Tang Yin and Zhang Zhihong talked in secret for a long time. Through Tang Yin's narration, Zhang Zhihong also thoroughly understood why the Fengjun army was defeated in Xiaoling county and why it was scared and held back by tens of thousands of local troops.

Feng Jun's strategy is not bad, but it does give him enough excuses to admonish Yan Chu. He can even encourage the ministers to create pressure and force Yan Chu to accept admonition.

At the end of the conversation, Zhang Zhihong grinned, nodded and said, "Your Highness the king of the wind is excellent in strategy. I admire you..." after a pause, he looked directly into Tang Yin's eyes and said with a smile: "I can cooperate with the king of the wind, but I don't know if the king of the wind will fulfill his promise after everything is done?"

Tang Yin's calm smile stiffened, and his face showed a cold color. He asked, "is Zhang Xiang questioning the status of the king?"

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly ask, Zhang Zhihong quickly shook his head and said, "I have no intention..."

Tang Yin interrupted, "you are not joking. As the king of a country, do you think you will go back on your word and break your promise?"

Zhang Zhihong immediately realized that his questioning was too much. The integrity of the monarch represents the integrity of a country. Questioning the monarch of a country is undoubtedly a humiliation to the whole country. Zhang Zhihong was stunned for a moment, hurriedly stood up, saluted Tang Yin deeply, and said, "the old minister made a mistake. Don't be surprised, your highness Wang Feng."

Tang Yin waved his hand and eased his expression. He said calmly, "Zhang believes that he can't trust the king. Can he always trust the son of heaven? The king will play the son of heaven at the meeting and pass a secret message to Zhang, stating that as long as Zhang helps our Fengjun enter Liangzhou, he will make you king of Xinning."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhihong had no doubt. If the emperor could really send such a secret, it would be a matter of nailing on the board. Tang Yin might be able to cheat, but the emperor would never. Zhang Zhihong bowed to the ground again, his face trembling with excitement, and said, "I thank your highness King Feng!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled and said, "next time I see you, Zhang Xiang doesn't have to call himself an old minister. You and I can call each other brother Wang and brother Wang."

"Ha ha -" Zhang Zhihong couldn't restrain his excitement. He also looked up and smiled, and his red round face was covered with a layer of glory. In recent days, he was overwhelmed by the joint invasion of the two countries. He thought Ningguo was more or less dangerous and his status was not guaranteed. Unexpectedly, it turned into an opportunity to ascend the throne of ningwang.

After all that should be discussed, Tang Yin said, "Zhang Xiang should not stay here for a long time. If something happens later, the king will send someone to contact Zhang Xiang."

"Good!" Zhang Zhihong also realized that he had stayed here for too long. He arched his hands and said, "Your Highness the wind king, the old minister is leaving." After that, seeing that Tang Yin didn't mean to leave, he couldn't help asking, "isn't your Highness the wind king leaving?"

Tang Yin looked down at the dishes on the table and said with a smile, "I haven't tasted the good wine and food in Ningguo yet. How can I leave in such a hurry?"

Zhang Zhihong spoke secretly. Tang Yin's courage was so great that he dared to eat and drink like no one else in Liangzhou. He turned his eyes and asked with a smile, "Your Highness is not afraid of the old minister leaving to snitch and arrest the wind king?"

Hearing the speech, Cheng Jin's eyes flashed fiercely and his murderous spirit was exposed.

Tang Yin didn't care at all. He picked up his chopsticks, put in a braised pig elbow and said with a smile, "is Zhang Xiang stupid to do it here? I am the benefactor to help you prosper and the step to your throne. Only a fool can do things that destroy his future. Zhang Xiang is obviously not such a person."

Zhang Zhihong laughed again, stopped talking, took his minister Zhang Yuan, said to Tang Yin to take care of him, and then walked out of the private room. Cheng Jin sent it out on behalf of Tang Yin. When breaking up, Cheng Jin took out a jade pendant, broke it into two parts, handed half of it to Zhang Zhihong, and said, "people who meet Zhang Xiang in the future will take the other half of the jade pendant as a voucher."

After receiving the jade pendant, Zhang Zhihong nodded, but said hello. He didn't ask who would contact him in the future. He knew that Feng Guo's spies in Liangzhou would not be less than Ning Guo's spies in Yancheng. Tang Yin had taken a great risk to see himself. Since the matter had been negotiated, he would never take the risk to meet him again.

After Zhang Zhihong left, Cheng Jin returned to the private room and saw Tang Yinzhen eating and drinking. He asked anxiously, "brother, will Zhang Zhihong really not report?"

"Of course not. As I said just now, only fools will do that." Tang Yin nibbled at the pig's elbow, which was not elegant.

"Zhang Zhihong really believes that big brother will make him king Ning?!" Cheng Jin hissed.

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "don't underestimate the temptation of the throne. A crown can make subjects kill kings, sons kill fathers, and risk universal condemnation. People's eyes are often blinded by greed."

