Now Yan Chu feels that his grandson Yuanhong is more and more awkward. The more he sees, the more he feels that he has ulterior motives and is eager to transfer him away from his side. In addition, the most critical point is that the successive successes of Xiaoling county have indeed played a role in confusing people's hearts, which makes Yan Chu feel that the presence of Lin Han can ensure that Xiaoling county is not lost and the wind repellent army is outside Xiaoling county.

Yan Chu is unhappy with his eldest sun Yuanhong. The latter doesn't like him either. He feels that if he continues to stay with Yan Chu, he will be mad by him sooner or later. Although he thought the victory of Xiaoling county was too incredible, sun Yuanhong didn't think about it carefully. After listening to Yan Chu's words, he seemed to bow his hands in anger and said, "I'll obey!"

The two princes and ministers were at odds, but Zhang Zhihong secretly laughed. Things were much smoother than he thought. He arched his hands again and said, "king, a clever woman can't cook without rice. The local army in the south is less than 200000, while the Fengmo coalition army is up 500000. If general Yuanhong goes alone, I'm afraid it's difficult to change the overall situation!"

"You Xiang means..." Yan Chu said as soon as he spoke, he immediately said: "the central army in the capital must not be easily mobilized."

"Yes, yes, yes! The king is right. The central army is the foundation of guarding the capital of the country and must not be mobilized."

"Yes!" Yan Chu nodded and whispered in his heart: just know!

Zhang Zhihong said, "although the central army is not adjustable, there are more than 100000 local troops in Yunkou county. Why don't you send the local soldiers of Yunkou county to general Yuanhong and go to the south to defeat the enemy?"

"This..." Yan Chu pondered for a moment, turned to look at the left phase gaodan and asked, "what does the left phase mean?"

Gao single is the left phase. Naturally, he can't understand the local military strength of each county.

Yunkou county does have about 150000 troops, but Yunkou county is the last barrier to the east of the capital. It is necessary to arrange heavy defense. However, if Chang sun Yuanhong goes to the South alone, it is really difficult to make great achievements. The central army is immovable, and the local armies of other counties are empty. Now the only thing that can be used is the local army of Yunkou county.

If Lin Han can keep the Feng army out of Xiaoling County, then the local army of Yunkou army is redundant, and the facts just prove that Lin Han used his troops like a God, thwarted the Feng army's invasion twice and suppressed the Feng army in Hexi.

After thinking about it, Gao Shan nodded and arched his hand and said, "tell the king that there are 150000 local troops in Yunkou county. The minister believes that what you said is reasonable and can let general Yuanhong command the local army of Yunkou county to fight the thieves south!"

Right phase said so, left phase also said so, Yan Chu did not hesitate, accepted Zhang Zhihong's advice, and ordered Chang sun Yuanhong to command the local army of Yunkou county to go south and join the local army of Jiashang county to resist the invasion of Fengmo allied army.

military orders are like a mountain. Yan Chu gave an order, and Chang sun Yuanhong and 150000 troops from Yunkou county began to set off for the south.

At this time, Tang Yin's adventurous trip to Liangzhou finally paid off. Both Chang sun Yuanhong and the local army of Yunkou county were regarded by him as a serious problem, which was a great resistance for him to occupy Liangzhou. Now, he didn't move a soldier, and just relied on Zhang Zhihong's words to throw these two big troubles to the Mo army in the south.

When the news of Liangzhou came back to Hexi, Tang yinle smiled up. Even though Ningguo had a large number of troops and sun Yuanhong had both wisdom and courage, Ningguo could not escape. Now there is only one obstacle left in front of the wind army, the Xiaoling County local army led by Lin Han.

Tang Yin immediately gathered all his generals to discuss the next war situation.

When people learned that the local army of Yunkou county and the Chief Sun Yuanhong had been sent to the south by Yan Chu, they were also happy. Now as long as they get through Xiaoling County, they can drive straight into Liangzhou.

Shangguan yuanrang, who had just recovered from his injury, scratched his head and said, "is Yan Chu crazy? He even transferred the troops in the east of Liangzhou to the South together with Chang sun Yuanhong. Does he think we dare not attack his Liangzhou?"

Tang Yin laughed proudly and said leisurely, "Lao Tzu said that if heaven wants to die, it must be crazy first. Yan Chu is now this symptom."

Of course, people don't know who Lao Tzu is. They just think it's Tang Yin's claim when he is complacent. People laughed again.

Shangguan yuanrang said, "it's a pity that I wanted to fight with Chang sun Yuanhong. Now it seems that I don't have this chance."

"Not necessarily!" Tang Yin said with his chin in his mouth, "although Lian Ge and Xiang Wen are powerful, they may not be able to kill Chang sun Yuanhong. Maybe it will depend on the three of you to fight Chang sun Yuanhong in the future!"

