76th palm

When Tang Yin finished speaking, he was about to go out. Yu he leaned over and hurriedly grabbed him. He said repeatedly, "general Tang, there's something to discuss! It's not that I don't want to give military funds, pay and food, but that I have financial difficulties..."

"Have difficulty?" Tang Yin sniffed at Yu He's fat and big ears. No matter how he looked, he couldn't see what difficulties he had. He shrugged and said, "well, if you have difficulties, tell you your difficulties!" With that, he threw Yu he away and walked out again.

"Wait a minute!" Yu he was really anxious. Qiang Yan said with a smile, "general Tang just wants military funds, military pay and food and grass. These can be solved."

"When will it be solved?"

"This... Give me half a month..."

"No!" Tang Yin interrupted him and said, "I want it now."

"Now?" Yu he grinned secretly and said in embarrassment, "this... This is a little too hasty?"

"That's your problem, not mine. In short, I want it now!" Tang Yin said firmly, "we should prepare a share of 50000 people for military funding, military pay and food and grass."

"What? Fifty... Fifty thousand people?" Yu he was silly. After a while, he reacted and stammered, "why... Why so much?"

Tang Yin said positively, "in order to resist the invasion and harassment of foreign enemies, I think we should expand the three regiments in Pingyuan county to five regiments. As for this, I will report it to you. Adult Yu, do you have any questions?"

"This... This..." Yu he said "this" for a long time without saying anything below.

"The reason why you let me sit in Pingyuan county is to stabilize the north. If the situation here does not improve, you will naturally blame me, and I will naturally pull you into the water." Tang Yin said with a smile: "cooperate with me, we are all better. I will defend my Pingyuan County, and you will be your Taiping king. If not, you will make me uncomfortable, and your day will not be stable. It's a big deal that you and I will be finished together!"

He spoke with ease, but Yu he listened in a cold sweat.

He helped Fu Shengtong's forehead and said, "I'm sure to cooperate with general Tang's request, but now I have to prepare so many military funds, salaries and food and grass. It's really... It's too hard for people."

Tang Yin's mouth was raised, and his handsome face was full of evil spirit. He said faintly, "as I said just now, this is your problem, not mine. If you have difficulties, find a way to solve them. I'll wait here. If you can't see what I want tomorrow morning, Lord Yu will have to accompany me back to the capital, or..."

As he spoke, he walked to Yu He and leaned his head. Junmian almost stuck with Yu He's big face and said with a smile: "or I can directly carry your head back to Yancheng and meet you!"

Yu he nearly fell out of bed. Tang Yin's smile made him feel no temperature at all. Some of them were just a complete cold feeling. His blood eating and evil eyes clearly wrote that he could really do what he said.

He was afraid. He felt afraid for the first time since he became the head of the county.

I don't know how long it took. Yu he finally woke up. The fat on his face trembled and said, "OK! I... I'll let someone prepare now!"

Tianyuan county is not poor. It has three counties, seven cities and 23 towns. There are not a few taxes every year. Moreover, because of the continuous years of war, the annual income tax is not handed over to the king's court. On the contrary, the king's court also allocates funds to Tianyuan County to impose defense on this side.

Yu he doesn't have no money and materials in his hand, but he is naturally greedy. He feels that these things belong to him only when they are left in his own hand. Once they are distributed, they belong to others. If they can be deducted, they will not be distributed if they can't be distributed. It's really unbearable, and it will take a long time before he is willing to distribute a little.

Now Yu he is forced by Tang Yin. For his family name and future career, he can only choose to compromise, unwilling and unwilling to take out his old capital.

Zhang Zhou, who was always watching, almost thought he was in a dream now. It was incredible that Yu He, who was so penniless, wanted to pay 50000 shares of military funds and salaries to Pingyuan county. The new County guard was very different from previous county guards. He dared to work hard and work. He seemed impulsive, but he spoke sharply and took Yu He's service.

Before working together, Zhang Zhou had already broken his heart to Tang Yin.

The efficiency of Yu He's work is very fast. 50000 shares of military funds, military pay and grain and grass are fully loaded with more than 600 cars, but they are ready in less than three hours.

Rows of carriages stopped neatly in front of the sheriff's house. Looking around, there was no edge.

When everything was ready, Yu He's general ran to report: "Lord Yu, all the necessary materials have been prepared. Would you like to have a look in person?"

Yu he had already put on his official clothes at this time, but his face was wrinkled and quickly squeezed out oil. These materials and money were hoarded by him through "thousands of hardships". Now he wants to give them away for nothing. It's like cutting his meat. Where do you want to see it again.

