Tang Yin also has his own "private" side and a strong "desire for possession"\ In his mind, Cai Youling has long been his "female" person. He will no longer let other men touch her. Instead of letting her go, he might as well confine her to the palace.

Seeing that Cai Youling had not spoken for a long time, he smiled and said, "if you don't speak, I'll take it as your default." Then he stood up and said, "you can choose so many temples and pavilions in the palace. I'll send someone to take care of your daily life." With that, he took another deep look at Cai Youling, and then walked out.

"Tang Yin..." Cai Youling subconsciously stood up and called him.

Tang Yin turned back and said with a smile, "although I don't mind you calling me by my name, I prefer to hear another name you call me."

Cai Yuling didn't immediately understand what he meant. It wasn't until Tang Yin left for a while that she realized that the other name Tang Yin said was actually asking her to call him "husband". To understand this, her blush seemed to be covered with red cloth.

Tang Yin left the main hall and found Qiu Zhen. They went to the silver treasury of the palace of Ningguo together.

The silver storehouse of King Ning palace is too big, even bigger than a normal palace. It is made of countless boulders. It is extremely solid. It is divided into three layers. When you walk into it, the vast silver light stabs people's eyes. There are at least 20 Silver mountains piled up by silver bricks of the same size, each of which is more than two meters high. As the king of the wind, Tang Yin has seen a lot of silver, but he has never seen so much at once.

This is only the middle floor. The underground floor is full of gold, which is less than silver. The top floor is filled with jewelry, and boxes of jewelry fill such a large space.

This is just a silver storehouse. Not far from the silver storehouse, it is the treasure Pavilion of the royal palace. There are more treasures there. Although there are no vulgar things such as gold and silver, any item in it is a priceless treasure. Most of the treasures Tang Yin had never seen or heard of.

There is so much wealth in the palace. It is conceivable that the Treasury of Liangzhou city does not need to loot the whole city to break Liangzhou. Just moving the Treasury in the city and the silver Treasury in the Palace back to the Fengguo is enough for the Fengguo court to be rich for decades.

Now Tang Yin can deeply realize that the wealth of a Liangzhou city cannot be compared with that of one county or even several counties.

While Tang Yin was looking around in the bank, Lotte ran in quickly from the outside.

When he first entered the silver vault, Lotte was also startled and almost thought he had entered the silver cave. He found Tang Yin on the first floor of the underground. While looking at the glittering gold around him, he unconsciously swallowed his saliva. After a while, he remembered the business. He walked to Tang Yin and whispered, "king, the generals of Ning army have gathered outside the palace."

Ning generals did not come on their own initiative, but were forced by the military talisman in Tang Yin's hand.

Tang Yin nodded and said he knew. He picked up a gold brick and asked, "Lotte, look... How much gold is there?"

"Oh... At least, there must be millions of Liang." Lotte looked around and stammered.

"I see more than that!" Tang Yin said and threw the gold brick in his hand to Lotte.

Lotte quickly reached out to catch it. He felt that his hands were heavy and almost let the gold brick fall to the ground. He hurried to grasp it hard. At the same time, he whispered that such a small piece of gold was so heavy.

Tang Yin looked at him and said with a smile, "from now on, I will no longer be a poor country."

It is appalling enough that plundering a city alone can change the wealth of a country.

Lotte carefully put the gold brick in his hand on the golden mountain beside him and spit, Shaking his head, he exclaimed, "I can't imagine... Ningguo has so much wealth..." "yes, but there are so many gold and silver in the palace Treasury. I don't know how much gold and silver there are in the Treasury of Liangzhou city! Unfortunately, Ningguo has all kinds of wealth, but it won't turn it into combat power. On the contrary, it has fulfilled us, ha ha --" he said, Tang Yin looked up and smiled triumphantly.

"Your Majesty, we have to transport all the gold and silver from Liangzhou back to the wind country!"

"Of course." Tang Yin shook his head and said, "let's go and see the generals of Ning army. There are many places where we need to use them!"

"Yes!" Lotte promised and followed Tang Yin out.

Now there are no generals in Ning army. Those traditional dignitaries have been killed by Tang Yin. Most of the survivors are low-level generals from humble origins.

All the generals were taken into the side hall of the palace by the wind army. After the wind soldier left, none of them sat down. All of them were dignified and worried, and walked restlessly and irritably in the hall.

According to the current situation, the king, his sons and princesses have been killed by the wind army, and the ministers and dignitaries of the imperial court have been slaughtered. The wind army controls the whole capital. In fact, Ningguo has died. The generals see any hope for the future, and people don't even know whether they can survive tonight.

