultivation.

"Big brother?"

Cheng Jin looked at Tang Yin, raised his arm, touched his waist and made a gesture of drawing a knife.

Tang Yin waved his hand at him, suggesting that he should be at ease. He whispered slowly, "it's not our business. Don't get into trouble."

"Yes!" Cheng Jin promised and put his hand down slowly.

The two pretended to be as if nothing had happened and swaggered past the house.

Just as they were about to pass the front door of the house, the door of the house suddenly opened and three middle-aged people came out of it to block their way.

Tang Yin and Cheng Jin reined in their horses and looked at the three people. They all looked in their early 40s, wearing simple blue clothes and cloth shoes. They looked no different from ordinary people. However, even if they couldn't use the art of insight, Tang Yin could clearly feel that the three people were spiritual practitioners and had extremely profound accomplishments.

They were looking at each other, and the other was looking at them, and the three showed their brilliance and released their insight.

Insight is the basic skill of spiritual practitioners, but it can not be used at will. When one spiritual practitioner releases insight to another spiritual practitioner, it is like a maximum provocation, and its consequences are likely to lead to the death struggle of both sides.

Seeing the insight released by himself in the opposite direction, Cheng Jin's face suddenly sank. At the same time, the black spirit fog emanated from his body and surrounded his body.

Neither of the two sides spoke, but the atmosphere was extremely tense. At this time, Tang Yin seemed to be an outsider and felt very funny. He just passed by here without inviting anyone or provoking anyone. He could come to the door for trouble.

Just as they looked at each other, the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in the middle of the three middle-aged people asked, "I don't know which school the two dark friends are from? What's the matter of coming to our Qingyun hall? Maybe it's also for treasures!"

Tang Yin and Cheng Jin are confused. What Qingyun hall and treasure? I've never heard of it.

The two looked at each other suspiciously. Tang Yin smiled without saying anything. Cheng Jin frowned and said, "we are not any sect or sect. We are just hunters who live by hunting. As for your Qingyun hall, my two brothers have never heard of it, let alone know what treasure you said. We are just passing by. If there is nothing else, please make way."

"Hum, hunter? That's really nice! It's hard for you two to go in such a big Ningyang. You have to go from here. I think you two have ulterior motives!" The middle-aged man on the left sneered and said, "brother Liu, there's no need to talk nonsense with these two thieves. Catch them again!"

"Hey?" The middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes waved his hand and stopped his companions. His eyes swept the brocade and fell on Tang Yin.

It's rare for a spiritual cultivator to reach the spiritual heaven realm. It's even more strange that he is a spiritual cultivator in the dark. Moreover, this young man is handsome and has extraordinary appearance. If he is a hunter, he certainly doesn't believe it. However, since the other party doesn't show his intention to win the treasure, he doesn't need to grow branches outside.

He laid hands on Tang Yin and Cheng Jingong and said, "since you two are just passing by here, I'm really sorry. I'll disturb you!" After saying that, he took the two companions around him, flashed aside and let Tang Yin and Cheng Jin pass.

The other party has retreated, and Cheng Jin doesn't want to stay in the place of right and wrong for a long time. He urges the horse to pass. At this time, Tang Yin, who has never spoken, suddenly asks, "take the liberty to ask, what treasures do you have in your house so that you can be on guard?"

The faces of the three middle-aged people changed at the same time. The one on the left shouted, "it has nothing to do with you. Don't ask more!"

The middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes spoke calmly. He said lightly: "my friend, if you two really don't know about this, it's really good not to ask. Moreover, now Ningyang is a place of right and wrong. If you really pass by, you'd better leave quickly."

The other party didn't want to say, and Tang Yin didn't force it. He shrugged his shoulders, hugged his fist and saluted: "thank you for your advice and leave." With that, he hurried his horse away without further delay.

At present, the business in Ningyang city is very poor, but the restaurants and teahouses near the mansion are very prosperous, and even overcrowded. To Tang Yin and Cheng Jin's surprise, the diners in the restaurants and teahouses are basically no ordinary people. All of them are spiritual practitioners with very mixed accents. People everywhere have them. Judging by their costumes, they are estimated to be Rangers.

There are a large number of spiritual practitioners gathered in the house, but there are more spiritual practitioners gathered outside the house. What kind of treasure will attract these many people?

Tang Yin and Cheng Jin are extremely curious.

The two wanted to inquire about the wind in the restaurant, but they regretted when they entered the restaurant. The atmosphere in the restaurant was dignified and depressed, as if there was a huge stone hanging on their head, and the pressure could not breathe.

The restaurant is almost full of people. No one laughs, no one talks, and no one even clicks when drinking. Such a large space only gives people a feeling of quiet and death like silence.

When eating in such a dead place, Tang Yin was afraid of his stomach ache. When the food came up, he directly asked the waiter to pack it, and then left the restaurant with Cheng Jin carrying the packed wine and vegetables to find the inn to rest.

Find an inn at random. Tang Yin specially chose a room facing the street. After the waiter left, he took out a small wooden sign from his luggage, pushed open the window and hung it on the edge of the window.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this small wooden card is very ordinary and not special, but if people from the sky eye and the earth net see it, they will naturally come to the door.

Tang Yin couldn't find the wind from the normal channels, so he had to ask about the Tianyan and earthnet spies hidden in Ningyang.

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