The desperate Huan army can only fight to the death and launch a bloody battle with the wind army that intercepts them.

This fight against the enemy can be called tragic on both sides. The Huan army rushed forward recklessly and made the wind army, which has always been called the division of tiger and wolf, soft. But when the two armies fought for their lives, they hesitated a little and killed themselves.

After the full-scale fighting between the two sides, the casualties on the side of the Feng army also began to rise in a straight line. The soldiers in front of the battle line fell down row after row. There were more casualties in the Huan army. They were all flesh and blood in the battle line of the hard Chong Feng army.

When Shangguan yuan rang zhengsha, who rushed into the Huanjun crowd, was on the rise, he was in direct contact with the oncoming Qian Yi and Xiang Tang er. Because the two men didn't even wear armor and only wear middle clothes, Shangguan yuan thought they were just ordinary Huan soldiers and didn't even pay attention.

He ignored them and they wouldn't let him go. The distance was so far that Qian Yihe Xiang Tang was very happy to see shangguanyuan killing in his own camp. He chopped his own soldiers like vegetables. Qian Yixin was angry and covered with a spirit armor. He rushed to shangguanyuan rang without greeting. He shook his hand and shot first.

Yo! Shangguan yuan was stunned. He thought the other party was Huan soldiers. It turned out that he could cover the spirit armor and display the spirit of soldiers. He thought he should be a general in the enemy. With a smile, he moved his body slowly and easily to avoid the spirit gun coming from his back. Qian Yizheng wanted to take the gun and attack again. Shangguanyuan let him suddenly return a knife and take the other party's head.

So fast! These two words are the only thought in Qian Yi's heart at this time. He didn't have time to think too much. He subconsciously leaned back and listened to the sound of sand. The three pointed two edged knife almost swept past the tip of his nose.

Who will this wind be? Why is it so powerful?! An expert knows whether there is one. After only one move, Qian Yi judged that he was by no means his opponent.

After the blade of Shangguan yuanrang passed, Qian Yi hurried to the side, withdrew for a distance, and then turned back and shouted, "brother Xiang, come quickly -"

He didn't look back. When he looked back, there was still Xiang Tang behind him. Subconsciously, he looked forward and saw Xiang Tang galloping ahead, crossing him and the enemy general. He had already run first.

Oh, this little man who is greedy for life and afraid of death and runs away! Qian Yi was very angry. He wanted to catch up with him, but Shangguan yuanrang on one side had already stared at him. He couldn't let him go. The latter pulled his horse back and drew a long electric light in the air with a three pointed and two edged knife, which came straight to his waist.

Qian Yi's heart trembled and he could only stand his gun. There was a clang in the earrings. The blade split on the barrel of the gun, and the sparks rose high. The impact force of this knife made Qian Yi and his horse withdraw three meters away. The latter's arms were numb and the tiger's mouth was sticky. It had been broken by the other party's knife, and even the spirit armor attached to it was broken.

Why is this man so strong? Qian Yi's hands trembled with blood, and his eyes stared in horror at the opposite Shangguan yuanrang. He breathed disorderly and asked anxiously, "you... Who are you?"

"Fengguo, general, Shangguan yuanrang!" While shangguanyuan asked to give his name, the man urged the horse to rush to Qian Yijin. There was no false move. The three pointed and two edged knife swept the other party's neck.

Shangguan yuanrang? Qian Yi's heart cooled when he heard the name. Although Huan state is far away from Feng state, Qian Yi, a military general, has heard of Shangguan yuanrang. He knows that he is the first general of Feng state. Unexpectedly, he met him on the battlefield.

The other side's knife came again. Qian Yi didn't dare to take it hard this time, and he couldn't take it any more. He leaned down with all his strength, and the whole person almost stuck to the horse. He was able to let the knife pass, but before he stood up, Shang Guanyuan asked him to take back the spirit knife, and then he looked forward and stabbed Qian Yi hard.

Qian Yi had no way to dodge. He had to do his best to knock the blade with a spirit gun and want to open the other party's knife. Unfortunately, shangguanyuan makes this stab too powerful. Let alone Qian Yi's arms can't make it now. Even if he can make it, he may not be able to knock shangguanyuan's knife open.


The spirit spear swept to the blade, but it didn't deflect it at all. The speed of the three pointed and two edged knife didn't decrease and the strength didn't cut. It continued to stab straight forward. Puff! This knife is stabbing Qian Yi's heart. The blade enters from the front heart and sticks out from his back heart, directly stabbing Qian Yi into the cold.

"Ah --"

Qian Yi uttered a scream of heart rending and lung rending. He didn't sit up enough on the horse, overturned on his back and fell under the horse.

Shangguanyuan asked the hurried horse to come forward, cut off the body's head with a knife, then picked it up with the tip of the knife and hung it on the saddle under the bridge.

