Zhang Tong's appearance only attracted part of the Ning army, but there were already a large number of Ning troops entering the "gate" and "hole" of the city. He did not alleviate the pressure on the ancient Yue side.

At this time, on the side of the city "gate" and "cave", almost all the ancient Yue were resisting the enemy alone. They not only had to protect themselves, but also had to protect their own brothers who carried the Qianjin gate from the harm of Ning army.

It's too hard for him to breathe, even if he's too tired to fight. He can't even breathe.

Ning's army can't attack for a long time. The brigade of the wind army outside is getting closer and closer. Ning will shout: shoot an arrow! Shoot the wind thief! Hearing Ning Jiang's cry, the "shooters" in Ning army took down their bows and arrows one after another and launched "random" and "shooting" at the "gate" and "hole" of the city.

The dense arrows roared, but Guyue could not escape. If he stepped aside, all his brothers carrying the copper gate would suffer.

Even though he knew he couldn't resist, he still stood where he was, waved the spirit knife and tried his best to dial Feiya.

He could block one or ten, but not hundreds of them. Soon, flying arrows passed through his blade curtain and nailed them to his spirit armor.

Due to the impact force, Guyue's body also shook for a while, and his knife came out a little slowly. At the moment of his pause, at least a dozen carved plumes "shot" at his body again. The arrows hit the spirit armor, jingling, splashing sparks, which also showed a sharp glare in the dark city's "door" and "hole".

Seeing that the arrow "shot" was effective, Ning Jun "shot" the arrow more quickly and fiercely. Poor Guyue couldn't show his ability, so he had to stand here and be beaten passively.

For a short time, the spirit armor on his body was overwhelmed and fragmented in many places, and the arrows also penetrated deeply into his body. There were more than 20 carved feathers "inserted" on his arms, shoulders, trunk and legs, dripping with blood and shocking. But even so, the ancient Yue still didn't fall down and was still waving the spirit knife. Now, He is completely using his body to block arrows for the soldiers behind him.

Those soldiers who stood against the Qianjin gate saw it clearly and burst into tears. People shouted: general, you go first, we can stand it... Their screams came to the ears of the ancient Yue, who didn't even respond and was still blindly waving his sword in the air.

Guyue's mind has long been blurred and no voice can be heard. The only thing that supports him is faith. He can't fall down or give way. His task is to guard the city's "gate" and ensure that the city's "gate" is not lost.

The wind troops in the back were crying, while Ning Jun in the opposite side was constantly shooting arrows. Finally, Guyue couldn't count how many arrows he had "inserted". Looking coldly, it looked like a hedgehog with black thorns****

If you were a normal person, you would have fallen down by this time, but Guyue was still standing. Even Ning Jun, who fired arrows, was stupid. He didn't know whether his opponent was a man or a monster.

Shoot an arrow! Keep shooting?? Seeing that his arrow 'shot' slowed down, Ning Jiang in the crowd howled with a changed sound.

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, three spiritual practitioners with black "color" spiritual armor appeared around him. They almost cut Naning into several pieces at the same time.

Ning Jun around screamed out in fright, only paused for a moment, and people shouted and gathered around.

One of the three practitioners directly flashed into the "door" and "hole" of the city with a shadow drift, and the other two stayed to fight with Ning Jun.

Ning Jun died row after row under their spirit knives, but the number of people not only did not decrease, but also increased. The fighting time was not long, and the two dark spiritual practitioners couldn't stand it, and their spirit armor was full of cracks.

It was just a trance. One of them was stabbed in the back by a halberd. Then, more spears and spears stabbed him and held him up. Then, many Ning soldiers came up like crazy, chopping and stabbing. On the field, there were only cold light and blood arrows sprayed, and the figure of the spiritual cultivator was seen.

Another man saw his companion die miserably, and the spirit knife in his hand waved more madly. He just kept getting caught while cutting down the enemy.

In the "scuffle" battle of the "chaos" army, even the dark spiritual practitioners with advanced cultivation are difficult to protect themselves. The big living people who were still alive just now may be separated by the enemy's "chaos" blade in the blink of an eye.

The dark spiritual cultivator who had just left was no one else. It was Cheng Jin, the leader of the hidden arrow. He flashed into the "door" and "hole" of the city and looked forward. He was stunned. If he was not too familiar with ancient Yue, he could hardly recognize him standing in front of the copper gate at this time.

Cheng Jin, such a ruthless dark spiritual cultivator with a stony heart, saw the current appearance of Guyue. His heart was sour and his tears fell involuntarily. He rushed forward and called out with a trembling voice: Guyue... As soon as he got close to Guyue, the latter's body suddenly shook, his godless and lax eyes immediately set aside a fierce light and shouted: kill?? While he was talking, the saber was raised and slashed at Cheng Jin's head.


His sword struck Cheng Jin's head with only a slight crisp sound, but did not hurt the other party's spirit armor. Guyue's consciousness had long disappeared, and even his strength had become very small. The reason why he could still make a knife was that his physical conditions were reflected.