Cheng Jin nodded and felt that what Tang Yin said was reasonable. In front of the throne, the darkest side of the surname can be expressed incisively and vividly.

Tang Yin smiled at him and said jokingly, "so, Cheng Jin, you should also keep an eye on the people around me. I don't want to be the second Zhanhua."

Cheng Jin took a breath and hurriedly said, "to protect the king's safety, my subordinates dare not neglect it for a moment. Moreover, the king's great talent is far from that of the previous king."

"Well said." Tang Yin giggled and waved, "sit down and have dinner together."


It was smoother than Tang Yin expected to win over Zhang Zhihong. After completing this matter, it was considered to have completed the main task of this trip to Liangzhou. The next step was to wait until the Mo army in the South continued to advance north, creating pressure on the court of Ningguo. At the same time, he sent a letter to the flying pigeon of Yancheng through Tianyan and Diwang spies, asking Shangguan Yuanji to find Yin Zhun immediately and write down the secret message of establishing Zhang Zhihong as king of Ningguo, And take it to Liangzhou as soon as possible, so as to completely dispel Zhang Zhihong's doubts and enable him to do his best for himself.

In Tang Yin's view, integrity is not worth a penny. Despite what he said in front of Zhang Zhihong and vowed, he had already made up his mind that Zhang Zhihong was the first one he wanted to kill. As for the secret of the son of heaven, he would also take it back from Zhang Zhihong and destroy it secretly.

In his heart, there will be no more Ningguo, let alone the existence of King ningwang.

In the next few days, Tang Yin found several main leaders of Tianyan and Diwang in Liangzhou and explained them one by one, especially the contact with Zhang Zhihong. He specially ordered several leaders to do it in person to prevent accidents.

Two days later, the gold that Tang Yin had previously sent secretly arrived in Liangzhou.

Tang Yin gave the gold to the head of Tianyan and Diwang for safekeeping, took 10000 liang from it, and asked Cheng Jin to hand it over to Zhang Zhihong's house. No matter how he controlled it, whether it was for his own use or to buy off other ministers, in short, he hoped that Zhang Zhihong could handle the two things he put forward as soon as possible.

Cheng Jin takes orders and leaves. Tang Yin does nothing in the inn. He goes to a nearby teahouse and drinks tea while watching the street view.

The teahouse is not big and its foundation is relatively remote, but many people come to drink tea, including dignitaries in gorgeous clothes.

Tang Yin felt very strange at first, but after drinking the tea sent by the waiter, she immediately understood why the business of the teahouse was so hot. The tea in this teahouse is very authentic. It tastes mellow, fragrant and sweet. A cup of tea makes people feel refreshed.

If the teahouse is in Yancheng, Tang Yin estimates that he will often patronize it. Thinking of this, he was happy. He was confident that he would soon be able to move the teahouse to Yancheng.

While he was enjoying his tea, there were several tea guests from outside. It was nothing, but one of them was the last person Tang Yin wanted to meet at this time.

A woman.

How could it be her? Tang Yin's eyebrows frowned. If he avoided at this time, it would attract people's attention. He sat there without moving, just lowered his head a little and looked serious about tasting tea.

He thought the other party couldn't see him, but he was wrong.

As they were acquaintances, the waiter came up and led several people upstairs to their usual seats. But just as they were about to go upstairs, the beautiful girl in her twenties instinctively looked around the tea guests. When her eyes swept away from Tang Yin, her eyes were shocked, and her slender and delicate body was shocked.

Xianzu, who was going to step up the steps, retracted and turned around. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Tang Yin without blinking.

Because Tang Yin is slightly drooping, she can only see half of his face clearly and can't see the whole picture. In addition, she doesn't believe that he will appear here in her heart. However, the person in front of her did touch the memory that she didn't want to mention in her heart.

The girl walked to Tang Yin step by step with an unbelievable expression.

Seeing that she didn't go upstairs, she went to the window on the first floor. The people behind her were stunned and said in the same voice: "Miss..."

The girl turned a deaf ear to their questions. She went all the way to Tang Yin's desk and stood still.

At this time, Tang Yin had seen everything with the rest of her eyes and sighed in her heart. If heaven does evil, it can still be violated. You can't live because you've done evil! I really have a bad relationship with her.

The girl sat down opposite him, her face white and her body trembling.

Tang Yin can no longer pretend to be confused. Instead of asking others to ask, he might as well take the initiative to say hello.

He slowly and elegantly put down the tea cup, calmly raised his head, and looked at the girl's eyes without warning. His bright smile climbed onto his face, his eyes bent, showing two rows of neat little white teeth. He said gently and pleasantly, "Miss Youling, we meet again." It's just the wrong time and the wrong place.


The girl opposite looked at the beautiful smiling face in front of her. She stayed for three seconds before her head hummed and recovered her reason. For a moment, even she was almost bewildered by his warm and charming smile, but she knew better than anyone that it was an illusion. Behind his smile, it was cold-blooded and cruel.

She will never forget him, never. Even if he turns to ashes, she will never forget the harm and shame he inflicted on herself.

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