Tang Yin, with his back to Shangguan Yuanji, glanced at Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao with the corner of his eye. As if his face had changed, his face returned to an invincible expression, smiled and said, "you don't need to thank me, you should also thank your brothers!"

His words were very polite, but with his expression, he completely changed his taste. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to them at all, and even lazy to look more.

Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao almost broke their teeth and looked at each other. The two brothers were interlinked and tacitly understood each other. None of them spoke, but they had made up their mind and decided to let Tang Yin pay the price.

Clearly feeling the strong murderous spirit on the two people, Tang Yin knew it in her heart and smiled secretly. On the surface, she was still silent. She turned back and said to Shangguan Yuanji, "brother Shangguan can take them away now!"

"This time... Thank you, Lord Tang!" Shangguan Yuanji was grateful and made a deep bow to thank him sincerely.

Tang Yin waved his hand and said with a light smile, "you're welcome, brother Shangguan. I should thank brother Shangguan for taking care of the soldiers in Pingyuan county over the years."

He was polite, which greatly changed Shangguan Jieping's impression of him. He felt that although Tang Yin was a little mean when he first met, he was still a loving and righteous man.

Tang Yin looked at the grateful Shangguan and said, "I have an agreement with brother Shangguan. I hope brother Shangguan will think about it when he goes back. I'm sincerely invited. I'm sure brother Shangguan won't let me down?"

"This..." Shangguan Jieping is very grateful to Tang Yin, but that doesn't mean he is willing to accept his conditions and work for him.

First of all, regardless of Tang Yin's personality, it's not so easy to take over this position alone. He is engaged in internal affairs, laborious and slow to achieve results. It's difficult to make achievements, but it's easy to make mistakes. Besides, the stall in Pingyuan county is too difficult to take over, internal and external troubles, and it's ten or hundred times more difficult to deal with government affairs than military affairs. Now he lives easily and doesn't want to ask for trouble, Take this laborious and thankless job for yourself.

Unwilling to accept it, but unable to refuse immediately, Shangguan Yuanji bowed again and said, "of course, after I go back, I will think carefully and give an answer to Lord Tang in three days!"

"Well! Then I'll wait for the good news from brother Guan!" Tang Yin smiled confidently.

"Lord Tang, I'm leaving!" Shangguan Yuanji was polite to Tang Yin again, so he took Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao to leave the county guard house.

As soon as they left the front foot, Qiu Zhen, Bai Yong and others gathered around and asked, "Sir, why do you want to put Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao? We finally caught them!"

"Yes! It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change my surname. These two brothers are used to bullying. We've suffered a loss this time. We won't give up. We must find a chance to revenge in the future!"

"Besides, Shangguan Yuanji can't control these two people at all, otherwise how can they be bandits?!"

People say one word to you and one to me to express their puzzlement and dissatisfaction.

Tang Yin didn't care. He laughed while listening. After their words came to an end, he said with a smile: "what you said is very right. Shangguan Jieping really can't control these two people. They will come back and take revenge. If there is no accident, they will come to the door tonight."

Tang Yin, an orphan since childhood, has seen all over the world. She is dangerous in the world. She can't say that she can see people 100% accurately, but she is also inseparable from ten. Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao are honest people who can't hide their worries. Their hatred for Tang Yin can't be hidden at all. They all show on their faces. With their strong surnames, they have been humiliated by Tang Yin many times. It's strange not to come to the door for revenge.

His face was relaxed, but the people around him were startled and said in surprise: "tonight? Sir, then... Then we shouldn't let him go!"

Tang Yin said with a smile, "if you don't let go of the Shangguan brothers, how can you compromise if the Shangguan is even? How can I take these two people for my own use?"

Hearing this, everyone present showed surprise. At first, they all thought that what Tang Yin wanted to win over was to make peace with Shangguan. Unexpectedly, he calculated Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao recently. Even Qiu Zhen didn't expect Tang Yin to calculate so deeply.

Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao are both masters with profound cultivation. If they can be used for their own use, they will be of great use. Tang Yin doesn't have the heart to love talents, but they are too stubborn and arrogant. It's not so easy to accept them simply, so he uses the strategy of trying to catch them.

Now that he had released the two men and knew that the two brothers would come back for revenge, he had already thought of Countermeasures in his heart.

Tang Yin is very smart and always is. When he starts to seriously turn his mind, he is also very scary.

Seeing that everyone looked at each other and said nothing for a long time, he smiled calmly and said, "even if brother Shangguan really came to the door, there's nothing to be afraid of. I have an idea. Let's see if it's feasible."

