Now Li Wei has been exhausted. Where can he be Gao Jun's opponent? The two fought for only a few rounds, and Li Wei was shot in the belly again.

Gao Jun seemed to want to tease the other party, but he didn't kill him, but he shouted out Li Weitong, and the person also stepped back.

After he withdrew a few steps, Xun Xiao hurried his horse again. The open axe crossed Li Wei's back and tore a big bone deep hole in his back.

The two men surrounded Li Wei. You shot him and I took an axe. It was not long. Li Wei had been injured with wounds all over his body. The spirit armor on his body was full of scars and blood, like a blood man.

Zhenbing around laughed. In their eyes, Li Wei was no longer a person, but a plaything they let them tease.

At the end of the battle, Li Wei really couldn't hold on. First, he knelt on the ground, then fell on his back and couldn't stand up again.

Gao Jun and Xun Xiao looked at each other and felt that the other party had reached the limit. They winked at each other. Then Xun Xiao urged his horse to come forward, raised his open axe high and cut it down with all his strength.


With this heavy axe, Li Wei, who was dying, was directly split into two parts. Its strength was so strong that even the ground cut a big crack.

Li Wei was one of the first batch of important generals to follow Tang Yin. He fought with Tang Yin in the South and North, and made countless achievements. Unfortunately, in the battle with Zhen army, only one negligence took his surname and killed him miserably at the hands of Zhen army. The death of Li Wei not only damaged a general of Fengguo, but also dealt a heavy blow to the morale of Fengguo.

In the battle of Jiancheng, Chifeng army was defeated, and the soldiers who finally fled with Peng haochu were less than 30000. The original 100000 Chifeng army was reduced by more than 70%, which is equivalent to being wiped out by the enemy in theory. At that time, no matter the regiment or legion, as long as they lost more than 70% of their troops in a battle, they could cancel their establishment and merge with other regiments or legions.

Although Li Wei was at fault for this disastrous defeat, Li Cheng's strategy was also very clever. Even if it's not Li Wei, someone else may be fooled.

Li Cheng is an alien of Zhen army. Even if he is placed among all the generals of the principality, he also belongs to the very special one.

He has never practiced Lingwu himself, but he is a recognized general in the state of Zhen. However, bravery is only half of his surname. On the other side, he is resourceful, insidious and cunning. He is good at using strategy. The army he commands can often burst out unimaginable strength in adversity.

Since the battle in the wind, the Zhenjun army has been advancing rapidly, winning successive battles, and the momentum is like breaking bamboo.

Sneak attack Chongcheng, attack Fangcheng, and then fight an incredible war in Jiancheng. Li Cheng first led the Zhen army to break through the local army of Pingzhou county and kill Su Yuan, the county captain of the unified army, and then captured the Jiancheng without blood. When the Chifeng army arrived, he fought with the Chifeng army and fought back the Chifeng army with a tired division. Then, Li Cheng deceived the Chifeng army with a trick, defeated the Chifeng army and killed Li Wei, the deputy commander of the Chifeng army.

Zhenjun won a great victory in the battle of Jiancheng. Although there were casualties, there should be 80000 soldiers to fight. Then, Li Cheng continued to lead the army north to attack and seal the city.

The news of the closure of the city has long been received. Nearby counties have sent troops to the closure of the city in the hope that the closure of the city can block the advance of Zhenjun.

In a very short period of time, the forces that sealed the city gathered to about 100000, which was more than the forces that the Zhen army could fight.

In the wind people want to come, 100000 troops stationed in the closed city, enough to resist fatigue, leaving only 80000 Zhen troops. But the result was bigger than people expected.

The 100000 people pieced together just have their own appearance. Their combat effectiveness is even inferior to that of the local army. The people who make up the 100000 army are mainly ordinary people. They are temporarily summoned by the government. Many people don't even have armor and weapons. They only wear cloth clothes and wooden sticks to fight against the Zhen army. Where can they be the opponent of the Zhen army?

Under the strong attack of the Zhen army, the line of defense broke down immediately. In only half a day, 80000 Zhen army broke through the city defense and entered the city. The red eyed Zhen soldiers and Zhen generals were like demons. They killed people when they saw them, and the siege also evolved into a large-scale massacre.

The people in the city are scared and flee to the city. The Zhen army does not chase and kill the people who escape, but the Zhen army does not let go of the wind people who stay in the city. As long as it is found, it will kill them immediately. If a big city is closed, there will be flames everywhere and killings everywhere. The streets and alleys are full of bodies lying on the ground.

The news of the fall of the city was soon spread to Yancheng. Hearing this, not to mention the imperial court headed by Emperor Yin Zhun, even the imperial court of Fengguo was shocked. People can't understand why these Zhen troops are so powerful. It's said that they don't have many troops. How can no one resist them?! Even Chifeng army was defeated, and Chinese General Li Wei died.

When the news came back, the ministers of the wind Kingdom gathered in the palace. Tang Yin was not in the capital, and it was Shangguan Yuanji who presided over the court meeting. At this time, the time of the DPRK discussion has long passed, but the military situation is too urgent, and people must discuss countermeasures.

