Cai Youling's four attendants were all dressed up by the common people. How could soldiers of Ning army listen to their command? A horseman had already run in front of them. When they saw another four people rushing over, they stopped one after another with halberds and shouted, "stop! What are you doing?"

"Cai family!"

When the four attendants came near, Qi Qiliang showed the token of the Cai family. The soldiers guarding the city were well-informed. When they saw the token, they immediately knew that they were from the father-in-law's house. They were so frightened that they fought a cold war. They put away the halberd one after another and stood aside in good order.

I expected the soldiers guarding the city to shoot each other, but with such a delay, I didn't have a chance. The four shouted in unison, "prepare the horse! Prepare the horse quickly!"

Seeing that they looked like they were going to eat people, the garrison soldiers were scared and hurried to pull the horses. Before they handed over the reins to the four people, they grabbed them first, flew on their horses and rushed out of the city gate. As soon as the four left, Cai Youling also arrived. She also asked the soldiers for a horse and ran out of the city.

Cai Youling's identity is unusual. Wang's relatives, relatives and soldiers guarding the city are afraid that she will be lost. They urgently mobilize cavalry to follow Cai Youling. When Cai Youling saw him, he hurried his horse back and scolded angrily, "go back!"

If she wants to kill Tang Yin, she has to do it herself. If she wants to catch Tang Yin, she has to do it. Once Tang Yin falls into the hands of the army, I'm afraid that what he insulted will be made public. How can I see others in the future? This is what Cai Yuling is most afraid of.

The soldiers who were supposed to chase out of the city were startled by Cai Youling's shouting and drinking. They stopped where they were. It's neither chasing nor not chasing. I don't know what to do.

Besides Tang Yin, after leaving the city, the whole man was lying on the horse's back and was in a semi coma. He was unable and unable to control the direction, so he had to let the horse run.

Tang Yin was in front, Cai Youling and four attendants pursued after him, but the distance between the two sides remained more than ten feet, which was difficult to pull in.

An attendant accidentally found a hard bow and arrow hanging on the side of the saddle. Without thinking about it, he lifted the hard bow, put on the arrow, and aimed at Tang Yin in front.

This arrow was aimed at Tang Yin's back heart, but he was not good at shooting on the horse. The arrow deviated slightly and shot at Tang Yin's rib.


The tip of the arrow rubbed the spirit armor on Tang Yin's side. Although Tang Yin was not hurt, it wiped a blood mark on his horse's neck.

The horse was in pain, whistling and frightened. He ran down the official road and rushed into the woods.

Shit! The follower who fired the arrow shouted in secret. It's not good for the other party to run on the official path. Once he enters the dense forest, it's even harder to catch up.

Now Tang Yin's only remaining consciousness is to grab the reins, clamp the horse's belly and don't let himself fall. In his subconscious, he knew very well that if he fell into the hands of CAI Youling, he would suffer some sins.

The frightened horse carried Tang Yin through the woods and ran to the hillside ahead.

Seeing this, Cai Youling and his four followers were happy. They were too familiar with the terrain in this area. There was a dead end at the top of the hillside. There was a cliff more than ten feet high. Tang Yin ran this way, which was tantamount to suicide.

Seeing that Tang Yin's horse had gone up the hillside, the five people were not in a hurry. There were more rocks on the hillside. If they were not careful, they would fall off the horse. The five people simply got off the horse and tied the horse at the foot of the mountain. They walked up the mountain.

As he walked up, Cai Youling told the four people around him, "I'll fight later. Don't hurt his last name. I want to live." As she spoke, a fierce light flashed in her eyes.

These four people are close followers of CAI Youling. Cai Youling, who is so sharp in front of them, was rarely seen before. They nodded and agreed. At the same time, they were also extremely curious. Who is the young man? What grudges do you have with Miss? Why does the young lady hate him so much?

When the horses ran halfway up the mountain, there were piles of rubble. The horses stepped on a moving stone and fell to the ground with a plop. Tang Yin, who was in a coma for most of the time, was thrown out for a long time.

The violent vibration and strong pain stimulated Tang Yin's almost sleeping nerves, and also made him recover some sanity. He shook his drowsy head, looked up and found that he had been lying on the ground, and the spirit armor on his body had been scattered, and his clothes were stained with blood. That was the cut made by rocks when he fell and rolled.

He took two deep breaths and stood up hard from the ground, but the man was shaky.

Looking down, Cai Youling's five people are climbing up quickly. Looking up, the mountain they are in is obviously a lonely peak. He can judge that there is a dead end without going up.

How did you get here! Tang Yin didn't despair on his face. Instead, he smiled and laughed at himself.

