Liang Qi thought for a moment, picked up a branch, pointed to the stones and mounds on the ground and said, "general Yetang!"

"The end will come!"

"You lead 20000 brothers around to the east of Huanying camp. At midnight, take the rocket as the number and launch an attack."

"I will obey!" Ye Tang stepped in to get the order.

Liang Qi said again, "General Gao Yu!"

"The end will come!"

"You lead 20000 brothers to the west of Huanying camp. You also wait for the rocket at the third watch to attack the enemy camp!"

"I will obey!"

Liang Qi then ordered, "general yuan rang?"

Listening to Liang Qi finally point to his name, shangguanyuan asked him to smile and said, "yes!"

Liang Qizheng said, "general yuan rang led 20000 brothers to ambush in the enemy camp without participating in the battle of attacking the camp."

Shangguan yuan asked to smell the speech. His nose was almost crooked. Everyone else can go to the battlefield to fight. Why should he be busy on one side?

What do you mean, keep him out of the battlefield

Liang Qi shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "general yuan rang, it's not that I want to leave you out of the battlefield, but that you will complain to the king every time you go out with me. I put you in danger and ignore you. This time you don't have to go to the battlefield again, so I don't have to worry about the king asking me questions in the future."

After hearing this, all the generals present unconsciously raised the corners of their mouths, and the muscles on their faces twitched. They looked like they wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh.

Shangguan Yuan made his old face red, staring at Liang Qi for a long time without speechless words. He didn't speak ill of Liang Qi in front of the king, but in fact, Liang Qi did calculate him every time and asked him to complete the almost impossible task.

After holding it for a while, shangguanyuan let his heart unwilling to bow at Liang Qigong and said, "OK, OK, I was wrong to tell the king about you before, but you can't take revenge for yourself. Don't let me fight?"

Liang Qi was full of embarrassment. Finally, he shrugged helplessly and said, "I still think it's better for yuan to let the general stay in place."

Shangguanyuan rang was angry and anxious. His fist clucked. He asked angrily, "what if I have to fight?"

"That's OK, but," Liang Qi said with a smile, "general yuanrang can't complain about me in front of the king anymore."

Shangguanyuan ^ 56 library, raised his head and said, "OK, it's all up to you, as long as you don't leave me out of the battlefield."

Liang Qi nodded, lowered his head to the simple sand table on the ground and said, "general yuan rang is still ambushing in the north of Huanying camp. Don't participate in the war..."

His feelings were white. Liang Qi still didn't let himself go to the battlefield. Shangguanyuan let him stare round. His black face was angry and turned into sauce purple. He said angrily: "what do you mean, Liang Qi..."

Liang Qi waved to him not to worry, He continued: "In this battle, the enemy in Huan camp will certainly not be able to resist our attack, and once the enemy is defeated, it will flee north to find the main force of Huan army. General yuan rang, I asked you to ambush in the north of the camp in order to intercept and kill the deserters of Huan army. Your task is very simple. When there are enemies running towards you, you are welcome to kill me. Kill as many enemies as you have, and kill as many heads as you have Give you one more credit, but if you let one more person go, it will also give you one more fault. "

i see! After hearing this, Shangguan yuanrang immediately opened his mouth and was happy. He likes to fight such a fight. He is also most willing to fight the enemy. It's fun to fight like this! He arched his hands and said, "don't worry. None of the enemy will run here. Liang Qi, just sit in the camp and listen to my good news!"

Liang Qi smiled and said, "I'm relieved that yuan let the general do so."

In fact, Liang Qi's task of letting Shangguan yuan is very simple. Just kill the deserters of Huan army. In fact, the task assigned to him is still the most dangerous and difficult.

When Liang Qi launched an attack on Huan camp, if the Huan army was defeated, it would not fight hard and would choose to escape. But once the back road was broken, the Huan army had no other choice. When the dog was anxious and jumped off the wall, how could the Huan army not fight hard to break through?

The Fengjun who attacked Huan camp on all sides, but shangguanyuan made the pressure on this side the greatest, and the counterattack by Huan army would be the most violent.

After the generals took orders one after another, only Liang Qi and Bai Yong were left in the big tent. The latter shook his head and sighed, "the general has put yuan in the most dangerous place again."

Liang Qi smiled bitterly and said, "there is no way. If yuan didn't let the general, who would still be able to cut off the retreat of the enemy?"

Bai Yong nodded. That's the truth. It's much better to send Guan yuan than others.

That night, late at night, the main force of the wind army quietly left the camp.

Shangguan yuanrang, ye Tang and Gao Yu led 23000 Navy troops to sneak in the direction of Huanying in three ways. Liang Qi and Bai Yong did not stay in the camp to wait. They led the 43000 Navy and prepared to attack from the front.

