Zhen Jun's plague tactics dealt a fatal blow to Feng Jun, mainly because it had too much impact on morale. In desperation, Tang Yin was forced to make a decision to retreat.

After the meeting, Tang Yin didn't bring anyone. He went to Nancheng alone to meet yingbu, the main general of BAGUAN army.

At this time, yingbu is visiting the sick soldiers in the barracks. There are hundreds of people lying in such a large barracks, with violent coughs and painful groans. Yingbu has been with his soldiers for nearly ten years, and the relationship between them has long been like a family. Seeing that his brothers are so painful, he personally brought water and medicine and ran back and forth.

Hearing that the king was coming, yingbu was frightened. He had a hunch that he might have been caught by the plague released by the enemy, or how could he be isolated? But now that the king is here, it doesn't seem like a plague. Otherwise, how could the king personally get into danger? This idea swept away the haze in yingbu's heart, quickly walked out of the barracks and welcomed him out.

Seeing Tang Yin, he didn't bring any entourage, but he was alone. Yingbu was stunned at first, but he bowed and said, "king!"

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded, reached out to help yingbu up, looked at him, and saw that his eyes were blue. It was obvious that he had not had a good sleep for several days. He sighed in his heart and asked, "yingbu, how many soldiers are currently ill?"

Yingbu hung his head and said, "there are at least 20000 brothers."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded again, walked into the barracks and said, "go in and have a look."

When the soldiers who were scouting for the sick saw the king coming, people knelt down and saluted. Tang Yin waved to the people to get up, and then his eyes fell on the people on the collapsed bed. Some people were pale, others were red, and they were covered with thick quilts. They trembled and groaned, and coughed from time to time.

"Your Majesty, what kind of disease is this? How can it be cured?" Yingbu followed Tang Yin, anxious.

Tang Yin didn't answer. He looked at it from beginning to end and walked out of the barracks silently.

Outside, he turned back and said to yingbu, "this is... Plague!" Although it is difficult to speak, Tang Yin must tell yingbu the truth.

When yingbu heard the speech, his body suddenly shook and stood in place, numb as a chicken.

Tang Yin continued: "moreover, it still infects a plague with a strong surname. Even if there is no physical contact, it is possible to be infected even if it is a little close. This plague has no medicine to prevent and cure. Once it is infected, it will kill... Ten * *."

This made yingbu's heart sink to the bottom of the valley and his body tremble slightly.

Tang Yin sighed, "I didn't expect that the Chuanzhen coalition army would use such vicious means. Now, our army can only retreat and give up dominating the pass. However, your department is seriously infected. In order to prevent the plague from spreading to the whole army and even the whole country, I have to leave your department." At this point, he gave a long 'alas', carried his hands on his back, and walked forward with heavy and aimless steps.

He walked away for a long time before yingbu recovered from the shock. He quickly caught up with Tang Yin and asked in a trembling voice, "so, i... all the soldiers of our army, more than 60000 people, want to stay in BAGUAN?"

"Yes!" Tang Yin didn't look back and couldn't bear to look back at yingbu's expression at this time.

He said ruthlessly, "including the British general." After a pause, he stopped, looked up at the sky, and whispered, "you still have something to worry about. Now just tell it."

Yingbu's cheeks twitched. At last, he chuckled, Shaking his head, he said: "when we joined the army, we had already given our surname and life to the country and the king. It is our honor to die in the battle. The king can rest assured that even if we dominate the Guan army until the last person, we will never lay down our weapons to the enemy and escape. I... Have no unfinished wishes."

Tang Yin was moved. When he turned back, his eyes were red.

He grabbed the armor on yingbu's shoulder and said, "as long as there is a way, as long as there is a chance, I will not make such a decision."

IMB nodded, Should be: "Your Majesty, I understand. Your majesty will never forget your kindness to me. This time, the main force of our army will retreat, and someone needs to stay behind the palace to hold the enemy. As the overlord general, you are duty bound. Moreover, our army mistakenly contracted the plague, which led you to give up the natural danger of overlying the pass... It is also my negligence. Your majesty does not blame the sinner, so I will be grateful ... "at this point, yingbu choked and couldn't go on.

Tang Yin's heart became more and more sour. Before he became king of the wind, yingbu strongly supported him and made great contributions to exterminating Ning Jun, who rebelled and invaded the wind country. He can be regarded as Tang Yin's founding father. Now if he wants to abandon him, Tang Yin's heart is in a mess. As he said, he won't do it if there is still a way.

He firmly grasped yingbu's hand and said, "I will take your family back to Yancheng and take good care of your children. I will treat them as my own..."

Hearing this, yingbu fell on his knees, kowtowed and said, "thank you, king!"