He tried to use Reiki and found that the Reiki in his body was completely out of his control, which must also be the effect of zuishen dew. At the thought of this, his mind was dizzy again. Tang Yin put the tip of his tongue on his teeth and bit it hard. Soon, his mouth tasted the smell of blood, and the tingling made him sober again.

He would rather jump off a cliff and die than die in the hands of a woman, which is also a man's self-esteem.

At this time, Tang Yin had to exert all his strength at every step to lift his legs like lead. It didn't take long for Tang Yin to reach the top of the mountain. As he expected, the top of the mountain was a dead end. There were three cliffs and one gentle slope. On the gentle slope, Cai Youling and her four men were approaching step by step.

It may be that Tang Yin has reached the end of a powerful crossbow. She only relies on her strong willpower to support herself and does not pose a threat to herself. Cai Youling ordered all four attendants to stay halfway up the mountain, and she climbed to the top of the mountain alone.

The top of the isolated mountain is not spacious, only ten meters square. Tang Yin is standing on the edge of the cliff and Cai Youling is standing on the other side. They look at each other silently.

Looking at Tang Yin, who was already in a desperate situation but didn't show any panic, and even with a faint smile on his face, Cai Youling sighed secretly. Tang Yin was not the most handsome man she had ever seen, but he was the most charming and attractive. If he hadn't humiliated her so ruthlessly at the beginning, she must have fallen in love with him

She stared at Tang Yin angrily and said coldly, "Tang Yin, you have no way to escape."

Tang Yin slowly turned his head and looked at the cliff behind him. The cliff was more than ten feet high, with the vast river below. This may be a way for people who know the surname of water, but unfortunately, he is a sweat duck.

"It seems so." Tang Yin looked back and met Cai Youling's eyes.

"I will redouble the disgrace you have inflicted on me." Cai Youling said gnashing his teeth.

"Oh?" Tang Yinjun couldn't help laughing and asked slowly, "why do you return it? Do you want to turn around and me a few more times?" His words were frivolous, but they seemed weak.

Cai Youling's pink face was blushing and her hate teeth were itching. She stared at Tang Yin for a long time. She suddenly giggled and said, "catch your first thing, I'll sew your mouth needle by needle, so that your dog can't spit out another light word."

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "if so, I will soon starve to death. I thought you were going to torture me for a long time." He doesn't like talking nonsense, but now he has to drag it until Cheng Jin and his brothers from Tianyan and geonet find something unusual and track it for rescue.

Cai Youling smiled darkly and said, "you don't have to worry about this. I won't let you starve to death. I'll take out the stitches for you during dinner and sew them after eating."

"Women who are dissatisfied with their desires are terrible." Tang Yin said with a smile, "I think the disabled Zhang Chu has not satisfied you." He did not forget the engagement between CAI Youling and Zhang Chu.

"I didn't marry him!" Cai Youling growled without thinking. After that, she immediately regretted. What did she explain to Tang Yin?!

Tang Yin nodded and said, "that's good. I've touched women and don't want to be touched by other men."

"You..." even if Tang tiger becomes Tang sick cat, he still has a sense of yin and evil that people can't ignore and a natural sense of oppression.

Cai Youling's face was redder. She could clearly feel her cheeks burning, and her heart full of hatred was throbbing with Tang Yin's words.

But soon she regained her composure. She forced herself not to be soft hearted. She raised her sword and pointed it at Tang Yin. She said firmly, "now, it's your turn to pay off your debt."

I wanted to delay for another period of time, but it seems that I can't delay it. Tang Yin subconsciously touched his hands behind his back and wanted to draw a knife. As a result, he found that he didn't know where his knives had been lost when he was running.

He sighed. Unfortunately, those are two good knives

"You, do it!"

Tang Yin moved his steps with difficulty and walked forward for some time. His arms drooped and his fingers were slightly bent. His smile did not decrease, but his eyes were cold.

Even if he has no weapons, even if he cannot use Reiki, and even if most of his body is not under his control, he will not wait to die. He will still choose to fight to the end as long as he is awake. This is Tang Yin. In his dictionary, he never gave up the word.

Cai Youling was stunned by him for a few seconds, and then scolded, "you want to die!" While talking, she stepped forward with an arrow and stabbed Tang Yin with a sword in her hand. But in the middle of the stab, she picked up her wrist, so that the sword stabbed at Tang Yin's heart stabbed his left shoulder.

She didn't admit that she was soft hearted. She wanted to capture him alive, torture him, and kill him with a sword. It was too cheap for him.

Watching the sword stab her in front of her, Tang Yin leaned slightly at the critical moment, seemingly dangerous but just flashed the sword. Before Cai Youling accepted the move, Tang Yin suddenly raised his arm and clasped Cai Youling's slender neck.

Because of the relationship of Zui shenlu, his shot has been much slower than under normal circumstances, but even so, Cai Youling still has no way to dodge because of his fast speed and sudden shot.

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