Zhan Hu's heavy foot smashed the spirit armor on the face of the commander of the Sichuan army, and his body bounced up. Before he landed, Zhan Hu swung down with a hammer and smashed it into the chest of the regiment leader. With a dull plop, when the regiment leader fell to the ground, his body hit the ground into a human pit, which shows how powerful the Zhan Hu heavy hammer is.

The regiment commander lay on the ground, spewing out a mouthful of blood mist, then turned his eyes white, his limbs twitched, more air out and less air in, and he could not see it. When the commander of the army died, the faces of the soldiers around him did not change much. People looked at the tall and ferocious war tigers and subconsciously retreated one after another.

But soon, Sergeant Chuan calmed down again from the shock. People rushed up, attacking the War Tiger and rescuing the commander who had not completely died. The dying regiment leader was captured by them, but the Sichuan sergeant who attacked the tiger was smashed for more than 20 days, and the twisted and dishonest bodies were scattered all over the ground.

With the rise of fighting tiger killing and no one can match it, a Sichuan Army General rushed over. This Sichuan general is red even with his horse. He is covered with red spirit armor and red cloak. The whole body of the war horse is jujube red. He can't even find the miscellaneous hair. Surprisingly, the spirit gun in his hand is red. This gun is famous for its flame and blood soul.

When the Sichuan general came, the Sichuan sergeant was shocked, and people automatically and consciously dispersed to the left and right to make way for a passage. The Sichuan general rode his horse and held a gun at an unabated speed, passed through the crowd, and when he was close to the War Tiger, the flame blood soul gun stabbed forward. The gun took the customary surname, which was as powerful as a thousand, and went straight to the neck and throat of the War Tiger.

It's good to shout loudly. Zhan Hu held the hammer and swung it out with great force. The deafening golden sound made the ears of the surrounding soldiers hum. The eardrum seemed to be penetrated by a sharp blade. The pain was unbearable. People threw away their weapons, covered their ears with their hands and screamed back and forth, which also made room for Chuan Jiang and Zhan Hu to fight.

Yo! How strong this man is! As soon as an expert makes a move, he knows whether there is one. Zhan Hu and Chuan Jiang only make one move, and then judge that each other's strength is not small. Even if they can't compare with themselves, they are not much different.

Zhan Hu was surprised, and Chuan Jiang was also surprised. The shot he just shot was a trick to steal the machine. To a large extent, he relied on the habitual force of the war horse when it galloped, but the other party easily blocked it and numbed his hands. This wind can be called a natural divine force.

He reined in the war horse and asked, "who will the wind be? Report your name!"

Zhan Hu didn't ride a horse, but standing in front of the horse was not much shorter than Chuan Jiang sitting on the horse. He grinned and said, "Uncle Zhan Hu, who are you?"

oh It turned out that he was the famous general of the wind country, Zhan Hu. Chuan Jiangyou has heard the name of Zhan Hu. Instead of being timid, he has high fighting spirit. He replied, "I'm general Wu Rui in the middle of Sichuan!"

"Wu Rui?" Zhan Hu turned his eyes and thought seriously. After a moment, he shook Dou Da's head and said, "I haven't heard of it. It's just a nobody."

This sentence can confuse the morale of the Sichuan army present. Wu Rui is a famous general in the state of Sichuan and even the whole empire. With a fiery blood soul gun, he travels all over the world and sweeps * * and rarely meets his opponent. When he comes to the other party's mouth, he becomes a nobody?

Wu Rui's mind is not comparable to that of ordinary generals. He doesn't care how big his reputation is. He doesn't care much about the contempt of Zhan Hu. He chuckles, shakes his spiritual gun and says, "good! Let's let this nobody experience the power of the famous generals of the wind country!" Between his words, he floated off his horse.

Zhan Hu was stunned and looked at Wu Rui puzzled. He didn't know why he suddenly dismounted.

Wu Rui handed the reins to his soldiers and said to Zhan Hu, "don't you take advantage of you when you are under the horse and I am on the horse?" He only said half of the reasons, and the other half was that he loved his war horse and was afraid that the horse would be killed or shocked by his heavy hammer in the war with the War Tiger.

However, his words attracted cheers from the Sichuan army. What is the wind of a great general? This is called the wind of the great general!

Zhan Hu didn't agree with Wu Rui's words. He muttered, "where do you love, take my hammer first!" While talking, Zhan Hu stepped forward with an arrow step, and the spirit hammer smashed down the Huashan Mountain.

Wu Rui is just fierce. He doesn't avoid the heavy blow of the War Tiger and parries with a horizontal gun. But he was not hard connected. The gun body was tilted outward, and there was an outward sliding force.

Clang - the sound of the collision between the spirit soldiers and the spirit soldiers soared into the sky, and a string of sparks splashed. The heavy hammer of Zhan Hu was really blocked out by Wu Rui's ingenuity. In Wu Rui's opinion, Zhan Hu is a typical brute general with a large body and great strength, but his flexibility is bound to be very poor. He thought that he had caught the shortcomings of the War Tiger and attacked the whole body of the War Tiger. He attacked 16 guns in one breath, and the guns were all lethal moves.

I saw the spirit gun shuttling back and forth on the field, drawing red lights in the air, which was very bright.

