Hearing the name of Shangguan yuanrang, Wang Zhong, who was not far away, was scared to death. He didn't have much ability, but at least he knew that even if ten of them were tied together, they couldn't beat the wind army. Under the battle array of the plain army, the soldiers of the Chuanzhen allied army fell to the ground in groups. At this time, the plain army was like a harvester. The battle array ran over and left bodies all over the ground, Piles up like mountains and rivers of blood. The recruits in the reserve completely collapsed. For the recruits, it was too cruel to meet such a battle on the battlefield for the first time, and it was impossible to adapt.

The recruits were defeated first, and the Sichuan army mixed with the recruits was defeated. They couldn't beat the plain army in the frontal battle. Now, the situation is even worse. A large number of defeated Sichuan Zhenlian soldiers were caught up by the wind army and chopped to the ground, and the battlefield has become a big scuffle.

The small town of Pingxiang is now full of fighting and death. The sound of shouting and killing is combined with the sound of screams, making Pingxiang a hell on earth with corpses everywhere. Hundreds or even thousands of Chuanzhen allied troops were killed by the Fengjun army and surrounded by others. At this time, they wanted to surrender, but the Fengjun army no longer accepted it. No matter whether the other party laid down their weapons or not, they were all killed.

It is not a long time. The battle has come to an end, and the countryside is still in chaos, but the fighting everywhere began to decrease slowly. The figure of Chuanzhen coalition army can no longer be seen on the main streets of the town, but only the soldiers and soldiers of the wind army and the bodies all over the ground.

Under the protection of many bodyguards, Xiao MuQing and Liang Qi inspected the battlefield. At this time, a soldier ran to report that about 20000 wounded Chuanzhen soldiers were found in the enemy's camp and asked him what to do with them.

Without waiting for Liang Qi to speak, Xiao MuQing said directly, "if you don't leave any, you'll kill them all!"

"Wait!" As soon as his voice fell, Liang Qi waved his hand, and then whispered, "Zhenjun can all be executed, but the Sichuan army will all be released."

"Why is this?"

Liang Qiyi smiled and said, "there is a cloud in the art of war. If it is combined, it will be divided. If it is divided, it will be destroyed! We are cruel to the two armies of Chuan Zhen, but kind to each other. There will be a gap between the officers and soldiers of the two armies, especially the Zhen army, who will be determined to be suspicious. This is good for us."

Xiao MuQing nodded and whispered that it was reasonable. Then he asked, "then why not kill all the Sichuan army and leave the Zhen army?"

Liang Qi explained: "Zhenguo has no wise generals. He likes to act impulsively and is easy to be deceived. However, Chuanguo has such wise generals and strong self-control. I'm afraid our practice of favoring one over the other will not take effect."

"Oh! I see!" Xiao MuQing is happy. No wonder people say Liang Qi is a ghost. He is really a ghost!

According to Liang Qi's plan, the Feng army killed all the demobilized and wounded soldiers of the state of Zhen, but left the Sichuan soldiers. Those who were seriously injured were released on the spot, and those who were slightly injured and those who were not injured were disarmed and detained. In addition, the Feng army and the state of Chuan Zhen hoarded a large number of luggage and grain and grass in the countryside. All that the Feng army could take away were taken away, and those who could not be taken away were set on fire.

In this war, the plain army and the Sanshui army raided Pingxiang with lightning speed and achieved great success. Not only the reserve army of the Chuanzhen coalition army was knocked out, but also the luggage and grain and grass were destroyed. Most of them went into the pockets of the wind army, which can be described as heavy losses.

Another sneak attack of Fengjun was in Lishan City, Gaochuan Prefecture, in the territory of Fengguo.

Ren Fang took Lishan as another logistics gathering point for his army and left 20000 soldiers to garrison. He thought it was foolproof. As a result, the western border army led by Zuo Shuang, lurking in Gaochuan County, suddenly killed Lishan city and had a fierce confrontation with the 20000 defenders inside. When the battle reached a stalemate, the people in Lishan city suddenly rioted and cooperated with the storming army outside, From the city to the Sichuan army.

The wind people advocate martial arts and the folk custom is fierce. The people gather to riot, and the destructive power is amazing. The Sichuan army's defense line began to be chaotic from the inside. The wind army outside took the opportunity to step up the offensive and kill into the city at one go. The two sides launched another street battle in the city.

With the cooperation of the people of Fengguo, 150000 western border troops defeated 20000 Sichuan troops. Finally, only about 2000 people escaped from the city, and even the main general of the city was killed in the battle.