"Hum!" Shangguanyuan asked him to hum a smile and muttered, "do they deserve it?"

Lian Ge and Xiang Wen are among the best generals in Mo country, but Shangguan yuanrang hasn't paid attention to them yet. He thinks they don't deserve to fight side by side with him. In addition, Chang sun Yuanhong is nothing, and it's not worth fighting with others. He said proudly, "if I hadn't been hurt in the last war, how could chang sun Yuanhong live to this day?"

Tang Yin was stunned at first, and then laughed on his back. Although shangguanyuan rang was crazy, he definitely had arrogant capital. He also appreciated shangguanyuan rang's arrogant surname from the bottom of his heart. Sun Yuanhong said, "if I meet him next time, I will take the first yuan!"

Tang Yin said the same. Shangguan yuanrang was even more proud. His head was raised high and his eyes were almost up to the sky.

Tang Yin smiled and cut to the point and asked, "next, how will our army break Xiaoling county?"

As soon as his voice fell, Shangguan yuanrang seemed to be afraid of others competing with him. He hurriedly stepped in and said, "the king only needs to give me 5000 soldiers. I'll catch Lin Han and give it to the king!"

Tang Yin pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Xiaoling county has complex terrain and is very easy to set up ambushes. Yuanrang can't take it lightly."

Shangguan yuanrang wanted to fight again. At this time, Qiu Zhen said: "don't rush to attack Xiaoling County, king. Now the local army of changsun Yuanhong and Yunkou county has just moved south. If our army suddenly gets into trouble, we'll bring them back."

Tang Yin smiled and said, "Qiu Zhen, I understand this truth. Now I just decide the tactics first. As for when to attack, I haven't decided yet!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Now that Tang Yin has said so, Qiu Zhen is relieved and won't say more.

It is absolutely first-class to ask Qiu Zhen to specify the strategic strategy of major aspects, but if he is asked to formulate tactics for local battles, he will be a layman and can't talk.

At this time, Ziying said, "I feel that with the current strength of our army, we can easily take Xiaoling county. Although the terrain of Xiaoling county is complex and steep, as long as we are more careful and reconnaissance is appropriate, Ning army can drill seamlessly. The king doesn't have to worry about this."

Tang Yin asked, "what if Lin Han sticks to Ningyang? I've been to Ningyang. Ningyang is a big city next to Liangzhou in Ningguo. Not only are the walls high and thick, but also the urban defense facilities are perfect."

Ziying smiled and said, "if the Ning army guards Ningyang, the king can attack with fire. There is nothing else in Xiaoling County, that is, there are many forests and trees, which are inexhaustible. Our army can build towers, launch rockets and burn the whole city!"

Tang Yin was stunned, laughed, lit Ziying and said half jokingly, "no wonder people in Nanjing call you 'zitu', and it really deserves its reputation."

If you fight according to Ziying's tactics, the people in Ningyang will suffer. At that time, I don't know how many people will be burned!

Ziying looked positive and whispered, "doesn't the king also want to avenge the Tianying Army soldiers who died in Daiyun city?"

"That's right!" Tang Yin stood up, holding the sword at his waist, narrowed his eyes and said in a grim voice, "when we attack Xiaoling county again, it will be a time when people in Ning will flow into a river of blood!" With that, he said to Ziying, Guyue and Guan Tang: "now you start to prepare arrows and Pinus tabulaeformis for me. No matter whether Ning Jun sticks to Ningyang or not, I will turn Ningyang into ashes!"

"Yes, sir!" Ziying, Guyue and Guan Tang quickly got up and took orders with their hands bowed.

Qiu Zhen frowned. After all, Ningyang is a big city. After the destruction of Ningyang, Ningyang will also belong to the wind country. It would be a pity to burn it.

However, Tang Yin had already decided to wash Xiaoling county with blood. At this time, if he advised him, he would certainly hit the wall. Qiu Zhen held back his words.

After the settlement, Tang Yin, who was in a good mood, left Qiu Zhen to play chess with him.

The two of them played wind chess. Tang yinlian only knew a little about its rules. Naturally, he was not Qiu Zhen's opponent.

While playing chess, Tang Yin smiled and asked, "Qiu Zhen, have you heard that Duji entered Tiya and lost again."

Qiu Zhen nodded and said, "I've heard. It seems that Tiya is not so vulnerable as rumored. Even without the protection of Ningguo, the combat power is still very strong."

"Yes! Du Jijun, who was helpless even for Ning Jun, ate bad food in Tiya. It's unexpected... Eh? I lost again?" Tang Yin looked down at the chessboard and Qiu Zhen.

"It's the king's acceptance." Qiu Zhen said with a smile.

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