Liang Qi specially selected 500 elite men from the whole army and distributed them with the same saber. Under the command of Mo Yan, a general of the Sanshui army, he took the lead in the front.

The five hundred wind troops led by Mo Yan were all strong and experienced veterans. They quickly approached Huanying under the cover of night.

The guards who can look forward through the fire gate. Mo Yan also waited a little longer. He didn't see the patrol guard passing by. He was relieved. At the same time, he sneered. The general expected that he was right. Huan army won a battle during the day. At night, he was really careless and thought his side didn't dare to sneak camp.

He threw his head down at his brother around him, and then ran forward with his waistline.

Five hundred people were all lightly armed and without armor. When they ran, there was only a slight sound of footsteps, not the friction of armor.

There are not many guards outside huanyingyuan gate, as many as 20 or 30, but they are all dozing off with spears and heads.

When Mo Yan and others were only about 20 meters away from the Yuanmen, two Huan soldiers were finally alert. When they heard the movement, they subconsciously shook their bodies and raised their heads.

Mo Yan and others reacted quickly and fell to the ground at the same time.

The two awakened Huan soldiers narrowed their hazy sleeping eyes and looked around the front. Where they could reach, it was dark and could not even see a ghost shadow. The two men only thought they had heard wrong. Look around. The brothers were sleeping, and they didn't mean to say anything. One of them closed his eyes again and continued to doze off, while the other put down his spear and walked in the direction of Mo Yan and others.

The wind troops lying on the ground knew clearly that a Huan soldier came and thought that the enemy had found his own side. A wind soldier beside Mo Yan could hold a knife handle and slowly pulled out the saber pinned to his waist.

Mo Yan frowned and reached out to grasp his wrist. He didn't speak or move. He just showed him in his eyes that he didn't have to act rashly.

If the other party is really abnormal, even if it doesn't disturb others, it's impossible to come and patrol without weapons. The other party's loose appearance should be unaware.

The Huan soldier staggered all the way to the vicinity of Mo Yan and others. The distance between the two sides was less than three meters. However, the sky was too dark and the Huan soldier in the backlight did not reach the wind army close at hand. He untied his belt and began to release his hand in front of Mo Yan's five hundred wind army.

Hua -- listening to the sound of Huan Bing peeing, the wind army in the front even felt that the other party's urine had splashed on his face.

blamed! The wind troops secretly clenched their teeth, but Mo Yan didn't give an order, and they didn't dare to act rashly. They could only hold their fists and bear it.

Huan Bing finally untied his hands, took up his pants, tied his belt and turned back.

At this time, Mo Yan suddenly jumped up from the ground. His action was as agile as a rabbit. With only three arrows, he ran behind Huan Bing. Huan Bing heard a strange noise behind him and looked back. There was nothing else but a cold light sweeping towards him.


Without a cry, Mo Yan cut off the head of the Huan soldier directly with a crisp knife. Before the headless body fell down, Mo Yan had reached out to help it, and then slowly put it to the ground.

A series of actions were done without any sound.

After getting rid of the Huan soldier, Mo Yan waved his hand forward, and the five hundred wind troops who fell on the ground stood up and followed Mo Yan straight to the gate of Huan camp.

At a distance of 20 meters, they arrived in the blink of an eye. More than 30 guards outside Yuanmen gate were still dozing in a daze. They were the ghosts under the sword of the wind army. From beginning to end, no one made a scream, and there was only the crisp sound of the broken bone of the blade on the field.

Clean up all the guards outside the gate of Yuanmen. Mo Yan kept taking five hundred wind troops to enter Huanying from the side gate. The first thing is to open the gate of Yuanmen.

Zhiniuniu - as the gate was slowly opened, the Huan soldiers on the stronghold wall finally woke up from their sleep. A half asleep Huan soldier stuck his head out of the stronghold wall and asked downward, "what's the matter? Who opened the gate..."

Before he finished asking, a sharp arrow had been shot up from below. The arrow was extremely accurate. When it hit the Huan soldier's eyes, it heard a flutter. Most of the arrow body did not enter the Huan soldier's head, and the arrow protruded from the back of his helmet.

Plop! The body killed on the spot fell from the walled wall. Almost at the same time, a rocket with strong flame flew into the air. In the dark night sky, the rocket looked particularly eye-catching and could be seen clearly from a long distance.

The rocket also sounded the horn of the wind army's attack. Suddenly, there were shouts of killing in the south, East and west of Huanying. Thousands of wind troops rushed out of the night and shouted and rushed to Huanying.

Reprinted from: Literature under the new pen bxx

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