Wu Rui's attack is fierce and wonderful, but it has no effect. In his eyes, Zhan Hu, who should be extremely bulky, is surprisingly flexible. He moves with his feet like the wind and dodges like a monkey. The giant hammer that one or two adults may not be able to hold up is as light as nothing in his hand and should be used freely. Wu Rui's 16 guns are either easily avoided by Zhan Hu, Or be blocked by his spirit hammer, and no shot can enter the body of the War Tiger.

When Wu Rui was exhausted, Zhan Hu began to fight back. His counterattack was much more ferocious than Wu Rui's fast gun. The spirit hammer swung open, one hammer after another, and one hammer was faster than another. Wu Rui could resist the first few hammers, but later, Wu Rui was also retreated by him.

In terms of close combat, no one can take advantage of the War Tiger except Tang Yin. Even such a powerful long sun Yuanhong hurt him with Lingwu skills.

Under Zhan Hu's sharp attack, Wu Rui withdrew more than ten steps. Finally, when Zhan Hu had a breath, he jumped aside and opened the distance between them.

He is worthy of being the four great generals of the wind country. He is so powerful! Wu Rui was shocked in his heart and didn't dare to deal with it at will. He used Reiki and poured it into the spirit gun. He only heard a cry. The flame blood soul gun in his hand burned a raging fire. At the same time, the air around him changed. The soldiers nearby retreated involuntarily. It was not that people were afraid of heat, but like an invisible big hand pushing them in the air, In fact, that's the spiritual pressure emitted by wurui.

Without warning, Wu ruimeng shook the spirit gun in his hand, then stabbed forward in the air, and the spirit skill blood soul chased and released.

I don't know whether it's the relationship between the blood soul gun or Wu Rui's cultivation is too high. The blood soul chasing momentum released by him is frightening. The flame attached to the spirit spike has turned into blood red, flying all over the sky, and then shot at the War Tiger together.

Zhan Hu breathes in. He dares not to neglect. He carries enough aura and responds with spirit chaos · wind.

The spirit blade and spirit spike collided in the air, and the sound of crackling was heard all the time. Many spirit spikes and spirit blades that were hit in the wrong direction flew directly into the crowd on both sides, causing two soldiers to scream and wail everywhere. People dragged their injured brothers back again and again, making the space of the battlefield bigger.

Zhan Hu's cultivation is also very profound. His spirit chaos and wind are also overbearing, but they can't stop Wu Rui's blood and soul pursuit. After the dense spirit blade is broken, a large number of spirit spikes continue to fly to Zhan Hu. Zhan Hu had no choice but to release Lingluan · Feng again, which finally blocked the other party's blood and soul.

This is the disadvantage that cultivation is not as good as the other party. People only release one skill, and you must release two skills in succession to parry and consume each other. The weak side of cultivation will become weaker and weaker. Zhan Hu is very aware that his weakness is poor cultivation. During the war with the enemy, he also makes close combat as much as possible and does not give the other party the opportunity to release Lingwu skills.

However, now his opponent is Wu Rui, an experienced famous general of the state of Sichuan. People don't give him the opportunity to fight close combat at all. When the tiger enters, he retreats. If the tiger rushes forward too fast, it's hard for him to give way, so he directly releases his Lingwu skills and interrupts the tiger's * * * and then pulls away when the other party can resist.

On the scene, it seems that Zhan Hu is chasing Wu Rui. In fact, Wu Rui always has the control of the field. If it goes on like this, Zhan Hu must be defeated in the end.

On the contrary, the fierce battle between them made the soldiers on both sides stop killing, and the people retreated and opened a not close distance.

However, at the same time, the situation of the whole battlefield has changed greatly.

Originally, more than 10000 Sichuan troops intercepted the retreat of the plain army, making the retreat of the plain army extremely difficult. When the two sides were launching a life and death shootout, suddenly there was a great chaos behind the camp of the Sichuan army. The plain Army soldiers didn't know what was going on. People raised their eyes and looked forward. They didn't see anything else clearly, but saw the flag of the Sanshui army.

Needless to ask, it must be the Sanshui army who entered the enemy camp to meet our side. With the help of our own army, the soldiers of the plain army immediately became excited and made every effort to break through.

They were right. The Sanshui army was indeed killed in the rear of the Sichuan camp. The Sanshui army came very quickly and suddenly appeared in the rear of the Sichuan army camp. The Sichuan army was caught off guard. Moreover, the Sichuan army is mainly composed of archers and has average combat effectiveness in close combat. How can it withstand the impact of tens of thousands of Sanshui army.

The square formation of more than 10000 people was scattered by the three water forces in an instant. A large number of archers ignored the need to shoot arrows at the enemy and scattered in groups on both sides. The leader of the Sanshui army was no one else. It was Shangguan yuanrang. He ran forward with one knife and one horse. From the end of the Sichuan army to the front of the battle, there were piles of corpses and rivers of blood.

After the formation of the Sichuan army was completely dispersed, the Sanshui army and the original army converged with the trend. Shangguan yuanrang sat on the horse and saw that there was still battle at the end of the plain army. He slapped back, patted the horse on the hip, raised his knife and urged the horse to rush over.

Shangguanyuan's war with Wu Rui, a famous general of Sichuan, kicked off.

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