The defeat of Pingxiang was an extremely heavy blow to the Chuanzhen coalition army, and the defeat of Lishan city undoubtedly made it worse. The original perfect and abundant logistics support of the Chuanzhen coalition army was instantly wiped out. More than 600000 troops consumed only astronomical amounts of food and grass every day. Without logistics, the result can be imagined, This also makes the original excellent trend of the Chuanzhen coalition army gradually become passive.

However, there is not no good news from the Chuanzhen allied forces. The only one who has repeatedly reported success is Li Cheng's troops.

The 150000 Zhenjun troops led by Li Cheng and supplemented by Gao Jun and Xun Xiao burst into the hinterland of the wind country. It was like entering a land of no one, fighting a series of victories, and no one could compete with them.

After leaving Chongcheng, the army went straight to Fangcheng.

Zhou Lanye, the leader of the Textile City, has received the news that the Chongcheng city has been broken and the enemy is coming to the textile city. At this time, officials in the city suggested to Zhou Lan that the textile city should be abandoned and the people of the whole city should be evacuated to avoid the edge of the enemy.

Zhou Lan accepted the suggestions of the officials, but only half of them. He just ordered the officials to lead the people to evacuate, but he didn't go himself, and left thousands of soldiers in Fangcheng to fight to the end.

The officials were puzzled by the news that there were 150000 enemy troops and only a few thousand of them. How could they hold it? Zhou Lan said to his subordinate official, "my windy generals have never escaped without fighting. Although I am a civil servant, I must not disgrace windy literati. In this war, I swear to live or die with Fangcheng!"

Zhou Lan's words moved the people's Congress. Many officials wanted to stay, but Zhou Lan refused.

Finally, he led only 3000 officers and soldiers of the textile city to stay in the city for defense.

The speed of Zhenjun's advance is shocking. It takes two days to rush from the city to Fangcheng. 150000 troops can arrive in at least three or four days, but Zhenjun only takes more than one day to get to the foot of Fangcheng.

After arriving at the Textile City, Li Cheng immediately ordered the whole army to attack the city.

The 150000 Zhenjun troops were unreserved. After the attack, the whole army went up, and even the main general Li Cheng himself went to battle. The wind army is brave, and the Zhen army is also brave. The wind army has the heart of death. The soldiers of the Zhen army have never considered whether they can go to the battlefield alive. The two sides fought fiercely and fought to the death.

A mere 3000 local troops in Fangcheng, but they put 150000 Zhen troops outside the city for more than an hour, which made Li Cheng furious.

Seeing the fierce attack of the wind army, the soldiers in front climbed the ladder and fell down one after another. He shouted and climbed the ladder himself.

Seeing the Lord's general like this, the soldiers of the Zhen army below are like crazy. People shout for heaven. They just climb up the city without smelling or looking at the arrows, rolling logs and stones on the city.

150000 people died, and 3000 wind troops could not resist. Soon, Zhen army broke through the wind army's defense line, climbed the wall and launched a close hand fight with the wind army.

The wind army was unable to resist and retreated to the gate tower while fighting. When it retreated into the gate tower, there were only about a hundred of 3000 people left.

To this extent, none of the Feng army surrendered. Zhou Lan retreated to the top of the gate building with more than 100 disabled soldiers and slashed and killed the Zhen soldiers who climbed up.

At this time, Zhenjun was in the grip of victory, and Li Cheng was much more relaxed. He no longer asked his soldiers to continue climbing the gate tower, but added firewood to prepare for the fire attack. Before the fire attack, he deliberately stepped out of the crowd, looked up at the city gate and asked, "who is your Lord? Let him come out and talk to me."

Zhou Lan went to the edge of the wall and looked down. Well, on both sides of the wall, there were Zhenbing and Zhenjiang standing densely, dark, like ants, countless. He took a deep breath and said loudly, "it's Zhou Lan, the Lord of our textile city. What does the enemy want to say?"

"Did you command the defense?" Li Cheng asked incredulously.

"That's right!"

"Civil servants?"

"That's right!"

"Ha ha -" Li Cheng suddenly laughed, and there were many brave civil servants. How could he not be? He said positively, "Zhou Lan, you are now trapped in a Jedi and can't fly. I cherish that you are a talent. I advise you to surrender quickly. As long as you are willing to surrender to Da Zhen, I Li Cheng can guarantee with my head that you will have a bright future and a rich life in the future!"

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