Zuo Shuang and "Meng" Luo chatted while walking and entered the account of the Chinese army. Originally, the left doubles wanted to invite Monroe to sit in the position of coach, but Monroe refused to say anything. Seeing that he was not polite and modest, the left doubles had to give up and take their seats respectively.

After a few more polite words, Zuo Shuang asked, "is there something wrong with the presence of 'Meng' Xiang?"

"Ha ha!"‘ Meng Luo smiled and said, "there's nothing wrong with Deng Sanbao hall. It's really something." After a pause, he asked, "how is general Zuo Shuang living in the wind country?"

When Zuo Shuang heard the speech, his old face turned red. The questioner may not have intention, but the listener absolutely has intention. He was a rather general, but now the country of Ning has been destroyed by the wind. Instead of serving the country with death, he still defected to the country of wind, which is not without shame. With a dry smile, he said, "it's okay!"

The two countries joined hands in faning, which was originally meant by the emperor and the imperial court. In front of "Meng" Luo, Zuo Shuang didn't say much.

Meng Luo took a deep look at Zuo Shuang and suddenly asked, "is general Zuo Shuang willing to be a wind minister and don't want to avenge the country of Ning and his highness King Ning?"

Ah? Left pair of silly eyes, what does' Monroe 'mean? Did he come to test himself? He said, "the first king was disrespectful and unfaithful to the son of heaven. It's also heaven's destiny to die in the wind and Mo two countries. How dare he..."

Before he finished, Monroe laughed and said, "Feng Mo and the two countries joined hands to attack Ning. General Zuo Shuang really thinks it's your Majesty's will?"

"Is it..."

"Your Majesty has a purpose, but it is by the sycophant Tang Yin *!"‘ Meng Luo gritted his teeth and said, "Tang Yin used the imperial court to bully his majesty and the imperial court everywhere in other countries. It has reached an unbearable point. If general Zuo Shuang is really loyal to the emperor, he should hoe thieves for the country!"

This remark was too shocking for Zuo Shuang. The emperor now lives in the wind country and is restrained by Tang Yin. He can imagine it. However, he was not surprised that Meng Luo dared to speak such words in public.

'meng 'Luo didn't give Zuo Shuang time to think more. He directly took out the secret imperial edict of the emperor from his arms, handed it to Zuo Shuang, and whispered, "general Zuo Shuang, this is the imperial edict written by the Emperor himself. Please have a look at it."

Against the imperial edict? Zuo Shuang looked at the brocade roll that Meng Luo handed to him, swallowed and spit, and didn't respond for a long time.

Munro narrowed his eyes, looked directly at the left pair and said again, "please have a look at the general!"

The left pair returned to their senses, took the imperial edict with trembling palms, unfolded it, and read the contents carefully from beginning to end. After reading it, he fell into meditation again.

"General Zuo Shuang, the emperor has cited the crimes of Tang Yin in the imperial edict. Now, it is a good time for the general to be loyal to the emperor. It can also snow the national humiliation. What else does the general hesitate to do?"‘ Monroe stared at the left pair without blinking, and said in a gloomy and urgent tone.

"This..." the left pair frowned and shook his head.

His hatred for Tang Yin is not as deep as Monroe imagined. As a peaceful man and a general of the subjugated country, Tang Yin not only didn't kill him, but also important him. He even ignored his humble origin and trusted him as the commander of the first army. All these made Zuo Shuang feel "excited" in his heart.

Of course, he also had a grudge against Tang Yin. After all, Tang Yin destroyed the state of Ning and killed King Ning. Zuo Shuang's current status in Feng Jun is very embarrassing, and his feelings for Tang Yin are also very complex, but it is by no means impossible to say otherwise.

Besides, this matter is of great importance. It's not about him alone, but about the life and death of the whole army. How dare he make a hasty decision?

After a long silence, he slowly put down the imperial edict, raised his head and said to 'Meng' Luo: "the end General of your Majesty's imperial edict has read it. Please go back and show the emperor that Zuo Shuang... Will make a decision as soon as possible!"

After reading the imperial edict, Zuo Shuang, a rather general, should immediately make a decision to act according to the emperor's order, rebel and kill Tang Yin, but in fact, that's not the case at all. He has to think again, which is far from what Meng Luo expected.

He frowned and asked, "why? Is general Zuo worried that he can't hoe thieves?"

"No, no, no... The end will never have this intention..."

"So general Zuo is greedy and afraid of death?"

okay? Hearing this, Zuo Shuang suddenly felt a sense of rejection. He was saying, "from the day he chose to join the army, he has forgotten his personal life and death..." what Mo will worry about is not his own life and death, but the life and death of 150000 soldiers and men in the whole army.

Before he could say the second half of his sentence, Meng Luo interrupted him and asked coldly, "in that case, what else does general Zuo worry about? The imperial edict of the emperor has been issued, and as a minister, the general should act according to the order. Is it true that the general's insistence that he is willing to be loyal to the emperor is just a promise?"

The left eyebrows wrinkled into a knot. The emperor's painstaking efforts to "tide" would kill Tang Yin and gave himself such a so-called secret edict. But has the emperor ever thought about killing Tang Yin once the western border army revolts? Can the wind army give up? Where should the 150000 soldiers under my command run? The "gate" of Tong is heavily guarded by soldiers, and there are more Fengjun who dominate the pass. The troops in the West have to be trapped alive in the Fengdi. The wind people dare not do anything to the emperor, but they will definitely kill all the troops in the West!