More than 60000 of the bullying army was not infected by plague, but the plague had latent period. It might be one day or even less than a day. It might be three days or even later. Tang Yin could not tell who was infected with plague, who had not been infected with plague, and could only quickly cut the Gordian knot and save all more than 60000 soldiers.

At this time, saying goodbye to yingbu is actually a parting of life and death. He specially asked someone to fetch a jar of wine and sit at the head of the city to drink with yingbu. Tang Yin and yingbu met because of drinking, and now they are saying goodbye to each other. The strong and spicy wind wine can also represent their current mood.

They didn't come to an end until the third watch. Don't cross yingbu, leave Nancheng, and Tang Yin returns to the general's house. His mood was sad and his expression was lonely. When he was about to enter the general's house, his body was slightly shocked, and the white mist was emitted from his body, and then sucked back.

Entering the general's residence, Tang Yin didn't go back to the main hall, but went directly to the side yard to find Su Yelei.

At this time, Su Lei Lei did not sleep. She was sitting at the table and looking at the medicine book with faint candlelight. Although the plague was not available in Tang Yin's mouth, she did not give up. She didn't want to see more than 60000 soldiers die, nor did she want to die in pain.

If the large courtyard is quiet, there is no one. Even the bodyguards standing guard outside the courtyard hide far away, as if they were afraid of being infected by the plague. Tang Yin walked into the hospital without any worry. Seeing that there was still light in Su Yelei's room, he pushed the door directly without even calling.

Su Yelei was startled and looked at the door in horror. She saw Tang Yin coming recently. She subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but she still pulled her coat. She asked suspiciously, "why did the king come..."

Tang Yin stepped forward, holding her wrist with one hand and pressing the back of her brain with the other hand, then lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Tang Yin's sudden and rude behavior made Su Yelei completely stunned and dumbfounded, and also made the guards who followed Tang Yin dumbfounded. I don't understand what happened to the king, why he despised the Soviet military doctor, and he may still be a Soviet military doctor with plague.

It's a kiss. In fact, Tang Yin is sucking, sucking the body fluid in Su Yelei's mouth.

I don't know how long later, a crisp sound interrupted Tang Yin's kiss, and a bright red palm print appeared on the latter's white cheek. Su Yelei, who came back to her senses, was ashamed and angry. Her eyes were covered with water mist. She pointed out her surname and shouted, "Tang Yin, how much wine did you drink? Open your eyes and see clearly that I am Su Yelei, not your yingyanyan!"

Tang Yin, who was slapped, ignored Su Yelei, who was embarrassed and angry. She closed her eyes and remained silent for a moment. Then she opened her eyes and said, "you are not infected. Go back and tidy up your things, and our army will start at any time!" With that, he turned away without expression.

She absorbed the saliva of Sue's bud and judged she was not infected with the plague, which is inspired by Tang Yin and Ying Bu's drinking. One altar wine, two of you, one mouthful I drink into my stomach, Tang Yin also infected with plague, but after leaving, he burned the virus in darkness with the fire of darkness. Now Tang Yin eats Su Yelei's saliva into her stomach and doesn't feel the existence of the virus, which also shows that Su Yelei is lucky not to be infected.

Looking at Tang Yin's back after leaving, Su Yelei reacted for a while and hurried out. She just saw Tang Yin rubbing his face as he walked outside the hospital. At the same time, she heard him muttering: "this dead girl, I'm really fighting hard..."

Su Yelei didn't know how Tang Yin judged that she was not infected, but Tang Yin's appearance really amused her.

The Fengjun army is ready to give up dominating the pass and withdraw the main force, which is more or less expected by the Chuanzhen coalition army.

At this time, it was just the middle of the month, and the wind at the tuyere was greatly reduced. The Chuanzhen coalition army secretly sent 300000 soldiers into the ascending mountain at night. These 300000 soldiers are divided into two parts, and their tasks are also different. Part is the 200000 Zhenjun led by Li Cheng. Their goal is not the Fengjun, but the Fengdu Yancheng. Due to the long journey, 200000 people go to battle light.

The other part is the 100000 Chuanzhen allied forces led by Sichuan general Wu Rui. Their goal is to dominate the pass, go around behind the pass and sneak attack later, which can also cut off the retreat of the main force of the wind force. The tactics of the Chuanzhen allied army is to trap all the Fengjun troops in the hegemonic pass and wipe them out.

It's impossible to cross the mountain at night. The trees in the mountain are too lush. You can't see five fingers in your deep hands, and there's no road in the mountain. It's impossible to walk in the dark, and you can't see the reference object. If you light a torch, the target is too large and easy to be exposed, so 300000 people will temporarily settle down after entering the mountain at night, ready to cross the mountain again at dawn.

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