After cutting one knife, the ancient Yue continued to cut the second and third knives... The blade hit the spirit armor and made a series of Dangdang sound. Cheng Jin didn't dodge either. He rushed directly to Guyue, held his body and shouted: Guyue, it's me, I'm Cheng Jin! I don't know if it's exhaustion or if I really heard Cheng Jin's words, Guyue stopped, stood for two seconds, and then fell down straight.

Guyue?? This time, no matter how hard Cheng Jin called, the ancient Yue lying in his arms had no response at all. His wide eyes dimmed, and the ashes climbed up his cheeks. Until he swallowed his last breath, his hand was still holding the war knife and his eyes glared ahead.

General... Wuwu... The wind soldiers behind all burst into tears.

Outside the city gate and the cave. Ning Jun is still shouting to the sky: the wind army outside is coming. Shoot an arrow! Shoot an arrow?? Cheng Jin slowly put down the body of Guyue, then slowly broke off his fingers and grabbed the war knife used by Guyue. Then, there was a black fog around his body, and the people disappeared. At almost the same time, there was a scream from the Ningjun camp outside.

The dark tearing and killing continued. At this time, the wind army outside the city "shot" against the arrow on the head of the city and finally rushed to the "gate" of the city. More than a dozen wind soldiers took over their companions and carried the copper gate, while the replaced wind soldiers knelt around the ancient Yue body and cried.

The Fengjun troops poured into the city from outside the city. The first to kill in was the first regiment of the Tianying army, which was also the most "elite" regiment, followed by the second, third and fourth... Regiments.

With the influx of a large number of wind troops into the city, the Ning army completely lost its fighting spirit. Before a full-scale "confrontation" was launched, the Ning army began to collapse in an all-round way.

Ziying immediately gave orders, leaving two regiments to take over the north city of Liangzhou. Other regiments tried their best to chase down the defeated soldiers of Ningguo and rushed to the city.

At this point in the battle, the 3000 Feng army disguised as Ning army finally completed the task and counted the number of people, which is more than a miserable word can describe.

Among the 3000 soldiers, only about 20 survived, and only seven or eight of the 20 concealed arrows remained. In addition, only Zhan Peng and Wei Xuan, the four wind generals who entered the city, survived. Guyue and Zhang Tong were both killed.

Gu Yue died miserably, with more than 50 arrows in his body, but he still had a whole body. What's worse, Zhang Tong couldn't even find the body. When people cleaned up the battlefield, they only found his helmet full of blood. The body may be chopped up or trampled into 'meat' mud

When Ziying entered the city, he just caught up with Zhang Tong running down from the "gate" of the city. Seeing Youning suddenly appear, the soldiers of the eagle army rushed up. Zhang Tong shouted in fear: brother Feng, don't misunderstand me. I'm Zhang Tong and I'm my own man! Ziying was personally starting the arrow for the ancient Yue at this time. Hearing Zhang Tong's cry, he looked back and waved to the soldiers under his command, indicating that they didn't have to start.

Looking only at Ziying's armor, Zhang Tong judged that it was a senior official in the wind army. He rushed to Ziying, and before he could get close, he was stopped by the "bodyguards" around Ziying.

He didn't care. He bowed to Ziying's back and said: next Zhang Tong, do you know the general's name? Ziying didn't answer or look back at him. With trembling hands, Ziying pulled out the arrow on Guyue, choked and murmured: as the commander of the first army, of course, he should advance and retreat together with his brothers, but it's easy to say, but how many generals in the world can really do it? Knowing it was a near death, he was willing to fight side by side with the soldiers and would rather die than retreat. This is my man with strong wind and iron bones... While he whispered to himself, the drops of water fell on Guyue from time to time.

Until the last arrow was pulled out, Ziying slowly stood up and held up a bloody helmet with both arms, one of which was ancient Yue and the other Zhang Tong.

When he turned back, Zhang Tong finally saw his appearance, but he was also startled by the tears on his face.

This general... I'm Ziying! Ziying did not wipe her tears, but calmly looked at Zhang Tong and reported her name.

It is not a disgrace to shed tears for strong wind heroes such as Guyue and zhangtong, even in front of the enemy.

oh dear! It turned out that this man was called Ziying, which is known as zitu. Zhang Tong was stunned for a moment. He quickly bowed his hands again and said: at the end of the day, see general Ziying! Ben Shuai can't afford it! Ziying said lightly and walked directly past Zhang Tong.

Even if he was not on the scene, Ziying could easily guess that Zhang Tong did not wholeheartedly assist his own side at that time. Otherwise, as the chief General of urban defense, it was very easy for him to fight against the mobilization of Ning army. The battle was so fierce that Guyue and Zhang tonger were both damaged in the city.

As he walked, he called a local general. Before he could speak, his tears fell again. He slowly "handed over" the helmet in his arms to him and said in a trembling voice: send it back to the camp and "hand it over" to the king

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