Poor Huan General Qian Yi met shangguanyuan rang, the God of killing, before he could find a chance to show his skills. Before five rounds, he was stabbed to death by shangguanyuan. After death, he ended up in a strange place.

In fact, the ability to change with money is not so miserable, but I don't know that the other party is Shangguan yuanrang, who suffered a big loss as soon as he came up, and then his mind is confused, so it's difficult to compete with him.

Xiang Tang ignored his comradeship and fled easily when he was in danger. As a result, he didn't rush out of the battle of the wind army.

He entered the Fengjun camp and killed many Fengjun, but more and more people rushed to besiege him. Finally, he was careless and was pulled down by the Fengjun, and many Fengjun rushed up. Without the opportunity to release Lingwu skills to Tang Lian, he was pressed to the ground by groups of Fengjun, and the Lingdao in his hand was forcibly taken away by others, Let the wind army catch them alive.

The killing on the battlefield continued, but it did not last long. Soon, a large group of people and horses of the wind army came and attacked Huan army.

Finally, the 30000 Huan troops who escaped from Huan camp did not run away. They were basically wiped out. They either died in battle or surrendered and became prisoners of the wind army.

In this war alone, 50000 Huan troops were annihilated by Sanshui army. Two main generals were killed and captured. The tragic results were rare in the history of Huan.

After the battle, Liang Qi took the camp of Huan army for himself. Instead of letting the whole army enter the camp, he took Huan army

The prisoners of the army were detained and left some troops to guard. He himself led the main force of the Sanshui army and immediately went north to pursue the main force of the Huan army.

Huan soldiers who survived the battle fled back to their main camp overnight and reported the results of the battle to Huan army commander Xu Qing.

After hearing this, Xu Qing's head buzzed. He was sad, angry and anxious. He almost carried his breath on the spot. Fifty thousand soldiers were wiped out by the wind less than a day after they left. How was the battle fought? In the history of the Huan army, how could there be such a defeat?

Xu Qing is in shock. He returns by exploring horses outside. Ten miles away from his camp, he finds the wind army of the brigade.

Before others spoke, Xue Pei was the first to rise up and angrily said: "the wind army deceives people too much! Just fought with a small group of troops of our army, and now he comes to pursue the main force of our army. It's too arrogant! General, order to meet the wind army!"

Others said that Xu Qing might be able to think about it, but Xue Pei said that he didn't even think about it, leaving only anger in his heart.

Xue Pei told him to divide his troops and left 50000 soldiers to stop the wind army, but what happened? 50000 soldiers were killed and destroyed by the wind army. Now he comes to give advice to himself. Don't you think it's not bad enough to harm himself?


Xu Qingmeng patted the table and pointed to Xue Pei. He didn't speak for a long time.

Xue Pei also knew he was wrong. Seeing that Xu Qing's angry beard was about to curl up, he shrunk his neck and hung his head in a hurry. He didn't dare face Xu Qing, so he sat back quietly.

At this time, a counselor named Wang Meng arched his hand and said, "general, what general Xue said is not unreasonable. The Feng army has just experienced a fierce battle and is chasing after it nonstop. The whole army will be tired. If our army takes the initiative to attack, it is sure to win."

After hearing this, the other people nodded in agreement and thought that what Wang Meng said was very reasonable. As the saying goes, arrogant soldiers will be defeated. Now the wind army is like this. After defeating 50000 soldiers, they believe that their own side is easy to bully. Regardless of the fatigue of the soldiers, they go on a continuous expedition, and their combat strength must be reduced sharply. When do you wait if you don't fight at this time?

People turned their eyes to Xu Qing and said, "general, now is a great opportunity to attack the wind army!"

"The wind army is arrogant. Our army will win this war. It can also avenge blood hatred for General Qian, general and other brothers!"

"We are at odds with the wind army, general, give orders!"

"General, give orders -"

All the generals volunteered to take the initiative to fight. Xu Qing's heart revived when they urged him. However, he soon calmed down and pondered carefully. What they said is reasonable, but Feng Jun's actions are really hard to understand.

Since the Feng army can break through the camp garrisoned by 50000 people in such a short time, its commander must be a very good soldier. How can he make such a mistake and pursue his own army with tired and weak troops? This is something that only a simple commander can do.

This... Is it the trick of the wind army or is it really belittling the enemy?

This time, Xu Qing didn't agree with the people. Instead, he calmed down and thought carefully. He didn't want to understand the intention of the wind army. Finally, he waved to the generals and counselors on the left and right, interrupted their offer, and asked his spies, "how many troops does the wind army have?"

The spy replied, "tell the general that it's too dark. We're far away and can't really see it. However, observing the number of torches of the other party should be the main force of the wind force with 70000 or 80000 people!"

Is the main force of the wind Army... Xu Qing frowned and asked, "has the wind army arranged an ambush nearby?"

"I didn't find that the wind army marched very fast. It was rushed all the way. There should be no time to investigate the terrain and lay an ambush."

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