Looking at his own soldiers shouting and rushing forward, Qiu Zhen was also painstaking. He turned to look at Tang Yin with an excited and happy face and smiled secretly. Sometimes the tactics that the king came up with were really unexpected, magical and mysterious.

He cleared his throat and asked, "why didn't the king let the new army take the lead?"

"The new army?" Tang Yin still looked ahead and said without looking back: "they'd better forget it! It's OK for the new army to beat the side drum. It's really impossible for them to rush into battle and fight with the enemy. On the contrary, it will affect the morale of our army and increase the prestige of the enemy!" With this, he turned to look at Qiu Zhen and said with a smile: "the hard war of real knives and guns depends on our wind man brothers!"

He glanced at Xia Yufu and asked with a smile, "Miss Yufu, am I right?"

"Hum!" Xia Yufu snorted coldly and turned her head away, as if they were lazy to look at her.

As a Ningren, Xia Yufu is in the wind camp. Xia Yufu's psychology is very complex. She doesn't want to see Ningren die or Ningguo lose. However, vaguely, she doesn't want Tang Yin to lose. Now even herself can't tell which side she is inclined to. She can only hide her inner contradiction and panic with a cold attitude.

Tang Yin said, "Miss Yufu, don't worry about my safety. I won't fight in person this time."

"Damn you, I've said it hundreds of times. I don't care about your life or death. Don't say such boring words again." She'll take it seriously if she keeps repeating it like this. Xia Yufu was in a bad mood. She blushed and yelled at Tang Yin.

Although Xia Yufu and Tang Yin often quarrel, Qiu Zhen still feels very uncomfortable. His face sank and said coldly, "Miss Yufu, please pay attention to your words and attitude!"

Xia Yufu, who was on the verge of madness, immediately turned the spear to Qiu Zhen and asked angrily, "why don't you let your king pay attention to his words and attitude?"

Qiu Zhen frowned and wanted to speak. Tang Yin reached out and pulled his arm and whispered, "forget it, women are like this. There are always days in a month when they are in an extremely bad mood, which is understandable."

Xia Yufu and Qiu Zhen were stunned at first, and then understood Tang Yin's meaning. Qiu Zhen shook her head and smiled. She stopped talking. Xia Yufu's face turned more red. Almost * * *'s eyes stared at Tang Yin, as if she was going to jump up and bite him.

Tang Yin sighed softly, turned the conversation and murmured, "there are so many talents in Ningguo. Let's say Qiqiao villa. It's incredible that Yan Chu didn't win over his command and apply it to the army."

Qiu Zhenxiao said: "it is Yan Chu's stupidity that will complete the king and achieve great cause!"

Xia Yufu rolled her eyes and couldn't help spitting: "you won't force your people like bandits and robbers. That's the difference between gentlemen and robbers!" In Xia Yufu's eyes, Yan Chu is an elegant gentleman and a noble and holy monarch. The wind country is no different from the den of thieves. From Tang Yin to ordinary soldiers, it is a group of barbaric robbers.

Tang Yin blinked, laughed and said, "a gentleman and a robber? That's a good metaphor! If in a peaceful and prosperous time, a gentleman naturally beats a robber, but in a troubled time of the law of the jungle, a gentleman is a sheep, and a robber is a wolf. If a wolf doesn't eat a sheep, it's against the way of heaven. Even heaven can't tolerate you."

Xia Yufu's charming body trembled disorderly and held it for a long time before hissing: "crooked reasoning and heresy!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "only when you say it obliquely will it become right!"

"...." Xia Yufu was speechless, and turned away angrily and stopped looking at him.

Tang Yin has leisure and elegance to quarrel with Xia Yufu, but the lying tiger view opposite has become a pot of porridge.

The soldiers of the Ning army have no desire for war, and people only wait for the order of retreat from above.

Not only the soldiers wanted to run, but also the generals had no fighting spirit. The generals around Lin Han gathered around him and looked at each other. One of them said, "Sir, let's... Or... Retreat first! Judging from the current situation, Wohu pass can't be held in any case. Only by temporarily evacuating can we preserve our strength..."

Before he finished, Lin Han interrupted, "retreat? Where else can we go? After Wohu pass, there is no danger to defend, and the local army of Yunkou County behind us has already gone south. Will you let me return to Guodu?"

In a word, the generals blushed and hung their heads one after another.

Lin Han sighed bitterly and said, "it can be said that we are the last barrier of the capital. The king, the ministers in the court and the people of the whole country place their hope of resisting the wind on us. If we don't fight and retreat, what face do we have to survive in the world? This war can only be bloody. If we are here, we will be trapped in the crouching tiger. If the crouching tiger is killed, we will die with it!"

His words greatly moved the generals. People looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said in unison: "we swear to advance and retreat with adults, and live and die together!"

