Li Chengtong's 200000 Zhen soldiers, regardless of other things, have only one goal, that is, Fengdu Yancheng. If he did not lead his troops to withdraw from Chongcheng at this time, but stayed to garrison, it would be a great trouble for the main force of the wind force retreating towards Chongcheng.

But the war situation was not if. Li Cheng led his army to Fangcheng. The next morning, the main force of the wind army led by Tang Yin arrived in Chongcheng.

After entering the city, when people saw the chaotic scene in the city, they were shocked and didn't understand what was going on here.

Soon, the disabled and defeated generals who had escaped and hid everywhere in the city heard that their own army had arrived, and they drilled out one after another and told the general of Fengjun everything that had happened in the city.

After hearing this, all the wind generals were a little dizzy. Zhenjun unexpectedly attacked Chongcheng. When did they enter the wind country? How can we march faster than our own side? Moreover, since they have captured Chongcheng, why don't they stay and join the main army of Chuanzhen to attack their own side?

There are so many questions that people don't know, so. Tang Yin was very calm. At this time, his mind remained calm. He asked the garrison of Chongcheng: "how many people are there in the enemy? And in which direction?"

A soldier replied, "there are about 200000 enemy troops. When they leave the city, they go north!"

So many people are heading north again... Tang Yin's thoughts are flexible. After careful consideration, he already knows about it in his heart. He looked around at the generals and said firmly, "these 200000 Zhen troops are not here to block our retreat, but to attack the capital."

As soon as they said this, they all inhaled. No wonder the other party ran away in a hurry after only taking a rest in Chongcheng for three hours. It turned out that their goal was Yancheng.

Qiu Zhen also felt that Tang Yin's analysis was reasonable. He hurriedly said, "king, the capital is empty. I'm afraid it's difficult to parry 200000 Zhenjun now!"

What he said is the truth. In order to resist the invasion of the Chuanzhen coalition army, Tang Yin basically took away all the soldiers that could fight. Now the basic soldiers left behind in the capital are the Fengguo reserve army, that is, all the recruits who have just joined the army. They have neither systematic training nor war experience. Even so, their troops are less than 50000.

With such a small number of troops and no combat effectiveness, it is heaven's night talk to resist the 200000 Zhen army with extremely fierce combat. As for the generals in the army, they are even less pitiful. The only thing worth mentioning is Lei Zhen, who refused to go out of the wind country even after death.

Tang Yin frowned and remained silent, but his mind was running at full speed, considering how to deal with the situation at hand. It's impossible to expect the capital to protect itself. It's even worse for our own army to go to reinforce. That will attract the main force of the Chuanzhen coalition together. When the troops are under the city, our own side has no room for maneuver.

The generals looked at Tang Yin eagerly. People also had their own ideas in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it easily. Now it is related to the survival of the capital and the survival of the wind country. They can only wait for Tang Yin to make a decision.

After a long time, Tang Yin looked at Lotte and Aijia and said, "immediately send letters to all counties and counties in the north, organize local troops, and try to stop the Zhenren anyway. In addition, he also informed all cities to lay urban defense and do a good job in defense, and be sure to keep the enemy outside the city!"

"Yes! King!" Rakuten and Aijia should both be.

Later, Tang Yin looked at Peng haochu and said, "haochu, you lead Chifeng army to chase the enemy. If you can fight, you can fight. If you can't fight, you should also hold the enemy back for me. They must not be allowed to go to the capital!"

"Yes! King!" Peng haochu stepped in and took orders.

Qiu Zhen asked, "king, what about us?"

Tang Yin didn't answer immediately and asked the garrison of Chongcheng: "how much food and grass is there in the city?"

The defenders looked at each other. At last, they bowed their heads and stammered: "no... no, the granaries were robbed by the Zhen army, and the people in the city were looted by the Zhen army, and many people died..."

"These animals!" The faces of the generals of the wind army were livid, and their fists clucked.

Tang Yin was not surprised. If he was the main general of Zhenjun, he would ask his men how to do it. He nodded and said, "there is no food in the city. Our army can't defend it. We have to retreat!"

"Your Majesty, are you retreating north?"

"Move east!" Tang Yin said: "the capital is empty. We can't lead the main force of the Chuanzhen coalition army to the capital anymore."

"The king means..."

"Our army dealt with the enemy in Taian, Shangqing and Gaoyang counties." Tang Yin said firmly.

"But..." Qiu Zhen said in embarrassment, "our army has too few troops."

At present, they have more than 400000 troops. After sending 100000 Chifeng troops, there are only more than 300000 left. Of these 300000 people, 250000 are Ning troops, of which 100000 are new troops who have no combat effectiveness and can only be used as cannon fodder. Only 100000 directly subordinate troops are really sure to compete with the enemy, while the Chuanzhen allied army has more than 600000 troops. The gap between the strength of the two sides is too wide, Even if we fight at home, let alone win, there is little hope of self-protection.