How can people calm down under such a confused, frightened and frightened psychology?

It's time for people to wait for Tang Yin to finally collapse.

As the "door" of the hall opened, a large number of wind troops rushed in from the outside and quickly stood on both sides of the hall. Then Tang Yin came in from the outside under the protection of many "bodyguards".

Zhongning generals all straightened their bodies and stared at Tang Yin with big eyes and small eyes.

Tang Yin was also wearing armor, but unlike the armor of other generals, the armor was dark and the edge was golden. It was exquisite, beautiful and full of style. Behind it was a red cloak embroidered with the unique totem of Fengguo. Without talking, people can guess his identity only by looking at his clothes and the respectful attitude of many wind soldiers around him.

He passed through many Ning generals and sat down in the center of the hall. Then he looked at the people and waved his hand and said, "all generals have been tossing about for most of the night. I think they are all tired. Let's sit down!"

"Who are you?" asked Ning Jiang, who had a straightforward "sex" feeling

Tang Yin was stunned at first, then smiled, didn't answer directly, but asked, "why don't others ask, but you ask who I am?"

Naning will say loudly, "because they are too timid..."

Tang Yin shook her head and sneered, "wrong, because you're stupid!" After a pause, he restrained his smile and said coldly, "the two armies are in a 'battle', and even the enemy commander can't recognize it. What soldiers do you bring and what war do you fight?"

Ning Jiang, who was scolded by Tang Yin, was dazed and held back for a long time. Fang was suspicious and said, "are you..."

"I'm Tang Yin. You should call me king Feng or king."

Naning gave a cold war to the frightened "excited" spirit and subconsciously looked at his left and right companions. Other Ning generals are not surprised by Tang Yin's identity. It can be said that they have guessed who Tang Yin is at that moment recently.

Tang Yin stopped paying attention to him, turned his eyes, looked at the other people, and asked with a smile, "generals, tell me what you plan to do in the future."

The people looked at each other, and no one spoke. In fact, now even they don't know how to plan in the future. The king died, the capital fell, and his "sex" life was in the hands of others. What else can you plan?

Seeing that they didn't speak, Tang Yin said, "the king can show you a clear way, obey me, obey the son of heaven, be loyal to the king and the son of heaven!"

A burly Ning general came out and shouted at Tang Yin: "our life is Ning people and death is Ning ghosts. How can we fall to you?"

Tang Yin looked at Naning general and said, "now Ningguo is dead and has become a part of my strong wind. If you want to be loyal to your Ningguo, it is equivalent to being loyal to my strong wind."

"Fart!" Naning roared angrily, "as long as the people of Ning are not dead, the country of Ning is not dead!"

"Ha ha -" Tang Yin laughed up and asked other Ning generals, "do you think the same as him?"

All Ning generals did not deny or admit it. Each hung his head and was silent.

Tang Yin shrugged at the burly general Ning and said, "it seems that your colleagues don't agree with you."

Burly Ning would be furious, looked around at his companions and shouted, "we should serve the country with death when we eat Jun Lu. Are all brothers greedy for life and afraid of death?"

When he said this, the generals suddenly felt ashamed. Several people were "excited" and came out of the crowd to stand next to the burly Ning general.

However, many Ning generals frowned and thought that it was not wise to work hard with Tang Yin at this time, but to seek their own death, which was worthless.

Tang Yin didn't want to see the hostility of Ning people stirred up. He raised his hand and pointed to the burly Ning general. He said coldly, "the king was ordered by the son of heaven to attack the state of Ning. Those who refuse to obey will be unfaithful and rebellious to the son of heaven. How can the king allow you?" Then he shouted to both sides, "take down the thief and do the right thing!"

As soon as his voice fell, he stepped forward on both sides to four hidden arrows.

Burly Ning Jiang's weapon has already been searched by the wind army, but it doesn't mean that he will be captured obediently. Without waiting for the hidden arrows to approach him, he grabbed a table and rushed to Tang Yin. At the same time, he shouted, "dog thief, I fought with you..."

He didn't rush to Tang Yin's face. He didn't even finish shouting. Ah San and ah Si on both sides of Tang Yin ran out together. Two spirit swords painted two long cold awns in the air and fell into the chest of the burly Ning Jiang. Then they worked together. The spirit swords cut left and right, and a flutter was heard in their ears, Burly Ning cut his huge body in two.

A San and a Si took back their swords and returned to Tang Yin. The speed of going back and forth was amazing.

Tang Yin glanced at the corpse on the ground, provoked it from the corners of his mouth, sneered and said, "like this, death is not a pity!"

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