When Guan Tang came to the empty ditch under the protection of his generals, he was full of inexplicability. Obviously, he didn't see Ning Jun running out of the ditch, but why did he disappear?

After thinking for a moment, he ordered: "go in and search! There must be a tunnel in the ditch. Find the tunnel for me and kill all Ning Jun in it!"

Guan Tang's experience accumulated after more than ten years of military service has played a role. As he expected, there is indeed a tunnel in the gutter, and it can always lead into the town.

Under his dispatch, the soldiers of the new army jumped into the ditch one after another, and it didn't take long to find the entrance of the tunnel.

However, when looking for the tunnel, people did not find a fishing line close to the ground.

The layout of the fishing line is very ingenious. One end is fixed on the soil wall of the trench, and the other end is tied to the plug at the mouth of the tank. The tank is buried in the soil wall and covered with soil. On the surface, there is nothing to see. In fact, it is filled with fire oil.

In the chaos, the new Sergeant kicked the fishing line off the ground, the plug at the mouth of the tank was pulled off, and the fire oil inside flowed out. However, people were eager to find the tunnel and did not find the sudden excess of liquid under their feet.

After people found the tunnel, they poured in. At this time, the town suddenly shouted for killing and fired countless rockets. Some rockets fell to the ground and some rockets flew into the gutter.

The fire oil flowing under the gutter sticks to the fire, which is ignited by the rocket. Only in an instant, the long and narrow gutter becomes a sea of fire.

"Fire! Fire -"


The gutter turned into a sea of fire, and the wind army entering it was burned repeatedly. When many people struggled to climb out, people had become firemen, and their clothes, armor, shoes and hair were on fire. The sad cry made people feel creepy.

Guan Tang, who was standing by the gutter, was burned by the sudden fire. His beard and eyebrows were pulled off by the surrounding generals and retreated.

After a long time, Guan Tang came back to his senses. The scene in front of him can only be described as miserable. Poor soldiers of the wind army who entered the gutter were burned into a ball. Some people were still struggling to death and screamed. Some people had become black charcoal with broken skin and flesh, and the smell of burnt skin and flesh filled the whole audience.

I don't know how long later, Guan Tang seemed to be trampled on his tail. He jumped so high that he shouted, "fire fighting! What are you doing here? Put out the fire!"

People woke up like a dream and shouted one after another, "put out the fire! Put out the fire quickly -"

But where to find water on the battlefield? People can only use the soil beside the ditch as fire fighting tools. People take off their helmets and pour the soil into the ditch with helmets.

After a lot of work, the fire in the gutter finally went out, but most of the wind soldiers who jumped into the gutter have been burned, and a large number of soldiers burned by the fire have been pulled aside, and the sound of * * * can be heard one after another.

From beginning to end, without even seeing the shadow of the enemy, more than a thousand people were damaged. Guan Tang wondered why he was so unlucky. Once he led the army, how could the enemies he met be so powerful and cunning?

"General! The enemy buried many oil tanks in the gutter, and the brothers who just went in failed to find them in time!"

A wind will jump out of the gutter, holding a cracked pot in his hand, carefully handed it to Guan Tang.

The latter took it over, looked at it for a few eyes, hit it with anger, fell to the ground, and roared: "continue to enter the tunnel and find out Ning Jun for me!"

"Yes, general!"

Under the order of Guan Tang, another wind army jumped into the ditch, but this time people were more careful and paid close attention to their feet for fear of being plotted by the enemy again.

First, there were 200 Fengjun people who got into the tunnel. As a result, these 200 people became meat buns and beat dogs. There was no return. Outside the tunnel, bursts of shouts and wails could be heard, but soon they became silent and dead.

Is there an ambush in the tunnel? Guan Tang frowned secretly and then sent 500 soldiers. However, like the 200 people who had just entered, these 500 people had no return. They were like a stone sinking into the sea. There was not even one person who ran back injured.

At this time, Guan Tang was also shocked. How many Ning troops were hidden in the tunnel? Why did your side send in 700 people before and after, but none of them came back alive? When he was so anxious that he held his hands, a side general arched his hands and said, "general, the last general is willing to go in and find out!"

The name of the general who spoke was Zhou Yu. He was a peaceful man. He didn't spend a long time in the new army. Because his accomplishments were good and Guan Tang was in urgent need of employment, he directly promoted Zhou Yu to a general.

Seeing that he volunteered, Guan Tang hesitated for a moment. Fang anxiously told: "Zhou Yu, you should be careful. The enemy's tunnel is very evil. If you can fight, fight. If you can't fight, retreat quickly. I won't blame you!"

Zhou Yu smiled, grabbed his silver gun, covered his spirit armor and said, "don't worry, general. If you go here at the end, you will get through the tunnel for the general!" Having said that, he took 500 wind troops in hardcover and took the lead in getting into the tunnel.