"Good!" Lin Han excitedly looked around at everyone around him, clenched his fist, cut gold and cut iron and said, "even if we are outnumbered, even if the city wall collapses, even if we block it with flesh and blood, we should keep the wind army out of the pass!"

"Yes, my Lord!" All the generals responded.

The generals' determination to die was inspired by Lin Han. They led Ning army. With a momentum, they can withstand the wind army for a while, but how can it last long? There is a wide gap between the two sides in terms of military strength and overall strength. The gap is not balanced by willpower.

In the big gap between the north and south of the wall of wohuguan, the two sides fought fiercely.

First, the Ning Army stood at the gap, fell down one group and filled one group. Although the operation was tenacious, it was defeated by the fierce wind army. After a short time, the wind army occupied the gap and was ready to rush into the pass. At this time, the defenders in the pass launched a desperate counterattack and stepped on the body of their companions to the top.

Under the tactics of the Ning army, which was completely lifeless and almost suicidal, the wind army occupying the gap in the city wall was pushed, and the Ning army reoccupied the gap, and then the wind army organization fought back fiercely and retreated from the Ning army. The two sides repeatedly competed for the gap in the city wall, and the battle evolved into the cruelest tug of war.

We can't compete for more than a thousand troops. We can't compete for more than a hundred. We can't compete for more than one hundred soldiers. We can't compete for more than one hundred.

The Feng army is used to such a fierce battle, but the Ning army has never experienced it before. After all, they are local armies, not the central army that often participates in the operation of large legions.

With the intensification of the battle, casualties on both sides of the enemy and ourselves soared, and the gap in the city wall was built more than one meter high, but it was not built with stones, but piled up with the bodies of the dead on both sides.

Ning army was the first to break up. The soldiers of Ning army who participated in the war were stunned by the fierce and cruel battle in front of them. Looking at the mountains of corpses and the red eyed roaring enemy opposite, they smelled the disgusting smell of blood. One after another, Ning army shouted and ran around like a sudden nervous disorder.

At such a critical and tense moment, a deserter can affect the fighting spirit of a group of people, and a group of deserters can disperse the morale of the whole army. Ning army soon evolved from the collapse of a single soldier to the collapse of the whole army.

The war was defeated like a mountain.

Taking advantage of the defeat of Ning army, Feng army broke through the gap of the city wall and entered Wohu pass. So far, the crucial battle between the two sides has completely turned into a scuffle in the whole city.

So far, the Ning army was unable to resist. Groups of soldiers were separated and surrounded by the wind army in the defeat. Some were completely annihilated by the wind army, some surrendered, and some were still fighting the last battle of trapped animals.

At this time, Lin Han on the city gate had been completely desperate. As the commander of the garrison, he didn't know that his defeat had been decided. He was unwilling and didn't dare to think further. He didn't know what Ningguo would rely on to resist the wolf like wind army after losing Wohu pass.

"The enemy is coming up, brothers, protect adults quickly!"

Lin Han was finally revived by the cries of the soldiers and men of Ning army around him. He turned his head and looked around. There were more than 100 soldiers and generals of Ning army covered with blood. Looking to the left and right, a large number of wind troops poured up on both sides, countless black.

"My Lord, what should I do now?" For a long time, Lin Han has always been the backbone of his soldiers. In critical times, people naturally put the last glimmer of hope on him, hoping that he can take himself and find a way out.

But where does Lin Han have an idea at this time? The corners of his mouth moved a few times, revealing a sad smile. Without speaking, he just silently took out his sword, separated his own crowd and walked towards the wind army step by step. He told the soldiers of Ning army around him that he would rather die than surrender in the last fight with Feng army.

Unfortunately, Lin Han is not a military general, but a civil servant with no strength to bind chickens.

When he approached the wind army, people saw him with a helmet on his head and a general armor. They were worried and took a few steps back. However, seeing that he had not covered the spirit armor for a long time, the wind army gradually became bolder. One of the famous soldiers roared and rushed to Lin Han with a spear. With the momentum, the spear fiercely pierced Lin Han's belly.

Lin Han has no experience in fighting. Seeing the enemy's spear coming, he subconsciously waved his sword to block it. His sword was cut on the spear, but he didn't bounce the spear away. With his little strength, how could he block the full attack of the strong wind Sergeant.

The wind soldier's spear pierced Lin Han's stomach deeply. The latter didn't expect to stab a Ning general so easily. He turned back excitedly and shouted, "I killed a thief general..." if he knew that he actually stabbed Lin Han, commander of Ning army, he would be crazy.

However, the wind Sergeant didn't get excited for too long, so he was rushed to death by a returning to his senses. Ning, who came forward, cut a knife in two. Ning would reach out and hold Lin Han, who was soft, and shouted: "my lord..."

Lin Hanzhong's spear was so heavy that his intestines flowed out along the wound on his stomach. His face was pale and his eyes were loose, but his mouth with blood foam still said intermittently: "kill... Kill the enemy... I'd rather die than fall..."

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