Of course, Tang Yin knows how different the strength of the two armies is and how difficult the war will be, but now there is no other way but to do so.

Others can show a worried expression, but as a monarch, Tang Yin can't. no matter how insecure he is, he has to show confidence. At a disadvantage, if the confidence of the soldiers collapses again, it will be completely hopeless.

"It's not better for us to be surrounded and killed by a million soldiers than when we were surrounded and killed by each county." he said, "it's not a good time for us to be defeated by a million soldiers in the first day."

Qiu Zhen sighed secretly. The king only said good, not bad. Zhong Tian's millions of troops are actually a mob. How can they be compared with Chuanzhen allied army? But he also understood what Tang Yin meant. He was cheering up the generals. Although he didn't break it, his eyebrows were still frowned tightly.

His support is very important to Tang Yin. The latter patted Qiu Zhen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Qiu Zhen, as I said before, it's up to you to formulate a big strategy and guide the big direction; and it's up to me to hand over with hostile war and short soldiers. I have confidence in you and you have to have confidence in me!"

Qiu Zhen was amused by his words, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "since the king has made a decision, I will naturally swear to death to defend the king's decision!"

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded, looked around at the generals and asked, "what do you think of the generals?"

The generals were in high spirits and stepped in to salute one after another. They said in unison, "the last general will be dispatched by the king!"

After arriving at Chongcheng, the Fengjun army changed its strategy, gave up retreating to the north and moved to the East. Based on the three eastern counties, it should deal with the main force of the Chuanzhen coalition army.

Ren Fang and Nie Ze naturally keep up with the main force of the wind army, and their goal is also very clear, that is, to wipe out the main force of the wind army and capture and kill Tang Yin. If Tang Yin does not die, the wind country cannot really perish.

To go to the three counties in the East, you must first pass through Gaochuan county. This was the burial place of the remnants of Zhong Tian and Zhan brothers. Now they come here again. Everyone's heart is full of delicious food.

For the wind army, it came here to pursue and kill the enemy, but now it has become pursued and killed by the enemy.

As for Ning people headed by Zuo Shuang, their mood is more complicated. At the beginning, the remnant of Ning army led by Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible fought a desperate battle with Feng army here, and unfortunately all died in battle. Now, our own side has become a part of Feng army. We have to fight side by side with the former enemy to resist Chuanzhen coalition army. Things are unpredictable, which makes people sigh. If Zhan brothers have spirit in heaven, I don't know how to feel when I see this scene.

Gaochuan county is mostly mountainous, so it is not easy to March, and the speed of Fengjun also began to slow down.

On the way, Qiu Zhen said to Tang Yin, "Your Majesty, takagawa Prefecture is full of mountains and forests. How about our army fighting the enemy here?"

Tang Yin also thought so, but he couldn't find the right tactics for a while. The commander of the Chuanzhen united army is very good at using troops and has excellent strategy. His own side is not strong enough to fight head-on. It is impossible to set up an ambush to lead the enemy into a trap. He pondered for a long time and asked, "can our army take the risk of pan water and fight a water war with each other?"

He clearly remembered that the last time he led the army to beat Pan Shui was also very difficult.

Before Qiu Zhen could speak, a counselor named Fan Shan shook his head and said in a hurry, "the king is wrong! Zhen army is not good at water warfare, but Sichuan army is not. Sichuan is located in the southeast. There are many rivers and near the sea. Sichuan people know the surname of water, and water warfare is not our army's specialty, so we can't fight the enemy on pan water."

Fan Shan is just a counselor with the army now, and he hasn't been in the army for a long time. Tang Yin can't even call his name, but he and Tang Yin still have some relatives. Fan Shan is a distant relative of fan min, one of Tang Yin's wives. He can be regarded as fan min's mother's family. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he can't sit in the position of military counselor as soon as he joins the army and be an ordinary soldier at best.

Although Fan Shan became a military counselor through his relationship, he himself has real talent and learning. He is proficient in military books and strategies, has a flexible mind and is good at intrigues. He can be called a genius in the military field.

Tang Yin didn't know Fan Shan well. He had never seen this man before, let alone that he was a distant relative of fan min. after hearing Fan Shan's words, he sighed gently. It seems that water war is not a good strategy.

He murmured, "from this point of view, our army can only give up takagawa Prefecture."

At this time, Zuo Shuang walked up to Tang Yin, stepped in and saluted, saying, "Your Majesty, I will want to go to Zhangyu at the end."

Zhangyu is the prefecture of Gaochuan county. If Fengjun just wants to pass through Gaochuan County, he will not pass by Zhangyu. Tang Yin didn't know why and asked, "Zuo Shuang, what are you doing in Zhangyu?"

"The end general wants to pay homage to the two invincible generals!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present changed color.

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