Tang Yin doesn't mean that you can kill. Has the emperor considered the consequences? In other words, the emperor and the imperial court only think about themselves and don't care about the final fate of the 150000 soldiers of the western border army.

The emperor and the imperial court are just a group of self-interest people! Zuo Shuang sighed in his heart, then straightened up and said: "the 'Mongolian' phase will be accepted at the end of the emperor's imperial edict. If there is nothing else about the 'Mongolian' phase, please go back. This matter... The end will have to deliberate with his brothers."

Seeing that 'Meng' Luo still had to speak, Zuo Shuang said again: "the last general is the commander-in-chief of the western border army, so he should think about the future of his officers and men. Mo general should also discuss with his brothers where the western border army should go."

The determination of Zuo Shuang's attitude shows the imagination of "Meng" Luo. Seeing that his face is red and his breath is thick, I know that if you love him again, it may be counterproductive.

Monroe nodded, and at the same time gave a long sigh. He spoke softly and moved with emotion, Xiao Zhizhi said rationally: "general Zuo, not only Tang Yin, the son of heaven will die at the hands of this thief one day, and the Empire will be destroyed in his hands. I don't speak to the general as the left prime minister in the court, but as an imperial subject. For the sake of the son of heaven and the world, the general should focus on the overall situation, regardless of personal life and death!" As he spoke, he stood up tremblingly, arched his hands and said, "I'll leave first and wait for the general's reply at your house!"

These soft words moved Zuo Shuang. He hurriedly stood up, arched his hands and said, "I'll see you off at the end!"

"No, general, please stay, general... Let's have a good look at the imperial edict of the emperor. There are the blood and tears of the emperor in it. The emperor and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are waiting for the general..." with words, "Meng" Luo slowly walked out of the account of the Chinese army.

Monroe left, and the left pair sat in the tent, deep in thought, and did not move for a long time.

Since it was the imperial edict of the emperor, he should act according to the imperial edict, but he had such and such concerns. For a moment, he hesitated and didn't know what to do.

While he was hesitating, someone outside the account reported that Wei Xuan asked for an interview.

Wei Xuan has been promoted by Tang Yin to be the deputy commander of the western border army, which is equivalent to Zuo Shuang's deputy. There are many "private" contacts between the two. Apart from the different identities of Ning Ren and Feng Ren, they are still very congenial. Wei Xuan didn't come from a traditional general, but was promoted to a general by Tang Yin because of the order of Nawu. He didn't have enough experience and didn't know any art of war. However, he was modest and cautious. If he didn't understand anything, he would often ask Zuo Shuang for advice. Zuo Shuang liked his "sexual" style and was willing to teach him. They got along very well.

He has received a secret order from Tang Yin and also brought the hidden arrows sent by Cheng Jin into the army. Once there is a change, he can get rid of the Ningren general with Zuo Shuang as the first time.

However, in his heart, he did not want Zuo Shuang to die because of his rebellion against the "chaos". This time, he came to explore the tone of mouth and beat the side drum.

Hearing that Wei Xuan was coming, Zuo Shuanggang wanted to say "please", but his eyes fell on the imperial edict on the table. He was so frightened that he immediately grabbed it. He didn't know where to hide it in a hurry. Finally, he simply stuffed it directly under his ass, sat under the collapse, took a deep breath and said, "please!"

After a short time, Wei Xuan came near from the outside.

"General, you will be polite at the end of the day." Wei Xuan's respectful "hand in" salute.

"Brother Wei, please sit down." Zuo Shuang's "private" subordinates have been used to being brothers with the soldiers in the army. Now that he is the commander, it is difficult for him to change this habit for a while.

Wei Xuan smiled and sat down next to Zuo Shuang.

Zuo Shuang sat on the imperial edict of the emperor. It was more or less unnatural. His ass moved uneasily and asked with a smile, "brother Wei, what's up?"

Wei Xuan paused for a moment and said, "the last general has heard that Prime Minister Meng has just come. What can I do for the old Prime Minister?"

The left pair breathed in secretly, but his face didn't move and said with a 'color' smile: "it's nothing, just come and talk about home affairs."

"Oh? The last general didn't know that the general had contacts with Mongolia."

"It's just an ordinary 'friendship'."

"That's the best." Wei Xuan shrugged and said, "the king doesn't like my strong civil and military ministers coming too close to the ministers of the imperial court."

"Ah! That's right..." Zuo Shuang answered casually, but his mind was turning sharply. He secretly guessed whether Wei Xuan noticed something.

Wei Xuan asked with a smile, "does the general know why the king doesn't like our contact with the imperial court ministers?"

Zuo Shuang asked absently, "why?"

"The king often says that my strong wind's civil and military are one in a million, and the ministers of the imperial court are all pedantic hereditary dignitaries. Porcelain and pots are placed together. In case of a bump, it doesn't matter if the pots are broken, but it's sad if the porcelain is broken." As he spoke, Wei Xuan laughed like a joke and said, "the king's metaphor may not be appropriate, but it makes sense. What do you say, general?"

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