He was so distressed that he turned to Tang Yin and asked with a dry smile, "does general Tang want to check it?"

"Of course!" Tang Yin raised his head to Zhang Zhou and Guyue and said, "General Zhang, Guyue, you two take some brothers out to have a look!"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhou and Gu Yue promised and walked out quickly.

Outside, looking at the vehicles lined the streets, both of them felt dizzy. He asked his men for torches and was tested by a car.

In front of the motorcade are bags of grain and grass. Just open a hole and the snow-white rice will flow out.

All kinds of armour, all kinds of sharp edges, and then filled with new armour.

The cars parked in front of the sheriff's house were full of boxes. The guards were standing around. Open the lid and look inside. There were neat piles of silver.

In the dark night, the white silver light is particularly dazzling.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhou and Guyue couldn't look back.

It is estimated that there must be at least a dozen or even tens of thousands of boxes of silver. The payment of military salaries for 50000 people is really enough.

After a while, they looked at each other and nodded at the same place, indicating that things were right. Then they both returned and gave orders to Tang Yin.

After being confirmed by Zhang Zhou and Gu Yue, Tang Yin put down her heart, smiled at Yu he calmly and said, "thank you for your help today. You have made great contributions to the fight against barbarians in the future. Naturally, you can't do without the contribution of Yu!"

"Ha ha!" Yu He responded with a dry smile. He doesn't care whether he works or not. Now he just asks Tang Yin, the evil star, to go away quickly. It's best not to meet again in the future.

"Now that all the things I need are ready, I won't disturb Lord Yu. I'll see you later!" Tang Yin casually arched his hands, and then without waiting for Yu He to answer, he had led a cadre to the outside.

I hope there is no time to see you later. It's best for him to die in Pingyuan County! Looking at the back of Tang Yin and others, Yu he couldn't fit any more. The smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by hatred. His two big fat hands held tightly.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth to the people around him and said, "no one is allowed to tell me today. If someone can't control his mouth, be careful of his own head!"

"Ah? Yes, yes, Lord Yu!"

Yu he doesn't want to be coerced by Tang Yin. Otherwise, won't he be the laughing stock of others?

Most of his subordinates don't know the whole story, but they just feel very strange. They don't understand why the always stingy Sheriff suddenly became generous and allocated so many materials and military salaries to Pingyuan county at once.

Tang Yin was satisfied to receive 50000 shares of materials.

Originally, before he found Yu He, he really had the impulse to kill him, but after meeting, he changed his mind. Although Yu he was greedy and annoying, he was cowardly and easy to control. If he really killed him, even if Wang Ting didn't blame him and replaced him with a tough new sheriff, it might not be good for him.

Tang Yin's surname Qing is sometimes very irritable and impulsive, but his mind is also very alert, and his mind is far more thoughtful and delicate than ordinary people.

On the way back from shunzhou to Hengcheng this time, there were no more accidents or bandits. After all, they were nearly 3000 people, and it is estimated that the bandits did not dare to come out to provoke them.

Passing by the forest where the bandits lurked last time, Tang Yin waved to Zhang Zhou and said in a positive tone, "there are strong enemies outside. Pingyuan county is chaotic enough. Bandits are not allowed to appear in the territory. The bandits last time must be wiped out as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Zhou nodded and agreed, but his expression was not very natural.

Tang Yin didn't ignore his embarrassment, smiled and asked, "what? Can't General Zhang do it?"

"This..." Zhang Zhou locked his eyebrows and looked like he wanted to talk and stop.

What he hated most was this expression. Tang Yin's face sank and said discontentedly, "if you have anything to say, don't hesitate. You don't look like a man!"

"Lord Tang, this is the case." Zhang Zhou was silent for a moment, and Fang whispered, "the leaders of this wave of bandits are twin brothers, named Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao respectively. They are the third and fourth of Shangguan's four brothers. Shangguan Yuanji, the eldest of Shangguan's brothers, is a famous philanthropist in this county. In the past, most of the food and grass in the army were donated by Shangguan Yuanji..."

Before he finished, Tang Yin waved his hand and interrupted, "wait a minute! You're talking about the four Shangguan brothers. Their boss donated food and grass to our army, but the third and fourth are the leaders of bandits and bandits?"

"Yes... That's right." Zhang Zhou smiled bitterly. He was also very strange. He was originally a compatriot and brother. How could the four brothers in the official family behave so differently.

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