Guan Tang waited anxiously outside. After about ten minutes, there was another cry in the tunnel. The shouting grew from weak to strong, and then from strong to weak. It didn't take long, and the tunnel was quiet again.

I don't know what's going on inside. Guan Tang scratched his ears and cheeks outside, but he didn't dare to act rashly. A little time passed, but there was no sound in the tunnel. The Nai surname who was closing the soup had reached the limit. When he wanted to send someone in again, he suddenly heard the soldiers guarding the entrance of the tunnel shouting: "there are footsteps! It seems that someone came out!"

Guan Tang was inspired, hurriedly pushed away the people in front, rushed to the tunnel entrance, narrowed his eyes and looked inside.

Sure enough, there were footsteps, and the sound was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that the people inside were walking outward.

The hearts of all Fengjun people mentioned their voices, including Guan Tang. People stared at the situation in the tunnel without blinking.

It seems that after a century, a person staggered out of the tunnel, and the surrounding wind troops instinctively rushed up and surrounded it in a semicircle.

People looked closely. The one who came out was not someone else, but Zhou Yu, who had just taken the lead in, but his appearance was too scary at this time.

He didn't know where his silver gun had been thrown, and his spirit armor was still there, but it was full of steel crossbows and arrows. Looking at it hastily, there were more than ten arrow wounds. The blood flowing from the wound dyed his white spirit armor red.

"Zhou Yu, you..." Guan Tang rushed forward and helped Zhou Yu, who was tottering.

"General... There is an ambush in the tunnel..."

Zhou Yu's voice didn't fall. He just heard a flutter. A crossbow suddenly flew out of the tunnel and hit the back of his head. This crossbow is made of pure steel and shot by a special hard crossbow. Its strength is amazing. It directly pierces the spirit armor behind Zhou Yu's head. The steel arrow protrudes from Zhou Yu's left eye, and the blood dripping eyeball is still hanging on the arrow tip.


The love under his command was shot and killed by the enemy in front of him. Guan Tang couldn't help screaming. He hugged Zhou Yu's soft body and shouted, "shoot the enemy!"

The surrounding wind troops took off their bows and arrows and shot blindly into the tunnel.

Archery is very popular in Ningguo. Whether in the army or among the people, the only advantage of enlisting Ningren is that they don't have to do archery training. Recruits are basically outstanding archery experts.

In this round of arrow shooting, people don't know how many arrows were shot until all the arrows in the arrow pot were shot. Someone boldly gathered up at the entrance of the tunnel and threw a lighted torch into it. As a result, the faint light of the fire showed that the walls of the tunnel were full of carved feathers, but there were no bodies on the ground.

It seems that the enemy ran away after releasing the crossbow and arrow. His own arrows didn't work at all! People looked at each other and didn't know what to do. At last, their eyes fell on Guan Tang and waited for him to call the commander.

Guan Tang was at a loss at this time. Whether to send soldiers into the tunnel or send generals into the tunnel or die, and the enemy was so rampant that he deliberately put him back and shot him in front of his own face. What kind of enemy was hidden in the tunnel? When did Ning Jun become so difficult?

When Guan Tang was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard * * * shouting behind him: "here comes the king -"

Guan Tang's body was shocked and hurried to order that the soldiers around him should guard the entrance of the tunnel and never let the enemy out. Then he straightened his helmet and adjusted his armor. He felt there was nothing wrong, so he jumped out of the ditch and went to see Tang Yin.

He trotted all the way to Tang Yin, knelt on one knee, stepped in to salute, and said in a trembling voice, "at the end, I will close the soup, see the king!"

Tang Yin looked down at Guan Tang. Instead of asking him to get up immediately, he asked, "general Guan, it's hard to start the battle?"

"It's hard to be loyal to the end of the country! Don't you dare to work hard for the end of the country!"

Tang Yin smiled calmly and asked, "I heard that our army lost a lot?"

"Casualties... Thousands of brothers."

"How many enemies did you annihilate?"

"This..." Guan Tang swallowed and spit hard, and his head lowered slowly. How dare he say that up to now, he has not even seen the shadow of the enemy?

"Well?" Seeing that he was silent, Tang Yin asked suspiciously, "why? General Guan didn't even make statistics on how many enemies he killed?"

"No, no, no... King... The last general... The last general..." Guan Tang hesitated and didn't say why for a long time.

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice, "if you have anything to say, why are you so hesitant?"

Dare not hide any more, Guan Tang bit his teeth, threw himself out, raised his head and said in a straight face: "the last general has not found any trace of the enemy, so he has not been able to make a frontal confrontation with the enemy, and has not... Failed to kill the enemy!"

Tang Yin hung his head and said nothing. He just stared at him with two bright eyes.

Guan Tang felt a sudden drop in the temperature around him, but bean sized beads of sweat trickled down his cheeks.

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