On the court hall, people talked and said everything, and the lobby of the whole palace was a mess.

At this time, Zhang Xin, the internal history of millet management, said to Shangguan Yuanji: "Prime Minister of Shangguan, now Zhenjun has captured the city, and then it will hit Wancheng. I don't know what countermeasures the Prime Minister of Shangguan has?"

Hearing his question, people stopped talking and their eyes fell on Shangguan Yuanji's face.

Shangguan Yuanji was as calm and stable as usual, but his heart was also anxious. What should he do? He's not Qiu Zhen. He doesn't understand military affairs. Where do you know what to do? He blinked, silent, but turned his eyes to Zongyuan.

Among the ministers, only Zongyuan was the best at strategy. When Tang Yin started fighting against Zhong Tian, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan were the three great counselors of Tang Yin. Now Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe are gone, and only Zongyuan can rely on.

Zongyuan saw that Shangguan Yuanji was looking at himself and understood that he wanted to stand up and say a strategy to deal with the enemy, but Zongyuan pretended not to see it and turned his head elsewhere. There is no contradiction between him and Shangguan Yuanji. The key is that he doesn't have a good way. The current situation is too dangerous. There are no soldiers capable of fighting in the capital. Some tens of thousands of people are recruits without combat effectiveness. Counting on them to fight with the Zhenjun army, which is used to fighting, is tantamount to letting these tens of thousands of recruits die.

one can't make bricks without straw. No matter how smart and resourceful Zongyuan was, he had to have soldiers to retreat from the enemy.

Seeing Zong Yuan didn't dare to stand up and say a word, Shangguan Yuanji's heart sank and his eyebrows wrinkled slowly.

Zhang Xin sighed, "it seems that the Prime Minister of Shangguan has no plan to retreat from the enemy. In that case, we... Can only move the capital."

"What?" Shangguan Yuanji was surprised and looked up at Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin said: "move the capital! This is the only way at present. Zhen people are so fierce that our army can't resist them at all. It's better to move the capital to avoid the enemy's edge than stay in the capital and wait for death!"

Shangguan Yuanji shook his head and said, "no! Since the founding of the country of wind, Yancheng has always been the capital. Up to now, Yancheng is not only the capital of wind in people's mind, but also the symbol of the country of wind. How can we say accommodation?"

"If we don't move the capital and Zhen people are killed, what can we take to resist others?"

Zhang Xin put forward the idea of moving the capital, which was supported by many ministers. Seeing that people did not speak, but nodded again and again, his confidence was much stronger and his tone began to be tough.

In fact, strictly speaking, Zhang Xin is a collateral, not an important official of Tang Yin's direct line. It is reasonable to say that he is only an official, but his position in the court will not be too high. However, he is smooth, eloquent and generous. He has a deep personal relationship with many Tang Yin's direct ministers. Gradually, he also has his own power, and there are not a few people attached to him.

Shangguan Yuanji looked gloomy and said coldly, "if the enemy troops are coming to the city, even if we go to the city in person, we will fight the enemy to the end. How can we not report the relocation of the capital to the king..."

Zhang Xin said, "the king is far away in Jinyang. If you go to inform the king, it will take at least half a month. At that time, Zhenren will have hit Yancheng long ago, and it will be too late for us to move the capital. You will be away, and your life will not be accepted. Now you are away, we can only adapt to the situation."

Many ministers thought Zhang Xin was right, nodding and whispering, but some ministers headed by Guan Yuanji firmly opposed it. They could not argue with each other.

Zong Yuan looked here and then there. He sighed in his heart. They all said that literati were harming the country. It's true. If there's time to argue here, it's better to think of a practical way!

He was also opposed to the relocation of the capital, and even thought it was ridiculous. It was simply a thing that was worthless and should not even be thought of. The capital of a country, which is what you said to be accommodating and moving. If you are scared to move the capital by less than 100000 enemy troops, won't you be laughed off by other principalities? In the coming decades or even centuries, the wind country will lose face in other countries.

Moreover, the king is fighting with the main force of the Chuanzhen coalition army. The rear moves the capital. Isn't the morale of the soldiers in front going to collapse? That means not only not helping the king, but also putting the king and the whole army in danger.

These ministers just want to protect themselves. They are greedy for life and afraid of death. It is difficult to collude with them! Zongyuan sneered, shook his head, turned and walked out.

Above the hall, the two groups of people insisted on their own words, and their faces were red and their necks were thick. No one noticed Zongyuan's quiet departure. Only one person was the exception, Lei Zhen.

Lei Zhen saw such a scene for the first time. At first, he was also a little silly, but gradually, he felt impatient in his heart. He is a military general and dull. Looking at the swords between the ministers, he can't get in his mouth if he wants to.

Inadvertently, Lei Zhen saw Zongyuan go out. He stepped back and slipped out behind the crowd.

When he came outside, he hurried a few steps, caught up with Zongyuan, bowed and said, "Lord Zong!"

Zong Yuan was stunned. He looked up at Lei Zhen and asked, "how did general Lei come out?"

Lei Zhen said with a smile, "I saw Lord Zong leave, so I followed him out. I don't know where Lord Zong is going?"

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