As he spoke, he told his ideas to the public.

After listening to his words, everyone was surprised at first, and then all laughed at the same time. Tang Yin's idea sounds childish, but it's a good way.

Qiu Zhen clapped his hands for the first time and said, "I think this plan is feasible! It's just that Shangguan brothers don't come. If they do come, we'll have a good look at their embarrassment at that time, ha ha --"

The crowd then nodded their heads, and the smile on their faces turned into a bad smile.

Bai Yong asked with a little worry, "is it not dangerous to do this...?"

Tang Yin waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't worry! Their brothers' cultivation has reached the level of Lingyuan. It's not so simple to hurt them."

"Yes!" Bai Yong nodded thoughtfully. After thinking for a moment, Fang leisurely smiled and said, "just do it as adults do!"

"Everyone has no opinion?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Tang Yin saw this and said with a smile, "that's good!" Then he looked at Liu Zhongsheng and Chen Fang and said, "it's up to you two to prepare. Move quickly and try not to make any noise."

"I see!" Liu Zhongsheng and Chen Fang both got up and took the order.

When the matter came to an end, Tang Yin changed his words and discussed military affairs with the people.

He asked, "do we have a spy horse now to monitor the movements of the barbarian army?"

Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong looked at each other, nodded and shook their heads.

Tang Yiner doesn't understand.

Bai Yong explained: "our army has scouts, but they dare not step into the barbarian state, let alone monitor the actions of the barbarian army."

"Why is this?"

"Murphys is a vast land, and we have no knowledge of the terrain there. Most of the tanma sect have gone and never returned. Over time, we dare not send tanma there again."

Tang Yin shook his head and murmured, "barbarians know our actions like the back of his hand, but we don't know anything about barbarians. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we be invincible. In this situation, how can we compete with others?"

Everyone frowned. While agreeing with him, they were also secretly surprised. Tang Yin seemed to be ignorant of military law, but he often said such thought-provoking words as "know yourself and know your enemy, and be invincible in a hundred battles".

How did they know that in Tang Yin's time, such words had long been used indiscriminately, which was almost the same as the saying.

Tang Yin continued: "I must always be able to understand the movements of barbarians. Therefore, we must not only have more scouts, but also train fast. No matter how strange the environment is and how dangerous the conditions are, we can survive."

Born in modern times and a killer, he knows too much about the important surnames of intelligence. Intelligence is equivalent to eyes and ears. Without intelligence, a person can't see or hear. No matter how strong his strength is, he can only end up being slaughtered on the battlefield.

Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong both looked positive and said, "my Lord, I will start training the Tangma in the Corps immediately after I go back!"

Tang Yin shook her hand and said thoughtfully, "relying solely on the horses inside each Corps is not enough."

The best way to set up an intelligence regiment is to have more than one hundred and fifty people under his direct command. At best, the best way to set up an intelligence regiment is to have more than one hundred and fifty people under his direct command.

Thinking of this, he looked around at the people present.

Qiu Zhen is good at giving advice, but he likes to treat others with dignity and is not suitable for doing practical work. Zhang Zhou and Bai Yong are military leaders. The Corps has a wide range of affairs, so it is difficult to spare time. Although Guyue and Li Wei have good abilities, they are not smart enough. Finally, his eyes fell on Lotte.

After thinking about it, there is no better person in charge of intelligence than Lotte.

Lotte is an archer. He is cold and quiet without losing his composure and prudence. He is also alert and intelligent. He is much higher than others in terms of insight and care. Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "I want to set up a reading spy force!" Then he looked at Lotte and asked, "Lotte, how about you being the leader of the spy force?"

Lotte was stunned at first. Then he immediately stood up and didn't even hesitate. He said, "subordinates take orders!"

Since he arrived in Pingyuan County, Lotte, like Guyue and others, although he has been around Tang Yin all day and has been assigned the title of a partial general, he has no actual responsibility. Now Tang Yin has asked him to be responsible for intelligence. He can't refuse, and it's more suitable for him as an archer to be responsible for spying.

Tang Yin was also happy to see his acceptance, and said, "Lotte, the establishment of the spy force is temporarily set at 500 people. You can choose the specific personnel in each Corps. As long as you like them, regardless of the rank, you don't need to report to me. You can go to the leaders and dignitaries of each corps by yourself."

After hearing this, all the people on the scene couldn't help taking a breath. Such arrangement is tantamount to putting the spy force just decided to be established above all the Corps. From this, we can see the importance Tang Yin attaches to it.

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